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"Hey, i'm not going to argue..." She laughed, still watching Garrett from their place in private.

"Hey Ruby, do you think we're supposed to be evil?"
(OOC: It might make things more interesting if the girls got seperated from the boys somehow? Whaddya think?)

Ruby thought about it for a moment.

"Evil? Like snake girl? No."

She was sure of her answer. She just hoped she was right. Ruby stared off into the distance, letting out a sigh. They had done nothing to diserve this had they? Accept for maybe being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Kendall smiled and made her way back to Garrett, who was still waiting for Caspian.
"Any sight of him?"
"No, not yet. I hope he didn't get caught ... I should go look for him. I have a bad feeling about this."
Ruby got up from her rock and saw the rock slide down. Suddenly she fell, screaming in surprise and disappearing beneath the ground. She had been sitting on a trap door. She fell quite a ways, landing on hard ground. She reached out a hand to catch herself and felt a bone crack in her wrist. She looked up and could see the sky, but she couldn't climb back up and there was nowhere to go but forward.
"Ruby!" Garrett yelled when he heard her scream.

"Where did she go?!" He asked Kendall. "Did you see? Did someone get her?" He started running over to where she had been. Looking all over the place and calling her name.
Kendall turned quickly when she heard Ruby scream, practically jumping out of her shell.
"I don't know! The ground just-collapsed!" She got closer to were Ruby fell but lost her balance, slipping into the trap that she had just fallen into.
She screamed as she fell, reaching out for Garrett but it was too late. She almost fell onto Ruby, but balled up and landed hard on the ground next to her.
"ugh" She dusted herself off.
"Are you alright?" Ruby asked, walking up to her, holding her broken wrist.
"Kendall! Not you too!" Garrett yelled. "Dammit. Now what." He asked himself out loud.

"Are you girls OK down there? Anyone hurt? I'll see if i can find some kind of rope or something." He yelled down to them. He waited to hear if anyone was hurt before he went off to look for anything to throw down to them.
Kendall sprawled out and nodded at Ruby. " yeah, i'm alright. Thanks. How about you?" She stood up and dusted herself off.

"Garrett? Can you hear me?"
"No." She held up her busted wrist. "I broke my wrist trying to stop my fall." She tried not to move her wrist to much. Stupid hollow bird bones. She thought, and looked up at Garrett. "Broken wrist!" She called up to him.
'Shit.' He thought, just add to the list of crap.

"I hear you both. Are you going to be OK while I find something Ruby? No broken bones Kendall?" He yelled down. Not that there was much comfort he could give to Ruby being up here while she was down there, but he felt bad. If he had just stayed closer he could have saved her the fall, and Kendall. What a crappy leader he was turning out to be.
Though he was relatively far away from the others, Caspian still heard Garrett's yell, and ran back accordingly, trying to put as little weight as possible on his injured limbs. Still, he was slow compared to before. "Sorry," he panted, raising a hand to push his sweat-dampened hair out of his eyes, "I went a little further than I meant to... Ruby, we should splint your wrist, it looks broken," he added, taking in the situation at a glance.

(( Apologies, I was practising violin, and I'm on mobile right now, so I'll likely be slow. >< ))
"That's because it is broken." She said, rolling her eyes. "But yeah, I'll be alright." She sighed. She hoped they would all be alright and make it out of this. If they ever did. "And how are you going to put a splint on anything when we're down here and you're up there?" She asked, with a touch of sarcasim in her voice.
((I am also on my mobile now and will likely be slow. ><))

"Glad to have you back Caspian. I guess you figured out what happened. If you could stay here while I go look for something to throw down to the girls so they can climb up that would be great. I don't want to fall in the hole myself when I come back looking for it. Also you have the ability to hide in the trees and can see if anyone is coming near them while I'm gone." He looked to Caspian with a hopeful look on his face. Caspian didn't look happy, he looked worn out and wounded. Garrett hoped he could just hold on long enough to get the girls out.
Caspian glanced from the girls to Garrett, biting his lip in thought. "I'll try to see what can be done for Ruby's wrist while you're gone," he said at last, taking the proverbial olive branch. "That's more useful than standing around waiting for something to attack."
"Good idea. I will try to come back as soon as I can. Good luck." He said to Caspian.

"Hear that girls? I'll be back soon. Caspian is working on a splint for you Ruby." He yelled downto them. Without waiting for an answer he glanced at Caspian, gave him a head nod as a goodbye and headed off into the woods to look for a way for the girls to get out.
Caspian spent several moments hunting for a good-sized stick, before jumping down into the hole. "You're stuck with me for the time being," he told them, a tad ruefully. After all, when girls thought of being stuck somewhere with guys, he doubted slender, pale geeks were their first choice. "I'm not exactly sure how splints work, either, but I think if we tie up your wrist so you can't move it, it might at least start healing straight." That said, he held out a hand to Ruby, waiting to see her wrist properly.
[Psst, they're down a long hole Ingy :'3..]

Her fathers corpse was mutilated in his very own office. She walked around it, stepping on the organs severed out from the flesh, and wiping her blood feet on his clothes before sitting in his seat. Her face had dots of splattered blood on it. She sighed and held her arms out to the sides of the chair. Leaning forward to the intercom her voice rung through it delicately. "Hello campers. I'd just like to say, that I am so very thankful for this opportunity to now become your new leader. Unfortunately my father..." she looked at the corpse to her side and smiled "passed. He left SAAP in the most mature hands, I assure you. We will be having a ball of a time. However, a new plan." What Cecile was about to say next, became very much what shocked most of the people in that huge institute. "As well as capturing the people and knocking them out, and injecting them with the DNA." There was a pause as several heads all over turned their faces up to the speakers. "I want impregnated mothers."

There were gasps of shock, and people recoiling back in horror with their hands on their face. Why was she doing this? However, the issue was this, they couldn't leave.
"As you all know, how my abilities came about the kindness of my father making me what I am today.. You can see my talents. Well, now it's time to make more like me. You all wanted peace, and you will have peace. I will shape the up most incredible group of elitist's you will ever have the chance of creating. We will end wars, by starting them. Peace will come around because you will be under our rein... Unfortunately for you, your shifts will be lengthened too. For those who do not support the idea, please, come and tell me... personally." There was a slight pause, and she could people outside looking at her in the office, they didn't move. "Good, then all doors are on lock down and the usual scouts will be working as they usually would in the states, and across the world. Goodbye now, oh.. and .. Happy camping!" There was a laugh before the intercom had shut down and thhe plans had been changed. She touched a button for cleaners to come and attend the body in the office. They refrained from keeping eye contact with Cecile. She loved it.

When leaving the room, she had chance to clean herself up. Wiping down her blades, she then shook her hair free so it dropped in waves around her face. Combing her fingers through it before entering her shower. When washing herself down she re-framed from touching the patches of scale here and there on her skin. Opening her eyes to the water and then sighing she stepped out of the shower. When walking to her wardrobe finally dry and groomed she took out another catsuit. Glancing to her wardrobe to see she pretty much had an infinite supply of them really. She let out a sigh, then went to grab her blades to leave once more. Placing the earpiece in her ear she wandered off to the cylinder to take her up top.

When running across the wasteland she ran through procedures of torture for the group of people out in the forest. Her hands dwindled in her hair as she saw through her thermal imagery eyes. She kept her distance when figures started to show, and hopped from tree to tree, using her snake like muscles to eventually wind her up atop of a branch. She got closer to the group, and stopped when she saw the boy she left with a kiss. Leaning back on the tree, holding on to it with her calves. She leant back. She made her way here as silent as air and still kept that silence as she watched momentarily.
(OOC: Ruby is a little danger prone.)

"I'll be fine!" Ruby shouted up to the boys. "You don't need to make such a big fuss over me." She rolled her eyes and leaned back against the wall and felt a loose brick or something click. She looked up as the trap door swung shut. Shit. She thought as she and Kendall were plunged into darkness.