A new world

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"I... guess not," she said tightly. It hadn't even felt as if she had breathed as she said the words, similar to signing a contract that could and would change her life. In this case though it would only change her current alliances; enough of a life changer to make her heart begin to race again. Her feet began moving down the staircase in order to follow the woman of their own accord, her hands tightly gripping the leather strap which held her quiver of arrows. She took in a deep breath and with each name she spoke her eyes quickly darted away from the female's until after it was spoken, only then able to meet hers again. "Just a Dr. Strange -Echo-... and another guy named Hykos. She cleared her throat quickly and continued downwards, still feeling somewhat torn.
"This is not the time to second guess yourself. You need to make decisions and choices to keep yourself a live. I can't help you decide all of that." She replied as they began to hit water which was beginning to leak through the walls. They had to move further down as the staircase began to darken. "I can hear your heartbeat." The woman replied as she opened one of her hands and a small flame began to dance within it. It gave them light as they moved quickly toward the bottom floor. The woman stopped. "Do you know what those two have both done?"She spoke quietly as she looked down at the fire in her palm. "I don't know what feelings you have with them or even if you know them why you choose to stay with them. This infection was started from a group those two were in. All this, is a result of that. A disease to only wipe the vampires and werewolves off the earth but a human became greedy and thought the elves would be a welcome bonus to eradicate as well. The idiot who added that did not know the elf's blood he had taken was half human.... Thus, killing anything that it infects. Now none of us will survive." She warned.
Damien came rushing in with a small pill for Katsu. "Swallow." He said, practically shoving it in his mouth. He looked down at Micah and Kiyomi. "Ki, I need a sample of Micah's DNA please....Hair folicles, Saliva, blood...something." Kiyomi nodded, and looked at Micah. "Sorry." She took a piece of his hair and yanked it out, handing it to Damien. "There you are." "Thanks." He said, monotoned and went back in his lab. Kiyomi looked back at Micah. "Sorry about that." She said, almost in a chucke.
"What did he give me...?" Micah asked her after he swallowed the pill, wincing when she pulled out a strand of hair. It didn't hurt terribly, but it still surprised him. "Will it stop me from...from turning?" He felt a soft flutter of hope burst into him, thinking that everything just might be fine now. Running a hand through his hair, he let himself smile slightly.
(ooc: the pill was given to Katsu! Lol! and sorry I have been gone for like 3 days. x.x)

Kiyomi looked at Micah with a smile, seeing how he was smiling now. "Damien is going to make you better, Micah, I promise." She said softly, her hand touching his cheek and her fangs showing through her smile. She looked back up at Katsu. "That pill should start working in a matter of minutes."
(OOC: Tis ok! Don't be so stressed though D:)

Katsu nearly choked on the pill as it slid down his throat. "If he wasn't nearly suffocating he would have bitten Damien's hand out of contempt. "So far my throat hurts." Katsu confirmed as he looked at Micah. "Being infected isn't that bad. Your primary instincts are vastly increased but if you control it. It isn't so bad but you will have moments where you can't remember things." Katsu replied trying to strike a casual conversation. "Anyways, what did that pill do?"
"Regenerate your body." Kiyomi said, looking at him. "Half your body is gone so this will get it back together for you. Besides...if you stay like that, you will die for sure. And we can't let that happen." she smiled at him and then got up and walked over to Damiens lab door and knocked on it. "Damien? How much longer?"
"Just a few more minutes Ki! Chill!" Kiyomi's hands clenched together into fists and sighed.
"Just hurry."
"Death doesn't really register in my mind. Although I know what it is and want to avoid it I believe that is why so many infected can be bullet fodder because of the fact they have no regard for life." Katsu replied as he looked at Kiyomi. "You are one of the few things though I have no appetite for which I find interesting." Katsu replied with his iconic grin. He could already feel his body start healing itself as he reached out to her. "Don't worry, I am not compassionate but if you have faith this person can do it than I believe you have nothing to worry about." Katsu replied. "And don't force him to hurry but to make it right. This disease is something we still can't take lightly even with a cure."
She looked over at him, and listened to his words. "You're right....though...I thought you liked to be this way." She said, raising an eyebrow. "But yeah...you seem to know what you're talking about." "Damien! No rush Just-.." "Done!" Damien said, opening the door and holding a small test tube in his gloved hands. He had his goggles over his eyes and a smile about as bright as the sun. "Wow...you look confident." "I am." Damien replied, smiling at his cousin and looking to Micah. "You want to try it first? Or shall Katsu?"
"Hell, the last thing you gave me I nearly choked on. Give it to vampire boy here and if he dies I might actually consider taking it." He joked as he looked at Micah. "Plus, I still enjoy being this way. All the troubles I had before are gone. I don't know if it is even worth going back to what I once was. I can't remember what it used to be but probably staying this way is the best and of course I know what I am talking about. Have I ever lied to you?" Katsu questioned. "And if you think I was joking about eating people, I wasn't." He seemed content with his wounds healing as he sat calmly.
Micah turned slightly pale when Katsu volunteered him to try the medicine first. It wasn't that he wasn't desperate enough to do so, but he had been silently hoping that Katsu would go first. Besides that, he didn't like that half-manic grin on Kiyomi's cousin's face. However, he disliked turning more than drinking an unknown fluid. "Right. Just give it here. If I die, I blame Katsu." He frowned, knowing his joke wasn't funny.
(( X_X *bows repreatedly* Sorry, Shiruba! My dad hasn't been letting me go on DX ))

Hayra gave a single firm nod, feeling her insides clench tighter at the information. There was really no reason for her to believe anything that this woman was saying, seeing as how they had only just met and for all she knew it could be an elaborate lie. But could she really of trusted the two males much more? They hadn't even known each other either and still she was considering taking their word over the one of a woman who seemed to be in real trouble. She continued to follow the woman down the stairs as her feet quietly splashed in the quickly flooding water that swirled around their feet from the walls. 'What if you were in their places?' a small, sly voice asked. 'Who would need the help more?' Her eyes followed the small fire burning steadily in the hand in front of her, while absentmindedly recalling having heard the woman saying that she could hear her heartbeat. She contemplated the three she had met so far, not including the young vampire. She winced then, realising that she had forgotten about him for the past hour or so since arriving here, mentally scolding herself and giving a quick silent prayer that he would be alright, she continued back to her thoughts.
Dr. Strange... it was hard to tell if he was trustable considering how both of the other people deemed him to be more on the 'Evil' side. If she were to only judge by her own time with him, then he seemed a nice enough person. He also would have already escaped or died in the elevator by now. So there would be no way that she could see herself helping him for the time being. As for Hykos... well, she doubted he really needed help, all things considering, including the fact that he had plently of bombs and probably knew about some escape routes he could use. If she were in his place, she concluded, then help would be acceptable even if it wasn't exactly needed. Lastly, what of the woman? If she had the same story trailing her then she would, too, be trying to recruite anyone she met who didn't seem an enemy. So it would be her then that she would stay with. The witch side of her quietly laughed within her mind. 'Unless you choose to go off on your own,' it taunted, adding a sharp whip-lash to the last three names. 'You are not in debt to the world, Hetah... Hetah... Hetah!'
Hayra phsyically shook her head and pushed the thoughts into the far recesses of her mind where they would normally stay quiet. It was uncommon for them to be so conscious though and so... persistant. "And what species are you?" she asked distractedly, now no longer showing any major signs of uncertainty about leaving the others for the time being.
The woman froze and as she replied she ignore Hayra's question. "I can send you back to those who you originally met with if you want. I can also send any one person here you want to take with you. You seem more troubled and confused and can't be of any help in that state." The women seemed to refer to the first original people she met. "Unless you truly want to remain. If so, you have to be prepared to hold your breath because we will go to one of the lower levels." She replied as she looked at Hayra. "You remind me of someone I loved very much. I know I can't offer you much and if you choose to go I at least want you to take something for me but you need to tell me what you know in case I do survive." She began to quiet as the water slowly began to rise around them. "You need to make a decision soon though... And I am a Alundra." She replied as her eyes glowed a strange florescent blue color.
Damien gave a head nod and went over to Micah. "Nothing to worry, now. I am positive it will work...." He gave a smile of reassurance and put the test tube to Micahs lips. "Drink." He said as he tilted the tube ever so slightly to his mouth. Kiyomi was getting worried, to the point where she was biting her nails on her left hand and running her right hand through Micah's hair gently, letting him know that she didn't leave him, as she promised.
Micah let a shudder escape him when Damien tilted the tube so that the liquid would pour into his mouth. It was the perfect moment for something to go wrong. And go wrong it did. Before the liquid even touched his lips, Micah's mind seemed to break. In the space of a second, he couldn't remember who he was, where he was, or who those around him were. And that filled him with fear.

Bringing up his hand with a speed only a vampire could possess, he pushed the tube away from his lips, his strength forcing it out of Damien's hands to send it crashing against the wall. Feeling Kiyomi's hand in his hair, he scrambled away from her, moving as fast as his wounds would let him. "W-who are you?" he asked, his voice practically a scream. He backed off as far as he could, shaking, his quick movements aggravating his wounds.
"Oh shit!" Kiyomi cried out and she went into her stance, just-before attack mode. Knees slightly bent, hands clenched. Everything about her looked like she was about to fight except her face. Her expression looked lost and scared. "Damien! Hes losing it! You gotta force him to down it!" "Me?!" Damien looked at her and handed her the bottle. "You're the only other vampire here! You're the only one that stands a chance against him!..Besides! He crashed my damn test tube!" He looked panicked and started to head back for his lab. "Hold him off while I get some more!" "DAMIEN!" But he already rushed to his lab, slamming the door tightly. Kiyomi looked over at Katsu, trying to find the words to mouth 'help'. But she couldnt. Then she looked back over the fast turning Micah. "Micah...listen to me!" She inched closer. "You have to....keep your head straight! Its Kiyomi, remember?" She pointed to herself and gulped.
The voices...they were too loud. Everything about the room felt like it was barraging his senses. He couldn't stand it. The colors were too bright, the shouts of the others filled his ears...He hated it. Suddenly, the room felt too small, he couldn't breathe. He backed against the wall, shaking furiously. "No..." he whimpered, sinking down to the ground as the red-headed girl approached him.

Clutching his head in his hands, he pulled his knees up to his chest, letting out a scream once more. He couldn't remember her...not who she said she was, not how she looked. His chest rose and fell in quick gasps, his mind not getting enough oxygen. However, no amount of breathing seemed to help, and soon Micah's head was swooning more than it had been.
"I was actually looking forward to the cure." He replied as he stared at Micah. He forced himself to his feet and made sure to analyze the area for Micah not to escape. As he was doing this, he was thinking of everything that had happened. Why was he helping these people? What would he gain? He normally would have eaten them by now but as these thoughts crossed his mind he looked at Micah and saw the same horror that had once appeared a crossed his face.


The group of scientists ran throughout the halls as the sirens blared and numerous parts of the lab began shutting down. You could hear knocking and screaming coming from behind some locked areas as some legs and arms were trapped under some of the iron doors which dropped immediately. They watched as they entered a main hallway filled with numerous people. All of them trying to use their keys to try and open the final door. As the door refused many began hitting and smacking the door. As it refused to open an elderly man walked forward and tried to use his key to open the door.

It refused.

Petrov watched as the numerous amount of intelligent minds began to result like animals. He could feel his shoulder continue to bleed as he grabbed some of his fellow friends. "Come.. I know of some places we can escape from."

They began to run as others moved in multiple directions. Some finding loved ones while others trying to find ways to defend themselves.


Katsu snapped back as he looked at Micah. He hadn't remembered what exactly happened but it was a memory he wished to suppress as he looked at Micah.
Hayra watched as the water began to fill the surrounding area, slowly climbing up her legs and not far from reaching her mid-section. She looked at the Alundran as she spoke, already making her decisions on her next course of action. "I will be going back up then," she answered apologetically, a tinge of reluctance in her tone alongside relief. "The two I met seemed worthy of my trust so far but, if anything, I could try to help by watching and listening to what they say, how they act, more closely. I guess you could describe it as a spy." A small smile came across her features along with a half shrug at the word for her suggestion. Still, it couldn't do her harm by taking precautionary measures anyway concerning those she meets and paying better attention to them from now on. She gave a bow of respect to the woman before taking a single step back for the purpose of space in case she was serious about giving her something on the off-chance of her not surviving.
She smiled as she looked back at her. "Then do so. You don't have to be a spy or lie about what has happened. You enjoy those people and believe them to be your friends. Most of the world still clings to the old that wounded the planet long ago and we keep those wounds constantly open while we commit atrocities against one another..." She seemed to be talking about herself. "I only have one request." She tossed what looked like to be a pad similar to Hykos's. She nodded toward the device. "That thing can be used for multiple purposes but I will need you to open gate nine. Just that one. I believe we will be trapped there and die if you do not and I can't do such a thing if the power is going out down there. If we do it now they will notice and believe it to be another breach with the soldiers beginning to attack such a place." She looked down. "I can't hold you anymore here but that device is hacked. If you truly want to help us look for information here. They can also help you decide what is the truth."

The stairs began to crumble as the Alundra ushered her to get out of there as she began to go deeper in the water. "Lastly, I have informtaion of my body on there. If I cease to exist. Delete it." She replied.