A Ninja's Way

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Syaoran kept to himself. He wanted to tell the others but figured Rin would want to tell them herself.
Rin took another bit of food, it seemed Syaoran wasn't going to say anything. She decided it would be best for her to tell them then. "Uh, I have something to say." She said to them, looking at Syaoran and Hinata who knew, then took a look at Killer B and Naruto. "I am not going to be able to do much on this mission though I wanted to come to make sure Syaoran stays safe. I would be worrying about him too much. But..the reason I can't do anything is because I'm pregnant."
Killer B and Naruto smile. "Congrats." "Now that you've made that report, you guys have my full support!"
She smiled at them. "Thank you." Rin said, then ate a bit more of her food.
Rin looked over at Syaoran and smiled. "I love you too." She said to him. She rested her head on his shoulder.
He kisses her forehead. He finishes eating and lies back so that she can lie her head on his chest.
Once Rin is done, she takes his offer and lying down resting her head on his chest. "You're so comfortable, you know that."
He smiles. "I know. So are you though." Naruto and Hinata stand up. "We're headed to bed. B had fallen asleep by the fire already.
"Okay, good night." Rin said to them and focused back on her husband. She curled up closer to him after they left. "That's good, because I am not moving anywhere away from you."
Rin giggled then kissed him back. "Is that so?" She joked. "Hmm, it think it will be too tough to get out of this trap."
"Yes, especially since your the bait." She continued to joke, then gave him a kiss.
Rin happy relaxed in his arms, closing her eyes. She was going to enjoy sleeping with him tonight, the next day was going to be big. She knew they were going to end up in danger no matter what, they were going on a mission after all. "Good night." She whispered to him.
Rin takes a bit of time, but knowing she was right beside Syaoran helped her fall asleep.
Rin got up and got herself ready. "Yeah." She stated then made sure her sword was with her.
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