All the King's Men

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His eyes lingered to one elf, Falon, who looked as though the air had just evacuated from his lungs. A rogue, he guessed, and an intriguing man. Perhaps he should introduce himself later. And, turning away, he also saw someone else making his way towards him, a serious looking man, intelligent, but with a baby face. Saervel was curious about both his purpose and his age. Perhaps he should get himself an older face, he thought, he looks like a baby.
Weyy's travel towards Falon was disrupted by Razya's entrance and he turned her attention to her, wondering like many other what she had to say and for what reason.

Aslaug turned briefly to Sildana when she addressed her, smiling in spite of the situation. "Did you have a name? Suddenly all I see are minions." She muttered playfully, keeping most of her attention on Rayza. "Joking aside, I am wondering the same, though I am a little concerned-" She raised her voice suddenly to address the woman whom had called the attention of all.

"If what you have to say is sensitive, then don't blurt it out to the room. Tell the King or an Officer in private, Soldier." She had little enough stability as it was without random soldiers blurting out delicate information to all their Order in the middle of a large Banquetting hall. It wasn't as though the meeting had been kept particularly secret, any spy would know something was happening in the Castle. Aslaug did not have time for information suppression and she did not appreciate secrets being announced to the world without someone telling a superior first.
Then a recruit burst into the room, explosively announcing that she had something to confess. To a whole room of people and an assassin. Roshi moved to see the girl better and recognized her as Razya. "And here I thought you were better at not blurting out secrets to people who could kill you," Roshi admonished lightly, "but either have at it or wait until the officers can gather together and listen to your story without ears in walls!"
Razya spoke on loudly: "Captain Asluag, I decided to speak up because I believe that if I can't trust my fellow Wardens and the King, and the men that he trusts, then I am not worthy to call myself a member of the Exiled Wardens. So I will ask of you, one Warden to another to gather our comrades-in-arms if any have already left so they might hear my words. Words and requests that I am to speak are a serious matter of life or death for me and maybe for each of the Wardens to depending on what the King decides to do with them. Warden Roshi I hope that this answers your questions as well. I place my life in the only people that I can really on at this point; King Akard and my fellow Wardens."
@Erranruin, @Ketori, @RainDash
Valience, #729DC8
Valience stood atop the highest turret of the castles grand architecture. The height bred not the same fear in him, as it would in so many others. He'd flown on the wings of freedom, become one with the sky and drifted like vessel in water amongst the clouds. Those wings now flapped robustly above him, as a circling wyvern soared over head. With screeches and powerful roars, the creature had become synonymous with the castle keep as had he. By all rights, he was a titan among men; the ever silent guardian of the king, the shock and awe of what one could become...if they just reached out to claim their destiny.

a Marked one in service to a king, and treated as an equal among his fellow knights. This king was different than the one with whom he'd been by and sold to in Galcia. He reminded him of an old friend he'd left behind in the Barrens. Valience's eyes scanned the periphery; occasionally glancing down at the people below. How they went about daily life without pause, without worry. Bakers baked, blacksmiths hammered out perfection and serfs toiled and plowed fields. The magi were at it again, with those who opposed the use of magic--fearing what they did not fully understand. Despite being deep in thought, he one of the servants approach.

"M-milord, the gathered Wardens are here." The man stammered, fidgeting nervously. He'd never seen someone so tall.

"I am no longer a knight," Valience said, lifting the tucked helmet and placing it upon his head. He then turned around, headed for the door. " I'm a Warden now."

It wasn't long before the Wardens heard the resounding 'clank' of his heavy foot steps. Moments later he emerged from a darkened hall, revealing how monstrously tall he was to the eyes of his kin. Whats more, he was armored from head to toe. Valience also carried two zweihänders, that had undulate blades, parrying hooks along the un-sharpened portion of the blade, above the cross guard. Valience continued to take several steps into the room. His helmet turned from side to side, scanning the room until he found his would-be leader of their cohort. Then, he moved towards her with each step making a clanking noise. When he came upon Aslaug he towered over her.

"My king has requested that I join you in your endeavors."
After Razya responded to Roshi's admonishment, the distinct sound of clicking heels stopped the assassin from responding. A woman of regal standing and attire entered the room, smiling at the ruckus and liveliness of the Wardens. The King had told her that they were a strange bunch but wasn't sure she believed it. However, she knew now, looking at the room. The had a warrior on a griffin, a wilding of almost every kind, and mages sitting nearby. She clapped her hands together loudly and quickly, garnering the attention of the Wardens.

"Wardens! I am Naya Articer, and I am in charge of your movements and general monitoring for the King. This in no way means I am higher ranked than Aslaug, nor am I to be your tactician. I am merely here to aid you and report progress to the king. In order to do so, I have acquired these lockets, they are similar to tomes in how they touch The Beyond, but you cannot pull anything through except spirits. I have a messenger spirit in my employ, a dear friend who passed on last year who wished to help the Wardens. He will be in charge of messaging between myself, Saervel, and Aslaug." she held out her hands and around her wrists were two lockets on a chain, as promised. They looked ordinary, even a bit weatherbeaten from the outside. She moved to Aslaug and gave her one, then to Saervel. She whispered to each, "verbal messages only." when she finished she turned to the crowd once more.

"Next, Stroud, Zuria, and several others will be placed in charge of caring for the castle. I am no fool, sending out all the Wardens would be weakening to our purpose! Stroud's replacement will be Eýar, because of his commitment and that I believe that we have no mages among our Officers, I firmly believe in representation amongst all. He will be tough, but I believe that should you disagree with my appointment you may remove him or he may remove himself. Now please, continue your speech R-"

That was when Valience appeared, storming inside and announcing that he was now part of the Wardens. Naya took a moment to regain her composure, smoothing out the front of her red dress while doing so. "Ah yes. Valience. I had thought he was here already." her tone was flat, an attempt at remaining cordial and not rude to the very tall man who was currently towering over the Captain of the Wardens.

Aslaug's expression hardened upon Razya's words, her eyes flashing from calm and open to ice cold and steel hard. A muscle in her jaw twitched and bounced in annoyance. Razya believed in all her Warden comrades? Even those whom had just joined? And anyone else who happened to be in the room at the time? Including any spy that was seated in their rafters? How noble, how honest, how naive. Aslaug could forgive naivety in the young, indeed she'd certainly not emerged from her mother with a cynical expression and a fatalistic view of life. But she could not quite forgive a Soldier ignoring her rather firm suggestion so blatantly. If you were inexperienced then it was your duty to listen to those who weren't. The girl used Aslaug's title, whilst dismissing her concerns, and then continued to explain that what she had to say was a matter of life and death for everyone involved!

She was about to stride over to the girl, when suddenly she was plunged into shadow and she looked up to find a massive hulking figure addressing her. He was covered almost entirely in armour, literally covered from head to foot in metal. Aslaug had never seen a suit like it except on Valience. As usual, he was as indecipherable as a cliff face, his tone and manner as black as his helm. The monster of a man had been in the Wardens for longer than even Aslaug, already in the King's service when the Order was formed. As a Wyvern rider, he and Aslaug astride Bjorn often worked well together.

Her eyes trailed up the hulking man with a slight smirk, before nodding to him cordially. "Wel-" Another interuption, this time from Naya. Aslaug was well acquainted with the woman, usually recieving her mission briefs and updates from her and often keeping in consistent contact. Aslaug blanched slightly at the mention of Spirits. Was there really no other way to keep in contact? Were Ravens and Pigeons so useless? Did they really have to consort with the dead just to talk to each other? She had to admit faster communication would be a great asset... perhaps the only reason she didn't refuse the Locket immediately. Still, she took it cautiously, raising an eyebrow to Naya as she whispered in her ear but nodded in understanding all the same. She hitched the Locket to her belt, tucking it away inside one of the pouches sewed into the leather.

She listened to the rest of Naya's speech with some considerable relief. Stroud was a terrible choice for lieutenant. It was a damn good thing he was taken off her hands. She wasn't entirely happy with his replacement, Eyar was harsh and somewhat vindictive in his manner and speech. She couldn't quite imagine him commanding much respect or loyalty with his soldiers if he berated them all the time. Still, he was better than Stroud. She had to count her blessings she supposed. Why did they need a Mage in their officers? This wasn't a contest in representation, they needed the best people for the job. The Warrior pushed back her small annoyances, returning to her resolve that she'd work with what she was given and get the Job done.

She turned briefly to Valience with a raised eyebrow, "Surely you were already helping in our endeavours? Hold a moment, I have something to attend to."

With that, she finally turned back to Razya, striding over to her and taking her shoulder in a firm grip. "Simple common sense tells you to speak secrets to Superiors first. Its not your place to decide, Soldier." Her words were a warning growl, not menacing but firm and she gestured towards a side door. "Come, lets see what this is about." She started towards the door, finding Naya's gaze across the throng and waving her over. "Naya, a word." She lead both women through the side door and into a small and secluded anti-chamber.


It was disappointing to hear her companions were lacking the spirit of camaraderie. Vienne seemed to recall plenty of welcome when she had first joined the cause. Not that she'd been exceptionally acceptive toward some of it at the time. Then again, the avian was not aware of how long the Elf had been with the company. She herself had not seen him before the feast. Even the most welcoming couldn't greet someone they had never met. "My pleasure to have been the first. But I don't think I'll be the last."

"Thank you. I hope your time with us is long as well." She gave another of her small, reserved smiles. He didn't exactly look like much, though. A part of her wondered if he would last very long.

"I'll do my best not to die, then..." Arthfael chuckled lowly at his own dark humor. With a good group of leaders, he should be fine-- but he didn't sign up with the Wardens for safety. He very well understood the possibility of death.

"If you need, you can always come to me for assistance." Anyone who placed themselves in a position of combat should not fear death and should realize the chance to lose those around them. Nevertheless, Vienne was discomforted to hear the elf chuckle. Perhaps it was his way of coping. There were always those who made light of things in order to lessen the sway they held. She could not comprehend laughing at death or the implication of it. For her it was the sort of thing no humour could be found in. She wanted to help as many as she could get through this.

Arthfael smiled fondly at the wildling, a thankful expression of gratitude and appreciation. He'd need all the help he could get as the new kid, and having an older member at his back was assuring to the elf. "Well, I'll make sure to seek you out if I do." His head dipped in a curt nod. "Thanks for offering."

When the King called for the Attention of his Wardens, Vienne once again stood. The floor was far from a good place to view things. It appeared he was going to choose those who would fill the positions of command among the Wardens. Aslaug as Captain was the first position appointed. Of all the potential choices, this one made the Wildling happiest. Aslaug was someone she could follow. Someone who had earned both her trust and her respect. Rill was placed as 1st Lieutenant. This was another choice Vienne approved. 2nd Lieutenant was… Stroud. He seemed a poor option. She gave a quiet noise of disapproval. Finally, Saervel was chosen as tactician. All though she was not particularly familiar with him, his reputation was solid.

Arthfael recognized the names as those belonging to more senior Wardens, names he'd heard in passing and scrawled across the roster. There were the newly inducted Wardens Arthfael vaguely remembered from his own initiation. He would have sought them out for company sooner, but they seemed wrapped up in their own conversations and the rogue wasn't one to pry. He turned his attention back to the wildling at his side.

Vienne was glad the positions hadn't only gone to Humans. It felt nice to have one of her kind as a representative. She watched as Rill stood and spoke. The feline's words were pleasing. They reminded her what the Exalted Wardens could be. And what they could do. Rill left the hall after she finished speaking. Vienne decided it was a good time to finish the remnants of food left on her plate. There wasn't much, but she wanted to finish all of it. She returned to her seat on the floor. "How do you like being among the Wardens so far? Is it an unfamiliar style of living?"

He considered her question for a moment, counting the days he'd been a member on his fingers. "Couple weeks, give or take. Though, I've never met with the full group, only a few at a time. It's quite..." Arthfael paused, a wide grin overtaking his features. "Wild. If you know what I mean." He rarely spent this much time around so many people; it was a lot to get used to.

With mild interest, Arthfael listened with half an ear to the King's words, inwardly urging him to hurry up and finish so they could get moving.
"I'm not surprised. Everyone was largely divided until now." Vienne set her empty plate down and stretched out her arms. Her eyes caught on the arched stone ceilling. " Wild is... a very good word for it." It wouldn't have been her choice. To her wild would always be the uncontrolled wind and rigid landscapes of Elliria. Still, it was true that such a crowd as this was wild.

The rogues brow creased at the idea of this particular group of people being very far from one another. It seemed impossible as he watched them mingle, bantering like a band of misfit friends. He'd love to get in on the action, but they seemed to be particularly seclusive, leaving the poor newbie to figure out where he fit in with it all.

"Long live the King!" With the words spoken, King Akard departed the room. Vienne believed that ended any obligation anyone had to remain at the feast. Although there were a few who probably wouldn't leave until all the food was devoured. "If you'll pardon me," Vienne stood, much more slowly. "I think I'll retire now. I'd like to be as rested as possible for tomorrow." It would be nice if she could congratulate Aslaug and Rill tonight, but she guessed sleep would not come easily to her. Excitement often did that. "Thank you, Arthfael."

Arthfael saluted Vienne. "Yeah, guess we'll have a big day tomorrow, huh? I should do the same. Nice meeting you, Vienne."
"With this many people I can't imagine things won't be at least a little chaotic." Vienne returned a quick smile. With a swift turn she made her way out of the hall. She was glad to have found pleasant company for the night. Tomorrow she would try and keep an eye out for Arthfael.

He hopped up from his seat on the floor and stretched. Maybe he could find a nice tree outside to pass out on-- they seemed to be far more comfortable than the sinking mattresses of cotton humans slept on.
Xanthus kept the smile on his face as he leaned back in his seat, right as the king announced who the leaders of the group would be. No real surprises other than Stroud, the choice made Xanthus raise an eyebrow in curiosity as it was announced, but he would wait to see how the man performed before passing judgement. He blinked as Rill was announced as well, it didn't surprise him, but didn't make him all that happy either, they had a rocky relationship, now she could technically order him around.

He watched as the king departed, followed by his lumbering bodyguard. It was a shame the man left so early, seemed like an interesting fellow, unlike many other monarchs. Xanthus then watched as the others spoke to the newly minted leaders, congratulations mostly. He would do the same, but he didn't really envy them that much, he just hoped they were all right for the positions.

"Don't worry, lieutenant, you're the one ordering me around now, just remember, I work best right in the middle of it. Congratulations by the way, to you and the others as well." Xanthus said, the smile still evident as he raised his wine glass like the others did, just without the gruff 'huzzah' that the others did.


Xanthus leaned back in the chair as it moved along, starring at the ceiling for a moment before he heard high heels click, then his gaze switched to the source of it, a woman in a fancy dress, from the looks of her she was of high class, probably wealthy. Reminded him of many of the high class women he encountered in his youth back home, though this one was seemingly less snooty, which was a relief. He briefly thought about saying something smooth to her, but was interrupted as a massive figure entered, announcing he was friendly.

Xanthus nodded at the giant of a man, then sat back in his seat, mulling over dipping out and heading into a tavern or something.
We're Off To See The King! That Colorful King of Kalico!
Rill, having been transformed during the trip to make things easier and quicker, stopped and transformed back once the Wardens could see the city of Kalico. Rill stretched out her muscles, she was always sore when she was transformed into a cat for longer than a day. As the group neared the city, they could see the multicolored stones of the walls, the very stone that made Kalico famous and gave it it's name. The gate was open and welcoming, stretched open for all travelers to pass. The city beyond was rich with the smell of freshly baked goods and spices, the market already open for the day.

As the caravan of Wardens entered, one knight to the side of the gate held up a hand and said, "stop! Are you the Exalted Wardens? We have been informed about your arrival. We wish to speak to your captain about the matters of your group entering the city."

"Awww, can't I ever just go somewhere and just not be questioned by the local law enforcement? I mean, it's always, 'stop you look like a killer' or 'don't steal anything elf' I'm just being targeted because my good looks, I know it." Roshi quipped from the back. She'd never been to a city the 'proper' way before, she'd normally go around the gate and sneak in back with the servants, who often didn't care one way or the other about who was coming and going.​
Valience, #729DC8

The wyvern flapped her wings, the leathery skin creating uplift, fighting against the drag of her rider and the added weight he produced. It wasn't a very hard fight, she had two, very powerful wings which could produce a gust that could bend and even break smaller trees. She bellowed, roaring loudly over head while Valience calmly held the reigns in one hand. He turned his head this way and that, scanning the preceding area from high above. He saw Kalico, perhaps, well before anyone else. As they drew close, Valience began circling like a crow above the city. Though it was hard to mistake a relative to a dragon with a massive barbed tail, for a large black bird.

When he saw Rill and the others approaching the sentries, he urged his wyvern to dive. It responded to his whim, and the faint pull on the harness. With a loud screech, it folded its wings back, straightened its body. Like a rock in a pond, it dropped. Its weight barreling towards the two guards. When it landed, it suddenly fanned its wings out just before it hit the ground; massive talons tearing into the earth.

"Stop! Are you the Exalted Wardens? We have been informed about your arrival. We wish to speak to your captain about the matters of your group entering the city."

Shiva's uncouth and seemingly impatient nature came into light, when she moved her boulder sized head towards the the guard's face. Dagger sized teeth were inches away, and gleaning with a fresh coat of saliva. Her nostrils flared, then a sudden expulsion of heated air in the form of a disgruntled snort, sent the man-at-arms helm flying backwards, bouncing back across the draw bridge and alerting the other guards attention.
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