Academy for Supers OOC (anime super school)

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Ok gotcha, sorry I didnt really elaborate on the geographical location. Let's just say its in a classified location in western europe.
Ok gotcha, sorry I didnt really elaborate on the geographical location. Let's just say its in a classified location in western europe.

Yeah and when you said Anime, I assumed in Japan. And its why my characters have Japanese names, instead of European ones.
so is everyone still interested?

I'm waiting on @Tarieles

we were doing another Copost like Verite and I did

So the answer is yes, but I haven't heard anything from my partner in a while
Alright thanks :D

Totally off topic, but have I told you how much I adore your signature. I been trying to figure out what it is though. A ghost and a cookie. What's the reference?
Oh that lol, I love oreos and my original OC was a poltergeist
Sorry for my disappearance guys, internet went down for the weekend. I'll be PMing you later today Clyde, once I get caught up.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Sir Salty
Okay, now I just have to post for Chantal and I'll be good.
So, what happened with this?
Im sorry guys. I got wrapped up with real life stuff and before I knew it I had forgotten about this rp. I feel that I should step down as gm due to this incident. If anyone wants to continue or remake the rp you can feel free to. Sorry.
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