A Taste Of Freedom {IC}

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Harley Smith .Ω. Electrokinesis .Ω. Subject 5689287

Location: Oak Tree --> On the move
Mentioned: Tehuri & Rayln ( @DarkiusHeavenstein ), Rook ( @Tyrannosaurus Rekt ), Mallory ( @Nemopedia ), Remy ( @Wicked ), Evie ( @Princess Misaou ), Iris, Mathias, Mally, Nikolett, Lennox, Tristan
Interactions: Donovan ( @ROYAL⚝PRIDE™ )
Character Sheet: HERE
Outfit: HERE (With black Nike's instead of heels)

The argument taking place between Tehuri and Rayln was simply background noise to Harley. She couldn't focus on their seemingly far-away conversation. Donnie, however, captured her attention. He was much closer to her, and it likely helped that he was speaking directly to her as well. His concern for her was clear, and Harley found herself taking comfort in the fact. She could only guess it was him who brought her to the oak tree once she was taken down by the tranquilizer.

Would he have gone back for me... if I was someone else? Harley wondered as she looked to the male kneeling down beside her. It was no secret that Donnie was a bit of an ass most of the time, but was he that much of an ass? Even Harley didn't know. She was just thankful she did hold a special place in his heart, it could have very possibly been what saved her life.

Harley let out a long breath when Donnie told her most of them didn't make it out of the facility. She wasn't surprised; Harley wasn't so naive as to think that everyone would make it out. Still, she was disappointed. How could she not be? She watched as her visible breath dissipated, again reminding her of the cold weather. Should have... dressed better for... the occasion. Though, truthfully, none of them could have. There was no need for winter clothes within the facility, where it was always warm. So, none of them had appropriate clothing.

Brown eyes followed Donnie as he stood up, addressing the rest of the group. She watched as he walked over to the heart on the tree with Lennie's name carved into it, her own heart giving a painful lurch as she read the name. Lennox was gone, then. Who else? Looking around once more, with a much clearer vision, Harley realized her initial count was not as far off from reality than she had hoped. Including her, there were only nine survivors. Ten were lost. Swallowing hard, Harley looked back to Donnie.

If she was in her right mind, Harley would have probably thought to add 'Mathias' to the heart. 'Molly.' 'Nikolett.' She didn't much care for the other's who were not there with them, namely Akiva. Still, if she had been thinking clearly she would have put everyone's name down. They all deserved recognition. Their sacrifice might have very well been needed for some of them to make it out.

Tehuri instructed Donnie to help Evie, who Harley now realized was unconscious, and for Rook to carry her. She began to shake her head instantly, feeling uncomfortable accepting help from Rook. She didn't know him well, and though he was obviously capable of carrying her she did not want to be his burden. It only took Donnie a moment to declare he would be carrying her instead, which Harley still argued with. He started in her direction, and Harley shook her head once more. "No, no... look I got it," She said, using her left hand to push her up slowly. She was mindful of her whole right side, seeing as it had been her right arm that she had been shot in.

It was a struggle, but Harley managed to stand up. She held onto the tree for a moment, fingernails digging into the bark as she tried to ignore the head rush she received from standing so suddenly. Taking a deep breath, Harley extended her leg to take a step... only to collapse into the snow. Damn, she thought.

Reluctantly, the blonde allowed her friend to pick her up, grimacing as her arm was shifted. Once he had a good hold on her, Harley turned her head to look Donnie in the face and said, "I'll be able to walk soon." She was being stubborn, she knew she was, but she wanted to show she was capable of handling herself. She didn't want to become the person in the group that everyone felt they needed to take care of. She wasn't their responsibility.

Subconsciously, Harley pressed herself to Donnie's chest. She was glad he decided to carry her rather than just use his telekinesis. This way, she could take advantage of his body heat. Her eyes wandered around as they walked. She spotted Remy and Mallory, relieved that those two had made it out alive, as she was quite fond of both of them. Iris seemed uninjured, and Harley was glad to see this too. At least they could say she was the only casualty from Group One.

Looking back to Evie, who was wrapped up in a jacket and being carried by Rook, Harley wondered if the other girl was even going to wake up. What had caused her to pass out? A tranquilizer, or something else? Was it related to the blood that now stained Remy's clothes? She longed to know, and might have even asked about it if they weren't so far away. She doubted her voice would carry to them.

"Too bad Tristan didn't make it," Harley muttered, only loud enough for Donovan to hear her. Her gaze lingered on Rook and Evie for a moment more, before she closed her eyes and turned her face towards Donnie's warm chest. "We could really use... his ability right now."
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Mallory; the Unfortunate​
Subject: 12121212
Power: Aciukinesis

Mood: Mallish
Location: Oak tree

With: Whoever is left
Interacted: Rook Malik, Remington Carmichael
Mentioned: Ralyn Cremont, Tehuri Blacmore
@Youngest triplet, @Fossil triplet, @Tyrannosaurus Rekt, @DarkiusHeavenstein

Everyone seemed to be a little sentimental. A little more emotional than usual. Merciless flirting started again. Heartfelt confessions made. Perhaps it was the dire situation, the realisation that they could all die and fail any moment like the people lost. The now or never situation. It was all a little dramatic in the opinion of the brunette. Too much, too soon after each other. Or perhaps it was only she who liked to dwell on the negative feelings and stay sad for a little while longer.

Perhaps that was what set her apart. The fact that she was defect in her emotions, that she only knew how to be sad, depressed, gloomy, but never happy. Mallish, as they tauntingly called it, and she agreed. The personification of sadness, Mallory without a last name.

In the meanwhile, just right after Rook's confession, Tehuri launched herself in a speech, Ralyn going behind as her support. Mallory scoffed at the words, her eyes turning away from the group. As if she needed any more pessimistic thoughts in her life. What was their next prediction going to be? A hunt at each other's throat in order to survive? A mad dash down the hill with a zoo of animals after them? The brunette had heard that the wilderness was home to many beasts.

Or maybe..!

No, Mallory halted herself before she was taking a run inside of her imagination. Was it really needed? The female was growing tired of her mind constantly brewing up gruesome deaths for the remaining group. Bitten to death, shot to death, frozen to death, starved, burnt, drowned, cut…

Continuing to listen to their debate Mallory stared at the jacket wrapped around Evie. It was nice of him that he sacrificed his own comfort for the elf who was still unconscious. It was too unfortunate that the female herself didn't think of bringing a jacket. She never knew that it could grow so cold outside, but she didn't know many things, and now she was about to figure them all out. Hopefully, if she didn't die before that.

The emotions continued, trying to argue against whether they should move or not. Honestly, Mallory didn't care anymore right now. Or so she tried to feel, to tell herself. She had seen the sky, like she wanted and was tired and cold. She had failed her team and probably done worse than murder with Remy earlier. She was done, finished. Yet, there was this heavy pressure clamping around her lungs, the little voice in the back of her mind screaming. It was calling for freedom, and that would be what moved her legs.

A small frustration broke Mallory's thoughts. Even the usually stoic and unfeeling Ralyn cracked down a little, but it soon disappeared, going flat like it usually was. It made the brunette wonder how it was that she was seemingly the only person not overwhelmed by them. Was she an abomination? Or did she fail to recognise them? The female felt empty, her eyes staring at the heart that they carved into the tree. Way to leave a trail, but also… disgustingly cheesy.

"For those we have lost, but will never be forgotten," Tehuri whispered. The brunette felt her stomach jump, but not in a good way. What was this feeling of disgust? Why was she feeling so repulsed? Taking in a sharp breath the brunette tried to ignore it. Why did she think the thoughts she did, feel the way she did? She wondered if there was truly something wrong with her.

"Come on now, did you break both your legs, or did you forget how to walk? And you say I'm not fucking smart."

Rook approached her while carrying Evie. Mallory gave him a look in the eyes after staring at the names carved into the tree for a while. Should she as well? She was, after all, a huge walking blade. However, as she was pondering that the romanticist had come to fetch her, not sparing a moment to leave an insult.

"It is 'cause you're fucking dumb," she snarled at him as she rose up on her legs. Her skin felt numb and so did all of her joints, the cold wind of winter wheezing through the thin fabrics of her clothes. She wasn't in the mood to be sassy with Rook now, but it did make her feel a bit better. It took her mind of everything at least.

"And what are you stupidly standing around for, eh?" Mallory couldn't help but yell at Remy as well who seemed to try so very hard not to get under her skin again. Too bad that was exactly what stirred her up. "Damned freckled holiness," she continued to curse under her breath as she stomped away. She wanted to say more, tell Remy that he shouldn't act so pitifully. That he shouldn't go sulking around like some toddler whose candy got stolen. That he should smile that dumb thousand watt smile of his. These suited him better, and would ease her guilt a little.

She should thank Rook later for managing to create this opportunity for her. Maybe by levelling him up from fucking dumb to just dumb.

Ignoring the names carved out in the tree the female continued to join the rest of the group, wondering how long the walk to the river would take. She had never seen one, but hoped that it was something that could offer them some shelter. They definitely needed it in this weather.
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