Academy of the Unnatural Arts

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Lewis felt Al kiss him and froze. This was his first kiss, of course it had to be a with a guy. Not that he had anything wrong with that but, he had kinda wanted his first kiss to be with a girl. He drew away "Um, Are you feeling ok? Can i get you anything?" He said in a hushed tone, Al now looked like he was in pain and he wasn't sure what to do. He bit his lip. Kids around them seemed to be growing things, puking and possibly dying and the teacher wasn't doing anything to stop it or cure it. "Can you speak?" He asked looking back at Al, hoping for something
Understanding, he gave a nod of his head. "Yes, sir." Stepping fully into the class, he closed the door behind him-- having enough courtesy to move to the back of the class and occupy one of those seats until his period began.

Lifting the strap of his bag over his head, he placed it on the ground besides him-- sitting in silence as he observed the chaos around him. Well, not really chaos, more like...a very tame epidemic spreading through out the classroom. Students becoming obscure shapes, some vomiting-- rather violently. Other's, they just dropped. What else could there be expected of a potions class, though? Magic was not something to be taken lightly, in any form.

In a lame attempt at entertaining his thoughts for the remaining time, his eyes focused on a stray pencil that had been left on his desk, most likely from the previous homeroom-- and, with ease, he lifted it into the air. There were no hand motions or some form of chanting that he mumbled under his breath, it was all done purely with his thoughts. And to be honest, this was way more simple then his tastes demanded for. He had mastered something as elementary as this at the age of 6, he gained no practice or anything beneficial for that matter from doing this. Nothing but simple entertainment, something to pass the time.

He even made it flip a few times for the Hell of it.

You go pencil.
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Alexander Knight, blue
Looking down at his watch Alex sighed "Time almost time for class with the sadist" he mumbles under his breath. Standing up from his seat on the bleachers he begins walking to the Potions classroom. Shaking his hair out of his eyes, he notices someone walk into the classroom. looking at his watch one more time "still to early and if this is anything like last year, I think I'll wait until most of the vomit is cleared" Leaning up against the wall next to the door he occupies his time with sharpening and unsharpening random things in the hall.
Eune's expression puckered, repulsed by Ace's first question. He shook his head vigorously.
"No no no no! I'm not like that! I use sex appeal, I'm not a whore." He retracted, quite upset about Ace thinking that Eune threw his precious body to any person who posed an issue to him for whatever reason. His ears were now pinned back and his tail lay flat. "Like flirting but..." He sighed. Explaining it further would end up more of an issue than he wanted. "Just forget I ever said anything about any of that. That little topic never existed." A flustered blush reached his face and he tried to hide it.
"Sure. I'll go to the club with you." He mumbled, wanting to stab himself for getting hisself into such an embarrassing topic and strange club.
Ace Desant, white
Ace chuckled slightly, a little at Eune's expense. "Don't worry about it." he said with a smile, worrying was his thing after all, he didn't want this cute, fox eared boy taking his only talent. "I don't forget too easy but maybe I'll..erm.." he said, then began to go red. He shook his head "never mind." What Ace wanted to do was suggest that at some point he could become an obstacle but...confidence isn't Ace's strong point, neither was flirting. He simple smiled at him "I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" he said, trying to reassure him that it was a good idea. He looked up at the front towards Mr Kerne "It's not like this teacher is really THAT bad anyway, he's kinda cool."
Eune looked to the teacher as Ace did. He was right, but just something about the man really didn't sit well with Eune. Maybe just the way he seemed to give no regard for the well being of his students... Or maybe something else. Just something.
"I guess you're right. He's okay."
Slowly Eune eased up his negative appearance, ears returning to a neutral position. As he moved his tail to his side, it just barely brushed Ace. He loosely crossed his arms and leaned back into his chair before a silent yawn came from his mouth.
"I want it to be lunch already. It's too stuffy and smelly in here." He was doing his best to ignore the barfing, changing, and suffering of the other students around him. He then looked to Ace with a questioning look. "Are we the only group who's unharmed and finished?"
Ace Desant, white
Ace didn't notice the tail brushing him, he isn't the most observant of people as he rarely expects to be addressed, he doesn't look out for stuff like that. He looked as his ears perked up and it brought a smile to his face. His eyes opened a little after "O-oh, I erm, I don't smell do I?" he asked a little panicky. Eune was probably talking about the smell of sick and the mixture of smells from the ingredients but, it still worried him a little. He looked around and smiled "I guess we're lucky." he said with a chuckle, "though unharmed might not be the best word, I still feel all mixed up and uncomfortable."
[ ] Wow, it sounded...Like fun, in there. Active and filled with the life and sound that the silent hallways were entirely void of. She could practically feel it...The only reluctance that ever crossed her mind, was the fact of the hour. Page was very much late, and only had herself to blame. No beating around the bush, or batting away the truth of the matter. Lateness almost always invoked punishment. As was the way of the World, and how education kept it's students in line. "...I guess I've got to go in at one point...You think so too, or...?" But Page did not fear punishment, only something to accept her wrongdoings, and moving on to avoid the fate yet again. Speaking, but to no physical form within the hallways. That, aside from her - an occasional renegade slip of paper (quite the daring act.) And a mess of already evident footprints, left by the eager student body, remained vacant.

< ' Your education is important. Go inside, you impudent girl! Since when have you willingly inquired my guidance? >
The book had a point. And she quite easily had an answer. Speaking to the book from her backpack, to her mind, though Page was the only one who spoke aloud. "I don't know...You're here to talk. Right?" Since helping her, clearly wasn't on the list of the journal's priorities. Reaching towards the door-handle, other hand held loose on the strap of her back pack. Opening it partially with a small press of force, and her head pokes through to the inside. Slowly. But with that deliberate slowness. A replica Of some private eye, master of Incognito. A saiyan of stealth - only looking into disorder. And disorder stared back...And, vomited a little on the floor. As attractive as that was... "Excuse me..." The hand on the door handle gave a few knocks against the door. Sharp on the first, but slow and careful on the last two. Three knocks, as was standard procedure. (Page wasn't really sure where it originated from, actually...) Yet Page did not enter, reaching into her pocket and between her index and middle finger, she holds up her folded up schedule.

"Potions...This is the class, right? Sorry if it isn't, I'" A vague hand gesture or two and Page was still on the spot, looking around the entire class - varying conditions. All the while awaiting a word of approval to enter the classroom.

< ' Foolish. This time is wasted, head inside already! I am impatient ' >

Page frowns a little, whispering something over her shoulder - 'That's really rude. Can you stop...? Please.'
Eune had himself a decent laugh from Ace's comments, his calm smile returning. "No, you don't smell you tall rabbit." He looked around to double check if they really were the "lucky" ones. After seeing all the misfortunate students he too started to feel a bit I'll from it all. "Yuck... Jeez, now I'm really glad I partnered up with you." He lightly chuckled, not wanting to upset his stomach further. "Want to leave? We're done here anyways and this class should be ending soon, so we can try ditching the las few minutes of this delightfully nauseating atmosphere." Eune slipped the strap for his bag over his head and onto his shoulder. "Either way, I'm going and you might as well come too!" He smiled at Ace.
Ace Desant, white
Ace smiled at the 'tall rabbit' comment. He was relieved of the worry about himself smelling, and the fact he was actually glad to be with him made a lot of his worries disappear. He raised a brow at his question, he gave a good case but...this teacher seemed pretty stern about punctuality. He looked over to the teacher then back to Eune. He nodded, he wanted to spend as much time with his new friend as possible. "Sure, we have no reason to stay." he aid, then looked over at Lewis "Though I was interested in how the love potion ended." he shrugged and slipped on his back, smiling back at Eune. "You go first."

Velnor Kerne, purple
Mr Kerne looked over as the two boys stood up. He didn't mind if they left, he had little left to say and they had finished their potion spectacularly with very good speed. "Make sure you attend the experiment club Mr Desant." he said, to which Ace looked over and nodded sheepishly. He then looked over as the door once again opened, he looked at the girl and raised a brow, what an interesting ability, although, it was more the book he was interested in, as usual. "Ah, Page Argent, second period student. Wait outside or take a seat next to Mr Williams the pencilmancer." he stated, not even an inch of humour in his voice. He beckoned over to Ezekiel with his eyes then sat back down. "Good work you two." he said as Eune and Ace left the room.

[ ] "Thank you, Mister Kerne..." Somehow calling him something like, Sir, or Mister alone didn't feel right. At least, not on her tongue. The humorous, but at least not dry, tone he took only encourages her collected haste. Slowly slipping inside of the room, pocketing the schedule she would, without a doubt, have to call upon once more. Page doesn't bother to check the clock. Schools, in her experience, had long since stopped allowing the students to leave upon any bell or indication to their change of classes. Oh no, it was always the teacher who dismissed the students. An almighty voice and quite the power to have over students, holding classes...The thought almost made her squirm a bit, there were never more tense moments within the classroom - then waiting for the teacher to finally send them off.

< Ha ha ha ha H A H A H A H A ! >
"...Thanks." Page doesn't even notice that she'd accidentally repeated the phrase, taking a deep breath - as once again, the book begin to laugh and giggle. Gleeful as a schoolgirl, but there was malice in that tune. Page...she began to make her way over to (@Zeeami) Ezekiel's spot, careful to walk around or over anything questionable. Or anything that looked as if it had someone to possess it. The journal's laughter, still echoing against the walls of her mind in that eerily silent volume, was still relatively quiet. Tolerable. If she focused on something else - just focus on something else. What was funny though...? "Hey....Sorry for coming out of nowhere, I. We're partners, I think?...I'm not really sure what we're supposed to be doing though...Page, by the way." Keeping her voice level, despite the volume of the others in the room, and sliding into a seat next to Ezekiel. Flat of her feet pressed on the chair's legs. Sure to pause between her words, and somehow unconsciously making sure she didn't say too much.

< . . . . . >
An astounding feat. Silence.
Eune smiled as Mr. Kerne actually told him and Ace good job. Although he knew it was probably aimed more toward Ace than himself. Ace was the one who knew what he was doing in there. Without him, Eune would be pale faced and probably dying or in some excruciating situation in the classroom right now.
Eune jumped out of the door and ran a few feet down the hall, cheering "clean air" then stopping to turn around and wait for Ace to catch up. Eune started to feel a bit lightheaded but shook it off. "Lets go outside for a bit! I need fresh fresh air and I'm sure you'd like some too." He said as Ace caught up to him and they started walking side by side. Eune started feeling tired, most likely from shapeshifting into such different forms so quickly. He wouldn't let himself rest until he was outside though, he wanted the fresh air badly. "Lets go to the fountain in the main quad." He insisted, since it was closest and a very relaxing area.

Not the best nickname he has ever been given-- but he could add it to the list. He's been called a lot of things, but never that. And the fact that Mr. Kerne was so direct and dry about it made it all the more comical.

Though he didn't laugh.

He wasn't much one for jokes.

Hearing, and assuming that he was the one she was addressing [who else could it be, he's the only one sitting there at the moment,] he turned his gaze to her, allowing the pencil to drop back onto the counter top with a clatter.

He stared at her for a moment, doing nothing more then just simply holding eye contact, before extending a hand to her-- fully expecting her to accept it.

"I'm Ezekiel. A pleasure to make your aquaintence, Page. And yes, it would seem so."


"That's not a problem, is it?"

He didnt mean to come off as condescending, if he did. It was a genuine question. Ezekiel was far from the confrontational type, which is why he asked in the first place. He wanted to avoid as many problems as possible.

Guess he just wasn't that great at social situations.
Ace Desant, white
Ace watched as the kitsune ran down the hallway and chuckled, walking quickly after him. He nodded in reply "I'd like that." he said with a smile, standing next to him. He looked at him and nodded again "I don't really know my way around so sure!" he said cheerfully, after taking in several different smells including the smell of boiling blood, vomit and well, probably the smell of death he could really do with cleansing his nostrils. "You could show me some more of your spells." he suggested, if they were going to a fountain there would be plenty of water for him to use and well, Ace liked the idea of seeing proper magic first hand.
[ ] Pencilmancer, a title clearly worth recognition. Page might just crack a joke about it sooner or later, but as of right now - his seriousness was an evident trait of his character. And it showed no signs of yielding...It wasn't really a bad thing. "Thanks...Nice to meet you too." Page shows nary an ounce of hesitation in taking his hand. Holding it casually and giving it a shake of her own, and a squeeze. Before releasing it, with a slide of her hand away from his. "No, Just pointing it out, I think...Let's, work hard together. Hm? Did you, by chance catch the assignment? Or...Should we wait for next class? I think it's looking like that." Page acknowledged Ezekiel's genuine enough question, and gave a sincere answer. Offering a small, but fleeting smile. It was difficult to keep. An attempt to ignore what really could have thrown her in the nuthouse. "It'd be like a study hall then..." Her thoughts idly voice themselves, and without a sense of effort, she maintains their eye contact. A serious guy, Ezekiel was. Page had no problem with him.

He seemed nice.
"Oh, you don't know your way around? You're fairly new then, huh?" Eune just assumed that Ace was already accustomed to the Academy. Apparently not. He chuckled at the suggestion, surprised his friend wanted to see more. He opened a door that led outside and took a deep breath as Ace followed him out. "Well, I'd shapeshift more for you but at the rate I'm going, I'd be out of energy before next period if I did." Eune thought of some good tricks to show Ace as they rounded a corner and approached the fountain. "I can make clouds." He said, sitting on the ledge of the fountain. He guided a few drops of water from the fountain to his hands then held them up and let the drops float between them. The same process for the making of his accidental storm cloud from home room was preformed and soon enough a small cloud was floating where the water drops once were. "They're a bit hard for me to contain since they aren't completely water. Also the ones in the sky tend to be too far for me to control." Eune made the cloud shape into a star and offered it for Ace to touch or examine or whatever he liked.
Work hard-- of course. There would be no point of being here if they didn't work hard. A waste of both their time, and the teachers. He gave a nod of agreement.

"Yes, let's."

He attempted a smile of his own-- but it seemed a bit forced.

Which, it was.

She didn't need to know that though.

"Ah, for the assignment-- I'm not sure. From the looks of it..."

He glanced around at the room, nearly cringing at it all. Tugging at his collar a bit unconsciously, his voice went a bit quieter as he spoke with an unsure tone.

"...The dreadful looks of it, we will be making potions. It's just my assumption though, I could be wrong. Though we are too wait for the next class, that's correct."
[ ] "Ah, you don't have to..." Page pauses, looking towards the ceiling, before pointing towards her own face. It might have been a little (well, extremely.) rude to point at his own, where the forced smile tugged at his lips. It looked a little scary, maybe even somewhat pained...But she paid it no negative regard. Hoping the message would come across, but her words flew regardless. "It's okay to not smile. So, don't worry about it." Waving a dismissive hand, and nodding as she leaned in closer to hear him more clearly. "I always thought this was a calmer procedure...Amazing how I can be, huh?...Alright, so a study hall... Sorry about how loud they're being, by the way. They seem pretty energetic..." She'd hope that she wouldn't exhaust him in a similar way. "Good luck in your next class, if that's the case..."
He's such a lady killer, isnt he?

"Sorry." He truly is.

Hm. This girl was...pretty okay. He liked it, she seemed nice as well. A little mysterious but-- he had his own secrets as well. Maybe they could be friends one day.

"This is my next class...oh, but, you too-- whatever it may be."

He's not good at holding conversation either.

Nothing could exhaust him to be honest. He has taught himself to tune certain things out over the years. It really comes in handy when you're practicing a talent such as his in a noisy enviorment.

The trick is not giving a shit.

[ ] She's swooning in her seat - Smooth criminal, isn't someone supposed to call the police? "It's alright. It's not always easy to smile...Don't worry." Page reassures once more, either hand rising to the opposing sides of her face, to give him a pair of the good ol' thumbs up. She manages another skim of a smile, Page does. "It is...Oh, right....Thanks." Page really did let it slip her mind - the possibility of having the same class in a row due to Home rooms. A simple concept that could easily by given too much thought. Looking at him, while resting her chin in her palm. At ease, and comfortable.

So he wasn't too good at holding conversation - It's a good thing that she was.

Her book's been... too silent. Probably listening to the conversation as they spoke, like a nosy little journal. Yearning for more information to compile in addition to it's scrambled notes - notes that one could hardly consider a spell...
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