Aikō-ka Kurabu | The Lovers Club OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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So, it's been pretty quiet this last few days...
Okay. I haven't heard anything from Shayla in a while even after I PMed her so I'll probably be taking her off of the reserved list. Crow's character will come in later around a second arc. So, all that's left is @Shadow_Snow_Storm to finish the male character that was mentioned and for @Kitsune to finish her regular member. Then, all character still will be figured out and the official list of characters will be available to see how romance will work between everyone.
I believe that most of the members are now in the club room, even if a few of them are not around, that will be fine. I'll continue to move things on bit with Haruhi's next post, either tonight or tomorrow night.
Some things came up and I'm not really up to writing a post tonight, so I'll post for Haruhi to move things are as soon as I feel up to it.
My computer be packed, and I'm on the long road to potato land.
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Okay. I posted. To let everyone now, you can also make client sheets. So, you can make one if you want your character to find the right match. I'm always open to you all creating them and their partners. Then, we'll bring the clients into the rp which can be rped by anyone if need be and have our characters work at getting them together.
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It's been very quiet here.
Okay. Things are little more set now. Sorry for disappearing fot so long. Had a lot of things I needed to get done
No, not really. It's been really quiet here.
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