A new world

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When all was said and done, Micah pushed himself up to a seated position, sitting against the wall. Blood covered one side of his clothes, with a few drops here and there on his face. Looking to Kiyomi, he coughed before mumbling, "I...I'm fine." Shame was written across his face, as if he hated everything that had happened. When his eyes met hers, they were now a deep amber color, so unlike the red that they had been not a few minutes before. His skin had a color to it now, and he looked thoroughly human now.

He was about to stand up, but as he was heaving himself up using the wall as support, his stomach let out an audible growl in protest. Frowning, he said, "It's been forever since I've felt a human hunger. It's strange. Uh..." he trailed off, a sad light coming to his eyes. What would Dad say if he saw me like this? he asked himself, thinking of his proud and strong father, who had always prided himself on being a vampire.
"That could help. Micah is human for the moment." Katsu reaffirmed. "But I believe we can make him back into a vampire after he is healed. We can use this opportunity to be fully healed." He replied as he eyed the other man in the room.

The other man smiled and looked at Micah. "I can help with that. You guys may see me as an enemy but you guys are the crazy ones that will cause problems if you don't be careful." He smiled as he looked at Kiyomi. "Also, she is cute. Quite a catch." He replied as he looked at Micah. When she bared her fangs he didn't seem to be threatened but placed one hand in his pocket just in case.

"Now let me help one of you." He replied as he carefully looked at Damien as he helped Katsu up. "I promise I am not against you and if you want some help you are going to need it. You two against all the infected is nothing still. Even with three it is still impossible but you have much more of a chance. The blood is all that worries me because once we go out there it might immediately become chaos."

Katsu grinned as he was helped up. "If I return to being an infected I will remember to eat your face off first."
Kiyomi looked at all the boys gathering around, talking about some sort of plan. In a way she understood, but in another way, she was only concerned about getting the two boys well and keeping her cousin out of danger. Hes done a good job of it so far, but whether he is immune is a question since he hasnt been outside for quite some time. She looked up at the man. Cute? A catch? She hissed. "Don't flirt with me you dumbass." She stuck out her tounge and crossed her arms, moving towards Micah to help him up. She offered her hand, as well as a gentle smile.
Gingerly, Micah took the offered hand, looking to Kiyomi wearily. "You must think me terrible...an abomination. A full-blooded vampire, now a human...it's unheard of..." he trailed off, struggling to maintain his posture. For all his life, he had only needed his vampiric strength to keep upright, but now he was being forced to be a human. For a brief moment, he wished Damien hadn't given him the medicine. But one look at Kiyomi made him stop that thought right in its tracks. She had stayed by him during that whole time, and now he owed her for it.

"I must look terrible," he added, opening his mouth wide enough so she could see the gaps in his teeth. In a few weeks, he would have human-sized incisors, and all that had once marked him as a vampire would be gone. Using her to steady himself, he reached down, picking up the twin fangs, placing them into his pocket.

"Right," he said as he straightened again, "we've an eternity to figure out this plan. Well, I've got who knows how long. But what I really need is a shower and a nice place to rest..." He gestured towards his blood-soaked clothing, feeling like he probably looked like a serial killer.
Kiyomi helped him up, and watched as he tried to keep his balance. Now he would actually have to try...have to remember to breathe, everything. But at least he was alive, and thats all that mattered to her. "Micah, now...come on..." She smiled softly at him. "I don't think those things at all. You don't look terrible." She said. "You look alive." She put her hand on his shoulder to help him from falling, and then looked back at Katsu and the man. She glared once more and Damien spoke up. "So...how do we go about curing everyone?" Damien asked, for anyone to answer. "Anyone?...besides the idea this dumb man has..?" He motioned to him and his elf ears twitched a little.
"Well I could leave you here and watch as you suffer. Bringing injured outside is like pouring seasonings on your hides. You will be easy targets and I doubt you could protect both of them and yourselves at the same time." Harpuia replied nonchalantly. "Think of it as simple as this. Either you leave these two here and try to fend for yourself or you give me a shot to help you out of here. Damien should know this city and he is a scientist but I don't know how reliable he is." Harpuia replied as he stared at Damien. "Kill me though and you have a much less chance of survival."

Katsu grinned as if returning to his old self for a bit. "He has a point though, we have thousands out there and we need anything we can to survive."
"Wait," Micah said, seeing a flaw in this plan everyone but him seemed to have. "Where are we even going? 'Cause I hear all of you talking about getting out of here, but none of you are talking about where we go after we get out of here. We can't seriously be leaving here without a plan on getting somewhere." He frowned, still using Kiyomi as a balance. As he spoke, he would pause in between sentences and words, mentally telling himself to inhale and exhale. He had gone so long without needing to breathe that it was a struggle to remember when to. In addition to that, every time his heart would beat, he could feel like he would collapse, like his legs would give out beneath him. Truth be told, being human was a scary thing for Micah, and it would take him a while to get used to it.
"Micah has a point." Kiyomi spoke up. "So does Katsu and Harpuia..." She let her voice trail off. "And Damien...Damien is very realiable. A man of his word." Damien only nodded in agreement. "So do as you all wish to do...I am now only a follower." She said, in almost a defeated voice. She stood up straight to let Micah keep his balance, and her eyes wandered everywhere, scanning everyone.
"Heh..." Katsu stood forward as he coughed and sputtered. "I had many chances of eating you, infecting you, or killing you and yet you trusted me. I think you should remain our leader." Katsu replied as he pulled his sword forward and used it to rest upon. "Of course that is up to you."

Harpuia walked forward as he had a small smile on his lips. "As your friend has implied, we do not know where to go. So I blieve you should do that for us. You got them this far. Nearly half way across the globe but hopefully this time you will heed my warnings." Harpuia replied as he looked at Damien. "We have to protect these two greatly. Got anything which could help?" He questioned.
"We only got here because of that magic guy who seemed to disappear...and I dont know where you all want to go or need to go. I am vaguely following this plan." She sighed, admitting the sad truth. "This Harpuia guy seems to know what the hell hes talking about, maybe. Maybe he should be the leader." "Or," Damien butted in. "We can stop all this leader crap and we all be leaders." He said bluntly. "I know how to get out this city safely, and where we need to go." "And where might that be?" Kiyomi asked, more interested than she had been. "Just trust me, and follow me...is everyone okay to walk?" He looked at Katsu, then Miach.
Katsu simply grunted. "Yea, I can walk." He replied as he forced himself forward.

Harpuia just glanced at Kiyomi and looked at her. "Don't hold yourself in such low regard and if I betray you then have a reason to despise me." He replied as he waited for Micah to walk. "You can turn him into a vampire once we are safe. A transformation now would only hurt our chances."

Katsu looked at Kiyomi then at Damien. "I don't know anything that is going on so don't expect much from me." He replied.
"I...I'll be fine," Micah said, gently pushing himself from Kiyomi. Taking a few steps from her, he tried to straighten himself slightly, and look more in control of himself. However, a rather stunned expression appeared on his face when Katsu said that Kiyomi could turn him back into a vampire later. Sure, he knew that it was a possibility, but it still seemed so...distant, almost. Besides that, he wasn't sure he wanted Kiyomi to turn him. He knew many others who would turn him without a second thought, but it was also apparent that he would be hard-pressed to find any of them. Leah was the only one he knew who might be nearby, but he hadn't heard from her since Edinburgh. Plus, Leah was probably clinically insane, and not because of the disease that had almost taken Micah.

Instead of saying anything about it, however, Micah simply hung back before muttering, "I'll be fine...It'll be fine, Micah..."
Katsu grinned as he heard Micah's words. "You hear that? He likes you. Now let us develop a plan to escape. I don't know what Damien or Hapruia have planned but the most we can do is stand the night or leave during it. Either way, things will be more complicated if we choose to leave now or in the morning."

Harpuia just stared at the group as he held a hand at his hip. "What will we decide to do then?"