• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Are you being targeted?

...I'm going to assume you're a troll. And then I shall say Good one :D

......Because I like the glimmer of faith I have in humanity. I don't want it to be snuffed out over an unproven conspiracy theory ._.
...I'm going to assume you're a troll. And then I shall say Good one :D

......Because I like the glimmer of faith I have in humanity. I don't want it to be snuffed out over an unproven conspiracy theory ._.

Oh, Your assumptions are like.... Pshhh. to me. I eat trolls. A whole lot of them actually. And it seems to me that you're one of the trolls that you speak of. Funny. ;)

Should I say.. "Num, num." now?
State your business here, Kermit! Or I shall eat you with the rest of the trolls! XD
How can he be a good troll when he's called out as one almost immediately? o.O
I'm just going to... take this as an admission of being a troll and...

**Waves her magic wand convincingly for Lobo**

I can make data things move and stuff!
And it seems the conspiracy theory has been relegated to the Asylum.

It would seem satellite surveillance is needed as well.

Edit: Because this somehow didn't get placed here earlier
Wrong. It's clearly the work of the

*awkward camera zoom*


They always trying to put down a brother.