An Adventure For The Hell Of It

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Emdal was very pleased with the turn of events. She hoped that the fifty pounds of her body mass would not be difficult for the smaller horse to handle. She let Aly lift her onto the filly's back. "Thank you," she said quietly, grinning wide. She stroked the filly's neck as Aly left. The first time her palm made contact, the horse twitched a little in surprise as it had not seen her hand coming. However, it grew accustomed to the repeated motion.

Emdal found herself wondering where Damon was during the whole thing, so she looked for him among the other group members and the horses.

@Michael Kokirin
Damon was inside for quite awhile. He'd been ready from the start, so after he gave the girl his advice, he began to distract himself by flipping the dagger he wore at his waist. He'd done it enough times, so he wasn't concerned with getting hurt, but it did take a lot of concentration, so when he finally decided to stop, he noticed that almost everyone was now outside. He put away the dagger, straightend the sword on his back, and exited the building to see the horses.

He was a little suprised, but seeing some others readying some packs on them, he quickly went about finding one. He came across a brown one that looked like most of the others, however, whenever it moved closer to another horse, that one shifted away. So Damon decided that he'd ride that one. He moved in, the horsr lifting it's head as if it were suprised that something was actually approaching it.
Avon and Nova came out the building with a hot meal in their stomachs. They saw the large heard of horses and their smiles wavered. Nova withdrew a small whistle and blew it, somewhat agitating some of the mares closer to them. Out of the woods came a large muscly beast of a stalion.

It made its way to the twins, other horses moving out of the way with nervous looks. Duel saddles already sat on its coal colored back and its eyes like two dull rubies looked forward with military determination. "Canary our sweet." "We missed your defensive presence." Nova and Avon climbed on and made there way to the young girl on a smaller horse. "Why hello there miss. I'm afraid we haven't met." "I am Avon and this is Nova. We are the Blackwood twins."

Tala rolled her eyes at James' comment lightly before walking over to the Lead Mare, a beautiful buckskin colored horse being polite and standing steady. She tied her pack onto the saddle and pat the horse lightly. "Thanks again." She turned to see the others, making sure everyone was packed and on a horse. Tala then swung herself onto the Lead Mare's back lightly and swiftly. She settled as comfortably as she could, not having ridden a horse in a long while. "Everyone ready to go?" She called out.
Aly had just mounted Shadow Walker when the twins' horse emerged. The Herd Master stamped his hooves and snorted. Naturally, he was weary and territorial around other Stallions. He gave a shrill, warning whinny to the other black Stallion. If he tried to take any of the mares, Shadow Walker would challenge him. -Easy, Shadow Walker, my friend.- Aly said to the stallion through the mental link her Wild Magic gave her. -Canary is not here to steal your mares.-
Avon and Nova. Sudden newcomers! Emdal grinned at them from atop her filly, who suddenly seemed very jittery in the presence of the intimidating stalion. Canary, was it?

"Well, hi, then, Blackwoods! Nice to meet you. I'm Emdal," she said. "Are you a part of the adventure group, too?"
The twin's smiles warmed. Inoccence was such a beautiful privlage. "It's a pleasure to meet you Emdal." "We are very recent additions to this party." Canary looked down at the young filly with judging eyes. It replied to Shadow Walker's whinny with a crude snort. It was not afraid of him and would do as it pleased.

((Couldn't think of much to say))
The filly was now very worried when she heard Canary's response. She slowly took one step back with her rear right hoof, positioning herself to run if it came to a fight between the stallions. Emdal, taking no note of this, resumed speaking. "How recent is recent? Like within the last few months, or the last few days? ...Hey, apparently this cutie doesn't have a name," she abruptly added as she patted the young horse's neck. "Does she look like more of a 'Rhapsody' or a 'Thrush' to you guys?"

Upon thinking of the names Canary and Thrush, she ended up thinking about birds, and, hey, wasn't there a raven and his kids somewhere? Beowulf, Loup, Garou... She wondered where they had gone, and if the other girls would be coming along as well.

@Crono @Crow
"Emdal," Aly called the the young girl. "You'll be riding between Tala and I. I want to be able to keep an eye on you and that filly, if you want to talk to her I can translate for you." She said. "Avon and Nova, you two will take the rear with Canary. I know you two can watch our back better than a single rider. Plus, I know Canary doesn't spook easily."
The raven Beowulf was seen perching on a tree. "Planning positions, I see? If that is the case, I will strike and observe from the skies. My daughters are currently hiding as I have taught them. Stealth is very important in combat."

With that, the raven flew up high, ready to take off...
"Days." Both of the twins replied at once. They looked the filly over carefully and said, "he looks like more of a Lâche to us. But given the choice we would have to go with Thrush." They then turned to the one called Aly and nodded. "Will do Miss." Avon leaned in close to Nova and whispered. "So the abilities of the Wild Magi are real." "We suspected no less." "We should keep a eye on her. "Indee-" but she was interrupted by seeing a talking crow. "What the..." "I don't know." The twins had seen their share of strangeness, but never a talking crow.
The mare didn't seem to be frightened by his presence, in fact, it seemed to welcome Damon's approach, he got saddled up and everything with no problems from the horse. It made him wonder why the others were avoiding it, it seemed to be healthy, and it was friendly enough. He just couldn't get it.
Aly looked into the tree where a black bird had landed. The bird's mind was familiar. "Beowulf, hello." The Wild Mage greeted the raven. "I am only thinking of the best way to provide defense to our party while traveling. It would be wonderful if you would fly overhead."
Tala turned her horse slightly at the front of the herd to look at the others. Her eyebrows were furrowed in thought as she called out, "I will let you know when to be on high alert. It isn't too far, just a few hours trek into the wilderness, and any troubling thing that you notice has to be made known immediately." She looked at Emdal and made space between both Aly and herself. "C'mon Emdal, you ride next to us." She looked up at the raven as he flew up high. "Beowolf, keep an eye out for anything up there. Now shall we get going?" Tala turned her horse back to facing the road, the Lead Mare stepping around slightly in anticipation for the journey.
Emdal had planned to keep talking with her new acquaintances, but she was stopped when she heard Tala call. Oh, well. Maybe they'd ride nearby. The filly, now apparently named Thrush, was not quite so disappointed about having to leave. "Be right there," Emdal called in reply.

Then something occurred to her. How did one get a horse to move? She furrowed her own little eyebrows in a similar way to Tala's moments earlier, not that she realized she was subconsciously imitating her. She tried moving the reigns and gently coaxing the filly with words. The horse seemed as confused as Emdal -- she had never had a rider before! -- yet somehow, they made progress, and Emdal ended up next to the two women. "Yay, I get to ride up near the front!" she said, looking for the good in the situation.
Aois watched as the Blackwood twins introduced themselves to Emdal and chatted a bit. They were weird ones, but there was something about them that held a certain charm and intrigue. Not that she wasn't one to talk. She herself was more than a bit strange. They all were. That's what made this group what it was.

Giving her horse a light tap, the horse made its way to follow up behind Emdal and the leaders. A light smile made its way on the girl's face as she rode. It'd been a while since they just rode, and it was nice that they could enjoy this ride a bit more than their portal travels, even if their mission was an urgent one. All she'd brought with her was a little sack, and that was all she'd needed.

The black bird was flying overhead, keeping watch for any dangers. His daughters were nowhere to be seen, but she knew they were near. The Blackwood twins had brought themselves nearer to Emdal and continued to chat with her, while the two leaders were talking as usual. Turning around, she could see James and Damon leading up the rear, with the former still seeming a bit weary about the latter. It was business as usual for the group, and that's how they worked best.
A dandelion on the side of the road burst into flames, which quickly went out.
An unnaturally tall weed succombed to the same fate.
A small figure was resting under the shade, quietly making explosion noises with his mouth as he pointed at various bits of greenery.

Dex was horrifically bored.

He'd been walking for two hours straight, he was practically steaming, and he hadn't talked to anyone for- how long was it now? Days. You'd think somebody would be around, with this dusty dirt road that seemingly lead to nowhere. But no, this place was completely deserted. (Common sense told him that he should probably be worried about that, but he was too miserable to care.)

So now there he was, reduced to setting things on fire while making weird sound effects just for the hell of it.

A slight movement in the distance made him look up in the middle of a "Ka-boom". What was it now? Wild animals? A pack of vicious wolves? Bandits? Oh, he really hoped it was people. He'd probably kill for someone to talk to. The whole "talking to himself" thing was beginning to cause some serious internal conflict. Squinting at the lazy dust cloud approaching his way, he searched the horizon with the eagerness of a child about to open an unexpected present. Was it people?

It was people!

...And a bunch of horseys, which made him hesitate a bit. Horses usually didn't like him. They always whinnied and rolled their eyes threateningly at him whenever he came nearby. Something about his half-existant presence unnerved them. (But then, anyone would be unnerved by a tattered robe that appeared to walk and talk by itself. And maaaaaybe that ghostly grin had something to do with it as well.)

But right now he didn't really care. Waving his arms frantically, jumping in the air, nearly dancing a goddamned jig, he shouted out a joyful "HALLOOOOOOO!"
(It suddenly occured to him that they might be dangerous criminals that would probably gut him as soon as they saw him, but hey, he could always disappear and make them question their sanity if anything happened. No worries, right? )
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Aly didn't know how long they had been riding for. She began to get a feeling of unease. It did not come from her alone. The animals of the forest, and the horses, shared her unease. She halted Shadow Walker, the black stallion she rode, who was also the Herd Master of the horses the others rode, excluding the Twins. Aly motioned for the others to stop as well. "Something isn't right." She said, just loud enough for her party alone to hear. "I hear no talk from the animals in this area. Something has them frightened, something they don't know."
Tala frowned, stopping the Lead Mare beside Aly. "Yeah..." She lifted her head slightly, sniffing the air for anything unusual though she found nothing. She FELT something wasn't right or someone was around though she didn't know what or where. "Stay here, I'll ride ahead a little." The young leader slowly guided her horse forward cautiously, one hand on the dagger at her side lightly. Tala noticed a few charred plants or bushes around the area and she frowned deeper. She had only gone a few yards forward before suddenly the mare reared as a tattered robe jumped out onto the road yelling out a loud greeting. Tala immediately jumped off the horse as it reared, trying to calm it while it paced uneasily, though she never kept her eye off the robe that was moving around frantically. Tala growled lightly, crouching a bit, ready for a fight. "What in the hell!? Aois is this a spirit?" She gave a quick glance back to the group before turning back to the weird tattered robe again.

"Not a spirit, perse," Aois answered. Her horse came to a stop, and her eyes met those of the male who'd recently yelled towards them. "He seems to have a body, but it looks like he's been cursed to be invisible. There's a whole dark aura about his psyche."

The young spiritualist moved her horse closer to the young male and spoke to him. "You've been cursed, it seems? Can you make yourself visible at all?" She knew it was a silly question to ask someone who was obviously cursed, but more often than not with this type of curse, there was always at least some way to see the accursed.

"Our group brings no harm, unless you mean harm to us." The spirit boy from earlier was close at hand, ready to transform should Aois suddenly need to take on a defensive stance.

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