Attack on Titan: Fight for Humanity

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"I feel the same." He looks over at the stable. The horses are still tethered. What the hell is going on?
"Do you think they were all killed or just left everything and ran away cause i don't fucking understand this"
"I don't know. If they ran, why not take the horses to get away quicker? It makes no sense."
"Also i noticed that there are no titans are around either. "what the hell happened here?" he walks into a house but finds that everything is still there nothing gone "there's food on the table still no even eaten like they left in a hurry or something this is so confusing"
"I don't like this. No titans, a deserted village, horses still tethered, Food on the table.... I don't like this."
He walks out the house "I think we should wait for the superiors to show up to see if they no what to do or if they know what the hell happened here but i doubt they know and i hope this isn't a damn trap to get us all killed".
"I agree. This is too weird."

"What about the other villages?"

"You and Connie ride ahead, see if they are the same. We'll catch up with you as soon as we can."
"But if it's all the same as this village just come straight back here" he starts walking slowly around the village and while thinking.
"Aye. Good hunting." As they ride off, Reiner turns to Cole. "Think they'll find anything?"
"No i don't think they will find anything. but i do hope they find something or someone" he sighs and sits on the ground "could they have went to a different village without taking anything out fear for their safety?".
"I don't know. Maybe. But I keep coming back to the horses. If they fled, why leave the horses? Even bareback, they are faster than on foot."
"Maybe they didn't think about it and just ran. Or maybe they just disappeared somehow. fuck i don't know we are just gonna have to wait for the higher ups to get here".
Squad Leader Ines rides in at that moment and begins bellowing orders. "Establish a perimeter! Check for survivors! Make sure there are no Titans within 20 leagues!! MOVE!!"
Cole stands up wiping the dust off his pants "there is no need it's all empty no titans,no people there nothing is here" he cracks his knuckles "there aren't even any bodies to signify that they are dead and no survivors cause we don't know where they are"
"What do you mean? They couldn't have just vanished!"
"look around no one is here when we showed up it was empty we sent some ahead to check the other villages but those are probably empty to"
"Ah hell. We'll check the other villages, then head for the wall."
Cole stands there "Yes Sir" but doesn't do anything "even though we are already doing that".
Reiner shakes his head. "Don't argue. Just do it."
"I'm not i had already told him what we were doing i guess he's deaf or something" he walks away from the group searching houses just in case he finds something.
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