Amusement of Despair OOC

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Two more boys and two more girls and then we'll be able to start!
Didn't you say the last 2 open spots would be NPCs to show what happens when you break the rules?
Does Walter also have to be killed? Also, I'm plotting my strategy. You're all perfect pawns... Except a small few. I will qualify them as Knights.
James is an incredible ally, smd's aswell. Boxer would get in the way.
Does Walter also have to be killed? Also, I'm plotting my strategy. You're all perfect pawns... Except a small few. I will qualify them as Knights.
The answer....yes :P, he needs to die in the most violent fashion possible. More violent than I shall disclose on this chat xD
I'll do that if I can't get those slots filled. Also I holding a slot for someone as well. Technically no one has to die, just accept being trapped here for the rest of your lives~ oops, my monokuma is showing >:3
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[fieldbox=, purple, solid]
Princess Elena Steel

Princess Elena Steel



Acting-Elena can jump into a character role at the snap of a finger. Acting also comes in handy when Elena wants to manipulate people into doing things for her.

|Fun|Bubbly|Bossy|Flirty|Regal|Sensitive|Sweet At Times|Smart|Manipulative|Brave|

Elena Steel, or Princess Elena Steel was born to a Royal Dynasty family in a foreign Country. Her and her twin brother Elliot are the heirs to the Steel Kingdom. Elena's parents knew that Elena loved to act, when they would have Grand Parties Elena would perform a play for the crowd. Elena never needed acting classes, she was a natural performer. Elena can play a seductive prostitute, a strong and powerful business woman, even a secretive transsexual spy. Even though Elena is royalty, she likes to hang with the commoners. To her they are more intelligent then any royal...except her and her brother of course. When Elena heard about the Elite School, she wanted to join ASAP. At first her parents were a no-go, but with the help of her loving brother, they finally gave in. Elena was so excited, not only would she work on her acting skills, she would also meet new people. These people wouldn't know that she was royalty(well, she hopes) and she could make real friends and not fake followers.

Extra Info:
When Elena is lieing to someone, she has a twinkle in her eye. That is her only give away, Elliot is the only one who knows about the twinkle in her eye. If you look close enough you might notice it.
[fieldbox=, aqua, solid]
Prince Elliot Steel

Prince Elliot Steel



Animal Taming-Elliot can calm down and soothe most animals, from house cats to tigers. Elliot loves all types of animals, they are just drawn to him like magic.


Prince Elliot Steel is the twin brother of Princess Elena Steel. Him and his sister have been best friends even before they were born. Elena is ten minutes older them him, so he is kind of her little brother. Elliot is more into having full on conversations with animals then humans. Humans learn to betray and become disloyal, while animals stay loyal for life. Some people might call Elliot wierd because of it, but he doesn't care at all. Living in a castle gave Elliot the opportunity to create is own Zoo. He would have his parents bring in construction workers to build it in the way he wanted it to look. While his sister put on plays at the parties, Elliot would show off his exotic animals and his taming abilities. When Elena told him about the Elite School, he was excited just like her. Maybe these regular kids, who didn't know about their royal heritage would treat them like real people and not some objects to ogle at. With his help, him and his sister convinced their parents into letting them go to the Elite School.

Extra Info:
Prince Elliot Steel is gay, he had his first boyfriend at 12, and his first sexual encounter at 13. His sister is the only one in the family that knows. He doesn't hide it, but he usually waits until someone asks him if he is or not, then he tells them.
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Accepted, but a lot of the post is cut off. Maybe its just because I'm on my phone its doing that.
Its a mobile thing. Ill be on a PC this afternoon
Accepted, but a lot of the post is cut off. Maybe its just because I'm on my phone its doing that.
xD lol the picture right? I can make them smaller is you want?
The saved slot is for a male, we need a female. No its the text that cuts off, but if its just a phone thing then I'll work around it ^u^
No offense, but dont' you think we have enough? I think it's right to worry that by the time we wait for one more, someone is going to end up taking off because we're taking too long.
I have someone working on a CS and that makes only one female slot. If after the CS is in you guys want to start, I'll turn the last slot into a NPC which I'll kill to show what happens if you break the rules. Does that sound fair?
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I have someone working on a CS and that makes only one female slot. If after the CS is in you guys want to start, I'll turn the last slot into a NPC which I'll kill to show what happens if you break the rules. Does that sound fair?
Yeah lol. I would like to see what happen's before or if it happens to one of my chars.
Okay, then we are no longer taking in players. I well get the IC tread up shortly after the last CS comes in.
Sounds good to me, I'm the little gym teacher =D is there any more details of what our school looks like?
I'll post a picture of the school but our setting well be in a amusement park. How many of you are familiar with the game Danganropan?
oh yeah, but I figure that the first couple of posts are going to be about the school so I thought my character would at least be comfortable :P

and as for the game, I have not D= any youtube links for reference of visuals?
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