Almost Godly

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I would also like to reserve Hel (Asgard, unsure on power right now), Thoth (The Nile, something to to with Omniscience), and Sobek (The Missing, unsure on power right now). May take more characters later on.
Jesus man you have yet to complete your bios already.
I enjoy multiples. Mostly just gonna keep it open if someone wants a specific god made. For now I'll keep the four.
I thought there were some that the Oracle still didn't find though?
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Question: Can there be more than 1 person with the same power? I want to give Hel a kind of cold and ice manipulation, considering Hel herself is from Niflheim (the land of ice and snow) and Helheim is cold as balls.
I'll work on my characters soon, sorry that it's taking me so long.
Should be able to finish my characters within the next couple days! Been a little hectic on my end.
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Reactions: Kame
[fieldbox="Julia Tearheart, red, solid"]
>> Appearance <<
DONE (3).png

>> Name <<
Julia Tearheart

>> Nickname <<
Julie, Jules

>> Age <<

>> Gender <<

>> Sexuality <<

>> Ethnicity <<
Irish / Italian
Goddess Info

>> Goddess <<
Eir (Scandinavian Goddess of Healing)

>> Power <<

>> Healing Touch <<
> She has the ability to heal any wound that she touches.
> She can also erase the pain of the wound, and calm the person whom she is healing.
> The wound she heals is also disinfected.

>> Limitations <<
> She cannot heal the dead.
> She gets dizzy/light headed if she uses her power in succession. If she uses her power too much she'll faint.
> She cannot heal her own wounds, only those of other people.
Room Info

>> Room Number <<

>> Personality <<
Julia is a tomboy, and she's not really the, "friendly," type. She's quick to jump to conclusions, and she's hot-headed. When she's in a bad mood, her fists are usually the first to start the conversation. However, when she's in a good mood, she can be quite the push-over. She likes to keep the attention on her, usually by using violence. She's quite clumsy, and hates letting people see her trip on her own two feet. She has a chivalrous side to her, in which she cannot let herself watch somebody be hurt in anyway. She's constantly sticking her nose into other people's business where there is conflict.
Likes and Dislikes

>> Hobbies/Likes/Loves <<
> Plays Music (Piano and Guitar)
> Loves Martial arts (She loves Kung Fu movies, and enjoys fighting)
> Favorite Color is Mint Green
> Enjoys Fashion Trends
> Loves to Run and Jump
> Loves food, Messy Eater
> Favorite Food is Spaghetti
> Standing up for People

>> Dislikes/Pet Peeves <<
> Hates Bullys, People that Pick on the Weak
> Sarcastic People tick her off
> When Your Food Falls on the Floor Though
> Would Kill if someone stole her Food
History and Other

>> History <<
> To be Revealed in the RP

>> Other <<
> She keeps a Prism on a Necklace around her Neck. She hates to part with it.

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I'm super sorry, but I have to drop this! I've gotten too busy to handle many rps.
Can I still join this? :3
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