Am I the only one?

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nope - most of my music now are OSTs

am i the only one who listens to a new song on repeat for a week?
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Nope. I do that whenever I like a new song, although usually it's until the next song I like comes along.

Am I the only one who actually likes Dr. Pepper?
Er... Yes.

Am I the only one who sings along to soundtrack music? (is that even possible????)
nope - i do this all the time

am i the only one who likes 80s rock and metal?
Hell no. I was an 80's kid.

Am I the only one who's ready to stomp their computer to death?
nope - i hate mine

am i the only one who is frustrated by ipads?
I hate all Apple products, do no.

Am I the only one who can't sleep?
Yes, but only during the times I actually want to be sleeping.

Am I the only one who daydreams while listening to soundtrack music?
No, I do that all the time.

Am I the only one who's tempted to read all night? -_-
Yes, I'm more of a gamer and movie/tv show watcher.

Am I the only one who owns a sonic screwdriver?
Yes. My husband is an electrician, I don't need any tools. :)

Am I the only one who slept through their alarm this morning?
Yes, I don't need an alarm until next week.

Am I the only one whose Batman?
No. Because you're not Batman. o.o

Am I the only one who feels like staying in bed all day and doing nothing?
Yes, the internet is more fun.

Am I the only one who feels like being on the computer all day?
No, because I have to be on mine all day trying to fix it.

Am I the only one who waits until their bladder is about to explode before getting out of the blankets and going to the bathroom?

am i the only one who eats all day and never gains a pound?

Am I the only one who likes BABYMETAL?

Am I the only one stuck without a PC for another week?

Am I the only one who has never ridden on a horse?
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