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Yuuka, who had been silently staring at her hands the past few moments finally looked up to where Areiz pointed. It probably was much warmer in there, safer, and maybe they could even figure out where they were. "It.. Seems alright." She hoped it was, having flash backs of stories she heard on the news of people being killed, stolen and... Ravaged.

Yuuka shuddered visibly at that thought, quickly standing and setting off toward the cafe. Even if they weren't coming she wasn't going to stay behind, the night could hold all means of things that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

Yuuka's inhaler dropped from her pocket when she stumbled slightly on the corner of a bench, quickly panicking and tripping on her own feet in an attempt to grab it. Her knees scrapped painfully against the ground and humiliated, she returned it to her pocket and tried to look less embarrassed as she set toward the cafe again.
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