Avengers' Children

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"Well, yes but i would need a blood sample and I could tell in under a few seconds, but coming from how many super humans are out there, you could be anyone. Hell, you could be Spidergirl, of Visions robot daughter! Or mole man's kid for all that i know." Jon said with a sarcastic remark.

Liam finally broke, and honestly, Jon didn't even want to talk to any of these people any longer.

Jon was getting annoyed himself, he decided that he was defiantly hated. Jon has a bad impress on people, the only people who ever talk to him are just people who wan't something done. Jon for once in his life, shut up. He went to the door, and looked up at the sky, he had known this would happen, hell, he always did this. The ego always had gotten the best of Jon, but he pondered about why he was even here, with out even saying a goodbye, he engaged his thrusters in his feet, and under a second he lifted off into the air. Seconds after flying up he was about to turn and fly home. His suit suddenly shut down, and he was now in free fall. He fell why panicking about what was happening, and he ended up smashing through the roof of Liam's bunker. A large cloud of dust and remains of a small pile of punching bags slowly faded and Jon's suit reactivated. His voice still not breaking from the metal, and was only a faint murmur to everyone in the room. After a second of confusion, everyone was looking at Jon in the creator. Then, a light appeared and a hologram, Tony, Jon's father was projecting from Jon's suit.

"Sorry for the mess, but I knew Jon would do this, him and i share the same logic, but there is a reason behind all of this. Liam, don't worry about your place, we have a new bunker being made for you anyway, as we have seen that you are going to grow past your father and his powers some day." Tony keept talking, and Jon was struggling in anger, he was not fond of working with any kind of "team"!

"You have to understand we didn't bring you together to fight, only to get you to know each other more. You guys are bound to have to band together at some point and if we have another wide scale invasion, we have to be able to defend faster than Me, and you parents did before." Tony sighed, reluctant to be the barer of bad news. "A threat is among us, one of my satellites picked soothing up, and we detected a few things, and we feel as if we are in danger. So please take this more seriously."

Before Tony had anytime to sum it up, Jon finally regained control over the suit, and shut him up. Jon stood up, and looked around the room, and sighed.
She turned when she heard thrusters, blinking in surprise. "Okay then..." She then jumped in shock as he crashed through the roof right behind her, quickly turning and jumping back out of instinct. "And it gets ever so stranger..." She went wide eyed as the hologram suddenly appeared, her mouth gaping a bit. It was strange technology to her, the most advanced thing of that kind had been her touch-screen phone. She gulped and took in a deep breath, closing her mouth as she listened to the hologram man. Probably Jon's father, from the looks of it.

She let out a deep breath when the hologram finally disappeared and Jon took control of the suit. "Um... I think that virtual guy had something more to say, but I guess it's your suit." She rubbed her head a bit. "This... is way to advanced to me..." She turned, preparing to head out of the bunker. "I now see how my father felt when he was unfrozen..." She walked towards the exit.
Liam stood there for a moment, frozen as the information Mr. Stark just told them sunk in. So apperantaly they all need to get along and get to know each other in case another attack started? He had figured something like this was the case but he though it might come from a villian group on earth not space. Once he saw Alice start to leave he shook his head to clear his thoughts. Great so now nobody wants to be here despite their parents' wishes otherwise. He sighed to himself. If no one was going to stay willingly he was going to have to pursuance them otherwise. He just hoped they would listen to reason. He went after Alice and grabbed her arm to get her to stop. "Wait, where are you going? You heard 'the virtual guy' out parents want us to get to know each other in case of an attack."
"Yeah, yeah, ya, My names Jon, nice to meet all of you, now can i leave? K, thanks bye!" jon spat out in a really annoyed tone. He attempted to jet off again for the same results, and just made more of a mess.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me right now" Jon said angrily "Guess i can't just drink this one off at a party."

He started to pace the room, and went to find if Liam had anything alcoholic. So what if he was underage, he really didn't care.
Alice froze up when Liam grabbed her arm and quickly turned, almost slapping him but quickly stopping herself. She lowered her hand from its raised position and took in a deep breath, speaking quietly. "Yes, I heard that guy. But I am not exactly a group person... small towns with few kids don't do much for social health." She pulled her arms out of his grip and sighed, rubbing her arm. "Besides. I'm not half the person my father was..."

She then quickly looked over to Jon as he tried to escape yet again, smiling only slightly when he failed. She put up a finger as if to say 'wait' to Liam and then walked after Jon as he went on his search for alcohol. She walked up behind him, the slight smile still on her face. "So, since we have to get to know each other better, mind telling me why you're so egoistic? I would think it is a defense of sorts, but that doesn't seem to be the case."
Alleah came back from looking around the basement and noticed the new girl. She seemed pretty weak. None of these kids seemed able or even willing to defend themselves much less her from anything. Liam seemed like the only one with any training whatsoever and the norske girl seemed to have brawn but not much brains. Jon just seemed like he had his head in technology and this new girl seemed like she just wanted to get in his pants.

Drawing her bow and pulling a cloth out of her pack, Alleah sat down and began polishing her bow, waiting for some real instructions to arrive.
Jon stood there, and he found a very small amount of whiskey, it was good enough for now. He garbed it, poped the top, and drank what was left. He than turned around to noticed he was followed. He thinks to himself about her question.

"I don't consider it an ego, just a way of life, a way of making everyone around me want to better. Whats the good in life if you can't be the best?" Jon stops only to lick his lips of the cold whiskey. "I don't understand why you or anyone really cares, its for your own good, you can't live your life with no one above you."

Jon's face wasn't really full of life anymore, it was mostly blank, it was his upset annoyed face.

"In truth, i don't think we are going to be able to get along." Jon said, he opened his mouth again, but nothing else came to his mind to say.
She shrugged and leaned against a wall, putting her head against it as she listened to and watched him. "Well, most of us live below our parents, so why would you want to be the one above us?" She smiled a bit more and looked away. "Yeah, it's gonna be hard for all of us to get along. But, to tell you the truth, I didn't mean to be so harsh. I was being..... I think the word is competitive or something like that. It's just that I know I'm the most ordinary person here."

She laughed quietly and sighed, leaning her head against the wall and closing her eyes. "I've got enhanced traits, but that was the only thing I got from my dad. Heck, he even said himself that he was the one of the most ordinary and therefore I would be." She opened her eyes and held out a hand, a soft smile on her face. "So, do you think we can at least try to work together?"
Jon looked down and said.

"You guys only seem to live under your parents, I am on par, and almost better than mine, you see, my suit is already surpassed him, he doesn't talk to me because its a constant war to see who is smarter."

Jon looked up at the ceiling wishing for more whiskey, then continued.

"And you should know that my great great grandfather was the one who gave your dad his power. I take offence that you don't at least know of my family name."

Jon reaches out to grab her hand, but stops for a second.

"And I'm the most normal, i'm not much without my suit or tech" Jon said finally putting his hand in hers. "I've got no other choice, i guess we have to somehow get along."
Liam looks over at everyone doing different things. He sighed, he believes that there parents probably planned them getting along better but must have thought of something if they didn't, something to help them get along. He heard his father's stories of how they didn't get along well either until their friend died for their cause. He wondered what hey might have planned for them. He walked over to one of the walls and pressed a button on a hidden panel which opened the wall up showing a couple computers behind it. He then walked over and started looking through his father's documents on one. There must be something on here about this... "Come on, come on, come on..." He scrolled through page after page of nothing useful, just his dad's notes from experiments he did. Even after all these years their powers were still mysterious to them and his father was always curious as to the extent of it.
Talia exited her house walked over to the door of the bunker curious about the loud crashes she heard moments ago. "Liam?" She quietly knocked on the bunker door and peered inside. She looked at all the different teens inside surprised. "Wha...?" She turns to her brother confusedly, "Liam, what's going on?"

Liam stiffens at the sound of his little sister's voice and all the emotion disappears from his face. He turns to face her. "What are you doing down here Talia?" He asked her, his voice implying that she should know to do otherwise. The girl walks inside, glancing at everyone, no longer seeming willing to look her brother in the eye. "I-I just wanted to know what was going on, I heard crashes." She finally sees the rubble from the ceiling which fell to the ground when Jon crashed into it. She gasps and brings her hand to her mouth, "Oh my god, what happened?" She asks and looks to Liam, her voice filled with concern. Liam however stays emotionless. "You should know by now not to come down here, especially when you hear loud crashes." He tells her sternly.

Talia looks down, her hand fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "Sorry bro... I just wanted to be sure everything was alright." Liam's lips pinch together. "You should know that this place isn't good for you, go back to the house." Talia clenches her jaw and looks her brother dead in the eye defiantly. "No, I don't have to." She starts to raise her arm to cross it but then quickly drops it back down when she remembers she can't. "Talia..." Liam tells her warningly. The two stare try to stare the other down.
Aleah looked up at the sound of a new voice. Hulk Jr. had a little sister, huh? Interesting, but not very relevant to what was going on. She was starting to get bored. What was this about? Why had she even agreed to come here in the first place? She had other assignments she could be doing. This was just annoying her to no end.

"Okay!" She stood up. "Why are we even here? Liam? This is your bunker. Mind giving us a clue?"
Liam sighs heavily and rubs his hand over his face then looks back at the computer he was searching on a moment ago. "Listen, I know just about as much about this whole 'Avengers 2.0' as you guys." Talia cocks her head to the side at the words of 'Avengers 2.0' and looks at her brother in confusion. "You mean that thing dad was setting up with his old friends?" She asks them innocently. "I remember him saying that... 'Avengers 2.0' I thought the name wasn't very good but it did catch my attention." She looks at around at all the kids in the room. "Is this really everybody?" Talia mentally tried to figure out who each kid was the kid of. She immediately figured out who Sigrun was judging by her outfit then Jon because of his armor and Aleah once she saw her bow. She couldn't figure out the last girl but figured she would figure it out eventually.

Liam looked at her surprisedly. "You know about this?" Talia looks over at him, "Yeah..." She told him with a 'duh' voice. "Dad told us about it a week ago." She continues and shrugs. Her brother looks confused for a moment then shakes his head slightly and questions her, "Did he mention anything for us to do?" She rolls her eyes "You weren't paying attention, huh? Oh well, he said something about you having to, um..." She paused for a moment, thinking. Liam crosses his arms impatiently. "Can you hurry it up, Tal?" He asked. She looked at him with a looks of slight surprise then went back to thinking.

"Um... Oh!" Talia snapped her fingers as she remembered what her father had said. "Dad mentioned something about you guys having to find... What was it? Lock? Loke?" Liam looked at her confusedly, "Do you mean Loki?" Talia smiles and nods. "Yeah that was it! The Avengers 2.0 need to find Loki!"
Sigrun was surprised to see the young girl suddenly come into the bunker and start addressing Liam as brother. Looking from Talia to Liam and back again, she was having a hard time grasping the fact that the Hulk had managed to sire two offspring while most of the other Avengers only appeared to have one each. She had accepted readily that Liam was the son of Bruce Banner because they seemed so alike, but this tiny, frail, innocent little girl couldn't possibly be the daughter of the Hulk. Or could she? Sigrun had heard tales that the Hulk had once loved an average mortal woman named Betsy Ross, but their relationship seemed to have ended some time before he joined the Avengers. Perhaps their love had been rekindled in the intervening years and they had formed a family. But that begged the question: where was the mother of these two children now, whoever she may be. Might she have met some unfortunate end at the hands of Banner's alter ego, or could it be that she was with Bruce wherever he was now?

The mention of her uncle's name snapped her out of her musings about the Banner family. Loki, god of mischief and scourge of Asgard. For what possible reason could their parents want this new generation of Avengers to seek out Loki? Sigrun was highly suspicious of this new mission. If Loki was involved, it seemed very likely they would be running into trouble sooner rather than later. Her eyes narrowed, and she was finding it very difficult to hold her tongue on this new subject. Deciding she could bear it no longer, she stepped forward to address the other children.

"I beg thy pardon, Hulksdottir, but I pray that thou art mistaken in this. After Loki stole the Cask of Ancient Winters from the Vaults of Asgard, he fell into an abyss only to later emerge on Earth, where he used the Tesseract to try and seize this world for his own. As all of thee must know, our parents stopped him from succeeding. After that, he was taken back to Asgard in shackles and later locked within the Room With No Doors, from which none can escape. If we are to seek him out..." Her words trailed off. It was unthinkable what they would have to, but it seemed unlikely their parents would give them such a mission in jest. She had hoped her time in Midgard would be spent enjoyably, but now it was beginning to dawn on her that this would not be the case.

She bit her lip nervously. Although it shamed her to show fear in front of the others, she felt it was only right to give them a sense of the severity of the situation. Her voice not as robust and carefree as it had been when she first came here, she glanced around at each of them in turn before she spoke again.

"If we are to find my uncle, we must go and enter the Room With No Doors ourselves. If this seemeth a simple task to any of thee, be not deceived. Many have been banished to the Room, but..." She steeled herself to impart the devastating truth. "But none have ever returned. To go there would surely mean our deaths."
Talia's eyes widen in surprise and fear. She starts to fiddle with the hem of her shirt nervously. "Oh, um... maybe he said something else then..." She was almost certain her father had said that the Avengers 2.0 were to find Loki but he wouldn't have them go to this 'Room', right? She turns to Liam with big eyes. "Dad wouldn't have you go there, right? He must not know that it's so dangerous... right?"

Liam sighs and clenches his fists then uses his thumb and pointer finger to pinch the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes in thought and worry. "He must not have known." He looks back at Talia seriously. "You're sure he said we're supposed to find Loki, right? Not anything else?" Talia bites her lip and looks away nervously. "Yeah. A-at least... I think so..."
Alice turned after her talk with Jon and went back to the main group, walking in just as they were talking about Loki. She leaned against a wall and tilted her head, taking in every bit of information. She let out a small sigh and stepped away from the wall and to the group. "This room of no doors... there has to be an escape of some sort. A safeguard if anyone really important got into there?" She looked to Sigrun. "If my father told his tales right, then your father is the king of Asguard, correct? Maybe he'll know a way out of the room. If not, we have to take a chance for our parents. Attach a long rope to the person who goes in and then pull them out when they've found Loki." She looked around at them all. "If our parents wished for us to do this, they must know we'll be taking a big chance. And that chance is one we'll have to take."
"I disagree heavily!" Jon turned back to talk to the others. "Almost none of us know anything of what to do, and our powers and other things don't even have much synergy together! We are no team, just as our parents weren't a team, they were barley able to work together with anything! Much less save everyone, they all nearly died, now why should we go deal with something that might not even be a problem? Let someone who knows what they are doing handle this, because we for sure don't."

Jon was very distressed, he knew what was coming, and didn't want to tell everyone, mostly for the selfish pact of him not wanting to deal with it.

"The only reason we should work together is if we need to, and from what i see, we don't, and I personally don't think any of us can get along!"

Jon started to rub his temples.

"If anything ill take it on myself, i have more than enough brain power to find a weakness."
Liam sighs and turns to face Jon, "Listen, our parents wanted us to do this so we should do it. And since you apparently can't leave without breaking my ceiling, you might as well just help us out, ok?" Talia walked over and lightly slapped Liam's arm chidingly causing him to look at her curiously. "What?" SHe shook her head, "Liam, you could be nicer." Liam simply rolls his eyes at her causing her to sigh.
"Oh come on." Aleah laughed a little at Jon trying to think his way through this. "A room with no windows and no doors? How are they going to get air in? There has to be a vent somewhere. If anything, I should go in and take him out."
Anna was running late as usually. Her mother told her to be at Banner's house by 3 but she had gotten so caught up in her training she had lost track of time. She pulled in to the driveway and got out of her car quickly pressing the lock button and running to the bunker around back. She quickly entered it and chose ro sit on the floor. She looked around at everyone, "Sorry i'm late. What did i miss?" she asked.