A Ninja's Way

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When they get there the otherß are already there. "Slowpokes." Naruto laughs. "Ready to head out?" Syaoran nods. "Ya."
Rin stayed quiet, she didn't feel like joking around now. She was bringing back a bit of her old self, but this was because of her worry for Syaoran and the others. She was also worried about herself for the first time, she now had something else to keep in mind about her body. "Yeah." Was all she said in response as they headed out to do the mission.
After walking for a bit they stop to rest. Hinata goes over to Rin while the guys talk. "Um... Rin? Are you sure its a good idea to come? Nobody told me but I can kinda tell." She nods at her belly.
Rin looked down at her stomach when Hinata asked and sighed. "I was going to tell everyone, but I never got the chance." She said, then looked back up at Hinata and gave her a smile. "I know, it's just I'm too worried for Syaoran to go alone. I'll just have to be very careful."
Hinata nods. "I can understand. I'd probably do the same if I were in your shoes,"
Rin smiled a bit more. "Just know, I will try my best to protect myself and the baby." She said. "I don't want anything happening to it. I'm too happy to be having Syaoran's baby to have anything happen."
Hinata giggles. "Good." Syaoran calls them over to announce that they were continuing now.
Rin nodded at Syaoran. "Alright." She said and stood up from her sitting position while they were resting. She started to follow them again.
A little before sundown they stop. "The enemy stronghhold is just ahead. We'll camp here tonight and strike tommorrow."
"Okay." Rin said as she took a seat on a nearby rock. She would let everyone else take care of what needed to be done.
Syaoran gets the house up. He starts getting traps set up with Killer B's help. Hinata and Naruto go to Rin. "Wanna help make dinner?"
"Sure." Rin said with a smile and stood. "What would you like me to do?" She followed to two to help with what they needed.
"Yeah." Rin said, taking hold of the vegetables. She began to cut them up like she was asked. Once she was finished she gave them back to Hinata.
Once the the food was almost ready, Rin went to check to see if Syaoran and Killer B were ready to eat. "Dinner's just about ready." She told them.
They nod and go inside. They sit by the fireplace and Hinata brings them their food.
Rin takes and seat with them, then a bowl of ramen. "Thanks Hinata." She said and took some chop sticks and began to eat.
Rin continues to eat her dinner. So, Hinata knew about her but did the other two? Should they say anything to them and tell them that she couldn't really do anything? Was Syaoran going to mention anything?
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