After the Desolation- Rebuilding the World

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Charlie Vasilyev

  • Starting the early 2020s the third world war broke out only this one was different because most participants were building or had nuceal capabilities. It was long and bloody and in the end nuclear weapons were used. Many countries were wiped out.
    The USA had been building vaults and shelters during the war and many citizens survived hiding there. Still most of the country was left on the surface to suffer the consequences of nuclear fall out. Most died, but some survived burned and mutated. As year went on the nuclear wasteland that was once the US also moved on. Where cities once were grown over rubble now stood. The animals and humans thta lived mutated to survive. The climate even changed putting the US ever present extremes. Extreme heat or extreme cold with very few 'moderate' months in between.
    Years kept moving and things fell into a way of life. In the vaults people lived under the thumb of their director. Some were strict some lenient. Some vaults were evacuated because systems failed, revolutions ended others, and still other survived by harsh punishment and extreme control.
    There are roaming gangs and nomads that have been thrown out of or escaped vaults on the surface, but what the surface dwellers and shelter dwellers don't know is that the vaults were never built to last this long. The time will come when everything will stop running and working. Then it will be seen who will survive.

  • Name: Henrietta Sari Gulyas

    Nickname: Retta, Ri, Henri

    Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Straight

    Likes: People, water, drinking, music, her denim jacket(She likes the patches), colorful things, flowers,

    Dislikes: Feeling used, being alone, the night, her past, sleeping

    Why They're Out Of The Underground: She was thrown out of her vault for stealing alcohol.


    Impulsive- Henrietta is very impulsive. She tends to act without thinking and doesn't have the best self control. She has hyper-sexual tendencies and tries to hide problems by distracting herself and keeping herself busy with other things. She will get into fights, steal things, and make poor decisions and deals just to keep herself from having to think about her past or why she does what she does.

    Extroverted- Henrietta enjoys being around people which can be a problem in the wilderness where friends are hard to come by. She tends to get anxious and depressed because she has nothing to distract herself with. Being around people gives her energy and helps her keep her mind busy. Henrietta also cares for people a lot which is hard to see because of how jumpy her attention is, buts he truly does care for others.

    Energetic/Jumpy- Henrietta has a lot of energy. She tends to be hyper which helps her keep going for the days where it's dangerous to sleep because of gangs or mutants in the area. Her energy is very vibrant. When around others she talks a lot and is very jumpy and exciteable. She doesn't focus too well either so her conversations are very flighty.

    Lonely- Even when around others Henrietta tends to feel isolated and alone. Which is why she overcompensates with being high energy and very friendly. Because of her past Henrietta feels like she can't connect with others easily. She depression issues, but can hid it around others because people give her the energy to hide stuff. When alone she doesn't have that energy to care anymore.

    Bio: Henrietta was born in one of the harsher vaults. It was very strict about who was useful and who was useless. Her father, who was a nurse, was thrown out when she was 4 because he was stealing narcotics. This was also the time the twins were born.

    Kata and Abraham were born early and Kata was born with CP in her left leg. The director of the vault gave her mother a choice. Give him Henrietta or Kata gets kicked out because she was considered 'useless' due to disability. The deal was secret of course and required for Kata to stay hidden so that other families didn't try to cut deals also.

    Her mother chose to give Henrietta to the director. Henrietta lived with him until she was 15. A week after her 15th birthday it was discovered that Henrietta had been stealing alcohol from the small supply the vault had which was used to reward people the director favored or rarely as a reward when the vault was doing well. Stealing in the vaults was considered one of the worse crimes because of how limited certain supplies were especially as rare as some things were.

    Upon being thrown out Henrietta didn't have anything. She wasn't allowed to take any supplies to take with her. The vaults policy was if anyone was caught stealing they would be released into the wilderness with one pair of clothes, but no shoes and no supplies. This was discourage stealing even in the lowest class of the vault.

    Henrietta hooked up with several gangs as she wandered using prostitution as her form of paying because she had no other skills.

    Looks: The young woman stands at 4'11" and is rather thin from her time in the wilderness. She has very small muscle definition from getting stronger but is also very spindly. Her curves though their are relatively small from malnutrition.

    Henrietta is part Hungarian, part Israeli, and part British. Her skin is a light brown and now after 4 years in the wilderness is deeply tanned and dirty. She has plenty of scars on her body. There are a lot on her legs and feet from her first weeks and months in the wilderness and also on her arms and chest from fighting and sometimes her form of 'trade' got rough.

    Henrietta has black slightly wavy hair that's greasy and filthy because of how little she gets to perform personal hygiene. She hacked it up with a knife recently because she thought it was getting too long and too nasty. It hangs over her ears a bit and unevenly around her neck and forehead. She has moderately thick eyebrows and rather thick eyelashes.

    Her eyes are a very deep blue with a star burst of gray near the middle and specks of brown in them. Her nose is a button nose and her lips are thin. Her right ear is normal, but her left ear looks mangled because when she was first out one of her 'clients' shot at her after he felt he didn't get a good enough end of the deal. It missed her barely, but ripped up her ear and deafened her in that ear.

    Henrietta's hands are small and by now well calloused and scarred. Her nails are bitten to the quick because when she gets anxious she bites them. Her feet are also relatively small.

    Wears: She wears a dingy tan t-shirt that used to be white, but now is more sandy brown if anything. Her pants are a set of faded desert camoflouge cargo pants that have rips at the edges and are getting threadbare at the knees and her boots are a pair of brown kids work boots she traded for years a go.
    She has a coyote tan backpack she also traded for also a few years ago. It's a military bag with velcro on the outside for patches and strips you can hook flashlights and the like too.
    She has a faded denim jacket with various odd patches in her bag she uses in the winter.
    She has a milk jug filled with water she keeps slung on some rope over her shoulders.

    Other: She is deaf in her left ear.

    Henrietta bites her nails when anxious.

    Her gear is a mismash of old military stuff and work type clothes. She got most of her gear during her first year in the wilderness.

    Most of her 'trades' now she still uses prostitution for because she refuses to trade her equipment for fear of losing her things.

    Most of her trades now are to use water filling places and get food.

    Henrietta never sticks around with one gang because despite it being her choice to sell herself she eventually starts feeling used and unable to form any deep connections will runaway and move on.


    Mother- Riva Miriam Gulyas

    Father- Gregory Edvard Gulyas

    Sister- Katalinka Lily Gulyas

    Brother- Abraham Gregory Gulyas

    Theme Song(s):

    I Will Not Bow ~ Breaking Benjamin

    Creator: @Charlie Vasilyev

  • Name: Aiden Pyrel

    Nickname: Peacock

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Orientation: Straight

    Likes: Being around others, Certain types of pain, Feeling useful

    Dislikes: Doing Nothing, Laziness in general, Deep water (he has a fear of drowning),

    Why They're Out Of The Underground: His father got kicked out, and since his mother left with his father, he joined them.


    Tolerant: He is willing to listen to the opinions of others and not degrade them for what they believe, especially there he knows there are questionable things about himself.

    Charismatic: If the mood seems low, Aiden is good at using words and action to pick up the mood and motivate those that are down.

    Selfless: This is not always a positive trait. In many cases, he will put others above himself, even at the risk of his own health. There are a few specific cases where he will put himself first when it means no physical harm will come to the other person.

    Prideful: It is this trait along with his looks that earned him his nickname of Peacock: the pretty boy with an attitude. Being prideful can be negative, but he tries to make it as positive as he can and only struts himself around someone he considers a friend.

    Aiden doesn't remember much of his time in the vault. He remembers the people were fairly kind, at least to him, but they were also strict because they had to be. He was only there until the age of 5, since during that year his father, Seth, got kicked out for his lack of willingness to help. His mother was not willing to leave him, so she went with and so Aiden came along also.

    His memories of the vault are limited, whereas his memories of the surface are clear as day. The first year above ground was fairly uneventful, with the three of them wandering around, but after that, his father took control of one of the wandering games, and it was with that gang he lived for the next 11 years.

    Life for him was fairly simple. As a young child he made friends out of some of the other permanent members of the gang, and as he grew older he learned how to better survive. Unfortunately, as the years passed his relationship with his father started to crumble. The two of them began to argue about many things, the biggest one being that Aiden took pleasure in inflicting pain upon himself, something he figured his father would never understand.

    A chance at understanding would never be given since Seth was killed in front of him by someone he had thought was a friend of their family. The killer told him to leave unless he wanted to suffer the same fate. With no other choice, he fled. The seventeen year old quickly turned 18, and he spent his time trying to survive while hoping he would one day be able to return to the mother he had to leave behind, praying that she was doing ok.

    Aiden stands at 5'8" and has a weight (that used to be an average of 120 lbs) has been dropping since the incident that led him to being on his own.

    His hair is black and hangs down to his neck, expect for his bangs which hang down slightly passed his nose since it has grown and he has not taken the chance to cut it. It stands out against his paling skin, since most of his traveling has been done at night when he is least likely to accidentally run into the gang he was kicked from, fearing what might happen if he did.

    The middle of his irises are a seafoam green, the edges blending into a more darker blue. His eyes are soft, like the rest of his facial features. The right side of his bottom lip is pierced, something he convinced a friend to make for him as a way to spite his father. It hadn't been easy to get what was needed for the piercing, but he had managed to work out a deal.

    Clothing is whatever he finds to wear, normally a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Shoes are another story as his recently became unwearable so he is looking for something else to wear, so as of right now his feet are bare. He was lucky enough to find a backpack so puts anything useful he finds in it.

    Aiden small

    Aiden is a masochist, but he is anything but submissive.

    He wants nothing more than to return to his Momma, the person he loves the most in this world.

    He is not doing as well on his own as he thought he would.

    Seth Pyrel- Father- Deceased
    Unnamed mother- Alive
    Adrian Pyrel- Uncle- Unknown

    Theme Song(s):

    Soliders ~ Otherwise

    Creator: @Icystorm
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Deciding to let Henrietta think -and hopefully go take a nap- Aiden left to go gather some more wood, ranging a bit farther past the dead tree just to see what was in the area. There wasn't much that he noticed, so he gathered up some more wood and by the time he returned to the cabin, Henrietta had gone inside. Dropping the wood onto the pile, he went inside also, and her breathing told him that she was still awake. At least he wouldn't risk waking her up.

"Hey. Sorry, I'm just grabbing my bag and will be outside until you wake up." He picked up his bag that was next to the couch and stepped back outside. There were a few things he could do, but the first thing he decided was to gather up a few more armfuls of wood. Heading out into the trees, he put a few more loads on the pile then looked up at the sky, noticing it was sun was beginning to set. Good, he liked the night far more than the day.

After taking a small break to eat and drink something, he cleared out a spot on the ground in front of the cabin so that there was a large area of nothing but dirt.. He placed some dried leaves, grass, and bark in the middle of the dirt then gathered up some wood and his backpack and sat down next to the pile of tinder. Grabbing what he would need for a spindle and fireboard, he got the two items ready and began spinning the spindle against the fireboard. It was a tiring process, but he had been doing this long enough that normally he could create a fire every time, so hopefully he would have a fire going by the time Henrietta woke up. He could also create some animal traps, but for that he would need some rope, and he was not yet willing to use the rope in his bag.
Henrietta managed to fall into a fitful sleep and stayed asleep for a few hours. She slowly sat up wrapping the blanket around her shoulders she looked around blinking and rubbing her eyes. It'd gotten a lot darker and colder out since before her nap. She grabbed her pants and t-shirt from her bag and put those back on and then carefully unwrapping her jars of alcohol she put her jacket on. Lastly she tied her boots on and grabbed the jar she'd drank from last night before heading outside.

"What ya doin'?" she asked a little confused. It looked like he was building a fire, but why was he doing it out here? They had a perfectly good wood-burning stove they could build a fire in inside, they could cook easier in there and heat the house. Henrietta walked over and took a sip from her bottle as she stood and watched Aiden mess around with the wood.

"We have a stove inside if you're trying to build a fire..." she added drifting off slightly. Henrietta took another sip of her drink and held the jar out to him,

"Wanna drink?" she asked.
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Aiden didn't look up or stop what he was doing. If he stopped now then all the work he had done would be for nothing. It would be pointless to stop when he was trying to build up friction and create a spark. He was feeling thirsty, though, but it would have to wait. "Maybe in a few minutes." He was completely focused on the task at hand, but his arms were getting tired and he was becoming uncomfortable in the hunched over position.

A couple minutes later he managed to create an ember, dropped it onto a piece of bark, and transferred it to the tinder, gently blowing on it to help it stay lit and grow. It didn't take long before it began to eat away at the deadened grass and leaves, and he soon had a growing fire. Smiling proudly, he sat up and looked into the growing blaze. It was beautiful and looked even more so against the darkened surroundings.

Turning, he cast his smile upon Henrietta. "I wasn't sure how long you were going to sleep for, and it is going to take me awhile to get used to staying all night in a building. I'm so used to being awake at night.." He gave his head a quick shake and then remembered the water. "I wouldn't mind a drink now. I don't want to drink all yours, so my water bottle is in my bag if you don't mind tossing the bag to me. Oh, and hey, do you have any rope? If you do we can build an animal trap or two." The two things he knew how to do well: build a fire and build traps. But traps were only good if you had the needed equipment, and more importantly, if there were animals around to capture.
"It's not water, Aiden, I know you have water." Henrietta responded taking another swig of her jar. She shrugged at his explanation about why he was making a fire now. Honestly her sleep schedule was pretty screwed up somedays she would sleep during the day and be busy at night, sometimes she would sleep at night and be traveling during the day, but she understood why if someone was used to something it'd be hard to change.

She cocked her head to the side when he asked about rope. She did not have any rope at the moment, but she thought he had some rope? Had she seen wrong?

Henrietta walked over and grabbed Aiden's bag bringing it back and dropping it next to him,

"Don't you have rope, dude?" she asked squatting down and watching him work on the fire. She'd never used the method he was using, she'd always just used the flint and steal method. Did she still have her flint? Henrietta took another large swig as she thought.

Really should take inventory of my bag tonight or tomorrow. she told herself.

The stuff she was drinking was actually pretty powerful which was good, she knew she'd start to feel the buzz soon and it would all get better from there.
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Taking a closer look, he realized she held the bottle of alcohol she had used last night, and once again he was thrust into not knowing what to do. It wasn't as if a sip would hurt, but he had seen what alcohol could do to people, how strange it made them act. Would he get like that, and how much would he have to drink to get to that point? He was tempted to try some, but once again he was saved from having to make a decision right away, but now he was put on the defensive.

Aiden quickly fed the fire to keep it alive then pulled his backpack up against him, staring at the flames and unable to hide the defensiveness he felt as he spoke. "The rope I have is used for other things. I'd rather not speak about it, and I'm sure you would rather not hear about it." His muscles had tensed and his tongue began playing with his lip ring. Maybe a little alcohol would do him good..

Turning his head to look at Henrietta, he tried to relax his mind and body, but it didn't do much good. He did feel bad for basically snapping at her, though. "Sorry. I guess I wouldn't mind a sip of your drink. It might do me some good." He stopped holding his bag so close to him and set it to the side.
Jackass, all I asked was if you had rope. Henrietta thought snippily, but she just sat down and stared at the fire looking at what was left of her jar and listening to Aiden try to explain why he didn't to use his rope because he used it for 'other things'. She stared at her jar trying to judge if she should just drink it all tonight and then save her other two bottles or try to save this one better.

"Sorry. I guess I wouldn't mind a sip of your drink. It might do me some good." Aiden's voice cut through her own thoughts about her supplies and rationing. She held the jar out to him politely, normally she didn't like to share her supplies, but if she and Aiden were going be stuck together for the winter she may as well try to foster some type of comradery.

"Yeah you do need it." she agreed as she waited for him to grab the jar, "What do you use the rope for?" she inquired despite him saying she wouldn't want to know.

He probably ties people up and kills them...good job Henrietta you are hanging out with a possible serial, round of applause for you! And you just gave him f'in alcohol so many good desicions happening right now she thought rather darkly, Henrietta glanced at Aiden trying to gauge his reaction to her question.
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Taking the bottle, Aiden gave it a quick sniff, wrinkling his nose at the smell. Alcohol always had a strange smell. It was hard to believe that something with that much potency could taste good. There was no use thinking on it too much, so he lifted the bottle and took a quick sip, eyes instantly widening. It was good? Awful? All he knew was it burned a bit. While he enjoyed the burning sting against his wounds, there was no way he could ever enjoy it in his mouth.

Eyes watering slightly, he handed the bottle back to Henrietta. How did she even stand it? The way she acted it was as if she didn't even feel it. Maybe it was just something you had to get used to? If that were the case, then it might be worth getting used to. The taste wasn't all that bad.

"I've never tasted anything like that before." It took him a few more seconds to recover, and after that short time he realized she had asked him a question. Right, the rope. Of course she would want to know about it. He wasn't ashamed to admit what he used it for, but he tended not to talk about for the sake of others. It tended to disturb people, but if they were going to be staying with each other then he might as well talk to her. It was either that or randomly show up one day with rope burns, which would doubtfully go over well.

Staring into the fire, he gave a shrug of his shoulders. "I use it on myself." Turning his head, his eyes met her. "I get a thrill from wrapping it around my neck and choking myself." It was dangerous but far too addictive to stop. Now he was just waiting for her to be like everyone else and give him a judgmental look or tell him how he shouldn't be doing that. It was always either one or the other, if not both.
"Huh." was Henrietta's first reaction. She grabbed the jar back and took another sip,

"I've met people who get off on like choking others, but not choking themselves." she stated staring into the fire. Honestly from being a prostitute out here and her time in the vault she'd seen a lot of different...kinks and didn't get surprised by stuff like that easily.

"There are a lot of worse things you could get off from..." she pointed out taking another drink as she started to feel her mind buzz and body warm up. She took another little drink and cleared her throat before finishing her sentence

"I mean you could get off on screwing kids or something f'ed up like that." she finished lying down and staring at the stars starting to come out. She looked at what was left in the jar and figured she may well finish it off tonight. the warmth was spreading to her fingers and toes and she was starting to feel happier as her boundaries also started to slip away. She took another big drink leaving only a little bit in the bottom of the jar.
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Aiden chewed on his bottom lip, waiting to see how she would react. At first, he thought she was going to react like everyone else, but then she just seemed to shrug it off as no big deal. It was a new feeling, a nice one, and he felt himself relax considerably. For once he had spoken about his odd behavior and did not feel like something was horribly wrong with him. He felt almost normal.

Smiling softly, he slowly blinked at Henrietta, coming out of the small amount of shock he had been hit with. "Yeah, I guess you are right." At least he was only hurting himself and not other. He also enjoyed a bit of pain from knives and fire, but the asphyxiation was by far the most dangerous thing he did to himself.

"Thank you." Still smiling, he got up, grabbed some wood, and placed it on the fire. A quick glance at Henrietta told him that the alcohol was doing something to her, and he hoped she was an easy to deal with drunk? Did she even drink enough to get drunk? He knew it was different for everyone, so he supposed he would find out soon enough. "Feeling pretty good?" Hopefully she was more of a calm individual after drinking.
Alcohol didn't calm Henrietta down most of the time. It made her happy, excited even, normally if she performing a 'trade' she was better after having drunk something. She sat up and handed the bottle back to Aiden with the one small drink left at the bottom of the jar,

"Drink up...I have more..." she told him jumping to her feet as she felt the alcohol really starting to take effect, "Drink up, buddy...let's have fun, come on!" Henrietta insisted bouncing on her toes. She didn't know what she wanted to do, maybe explore? Maybe they was a creek to swim in near by! That would be fun!

"Come on, let's explore...the stars are pretty tonight." she added. In general alcohol magnified her possible ADHD and made most of her boundaries disappear. Henrietta frowned at Aiden wondering why he wasn't drinking, did he not like the alcohol? Was it not enough? Probably wasn't, she'd drank a lot. She put the jar next to him hoping he'd drink it and moved closer to the treeline,

"Think there's a creek near by? Kinda wanna swim." she asked to the air not really aiming the question at Aiden this time.
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Aiden grabbed the bottle but made no move to drink the rest, instead staring at Henrietta with a look of uncertainty. He didn't think drinking up would be the best thing in this situation. One: he had no idea what kind of drunk he was so it would be better to figure that out when she was sober; two: he had the fire to tend to since he didn't want to let it go out; and three: he felt he needed to keep an eye on her and that couldn't be done if he got drunk.

Setting the bottle down next to his bag, he took a deep breath. She was all over the place right now, and he wasn't sure how to handle it. The stars were pretty tonight, but no, he did not want to go explore. And hell no did he want to go swimming. He wasn't the biggest fan of water at all.

"I don't know if there is a creek nearby, and I don't think now is the best time to go looking for one. Why don't we just stay here?" Was she even going to listen to what he was saying? Another question crossed his mind, this one even harder to answer on his own; was he just being careful, or did this past year knock all the fun out of him? The uncertainty he felt towards Henrietta began to direct itself towards himself. Before he got kicked out of his home, he would always do fun stuff with his friends without worry, but now he felt like he was being a kill joy.
Henrietta glanced at Aiden when he spoke.

Why doesn't he want to explore? i like exploring...starlight exploring in the best! she thought frowning as she bounced on her toes looked up at the sky, Maybe he wants to do something else? she thought looking back at Aiden squinting at him like she was trying to see him right as she tried to figure out what he wanted,

"Ya wanna do something else?" Henrietta asked, "The ground pretty comfortable we could have fun here." she suggested approaching Aiden again her eye were bright, excited, and sparkly, but that was from the alcohol right now. She yanked at her shirt collar feeling very warm even though it was a very brisk almost winter night.

"I just don't wanna be bored..." she stated firmly looking at Aiden still as she stood near him now waiting to see what he was going to do or say. Henrietta was bouncing slightly as she let out soem of her excess energy.
The male inside Aiden jumped with need at Henrietta's next suggestion. It had been far too long since he had been with anyone. Having a little fun sounded great to that part of him, but there were reasons he had not been with anyone in a long time. The part of him that remembered those reasons held him back, and in his head he could hear laughter. It took him a couple of seconds to realize that the laughter was not just in his head, that he had made that dark, unfriendly, laugh that came out as part mocking and part disbelief.

Closing his mouth and silencing the sound, he looked away. He felt bad for letting out that horrid sound, but how could she even suggest what she did after what he had told her? Sure, she made his odd kink sound like no big deal, but shrugging it off as something that was fine and actually doing it were two separate things. And even if she would do as he asked, it didn't matter. She was drunk, and he had rules that needed to be followed for such occasions.

Aiden pushed himself to his feet then looked over at her, wanting to make up for his behavior. "We can go for a walk. Just let me put out the fire first." All that hard work wasted, but he wasn't going to leave it burning. He began tossing dirt over the flames, and once he was sure it was out, he stood up straight. "Lead the way I suppose."
Henrietta wasn't really thinking through how she was acting right now. In the morning she would regret making Aiden kick the fire out and probably everything else about tonight, but right now she just wanted to be happy and enjoy herself.

"Le's go!" she exclaimed excitedly and she hurried off along a tiny trail. She really did hope to find a stream or something, she hand't been able to bath recently and for some reason that's what she really wanted to do right now. She half skipped half stumbled along the trail,

"Oh in the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight!" she started singing making her normally slightly gravelly deeper, at least for a woman, voice higher by signing in falesetto. Henrietta was not a very good singer when she was sober she could manage to somewhat carry a tune, when she was drunk however she didn't care. She just tended to belt out whatever she wanted and ignored the facts that singing involved notes and music.

She continued with her song as she scampered along the trail looking around she spun around and waved at Aiden,

"There might be a stream or river or something up here! I think I hear something." she stated excitedly and then went back to 'singing' .
Shaking his head and wondering what he was getting himself into, Aiden followed his hyper companion, casting a pained look back at the 'fire-pit' before locking his eyes ahead of him. How long did alcohol stay in ones system? It had only been a few seconds, and he already wanted to go back and relax. He could make himself useful, but instead he was following after a drunk.

The dragging of his feet was quickly causing him to fall behind, so he picked up his pace slightly so to keep Henrietta in his sight. God knows what she would do without a coherent thought process. Fall and get injured? Find the water she was so hoping for and drown? Sing.. Someone please have mercy on my soul. Compared to the singing she was now doing, getting injured sounded like a much better option. It wouldn't even have to be her that got injured.

Holding back a groan, he grimaced at her when she waved to him. And then she had to go and speak. Yeah, he heard it to, and it looks like his hopes for her being too distracted and not hearing it were crushed. His feet began to drag again as he followed her towards the sound. If the water was deep and she began to drown, it was debatable if he would rescue her or not.
Henrietta skipped out into a clearing. It was small clearing surrounding the banks of a little river. It was too small to be a river, but slightly too big for a stream. Henrietta jumped in delight,

"Yes!" she exclaimed gleefully. The discovery of running water was a good thing for their little party. They could get water and bathe up here if needed. She'd only run the water for a little bit in the hut so they couldn't say for sure if it would do more then a dribble, but if it didn't at least they had a creek. However none of this was on Henrietta's mind right now.

The young woman sat down and started to untie her shoes,

"You wanna swim, Aiden?" she asked as she took her boots and socks off. She stood up and yanked her shirt off and dropped her trousers as she prepared to swim. It wasn't a warm night, in fact it was quite nippy and chilly due to it being winter, but Henrietta didn't feel it at the moment. She stood for a few moments debating what to wear into the water and looked over to see if Aiden was going to join her and see what he was going to wear if he swam.
Aiden quickly studied the clearing as he stepped into it. At least the water was something he could deal with since he held no fear drowning in something so small, and there was no risk of Henrietta drowning either. Unless she passed out while in it.. That would be just his luck, and then he would have to carry her back to the cabin.

His lips turned down in a frown when she began to take off her shoes. Was she really still planning on swimming? It was late, she was drunk, and it was cold out. Of course, that second thing in the list no doubt made it so she did not care about the first or third, mainly the third. He should stop her since there was a chance of her getting sick, but would there even be a point to try? She wasn't exactly in any state to listen to him.

Shaking his head, he sat down under a tree. "No. I'll stay the sane one of the group, thank you very much." And the warm one. What was she going to do after she got done swimming? Maybe he should not have put out the fire. She would need to get warmed up once they got back, and he would be stuck with that task. Tomorrow could not come fast enough, because then at least she would be in the right state of mind again.
"Are you mad? Why are you mad?" Henrietta asked, in her state she wasn't thinking clearly at the moment and couldn't figure out why Aiden didn't want to swim with her. She just stood in the cold for a few moments staring at him oddly before turning and walking to the water. Dipping her feet in she started to wade in. The water was cold and even in her inebriated state she could feel it.

Henrietta dunked under to try and acclimatize and suddenly came up wiping her face off. It was cold! It felt like just melted ice and almost hurt it was cold. She stood there waist deep considering her best options. The wind made things worse and the fact she was drunk made it a struggle to think, but the cold water did make her feel more alert.

Henrietta came out of the water and looked at Aiden,

"You're swimming." she muttered now standing in her soaking underwear suddenly feeling less happy about being drunk.
Instead of answering -it wouldn't do much good anyway- Aiden stayed silent and watch the events play out in front of him, knowing her decision was not going to end well. It didn't settle well with him that she thought he might be mad, but he had to remember that she was not thinking clearly, which was obvious by the way she stepped into the water right after turning away from him. He couldn't even imagine cold that water was, and he didn't want to find out.

As he watched, he tried to keep a straight face but ended up cringing when she ducked under the water. That was not going to be good. Getting a bit of her body wet was fine, but now that it was all cold and caused his heart to sink just thinking about it. They would now have to get her back to the cabin quickly, and thankfully that was made easier by her getting out of the water.

He was annoyed that she now agreed with him on the no swimming part, but upon looking down at his feet he felt his annoyance vanish. His eyes were looking at the socks and boots he wore, both items something he had Henrietta to thank for. The least he could do was help her out when she needed him, so standing up, he gathered up her clothes and handed them to her. "Use one of those to dry off and then get dressed. Then we can go back to the cabin." While he waited for her to do that, he removed his shirt, planning on wrapping it around her to help her get warmer faster.
Henrietta took her clothes and fumbled with them and was about to pull her clothes on when she realized her current attire was wet. She didn't want to put her clothes on over her wet things! That would be gross feeling. She instead just hugged the bundle of clothes and her boots close to her,

"Let's go back now. I don't want to get my clothes wet..." she mumbled though in reality it didn't make a lot of sense. Maybe they should start a fire when they get back. No that would be a lot of work. Maybe she should just go to bed even though she wasn't tired.

Henrietta started to walk back down the trail towards their cabin. She walked rather quickly, though by now she was also stumbling slightly. In the back of her mind she knew she should eat some bread or something to help her start to sober up, but she didn't really want to. She started to hum to herself as she shivered and padded down the path back to the cabin. Henrietta was starting to feel cold and shake more as she got closer to the cabin.