Avatar the last Airbender: The Quest to find the avatar

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Kidding, deary. I'll keep the GIFs to a minimum...but I gotta add one every now and then.
Well, that's fine. Dem avatar gifs are fun. :D I want to see them too.
We have a late bloomer!

We'll have to wait for Akuma, but I think it's still safe to post a char up. You'll have to act fast, though, since I think once we start, that's it.

Birthday: June 26

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6"2

Weight: 210 pounds.

Blood type: AB-

Affiliation: Earth bending.

Occupation: Framer.



Trevors mother and father thrown him out when they descoverd the same sex relationship, then quickly ran to the fire nations city's. Trevor lives with his beloved within the earth kingdom.
Thank you, lol.
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Lorchenne, I see Asha and your character (forgive me, I keep forgetting how to spell her name) not getting along. At all, actually. This will play out to be interesting.

Also, very good to have your variety added in. I hope you will truly be able to join us. Is his lover a non bender?
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I agree, from here on out, please excuse Amihan for her future unfriendliness!
And forgive me for Asha's. We'll keep the hostilities IC and the friendliness OOC. XD
True. Amihan's priestess past will keep her from being hostile, though. She'll be civilized, I promise. XD
As will Asha...for the most part...She has a wild side, after all.
Because firebender! Which is weird because Amihan's all for Leiang. Anyway, love your character, she's super cool-err-hot? The variety of characters here is amazing.
. . . shouldn't have opened this thread.

YOU GUYS ARE KILLING MY BANDWIDTH. bth. LOL Avatar, I miss you~♫ (I feel old)

and @Akuma "The Water Warrior" just sounds....wrong. Can'\t it have been just Warrior? XDDD Just a suggestion. :P
Lol gif barrage!
. . . shouldn't have opened this thread.

YOU GUYS ARE KILLING MY BANDWIDTH. bth. LOL Avatar, I miss you~♫ (I feel old)

and @Akuma "The Water Warrior" just sounds....wrong. Can'\t it have been just Warrior? XDDD Just a suggestion. :P
i would put the warrior, but the non bender is well with swords and i told you the name were going to be funny mwuahahahaha

oh and sorry @Rainbowwave you just missed the dead line, buuuuht i will reserve a spot for you if something opens up or if i need your character at any point
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