Academy of the Unnatural Arts (OOC/Sign ups)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Germany, gmt+1 :P
Where is everyone actually? Like timezones? Im in the UK so Im just standard GMT

Southern West of the United States of Amurrica. Mountain Timezone.
Oh geez! I missed everything! Dx
Sorry guys, I wasn't notified yesterday on anything and I was wondering why it was so quiet.
> _<; *huge face palm*
I'm in Pacific time, by the way
Student Form:

Full name: Alexander Knight
Age: 17
Ability: Vorpal Sharpness Manipulation
Users can control sharpness in any object they touch, either imbuing or taking the quality of sharpness away: sharp edges cut better, while non-edged surfaces, objects, like hands, can be imbued to cut through nearly anything. They can imbue an item as a trap, such as making a doorknob cut anyone who tries to open it, or remove sharpness from things, turning knives and other edged weapons into awkward bludgeons against the user.
Weaknesses: Blunt force trauma, Fire, And lightning
Side talents: Martial Arts, and Art
Amount of time there: One Year
Personality: Quiet and Introverted, he shies away from others. Underneath public persona is the heart of a joker, and when comfortable around someone he opens up and lets his true self shine through. Even though he doesn't say much he wont sit back and let others be bullied. Nyah!
Fears: losing control of his powers and hurt those close to him
Likes: Calm moments, harmless pranks, and Drawing
Dislikes: Bullies, and unnecessary violence
Extras: Due to his powers he spent a lot of time in and out of different foster homes, nobody wanted the freak who destroyed everything he touched. As a result of this he doesn't warm up to others easily but once you have his trust, you have a friend for life

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation:
Submissive, Dominant, or both: Dominant
Attracted to: Honest individuals
Unattracted to: Lairs, and shallow girls
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Reactions: Red Rabbit
Student Form:

Full name: Alexander Knight
Age: 17
Ability: Vorpal Sharpness Manipulation
Users can control sharpness in any object they touch, either imbuing or taking the quality of sharpness away: sharp edges cut better, while non-edged surfaces, objects, like hands, can be imbued to cut through nearly anything. They can imbue an item as a trap, such as making a doorknob cut anyone who tries to open it, or remove sharpness from things, turning knives and other edged weapons into awkward bludgeons against the user.
Weaknesses: Blunt force trauma, Fire, And lightning
Side talents: Martial Arts, and Art
Amount of time there: One Year
Personality: Quiet and Introverted, he shies away from others. Underneath public persona is the heart of a joker, and when comfortable around someone he opens up and lets his true self shine through. Even though he doesn't say much he wont sit back and let others be bullied. Nyah!
Fears: losing control of his powers and hurt those close to him
Likes: Calm moments, harmless pranks, and Drawing
Dislikes: Bullies, and unnecessary violence
Extras: Due to his powers he spent a lot of time in and out of different foster homes, nobody wanted the freak who destroyed everything he touched. As a result of this he doesn't warm up to others easily but once you have his trust, you have a friend for life

Romantic preferences-

Sexual Orientation:
Submissive, Dominant, or both: Dominant
Attracted to: Honest individuals
Unattracted to: Lairs, and shallow girls

Accepted *3*

I shall place you in Ms. Irmar's room for homeroom class. Feel free to write your own schedule like the others.
It appears everyone is too scared of Velnor Kerne to put their hand up and answer :c Damn my impatience!
It appears everyone is too scared of Velnor Kerne to put their hand up and answer :c Damn my impatience!

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

Gonna post something for Lilith! I missed the question!

Did she get it right? :0

I'm doing my research Mr. Kerne, I keep getting "Love Potion".
Then try your hand at answering IN CHARACTER! [Insert evil laughter]
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