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Abandi grunted stubbornly, stomping over to Aki and grasping his hands in her own. She couldn't withdraw the extra magic, for fear of needing to purge again. It was true that her body was constantly drawing and replacing magic, but Gemini's words had caused her body to rapidly create, instead of use. Her eyes closed, eyelids flickering as she transferred enough energy to get back to a safe level. The act was almost romantic in nature, her purple whipping over and through his glowing blue. When she felt stable she released him, a slight gasp exiting her mouth as their skin parted.

" I am sorry Gemini...but I am the true Abandi." She hung her head low, her eyes darting over the ground as she explained. " I know not the whole story, but a couple years ago, I was forced to draw myself inward-projecting my childhood forward to protect Ryogen, if that makes any sense. I know now that it was a mistake, but my brother does not accept that my true nature is not the childish girl he cares for so deeply...you must never tell him, please." She pleaded the assassin, folding her hands over themselves nervously.

"If he knew...I'm not sure he would trust me any longer"
"I...wait!" He clamored for words as she rushed towards him. The same electric feeling rushed through his arms as she grabbed his hands, the energy flowing in to him freely. His body welcomed the influx, having anticipated the feeling of it coming fresh from the source. It was nothing compared to the leftover from the crater. Capacity was reached in no time, yet the energy kept coming. When she let go of him he stumbled to the side, holding his chest and falling to one knee beside his previous seat. He coughed violently, a heave coming from his hips and rolling up his spine to his shoulders. Nothing came out, only spit and wishes for release. A blur settled over his vision, the energy coursing through him and preventing proper bodily function.

He held his palm upwards, staring down at it through the fog in his eyes. The excess energy travelled down through his arm and began to manifest in his palm as a visible eruption of blue and purple hues. This tendril began to curl in on itself, mimicking the same appearance as the sphere he had showed Abandi earlier. In its core it was dark, almost black, with increasingly lighter shades of purple on the outside. A second tendril shot from his hand alongside it, this one blue in color, and took the same course of action. The first orb finished coalescing in his hand at the same time the second one did, though the blue orb was nearly half its size. He paused for a moment, studying both of them. The energy she had transferred had pushed enough in to him to completely jettison his own natural energy as well a create a second orb that was entirely fueled by her. Now fully stocked with her energy, his body began to process of assimilating it, drawing it deep in to his core and mixing it around with his very essence.

He put his hand on his knee and pushed himself back to his feet, drunkenly turning towards them, still barely unable to keep his footing. "Please warn me before you do that again." That was at least the same amount I found at the crater, and yet I only produced one and a half this time. His eyes flicked back down to the purple orb in his hand. Is it possible that I've built a tolerance? Or perhaps this constant breaching of my ceiling has pushed my standing strength to new heights.
For a moment after Abandi spoke Gemini said nothing, with her brow furrowed she thought about what to say.

"While my family life was very brief, I do not believe that keeping secrets from loved ones is ever safe. I will not be the one to tell him Abandi, but I do believe he should know. I also believe he should share the whole story of how you came to be ... so powerful." Gemini did not want to offend Abandi, but she did not know how else to describe the power that came from her. "Have you never shown this true self to your brother before? Are you able to come out of your young self at any time and be the woman that is standing before me now?" She shook her head with confusion. "I have a lot of questions, do you think it best for us to speak of it all when Ryogen wakes up, or would you prefer to talk of yourself and what you know while he is still asleep?"
Abandi drew her magic deeper in, rushing to Aki's side and throwing apologies in the air. She grabbed him and helped him settle, taking a couple scared steps away just to turn and answer Gemini again.

"I hide myself from my brother because he threatens me with the light, He and I are opposites. Ryogen and I have always been opposites, thought I do not know how my power came to be. I assume he had power as well; since he threatens me." She sat down in the dirt, tucking her dress under her body again. "I was too young to remember what happened. My brother though, he was old enough to fight." She shrugged her shoulders, knowing her answer was probably not enough for Gemini.

"I keep my illusion with my brother only, to keep his vision of me pure-I don't know what might happen if he decides to use this light he has told me so much about..." Her voice trailed off as she reverted to her child-like shell.

"Ryo likes his sister innocent. He makes me deny myself, out of fear that my tendencies will be evil, like he believes the darkness inside me is..." Her voice had changed inflection, her chest even seemed to flatten with immaturity. She kept that form for a moment, then let her eyes change back, the vibrant purple taking the forefront again.

"I am afraid of my brother Gemini...That is the only explanation"
Her brother has something unique about him, too. Of course. I can't handle two people throwing their energy in to me whenever they want, let's hope his is at least containable.

This conversation is one he had already taken part in and he had deterred aggression. As such, he decided to abdicate his position in the argument. The overflow was now gone from his body and Abandi's energy had started to become his own once more. As the nauseated feeling subsided, it was replaced by the aggressive rush. He rolled his neck over his shoulders, loosing soft cracks. His fingers fanned out and interlaced, pressing against each other until there were several more audible cracks.

Finally, his path was made to the lake's beach. Water rolled softly over the sand and he bent down to it, placing both his hands in it. Waves of energy crashed against his forearms, carrying a wealth of information about the activities of the lake. Tendrils of energy erupted from his hands, seeking the closest edible marine inhabitants of the lake. In mere minutes he had retrieved three fish from the water, the tendrils visible as they held the fish in place. Removing them from the water, he spread his influence over the entirety of the fish, preventing them from trashing about.

With three decent sized fish floating in front of him he made his way back to the two women. I hope their argument has died down. Perhaps "died" is the wrong word for this.
Nodding her head as Abandi spoke, she understood where the woman was coming from, and knew that telling Ryogen would be a mistake. He would need to know eventually, but first her and Aki needed the full story.

"Abandi, you should never be afraid of your brother. He loves you more than words could express, he takes care of you. He is afraid of the woman inside of you. You need to show him that you are not evil, and that you are, in fact, good. It is something that should be done sooner rather than later, but as I said before, it will not be I who tells him, nor Aki. Right Aki?" She gave him a serious look, and turned it less serious when she raised her eyebrow to make it a question. She spent a moment thinking about Ryogen and how to handle the two of them when he woke up. During a long sigh she had an idea.

"Aki, Abandi, I know nothing of magic, as I have stated before. Would it be possible for you to give me some knowledge Aki? I do not want to be caught off guard if Ryo finds out about Abandi's other side and decides to do something about it. I am fairly certain that I could not ever preform magic, since that is something most are born with, right? I would like to know more about it though, if possible." She hung her head in thought, not sure what to say to Abandi now that she was able to see the transformation right before her eyes. 'Do I continue to speak to her as if she is the woman she is before me now, or treat her as I did before I knew of this woman?' Gemini was confused and unsure of how to handle herself, and she hated feeling that way.
Abandi smiled, reaching in the deep pocket of her dress and walking briskly to Gemini. She pulled her hands out. Residual sand slipping out of her fingers.
"i was there when we first met-I remember everything" She smiled, letting some of the sand drop into Gemini's hands as she laughed. "Though my illusion treats me like a stranger, I'm always the real Abandi;please remember that" Abandi wiped off the remaining sand from her hands and embraced Gemini, hoping to make her feel better.

She pulled away from her, her mouth in a half smile, awkwardly pointed and tugging the sides of her mouth. "I know my brother loves me-but he does not love my power...so it seems, but perhaps as I develope my control, he will see the good in my ability..."
As he approached the camp, he did his best to ignore the two of them. He had had assumed, perhaps wrongfully, that he had no place in the retelling of Abandi's story. The fish were brought to Gemini's prepping station and laid carefully out, each in a row. A survey was taken of the scene. Blood and guts. Not exactly Aki's favorite thing in the world, though he did understand the necessity involved. Skinning and gutting the fish would probably be easier with his abilities than it was for Gemini, but he had a slight moral objection to it. Like a true hypocrite, he was fine reaping the rewards but not sowing the action.

"Eh?" His attention snapped in place as Gemini questioned the lore behind magic. "Magic? You don't have to be born with it, I guess. Every person has some amount of energy at their disposal, just some more than others." He eyed Gemini up and down, trying to sense any true lingerings of the stuff in her. If it existed anywhere in her, it was not brought to the forefront. Then again, I couldn't really sense Abandi's levels when I first met her...

Abandi slid across the ground to Gemini, dumping what appeared to be some sort of dirt - maybe sand - in to her hands. Aki watched the event with a distant curiosness. Must have something to do with when they met, he thought. The most interesting development of the past couple hours was Abandi's talk of an illusion. Was the meek, eccentric girl just a facade that hung over this child's life for the entirety of it? I still don't get how she managed to hide away for so long...I wish this man on the ground would come to. A quick glance was given to Ryogen, who still lay motionless on the ground. If not for the color in his cheeks and the sweat on his brow, Aki would have thought him dead.

"My kind of magic," he began, folding his arms over his chest and gazing down in to the dancing plasma before him, "is not the only kind that exists. I'd be a fool to claim that I knew every spell and technique in this world. My brand specializes in the manipulation of objects and people. I can change temperatures, control natural elements to a certain degree, and even manifest my energies as a physical force." His hand closed and opened several times, fingers rolling in a wave back and forth. "Oh, and those orbs. I can make those, too. I've only met one other man who could do it and he was the one who taught me."
When the sand hit her hands she gave Abandi a huge smile, the hug completely caught her off guard but she hugged back, knowing this Abandi was what was inside the Abandi she knew and loved and so she must love this Abandi as well. Even if she wasn't as adorable as the young Abandi she was still the same person. She held Abandi at arms length, with each hand on a shoulder.

"He has to see the good, he knows that you are good, he will come to see both sides of you and love you for who you are." She gave Abandi another big smile as she turned to Aki, listening to the information he was giving her.

"Hmm, so, there are more than one types of magic?" She clearly knew nothing of magic, as she had stated before, but knowledge was power. "So is your magic like Abandi's? Does Ryogen have magic too? Where do you get the magic from? Can you just pull it from the air or is it something that is inside of you?" Her questions were tumbling out of her mouth. She had never actually spoken to anyone about magic before, always too busy worrying about her husband or training how to fight, she never stopped and learned the things she always wanted to learn about. Now was a better time than ever, since Ryogen was asleep and they had somewhere safe enough to stay for awhile. She let a big laugh out. "Sorry Aki, I got carried away. Let me finish cleaning these animals, so we can roast each one, as the rabbit seems to be quite done." She pointed at the rabbit, which was a little over done if anything, and headed back to her rock with her knife in hand. "Take your time and explain everything you can to me. I want to know it all." She looked into Aki's eyes as she spoke, letting him see that she truely wanted the knowledge.
He laced his fingers together and brought them in front of his mouth, forming a bridge with his hands, his thumbs running lines over his cheeks and his chin. Ryogen was still a mystery to Aki, so any talk of him was beyond comprehension. When that man woke up, there would certainly be issues and likely a third regaling of these events. Aki breathed warm air under his hands as he watched the two, a solemn stare taking hold of his facial features. I wonder if I should worry about Ryogen. He seemed normal back at the Inn, but this development may shift his behavioral polarity. He mused at the idea of combating Ryogen when he awoke. If he's anything like her, I'll probably just run. He laughed out loud, a nervous giggle escaping his lips. Realizing the noise had escaped him he folded the finger bridge down over his mouth, raising an eyebrow at Gemini as she turned to rapid-fire some questions. He unlaced his fingers and brought his hands in front of his chest, extending his pointer fingers towards her and his thumbs towards the sky.

"Yes." His right hand bucked a bit, as if he were shooting the response straight from his fingertip.
"I don't think so." Left handed mirror the right.
"Abandi would know more than I." Right shake.
"It's based on my own energy." Left shot.
"Either the air, an orb, or another person." Right hand motion.
After a brief thought, he added, "It can also come from inside. Like I said before, we all have a natural energy." Both hands performed the shooting action this time, a small smirk and a shift of stance accompanying the action.

He meandered back to his rockseat and bent down, plopping his rear upon it. Noticing the rabbit after Gemini pointed it out, he grasped the spit's handle and began to turn it. "I think that...this rabbit is going to be cooked a little unevenly." Giving up on trying to save the rabbit, he pulled the spit off the supports and extended it towards Abandi. "Hungry?" He questioned her, his brow and shoulders raising in tune.

Now was as good a time as ever to spill everything to the two of them. His gaze and focus shifted to Gemini at first but he spoke loudly, eyes flitting between the two of them every seven or so words. "I guess I'll start with my own beginnings." With his free hand he smoothed out the dirty cloth that clung to his legs, ending his hand on his knee and resting it there. "At a young age, I don't remember when, my parents realized I had more strength than I was letting on. Not wanting to cast their own son aside, they sought the help of a magician who was rumored to live by his lonesome in a small house far from our hometown. Obviously, he took me in and set upon training me right away." Aki paused, drumming up memories of his time with his master and trying his best to lend clarity to them. "He trained me in areas that would be useful both in everyday life and in a combat scenario as well. I was never really on board with the idea of using my magic against other people, especially after seeing how normal folks responded to my simple use of it. At one point we traveled a few towns over to visit a friend of my masters and I snuck away from their meeting. I gathered a crowd in the middle of the town and tried to perform tricks. First, I performed unbelievable acrobatics with the help of my magic. Those tricks weren't too easy to spot and the crowd was fooled, throwing their money at my feet. I got confident after that and began to show them spectacles of real magic, like jets of flame or levitating a cat. They chased me out of town." A laugh tried to escape him, but it ended as a flash of air being pushed through his nostrils. "They didn't let me keep any of their money." His eyes, which had been laying on Gemini, snapped to Abandi and focused on her. "He also taught me something else. He taught me how to make my body a conduit for energy. Not only that, he taught me how to manifest my energy in a physical form that I could tuck away. He called it a technique for 'unlimited power', though I never quite understood how. If I run out of orbs, I've run out of power. Not quite limitless." His eyes had grown to the same intensity shown earlier by the end of his last sentenced, but they quickly softened, accompanied by a loud exhale, and returned to their back-and-forth pattern. "One day, a company of thieves entered our home. Try as he might, my master could not fight every single one of them off. I...I was paralyzed with fear. I could not help him, only watch as they swarmed him. Their numbers were too large and my master too tired from a day of intense training with me. They beat him mercilessly and stole most of our belongings, most notably my master's book. He blamed me for the attack, accusing me of showmanship and naming me a braggart. He said that they followed me back and targeted his secrets." His eyes closed and his head slumped forward. "He cast me from his home and forbid me from ever returning. For three months, I stayed outside his home and begged his forgiveness. I watched him become a depressed, withered old man. What is in that book, I will never know...but whatever it is, the loss of it ruined my master's life."
Abandi took a seat around the fire next to her brother, who was grunting in his slumber. She placed a hand over his forehead, scanning and feeling for ailments. When everything seemed fine, she looked at Aki who was dancing about with finger-guns drawn. The way he answered Gemini's slew of questions was amusing, making her giggle cutely. She covered her mouth with her hand when she couldn't hold it in any longer-Aki was a good jester.</SPAN></SPAN>

As he began to tell the story of his past, Abandi grew strangely uncomfortable, a simple "that sounds terrible…" coming from her mouth. She sat closer to her brother, not knowing what she would do without him. She was sure that Gemini, too, would have a nerve struck with the thought of lost family. Her purple eyes flickered over the fire at her companions, wondering how it was that they got so close so fast. They all shared something in common it seemed and it was strong enough to keep them together. </SPAN></SPAN>

Her eyelids slowly began to droop as Aki continued on with his story. She had cast her eyes up at the oncoming stars, the darkness of the sky was relaxing to Abandi. When he handed out the rabbit to her, she looked a little timid, taking it and sniffing the food cautiously. She took a bite and was overcome by how hungry she was. They had been going all day and she hadn't even realized. She was quick to eat her fill leaning back and letting her eyes droop more.</SPAN></SPAN>
Recanting his past had stirred up memories he would like to forget sooner rather than later. Abandi's sleepy state reminded him of his own situation. Absorbing and discharging that energy had taken a physical toll on his body, and although he'd normally be fueled for at least another sundown his body really needed the rest. His eyes crossed to Gemini, who was still preparing the food. "Hey," hey called out, "I'm going to rest. I'll eat whatever is left over in the morning."

With that he rolled to his left, grabbing a couple reserve logs and tossing them in to the medium-sized fire. He laid belly up on the ground, placing his pack between the ground and his head. His hands slipped under his rear, a favored sleeping position of his. Constantly his master would warn him that a magician's hands should always be free, but Aki didn't care. Thievery and true danger had never really happened to him - atleast not during the night. The sky played home to his memories, forms and places playing out over the thin cover of clouds. Friends and family, things he barely remembered, danced in front of his eyes like a ghostly taunt. Gone were the days when those things existed to him, and even now he assumed them to be additions of hindsight. His eyes creaked shut, the theater playing out on the clouds moving to his eyelids and eventually his mind, where he'd have total dominion over the sets and the actors.
Gemini nodded to Aki when he said he would be going to sleep. Turning to Abandi to talk to her she noticed the girls eyes were closing as well, the deep purple of her eyes disappearing everytime her lids grew too heavy to keep open.

"You go to sleep too Abandi, I will finish cooking this food and save it for you all in the morning." Giving Abandi a big smile she turned back to the animals she had sliced apart. Once she had finished gutting and cleaning everything, she put the carcasses on the spits and stuck them over the fire, remembering to come back and turn them as the night went on. One overcooked rabbit was more than enough wasted food. She went over to the lake and rinsed her hands a bit, getting as much of the grime and guts off as she could, then took the animal skins and put them together with the guts in the middle. Bringing the guts and skins into the wood she carefully picked the biggest leaves she could find and grabbed some vines to tie them all together high up in the trees. She could bring it down the next morning once they had all gotten a good rest. As she gathered she walked the perimiter of the wood around the lake, checking and double checking to make sure no one had followed them. Once she was sure there were no stragglers from the village she double checked her knots on the leftovers of the animals and went back to turn the food. As she turned she stared into the fire, thinking about all that had transgressed in just the last few days. Aki was a very interesting man, and it seemed like him and Abandi had something in common that Abandi had not had before. Gemini thought it would be nice for the girl to have someone to come out to besides herself. Maybe having a man besides her brother around she would be a bit different than she would have been had she come out of herself only around Ryogen.

As she sat and thought and turned the spit she heard what sounded like soft footsteps. Keeping her cool she waited until the noise was directly behind her before she whipped out her scimitars and spun around on the intruder. Metal hit metal and she knocked over the imposing person, swiping at them with her scimitars, one after the other as quick as possible. Her right scimitar hitting leather, her left hitting metal. She kicked out at the intruder, getting them directly in the stomach with her boot. The person went down and Gemini jumped on the chance, quickly de-arming them with her left scimitar. They only had two small daggers and they were apparently no match for Gemini and her scimitars. Once the daggers were out of the persons hands she placed her right scimitar to the persons throat and took a deep breath.

"What are you doing here thief? Trying to steal from me will be the last mistake of your life." Not even letting the person speak she quickly removed her scimitar from their throat and kick them high in the chest, knocking the air out from their lungs. She took whatever rope she had leftover from the last man she had binded and bound the persons hands behind them, and then their feet together, and then their hands to their feet. Luckily she had just barely enough rope to do that. Gemini always preferred to have enough to also bind their neck so they really couldn't move but, she was lucky to have what she did.
Ryogen flinched as the shovel caught him on the head, and suddenly his vision went black, his senses darkened. He gazed around as the void swirled around him, and purple swirls and shapes were shown around him. Dread filled him when the swirling mist faded and brought him into the pit of his memories. Unwilling to enter, he screamed silently as he was sucked deep into a twilight void. He heard shouts and screams of his mother and father, saw a deadly flash of blades, felt the searing pain of his arm being sliced off, and then running for what seemed like forever. His scorched pride, his destiny as a just ruler cut short and changed to make him a vagabond with his sister, forever hidden from the true person he was. The memories shifted again, and he felt a strange presence. A warm, fulfilling one full of noble pride, and a calm, bold voice, drifting and airy, yet as stalwart as a powerful sentinel. Of course, he heard that unforgettable voice, yet it was always only the background of his hearing. He couldn't get a lock on it.

Ryogen. It was suddenly there, and appearing straight in front of him was a golden and glowing version of him, with some noticeable differences. He had a smile on his face, and was stood bold and upright. Ryogen's eyes widened with shock as he saw the man's two complete arms, powerful and muscular. The man was smiling broadly, though not sadistically, more understanding. Behind him was an absolutely dazzling light source which pulsated, throwing shadows everywhere sporadically.

Ryogen. It is nearly time. The bright light behind the man suddenly grew incredibly intense, and Ryogen woke with a start.


He immediately opened his eyes, thrust into the real world, and met himself face to face with a smoldering fire. He took in everything in an instant. He was incredibly confused, and the appearance of this light who he had never had contact with or even thought to be real, save from a few distant memories, now wanted to contact, him, and tell him something about himself, or perhaps Abandi, who he feared would soon be consumed by the shadow. He blinked as his head caused him a brief spot of sharp pain, and saw Gemini nearly gut someone and then tie him up. He saw Abandi next to him and also that other person which he had briefly met in the bar.. he recalled Abandi as having said he was special, or something. Sometimes her behaviour could be so mystifying, but it was a relief to see that she was alive and well, and slumbering quite softly. He leapt up, trotted behind Gemini and asked somewhat sheepishly:
"So, uh, what's happened, and who's this guy?"
(( Welcome back Plothole! I'm glad we can finally continue this thread =D ))
Gemini nearly jumped out of her skin when Ryogen began talking behind her.

"Holy shit! Ryo! You're awake!" Holding her chest near her heart and nearly yelled it she was so surprised and happy to see him well. "I've no idea who this is, I was just about to question him actually. Maybe you would like to help?" Having just put a piece of dirty cloth in the intruders mouth so he couldn't call out she nodded over towards him as she asked Ryogen the question. The thief mumbled into the cloth. "Ah ah ah." She said with a flick of her pointer finger and a shake of the head. "No talking for you until you are answering my questions. And I promise you that if you call out no one will hear, and I will stab you in places that will not kill, but will hurt with a pain you have never felt." Chiding the thief and then threatening him.
Abandi's grey eyes seemed to burst open with the familiar sound of her brother's voice-she was still tired, but rested enough to run quickly to her brother and jump up into his arm. </SPAN>

"RYO!" Her high pitched voice was shrill in the night silence, disturbing it enough that some wildlife frantically took off into the depth of the woods. She held him closely, rubbing her face against his in a show of affection. </SPAN>
"I was so worried! The big man back at the village hit you with a shovel! POW!!" She yelled, pounding her fist down into her own palm as if to remind Ryogen what had happened. </SPAN>

Abandi's eyes flitted over to Gemini and the bound man, her small face twisting with curiousity.</SPAN>

"Who's dat?"</SPAN>
Ryogen seemed confused as Gemini talked, and rubbed his head as his ears rang slightly. He grimaced as he realised he might be hurt worse than he thought.

"How long..?" He started, then looked up at the sky and saw nothing but black sky lined with stars. Grunting, he sighed, and looked at the quivering man sprawled across the floor. Gemini could be quite frightening sometimes and seemed able to kill at a moments notice. He shook his head at her question after his stomach growled loudly. Scanning around the dimly lit clearing, he eventually located a source of meat, almost falling down as he sat to lunge at the cooked leg and begin tearing at it hungrily. It tasted rough but had a surprising amount of flavour that invigorated him somewhat. He lightly grazed his fingers across the wound and flinched as they brushed against it. He noticed his hair had been ruffled, which only happened when Abandi had taken the grace to sift through his hair playfully. He felt guilty as he realised how worried she must have been: he had evidently been out for a long time. As he stroked his fingers through her hair, returning the favour, he gazed at the other man. Whoever he was, he had absolutely no idea, but evidently he was to be trusted, as Abandi and Gemini were perfectly happy sharing a campfire with him.

He sighed and wondered just how much he'd missed, feeling out of the loop. Abandi then leapt up at him and he nodded at her as she went through her amusing recollection of the events.
"I'm feeling great now, though. Did we escape? How'd we get out of that mess? Do you know, Abandi? How about you, Gemini?" He felt a little bit helpless.
Abandi smiled, holding her hands out to tell a dramatic story.</SPAN></SPAN>
"Aki flew us out! He's a magician!" She giggled, wiggling her fingers as she described the events. And then we ran here, so they wouldn't find us! Those mean people thought I was a witch!" Abandi filled her cheeks with air, frowning at the thought. She was lying to her brother, and inside- deep inside- she felt terrible. </SPAN></SPAN>
The sounds of the other three drifted lazily in to his dreams. The characters in his dreams - memories on repeat, really - had begun to take on the qualities of the three around him. 'How long?' spoke the man in his dream. Dream Aki, perplexed by this, reached out to the dream man to inspect him for injuries.

'Aki flew us out!' was the next bit to filter in to his dreamstate. This sentence held no context and made little sense, which jarred Aki out of his dreams and brought his senses back to reality. One eye fluttered sleepily open, catching sight of the previously-here-to unconscious man sitting straight up, chowing down on a bit of the meat they had collected before sleep. Aki pushed himself to an upright, sitting position and stretched his arms over his head with a loud yawn.

"Aaaaahhh...Hey there, Ryogen. Can you toss me one of those fish? I didn't eat before we all nodded off." He took the fish which Ryogen was nice enough to hand to him, rather than toss and took a large bite out of it. He caught Ryogen's gaze and nodded to him, offering him a non-threatening pose in his body language. Through his mouthful of lake fish, he spoke, "I'm Aki. Things have happened while you were out." A piece of the fish fell on to his shirt; he plucked it off the fabric and popped it back in his mouth.