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  1. Look for groups
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  1. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Horror, fantasy, sci-fi.
The old world is dying.

The king is dead, his son is a halfwit heretic, a dozen dukes raise armies to contest the throne and bark like caged hounds on the borders. Foreign powers decry every side as a heathen and barbarian and back their favourites for promises of land and treasure. Schismatic faiths hire mercenaries and rally witch-hunters to bloody ends for their preferred crown pretender. The faultlines threaten to spread and consume the continent entire.
The nobles, the priests, the merchants - they stand to profit. But the peasants suffer. The citizens of sieged cities suffer. Even the soldiers break and become as rabid wolves in the wilderness.

A new world is struggling to be born.

Where the war has not touched, farmers and shepherds are driven from their land 'for protection'. Taken into the cities where they must serve to survive, in the squalid dormitories and burgeoning textile mills. The generals of distant battles will pay their last groat for muskets rolled out of factories full of children. Away from the smoke and the stench the fine new homes of the freshly rich abut the hoary manses of complacent aristocracy and their owners lobby the queen for more privileges, to quieten the restive workers, to consider proposals to civilize their savage neighbours.

And in all of this - you. You who were left near dead; broken, alone, used up. You who cried out in anguish and your voice was the voice of everyone ground to gore in the jaws of Power.
And there, in the dark, something heard you. Something old. Something hungry. Something abiding by a thin place in the skin of the world, waiting.
And it asked you; wouldst thou wield my might, and yet more justly?
All you heard, in the depths of agony, was 'will you make them pay?'

Now is a time of monsters.

I've been gone awhile. Decided to come back.
No prior experience with dice is needed; this is a wholly custom system and setting. I am exceedingly patient and enjoy teaching... anything.
The less flowery version of the pitch is: you are a person in an Early Modern setting (think Thirty Years War) who has been driven to the brink by the excesses of the powerful and, in your moment of desperation, a Demon answered your prayers.
Now you have Power - a supernatrual power which is infectious and progressive, slowly making you into something other than human and altering the world around you.
Can you fight for a better world in which you may not belong?
How much will you give to the cause of liberation?
Will you, too, succumb to the corrosive influence of power?

I'm looking for five players max. I have a very detailed setting written up but I'm flexible and will make adjustments to suit good character concepts.
It is... not a little reading. I'm trying not to overwhelm here.
Again, experience level isn't a big factor, all I ask is enthusiasm, good vibes, and a little effort. I personally aim for concise, effective posts - you will rarely find me going over 500 words because I like to do a lot with a little so absolutely do not feel like you need to make long posts.
A pure and burning hate of unjust hierarchy welcome but not required.

I'll go into more detail about the world, etc., with enough interest or in answer to questions. I love questions.

Obviously this is going to deal with mature themes.
This is a no brainer.

Totally up for it.
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This is a no brainer.

Totally up for it.
Awesome! Any rough character ideas? You know something of my demonic menagerie and likely have very illuminating questions.
This sounds pretty cool.

How are gender roles distributed in this society? Is it as discriminatory as it was RL or do you have women landsknechten and so on?
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I would like to join, hopefully there is a demon berserker or something close to it in your demonic menagerie
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Aah sorry, I didn't get alerts for posts, only likes.

This sounds pretty cool.

How are gender roles distributed in this society? Is it as discriminatory as it was RL or do you have women landsknechten and so on?

Good question! Most parts of the setting have been as discrimatory as their real world historcal counterparts, but other regions are less so (and a couple have complex gender norms without real world equivalents, a theme I take to extremes in my other settings).
Social class has an impact, too, with noblewomen having better odds of attaining certain roles depending on circumstance.

There is basically no character I'll veto, only work with you to get something you want coherent with the world - and the player characters have suffered, something that can be informed by several axes of discrimination.

I would like to join, hopefully there is a demon berserker or something close to it in your demonic menagerie
You will be very pleased with the toys on offer.
Aah sorry, I didn't get alerts for posts, only likes.

This sounds pretty cool.

How are gender roles distributed in this society? Is it as discriminatory as it was RL or do you have women landsknechten and so on?

Good question! Most parts of the setting have been as discrimatory as their real world historcal counterparts, but other regions are less so (and a couple have complex gender norms without real world equivalents, a theme I take to extremes in my other settings).
Social class has an impact, too, with noblewomen having better odds of attaining certain roles depending on circumstance.

There is basically no character I'll veto, only work with you to get something you want coherent with the world - and the player characters have suffered, something that can be informed by several axes of discrimination.
...a werewolf doppelsoldner, wielding a gigantic zweihander, looms out of the twilight....
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Aah sorry, I didn't get alerts for posts, only likes.
...a werewolf doppelsoldner, wielding a gigantic zweihander, looms out of the twilight....

Let's fucking goooooooooo

For context, the primary driving power for that would be a Demon of Want (that's flattening the nuance of that class of Demon but trust me i've got something for this).
Which is useful because I haven't written up their ruling Demons yet and this will force me to do so.
Or... there is another way to do that which is a more of a classical werewolf if you're up for some ecoterrorism.

And for captain - and anyone peeking in here who needs tempting - here's a tasting menu of patrons for a berserker.

Shurdat'urma, Avenger-Prince, Lady of the Flaying Wind, Destroyer of Kings, Doom of Tyrants, Thrice-Penitent Killer, Blood-Drowned City, Guillotine Queen, The Red Axe, Vengeance of the Downtrodden

Karpallas, Avenger-Prince, Bloodshot Eye of Desperate Fury, Trenchlord, Sovereign of the Killing Fields, The Bloody Fisted Wraith, Vengeance of the Forsaken Soldier, Heart of Murderous Intent

Y'shora, Avenger-Prince, Widower Knife, Bloody-Handed Child, The Ashen Hovel, Wild Flame of Anguish, Vengeance of the Wounded Soul, The Woman With Red Teeth, Stonehearted, Whom No Love May Conquer

Tothis-Nale, Avenger-Prince, Mewling Scythe, Weeping Terror, Vengeance of No Home, Blood-Drunk Patriarch, Loathesome Guardian, The Silent Chapel, Heart of Smoke, The Hollowed Man
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To minimize clutter, I've got an OOC kinda thread here which I will gradually fill with links and bonus material.
I encourage more questions, character ideas, and so on. I'll have some setting info up later; the state of the world forty years prior to our story, which will take place ten years into a very long and bloody war.
So, is there a character sheet template, some kind of process we go through, or something else?

sounds like an interesting patron for my concept.
She is not a great choice for the werewolf aesthetic but if you want blood of molten brass and basalt hooves...
I need to put aside some time to read the lore in its entirety but I'm very interested in this concept. I'll see if I can think of a few character ideas and questions.
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