A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (IC)

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Long live Carolus Rex...
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A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (Character Dump): Click Here
A New World, Humanity Rebuilds (OOC): Click Here

The year is 2020, and Earth is on fire.

A group called the E.I. at the beginning of the year began secretly kidnapping and training people to help them take over the world. These people were regular members of society, teachers, students, criminals, if it looked like they could be swiped without any real retaliation, they were. The world was none the wiser.

Several such recruits were collected from the general population and chosen to be trained underneath the three founders of this mysterious group. A school gym teacher named Tyler Haak, a large viking looking mercenary named Otto White, a former U.S. military infantryman Maine, and Daisuke a giant pervert/former yakuza member. After three months of training under the First, Second, and Third founders, the secret facility in which they were being trained was attacked by factions within the E.I. They hit fast and hard, sending the whole facility into chaos. Leading the group of trained E.I. recruits out of the facility, the Third founder led the small group to North Korea, where the rest of the E.I. forces had gathered. In a stunning display of brute force, hundreds of E.I. VTOL troop transport gunships assaulted the capitol, took over it and the nearby military base, and then executed the dictator.

However, the group of recruits were repulsed by this actions, and Tyler, Daisuke lashed out at the Second, prompting him to kill Daisuke. Daisuke was only saved by a chance, as a passing E.I. infantryman assisted burying Daisuke, Daisuke's consciousness escaped into the man, making him a target of interest for the Second founder. The Second founder had Tyler, Adam (The E.I. infantryman), another man who was recruited by the E.I. who vaguely reminded everyone of a russian, and Alkura (the daughter of the third founder). In a display of defiance (facilitated only by the Third Founder's intervention), Otto White and Lazaro (A crazed murderer who was only assisting them for the pure off chance they might get to kill someone) led a daring rescue of the prisoners, escaping to Sryia with them on a jet.

After they landed, Otto talked them through the Airport, calling in a favor from the commanding officer of the troops stationed there. Otto took the group to his home, and coincidentally, the place he buried his family. The group rested there for a day, but unfortunately they were sold out by the very commanding officer that Otto had called a favor from. A team of E.I. troops trained to track deserters followed them, and then they attacked in the night. The battle was brief but bloody, and it was discovered the very next day, in a letter from the Third founder, that the troops were all cloned, an attempt from the E.I. to make soldiers loyal, easy to train, equip, and recruit.

The group fled in the VTOL jet provided by the Third, guided to some mysterious facility by a man they only know as "Deanta" supposedly a trusted ally and teacher of the Third founder. As they got off the VTOL jet, they were greeted by a huge cheering crowd. Thousands of people who had hidden from the E.I.'s secret influence in underground societies had gathered into a single united rebellion, and this group of rag tag E.I. rebels were their largest hope in defeating the group. As it turned out, while the E.I. had a righteous goal, the goal did not justify the means through which they planned to execute it. With much of the world under the control of the E.I. (Facilitated by the E.I. implanting trained members of the group into the governments of nations worldwide, and then using their influence to convince them to join the International Nations Union, or INU, with the newly formed nation of the E.I. at the head, and major military superpowers like Russia and the U.S. backing up the group with the full might of their military.

In a surprise move, the rebellion turned on this coalition, and moving out from facilities all over the world they attack the E.I., intent on freeing the world from this tyranny. The E.I. rebels themselves spearheaded an assault straight into the main E.I. base, an attack that was wiped out, but still managed to distract the E.I. long enough for the rebels to defeat the E.I. in other places around the world.

Feeling threatened by this, the E.I. detonated the world's supply of nuclear weapons, reducing the population from 7.4 billion to three million in minutes. Those people who survived were transported, as if by an act of some deity, to a new world. Some land in deserts, some in forests, some in plains, some alone, and some in groups, but all appear, alive and no worse then they were on Earth. Something is strange about this world though, while it looks like Earth, and the animals do as well, the air is tingling with an energy that was not prevalent in society before, and all over the world these people have begun to realize that they can now use something strange and previously impossible, magic. In the background secret forces seem to be manipulating the situation though, and somewhere the immortals that survived the nuclear blasts are still alive.

It is now up to humanity to rebuild.
Maine wasn't focused on others until the girl walked in. She felt out of place in this strange environment. He wasn't surprised that Daisukr was immediately flirting with her, but what could he do. The biggest surprise was seeing Jian again. The last time they met was back at the Guardian HQ.

It was a strange reunion. Everyone felt so relaxed considering the current situation. Then the peace was suddey broken as a ranger was thrown through the wall into Lucien. Maine barely had time to react as a familiar giant marched in with a blood stained sword. He dove to the side, rolling into a combat stance before he realized he was unarmed. Immediately Nyx appeared from the shadows standing next to Maine ready to fight.

Grabbing the sword from Daisuke he was confused on how exactly he wanted him to cut a hole in the wall; he wasn't exactly strong enough to bust it down. However his problems were quickly solved as Tyler broke the wall with a gust. Not knowing what exactly Daisuke had planned, Maine began to reach for the unconscious Lucien only to he teleported away from the battlefield and onto a nearby hill. He stood confused surrounded by the old woman and the girl, the town a good distance away. "Crap...." he sighed as he sprinted toward the town, sword in hand.

Meanwhile Nyx was left with Tyler and Daisuke to fight Roma. "Alright Maine, ready to take down Leatherface here-" her words stopped short as she noticed that Maine was nowhere to be seen. "Son of a bitch..." she muttered as the other attacked Roma head on. Nyx stopped dead in her tracks though as Tyler threw herself (quite literally in this case) at the giant and gave him a giant kiss. "Jeez, I get we all have some repressed feeling but no need to let it out now," she joked as she launched tendrils of shadows towards the man's gut to back her up.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke was doing his best to hold Roma but it was proving difficult. He held on but it seemed as though this guy wasn't even trying. He finally had enough of Daisuke and reached for his wrist, at first he expected a throw but instead he just started squeezing. "easy there buddy i aint trying to hold your...oww, ooowwww, oww you fuck." Roma's grip tightened and tightened. It felt as if Daisuke's wrist was in a vice. "Fuck!!!!" Daisuke yelled as he felt his wrist bone shatter. He still held on knowing he had to for Tyler's sake.

Roma was doing something else with his hand and suddenly a big boulder crashed through the house. Just as the boulder was going to hit Daisuke, Roma dissolved again. The earth ball passed Daisuke just as he fell to the floor. Daisuke immediately grabbed at his wrist which was a dark purple color, it was already swelling. He saw that Tyler was coming he reached up with his good hand and held onto his leg. "you" He said as he tried his best not to pass out from the pain. "Your not going anywhere. YOU PIECE OF SHIT."
[fieldbox="The Battle Begins, red, solid"]
Location: "???"
Users: @Ramboing @SoleStride @Kurogane86 @Dakota K5 @Stari @Quark @Ascendant @Rowdy Bull

Roma Nythe [] HP: 0%

Roma looked back momentarily to the man that was latched onto his leg before kicking his foot backward and into the man's face. He then turned around to spot the woman jumping at him, and instinctively raised his sword, ramming it through the woman's gut as she latched onto his nose with her hand and clamped it shut. Her momentum carried her closer to Roma and further down onto his sword before a rushing gust of air clawed it's way down his windpipe and filled his lungs before they exploded and Roma reeled back, coughing and spitting blood before disolving into water.


The clone facing Otto was also staggered by the attack, effected by the assault his twin endured, and as such Otto's assault was unopposed, the fire balls and spear smashing into him before he disentigrated into water like the other Roma.


Roma reformed on top of the town hall of the village, coughing and hacking before seemlingly healing and regaining his composure then screaming in rage and anger. "INSOLENT WORMS, I'll BURY YOU ALL!" His words echoed throughout the town and he clapped his hands together, lacing his fingers tight before calling upon his magic and building a giant ball of debris above him in an instant, intending to throw it like he had before. However he suddenly stopped, the life leaving his eyes as his heart failed to beat (a delayed result of the attack from Tyler), and the giant ball of debris coming to crash down upon him instead, burying the corpse of the man who thought he was spoken to by the gods. All that was visible of the dead man after the dust settled was a single arm sticking out of the debris, hopelessly mangled and lifeless.[/fieldbox]
Interaction: Tyler, Maine, Nyx, Christian and Adam/Daisuke
Mention: Roma

The man died before the shadowed Raven could do it's work and as suck returned to Otto's left shoulder as the orange one returned to his right, Otto looked to the shadowed Raven. "That's rather interesting, it would of been nice to try if he had not been killed so soon." Otto spoke to the Raven which cocked it's head in what almost looked like understanding as it cawed quietly to him.
He looked to the others, the ones standing with Tyler who was wounded but seemed to be healing. His flames died, his eye returned to normal as did the blind one...well as normal as a blind eye on a man that had red eyes. His hair and beard along returned to normal while his spear returned to it's original shape, he approached the group slowly, cautiously. His mind told him that the woman was Tyler but nothing about the others and that made him apprehensive, what if his memories of this woman were false and the ones in front of him were actually trying to kill him? He was guarded as he walked to them and he stood about seven feet away before he spoke. "Hello." He said simply.​
Tyler & Christian Haak

Being impaled with a sword was not the most ideal situation in which to try to kill another person. At the moment, Tyler was an unstoppable force, meaning that there was no way she would evade the blade that pushed its way into her stomach. It hurts… Can't stop now. She moved forward with her attack without hesitation, the wound and pain causing her to expend more energy than anticipated just so she could reach the desired result. This guy had to die – now. Now that she could see outside, the area was just littered with bodies. The scene motivated her further, and she even pushed herself further down on that sword until the hilt hit her skin, all for the sake of getting closer so she could focus that lethal gust as accurately as possible.

By the man's reaction, her plan had worked perfectly, and the guy staggered away before dropping into a pool of water. Only a moment later, Mr. Crazy and Delusional reappeared just to yell at them and then be crushed by his own form of attack. Did I…? Kill him? She didn't even know if she was capable of doing what she'd done, but it seemed her wind was as strong as ever. Brutal. For some reason, she felt a little villainous for executing such a harsh demise. In the distance, she could see her brother running in their direction, looking pale and terrified. Don't give me that look. Even now that you've seen your little sister kill someone - don't look at me like that.

Tyler sucked in air in a pant, trying to regain the oxygen she'd lost by forcing it into Roma. Now that she felt any sort of relief, it came back to her attention that she'd been run through with a sword. The weapon's handle was still pressed firmly against her abdomen, the blade sticking out of her back. Blood everywhere. Even on her face where Roma had coughed it up while she was still so close. Hurts… She thought again, feeling like she was about to topple over. She wouldn't be able to get this thing out herself. Was Daisuke okay? "Daisuke? You alright?" She glanced around to look for him, not realizing that she was slowly starting to slump. Ah, so tired. Need a nap. No energy. She hadn't even noticed that someone was approaching until she heard the voice, drawing her eyes upward to the face that it belonged to.

"Otto..?" She frowned, her brow furrowed. "Am I dying?" She asked, wondering if she was only seeing him because of the blood loss. "Or do I just need a nap?" Now that she thought about it, Roma had done some serious damage to Cal. Maybe that meant that his sword could do the same damage to them that Cal's had done – say… to Daisuke? Was that possible?


Who cares. Tired…

She hit the ground.
Kaminari could only look on in surprise as the group of superpowered people fought, one of them even having the balls to get herself impaled on a sword to... kiss... another. But he felt a slight gust of wind from that direction nonetheless, giving Kami a hint as to what had happened. The hint was further confirmed as the kissed man reappeared on the town hall, dying before he could attempt to kill the others. His last words irked Saito quite a bit, giving the Japanese man the impression that water-boy had been one of those fedora-tipping twats from America. Unfortunately, even in death, water-boy had caused even more damage.

A sigh escaped Kami's lips before he realized that he needed to get to work, quickly grabbing the boy beneath him as well as his father with a hand each and tossing the two out of the still burning and smoldering ruins of the building, his metal coating seeming to supplement his strength, "Go, dammit! I'm sure he'll be fine in a moment, it's probably just a little smoke inhalation!" In reality, Saito didn't have a fucking clue what he was talking about, and the kid clearly didn't understand him anyway. But there were other people that needed saving, causing him to take off into other buildings, searching desperately to pluck people from near-doom as he made his way to check the destroyed town hall for survivors in that wreckage as well.

The superpowered people could wait, and honestly, Kami wasn't sure he wanted anything to do with them.
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Interaction: Tyler

He acted more on instinct then anything when she lost consciousness, he was by her side in an instant, so fast that the ravens were disturbed on their perch of his shoulders if the squawking of indignation was any sign. He slid down next to her as the spear shrank to the size of a knife which he set next to him, the orange raven landed on Tyler near her wound and started to peck at the blade while the shadowed one stayed on Otto's shoulder. He pulled the blade out slowly as to not cause further damage, he threw it away like a piece of trash before his flames relight themselves and the flames started to be pushed to Tyler in a sense. Otto didn't even realize what he was doing until that moment which made the flames falter but the he kept it going with conscious effort this time, ignoring the others and the reactions they were having.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke's vision was blurred when he took that hit from Roma. He may have been short but he was a sturdy shrimp. His fist felt like he got hit in the face by a rock. He didn't let go of his leg though, he held on for her. As soon as Tyler jumped on Roma it looked as though she kissed him. "What the fuck?" He said as he saw Tyler mount and kiss the Enemy. "Did you finally lose your fucking mind Tyler?"

Daisuke eyes widened as he saw the blade plunge into Tylers body. "No!" Daisuke yelled as he tried to get to his feet, he was suddenly trampled by Roma who stepped back, he looked pissed as he spat out a mouth full of blood. "The hell?" He suddenly turned into a liquid and tried to crush the whole village but stoped, he cried in pain than fell over dead. "Kiss of Death? Tyler did you make him an offer he couldn't refuse?" He said trying to lighten the mood.

"Tyler?, tyler? You know like Godfath..." Daisuke got quiet as he saw how badly she was hurt he got to his feet and hobbled tword her when suddenly he was passed by a familiar viking. "Otto?" Daisuke fell to his knees. "Otto, I um." For the first time in a long while Daisuke was speechless. Otto made his way to the injured Tyler and a bird started performing first aid. Daisuke's face, wrist, back, and ribs were starting to heal causing his eyes to water, not to mention the extreme pain of having to grow bone back. He tried to keep an eye on them though he couldn't believe it Otto was back from the dead.

Daisuke sat on his backside and took in deep breaths trying not to pass out from the pain. All the while Adam who was currently buried in Daisuke subconcious was having a battle of his own.

"Get away from me!" Adam said as he ran from a shadow chasing him down the corridors of his mind. The shadow only spoke in Adam quotes. "I'll kill her, I'll tear her throat out." Adam continued to run as he tried to figure out how he got here. He was lost in his own personal darkness ever since the fight with Deanta, than the next thing he knew this shadow was trying to take over his body. "Daisuke!!!! Help!!!" The shadow spoke again. "She turned Daisuke on me, she ruined everything." Adam turned a corner to a dead end. "No, shit no." The shadow peered around the corner moving in slowly. "Why are you doing this who are you talking about?" The shadow grew and was about to pounce on Adam before saying. "I fucking hate you Tyler Haak!"

The shadow washed over Adam like a tidal wave as it forced itself down his throat. Adams body stood up, his eyes completely black. "Play time, has finally come for me Adam" he moved around in his new body as he shadow boxed getting a feel for the speed and power of his new vessel. "You gotta be the stupidity kid there is. I mean you knew Daisuke had a demon. What did you think you were special? Did you think all of your shit was together." He threw his head back and laughed. "Your so fucked up kid, all I needed was for you to start giving into to your darkness and you finally did thanks to that little Cunt, Tyler." He licked his lips as he mentioned her name. "So, You Do Think She's cute, Fine I'll Let You Be concious when I choke the Life from her Slutty body. Than I'll finally kick the fucking hippy out of here and than I'm gonna go on a killing spree. You know to work out some issues. "
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Tyler & Christian Haak

Christian barreled through anyone that might be in his way to reach his sister. He didn't push Otto aside, but he got a little too close, hovering uncomfortably. "Is she okay? Tyler?" The guy stood directly in front of Daisuke, blocking any view he might have had and conveniently putting his butt right about where Daisuke's face was.

"First…" Tyler started after opening her eyes again, pausing to growl when Otto pulled the sword from her stomach. Now that it was out, she was free to heal, but she still really wanted that nap. "I didn't kiss him." She continued, reassuring Daisuke that she didn't actually kiss Roma. "I just needed to get real close." She closed her eyes, relaxing for a moment and speaking while she tried to relax. "Second. I'm fine. Just need to heal. Need a nap." The woman looked up at Otto, blinking a few times. "Third… Daisuke? Do you see him, too?" She asked, still staring at Otto. "You guys just can't stay dead, can you?" If they were getting knocked off one by one, she wondered who's turn would be next. The next person probably wouldn't be as lucky as the first two.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes once again and allowed herself a moment to bask in the heat. The moment lasted only for about thirty seconds before the sound of raging fire and screams filled her head. Her eyes popped back open and she instantly sat up. The wound on her stomach was healing, but slowly. Across the way, she could see someone rushing into a building, trying to pull people out of the rubble. Now, HE has the right of it. "Done healing. We need to help that guy get people out." Tyler waved the birds away from her as she stood back up, her brother putting his hands on her shoulders firmly to stop her in her tracks.

"Sit back down. You were just stabbed, you need to rest."

Tyler grabbed Christian's hands, twisting them painfully outward until he was forced to let go. "People need help and we're just sitting here. Get your ass in gear and go do something. What would mom say?" She pushed against his shoulder, pushing him toward one of the cabins forcefully. There was nothing nice about the way she handled her older sibling at the moment, the anger she felt about seeing him with the E.I. welling back up. She'd not gotten the chance to talk to him about it, but she was clearly still pissed. She looked back at Daisuke, her gaze sliding right passed Otto for now. She'd have to cross that bridge after things had settled down. "I'll look at your wounds once we know that everyone is out of harm's way. Good job by the way." She turned away, staring to jog toward a nearby cabin where she could see wood moving still. The movement made more blood seep from the wound, but she could still feel it healing so she figured it wouldn't kill her.

The woman started tossing pieces of wood aside, putting out flame where it lingered. She didn't even know what this building had been before it was destroyed. A dirtied arm reached out from beneath the debris, and she clamped onto it, pulling the woman out. The woman was startled, not just by the ice cold fingers that wrenched her from the wreckage, but the arm attached to them was blue in color. When she emerged, soiled and injured, the face she met was as blue as the arm, and that blue woman was covered in blood. "Can you walk?" Tyler hooked the woman's arm around her own shoulder, moving her off the pile of debris first where she came eye to eye with a man who looked like he was desperately rushing to save people. This must be the one she saw early from afar. He looked Asian, but appeared to be covered in… metal? Something liquid looking and metallic. Tyler came to a stop, wondering if this might be an E.I. soldier coming for them. She wanted to reach for her mace, but remembered that she didn't have it on her right now. Somehow, he seemed harmless enough though. Or rather, he was rushing around trying to pull people from buildings, so maybe his appearance her was something else?
Kaminari paused for a moment as he locked eyes with the blue woman who was miraculously walking around after having just been run through with a sword, his face looking incredibly surprised as he stared at her wound, "What the hell are you people that you can get up after that...?" His attention shifted to the woman wrapped around her, deciding that chances were, the two of them weren't going to get into a brawl. Kami didn't want to fight women anyway, especially not attractive ones, even if they were covered in blood.

He suddenly looked distant and unhappy, staring at the rubble and breaking eye contact as he considered his own blood-soaked suit that was hidden underneath the metal, Perhaps I'm not much different. Guilt flooded his system and he quickly ran onward, seeking more people to save.
Auguste Landray's eyes adjusted, hazy and choked with dust. Bright flashes, nuclear fire and then darkness. Slowly pins and needles started to tingle at his toes, he looked down to find rubble covering him from calf to shoulder, he was in some fallen building. Shouts of people could be heard from elsewhere in wherever this godforsaken place was, where was he?
"Whut da' hell is gon' on 'round he'?" The cajun grumbled to himself as he strained his arms against the crushing weight of the roof.
"Ey! An'one out dere? Help may!" He growled out, trying all he could to kick his way out of his predicament.
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Interaction: Auguste Landray
Mention: Tyler

Otto had tried to speak to Tyler but she had walked off with not but a word, a pain welled up in his head like something was trying to push through and a deep sense of emptiness filled his chest as she walked away. He clenched his fist at this unknown feeling, his nails drew blood from his hand but Otto couldn't understand this reaction, his mind did not know why this woman caused him to feel this way with her actions when he only knew her name. He pushed the feeling back, pushed them down like pile welling up in his throat, as he did the shadowed raven on his shoulder seemed to get a tad bit bigger.
Otto heard someone yelling in English, he turned his head as he pushed his thoughts on Tyler to the back of his mind, the yelling was coming from a pile of rubble. Otto walked over to it, he grabbed the collapsed roof with one hand as his spear shrank to the size of a knife and used the other hand to put it on his belt. He lifted the roof with his one hand as he saw a man who appeared to be near his age perhaps a bit older, Otto reached down and pulled the man up and set him out from beneath the rubble before letting the roof fall back into place. "I don't know where we are or what is happening beyond that people are hurt and need help, if you're injured try and find somewhere where the rest of the wounded. If you ain't hurt it would be appreciated if you helped." Otto spoke as he stepped away and let the man see the state the village was in. "My name is Otto by the way, would give you my last name but it seems I am suffering from a form of amnesia and can't remember a whole bunch. Anyway, I would love to shake your hand but I need to go help with the effort." Otto spoke before walking away to help the search through the ruins.


A large portion of the village laid in ruin, rubble was all that was left of many homes and the bodies of loved ones were entombed within, many would of stayed there if it hadn't been for the actions of our main cast. They pulled out bodies and the trapped, what would take five or six people only took one of them with their enhanced strength while a few of them could do even more. In the middle of the rescue effort Otto had dropped to a knee as some memories came flooding back to him, memories of rudimentary first aid had flooded his mind. He had put this knowledge to use as he helped to set bones and cauterize wounds with his flames to keep infection from setting in, it wasn't much but it helped while the others did what they could as well though Otto was unable to see what they were doing do to the number of injured people.
The daylight hours had waned away to nothing but orange rays barely peeking over the horizon and slowly fading, fires were being lit all around the ruins of the village as the people who had once lived here were huddling around to try and process what had happened. Some buildings has survived which the wounded, children and elderly had been given to sleep in. Otto had walked around lighting fires for those that didn't have other means to start their fires before retreating to the edge of the former village to make his own small camp with a small fire which he stared into with his Ravens, oblivious to the going on's of the rest of the people there.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke sat up holding onto his ribs as he felt them mend themselves. He cringed as the bones started to piece themselves together. "Fuck, this hurts" He muttered. When Tyler asked about him he nodded and simply said "I'm alive." He groaned as his wrist straightened. "Fine, you didn't kiss him." He said as he held back his painfilled groans. "I don't care the how I'm just glad the bastards dead."

He kept his eyes on Otto, it made sense that he'd come back. Daisuke was able to come back, but now that he's here. Daisuke flashed back to Otto's final moments and that passionate kiss he planted on Tyler. "Fuck" he said as he got up, he wanted to talk to Otto but he was already helping civilians. "Yeah, we'll catch up later." Daisuke was just about healed so he decided to look around for survivors.

He had changed back into his human form and started looking for injured. "Hello? Anyone need saving?" He half heartedly said as he walked around the rubble. He couldn't stop thinking about that kiss and it started to piss him off. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He stopped looking and found a pile of rubble to sit on. "Shit, just fucking great." Daisuke looked at Tyler than at Otto. "Just fuck, what kind of asshole only thinks of himself when people can be hurt or his friend just came back from the dead." He smacked his cheeks with both hands. "Ok, let's find survivors, I'll deal with the rest later."

Daisuke transformed into demon mode and started sniffing around the rubble, he could smell blood. He dug through the rubble and pulled out two bodies, he checked their necks for a pulse but they were both dead. "Damnit" he pulled them out and laid them in the clearing. "Shit that midget bastard." Daisuke said as he ran back to the pile looking for more survivors.
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Tyler Haak

It didn't take long for the stranger to question Tyler walking around. Guess that meant that he saw her get stabbed, and yet he still didn't seem too concerned about the person who had gotten stabbed. Nor did he mention anything about her being blue. She liked him already. Except his question made them sound like monsters or something. Even if she had wanted to answer, she wouldn't have had the time. The guy took off again to find more survivors. Interesting guy. She shook it off, helping the woman away from the destruction.

She went back and forth many times, transferring people from downed building to open air. When all that could be helped were in the clear, Tyler joined Otto in making fires for the people and tending to wounds. For some reason or another, she struggled to actually say anything to him though. Sooner or later, the big guy took off to go sit alone. The people were just waiting around now, huddled together for warmth.

"Ah, shit…" Tyler wandered over to find Daisuke, rubbing at the back of her head. "Healed up?" She asked, glancing at his arm while giving him a once-over to make sure he was unharmed. She'd wait for a response and then jab her thumb out in the direction of Otto. "We need to talk to him sooner or later. He's not acting like normal Otto so who knows what we'll be walking into, but it needs to happen." Tyler tilted her head in Otto's direction, taking a few steps and waiting for Daisuke to follow. "Come on."

Assuming that Daisuke started walking with her, Tyler would break the silence quickly, which was unusual for her. "That guy wasn't working under E.I. orders to kill us." She looked over at Daisuke, judging his expression. "Someone else wants us dead. Now, who do you think has the power and motive to get someone to…wherever the hell we are – another planet or whatever – to pull off a hit on a group of superpowered individuals?" Tyler sighed, massaging the back of her neck lethargically. "Our presence here killed dozens of people and we don't even know why. And…" The woman frowned a little before starting up again. "And I'm stronger here. You?"

Before she even knew it, she was starting to ramble a little. "I mean, this is weird. We have no idea what this place is, but there are native human beings, and people from our own world are somehow being transported here for some reason. Don't you wonder if someone is setting all of this up? It's like… a scene or something. Get all of the people specifically that you want in a specific location and then send some crazy guy to wipe them all out. A trap. But we would have had just as many problems surviving if we'd been left on Earth." She shook her head, placing a hand on her forehead to wish away the headache that was blooming. "I don't get it." She was not prepared to deal with all of this ridiculousness. And now she would have to face the second friend who'd risen from the grave. For the first time in a while, she felt something like anxiety creeping over her.
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Meanwhile on the hill, Jian was kneeling over the injured ranger. As Daisuke had instructed, he seemed to have made no intention to get up. Rather one of his hand was peeling away the soaked layer of clothing to touch the wounded areas. He was so scared that "Ice Nine" would freeze the entire body instead of the wounds, that his hand was shaking like his breath as they touched the fresh blood, causing it slowly to freeze. [1]

Rumbling sound from debris and magic attacks could be heard, but he shut his eyes firmly for a second to ignore it.

You just don't want to fight, right?

That wasn't true. There was a man who was dying. He's not even sure if this could save him.

You're just being a coward, using that as an excuse. It's going to -

Jian suddenly let out a yell, that was drowned by the howl of the wind and the crashing of the boulder from the village. He wasn't noticing that as the boy's head continued to only look down at the unconscious.

"Sorry ... I'm sorry..." he said in a hoarse and broken voice. It would have almost seemed like he was apologizing to the ranger. Small ice particles was falling from his face onto his hand and knee. After about two minutes, there was a light hiccup and a sniff before he wiped the corner of his eyes. It was merely out of habit though, since his eyes were dry. [2] His shoulders were still tense and shaking, but he inhaled deeply before looking up. He didn't know whether this "resilience" should be something he should thank the first founder or not.

He looked over towards the elderly woman that the rangers seem to respect. His throat still feeling too weak to talk, he pointed towards the ranger, as though expecting her to tell him his condition.

[1] Going by the assumption that in this world they can have slightly better control of their abilities.

[2] Jian's side effect is that when he's crying any any temperature lower than room temperature the tears will form into ice immediately.


Name: Jian Qi, Zhang
Comission art by @helblindi
Location: ???
Tags:@conman2163 @SoleStride @Ramboing @Kurogane86 @Stari

Meanwhile on the hill, Jian was kneeling over the injured ranger. As Daisuke had instructed, he seemed to have made no intention to get up. Rather one of his hand was peeling away the soaked layer of clothing to touch the wounded areas. He was so scared that "Ice Nine" would freeze the entire body instead of the wounds, that his hand was shaking like his breath as they touched the fresh blood, causing it slowly to freeze. [1]

Rumbling sound from debris and magic attacks could be heard, but he shut his eyes firmly for a second to ignore it.

You just don't want to fight, right?

That wasn't true. There was a man who was dying. He's not even sure if this could save him.

You're just being a coward, using that as an excuse. It's going to -

Jian suddenly let out a yell, that was drowned by the howl of the wind and the crashing of the boulder from the village. He wasn't noticing that as the boy's head continued to only look down at the unconscious.

"Sorry ... I'm sorry..." he said in a hoarse and broken voice. It would have almost seemed like he was apologizing to the ranger. Small ice particles was falling from his face onto his hand and knee. After about two minutes, there was a light hiccup and a sniff before he wiped the corner of his eyes. It was merely out of habit though, since his eyes were dry. [2] His shoulders were still tense and shaking, but he inhaled deeply before looking up. He didn't know whether this "resilience" should be something he should thank the first founder or not.

He looked over towards the elderly woman that the rangers seem to respect. His throat still feeling too weak to talk, he pointed towards the ranger, as though expecting her to tell him his condition.

[1] Going by the assumption that in this world they can have slightly better control of their abilities.

[2] Jian's side effect is that when he's crying any any temperature lower than room temperature the tears will form into ice immediately.

Saito sat alone near a fire Otto had started for him wordlessly not far from Otto's own camp, sitting incredibly close to it to keep warm. Although the villagers were grateful for his assistance, his body was now tired, and the semi-liquid metal had stop enclosing him entirely, preferring instead to form a kind of thick torso armor. His exposed arms, leg, and head finally revealed his blood-soaked suit, the vision of it Kami preferred not to give to anyone else. The taste of iron and blood in his mouth never left Saito, and it was starting to disturb him.

The shock of this transition and new world had been so intense, Kaminari had almost forgotten that he was about to blow his own brains out right before he ended up here, a thought which caused him to pull the glock out and look at it, Should I still pull the trigger? He brought the barrel of the gun once more to the side of his head, but felt himself unable to do it. Putting the gun back where it belonged in its holster inside his suit, the metal strangely moving to make way for his hand, Kami brought his knees up and clutched them, What changed? I still want to join my wife and child... Or I did. But it feels like God, or the universe, or whatever, has forced me to have a second chance. Why else send me here right before I was about to die? That can't be a coincidence.

No matter how close he got to the fire, Kami couldn't seem to quite get warm either, as if he was losing heat as fast as he was gaining it. Around his body, the snow seemed to melt quickly. Everything about this planet was fucked up, including him apparently. His attention was shortly drawn away from the peculiar afflictions of his body to the woman from earlier, walking towards the man who had given him fire. It was just then that he noticed how unusually blue she was, a trait that Kami had probably looked over as being chilly earlier. Looking at the lone man with his ravens and crazy fire, it seemed clear something unusual was happening, something Kami had gotten unintentionally wrapped up in.
Daisuke Hirragi

Daisuke got up, transformed back into Daisuke mode and stood still for Tyler's once over. "I'm fine." He said as he tried to avoid eye contact. "Let's just..." Tyler spoke over him and started talking about everything at once most likely she was getting close to the end of her rope. "Yeah, let's go talk to him." Daisuke followed Tyler as she continued to ramble on about their current situation. He was trailing a couple of steps behind her so he could think. 'Now that Otto's back I need to back off from Tyler. They obviously feel for each other, she's just to stubborn to say it. Damn it why couldn't Otto just stay dea..' Daisuke stopped walking. He just crossed a line in his head, he was being selfish.

Daisuke continued walking, thankfully Tyler was still talking and didn't hear him stop. Daisuke continued responding to Tyler. "That Deanta guy, yeah I'm stronger. I was able to heal pretty quick and my teleport times are crazy fast practically 0 lag time. You're right I honestly don't know."

They continued walking tword Otto. Shit, they're gonna have a loving reunion. She's gonna run to his arms and they'll kiss and I'll finally be out of the picture...no, I don't want that. I don't want to lose Tyler but. She doesn't like me the way I like her. At most I'm like her gay friend as in she can talk to me about anything but there is 0 sexual tension. Daisuke caught a few glimpses of Tylers attire. The sword attack from the midget opened the front of her outfit a little just enough to see her belly button. He bit his lip as he continued to look her over. 'Shit, belly buttons are my favorite. I, I don't want Otto to have her. I want her. She's mine...mine? What the hell am I talking about. I don't usually.'

Daisuke noticed that his right arm started to transform into Demon mode on its own. He held his wrist and tried to call it back but it wouldn't listen, this feeling was familiar and that's when he realized it was like that time he was trying to stop Adam from killing Otto. 'Kid? What are you doing?' There was no answer, only a weird laughter that sounded like neither Adam or Daisuke but more like. 'Shit. Your Adam's Demon arn't you.'

Daisuke dropped to the floor, he did his best to fight it but his mind was scattered and his focus gone. The transformation was almost complete all that was left was Daisuke's face. "Aaaddaammm. Stttoop. Thisss." Waves of negative feelings tword Tyler rushed Daisuke, all from Adam's point of view. She was yelling at him for losing Alkura, for trying to stab Otto and so much more. Daisuke's transformation was almost up he looked up and Yelled." Tyler!! Run!!"

The Demon was in control. His skin was jet black, his horns, fangs and claws were all warped and jagged. His eyes were glossed over then suddenly turned a bright red. This was Adams unhinged demon; born from the hate he had for his father, his circumstances and most recently Tyler. The Demon looked up at Tyler and roared like a beast ready to charge. He stumbled walking tword Tyler, he landed on all fours and started sprinting quickly closing the gap between the two. He raised his massive arm and swiped at Tylers mid section. If she was fast enough her clothes might have been torn by the force of the attack if she was to slow her stomach would have been pierced by the jagged claws, the force behind it would have sent her flying.

Inside the mind of the beast locked away in two separate cages were Daisuke and Adam. Daisuke was calling out to an unconcious Adam who looked like he was beaten rather badly. "Kid!,Kid!. Adam!" Daisuke tried to break the bars but his mana was being drained by the monster. "Shit, I thought I had problems. Come on kid fight this. Remember when I fought my demon? You have to take responsibility for your past. face it, accept it and live with it. Come on Adam we have to hurry Tyler could be getting hurt right. Now." Adam spoke, "and?" He looked up at Daisuke. "She's always treating me like shit so what do I care." His eyes were glossed over as if he'd been brain washed. "Damnit kid wake up!" Daisuke yelled as he kicked at the cage. "Shit, Tyler run away. Please someone stop us."
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Kaminari had been trying to relax, sitting there in front of the fire to warm up, as he watched the pair approach the Raven guy, when the kid started to morph into... something. Kami's concern started to grow quickly, I wonder what's wrong with him? Is being in this world changing him? Is that going to happen to me? But the man's eyes narrowed as what used to be a human, now clearly some kind of rapid beast took a swipe at the woman. Once again, rage and adrenaline flood his system like it did before, and before Kami knew it, he was on his feet. Pushing off with his right leg, as he lifted the leg, the metal that was once confined to his torso flooded downwards to cover the left leg as well as his left arm. The same occurred with his right side, and then finally it encompassed his head once more, barely showing any weakness besides his eyes.

As Kaminari charged towards the monster, air seemed to be sucked through the metal as he breathed, I just realized... I feel fucking amazing in this world! Beneath the unusual metal, a smile erupted, Kami closing the distance with increasing speed, And I'm going to fucking murder that thing! For a moment, the man considered reaching for his pistol before deciding that the risk of hitting the woman was too great. While she could certainly defend herself as Kami had witnessed earlier, Kami didn't know if she would be able to protect herself against what was clearly a companion of hers. He could only hope that he arrived in time to either assist or protect her.
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Tyler Haak

"…right? Daisuke?" Tyler turned around, her question forgotten at the sight of Daisuke staring down at his mutating arm. She'd been rambling, not paying attention, not caring enough for her own team to notice that he was struggling with something. Oh no… "Daisuke?" She quickly tried to move in, putting a hand on his shoulder to see if even a touch could ground him at all. But it didn't. The man dropped to the ground, yelling out at Adam. In fact, Tyler hadn't seen Adam in a little while. Daisuke had been in control for a long time. Was this the younger kid fighting to get out?

She was startled by Daisuke yelling at her to run, her eyes widening. Why did she feel so overwhelmed when it came to seeing this transformation and its product when just hours ago, she'd taken down some crazy, superpowered man? She couldn't run. Something about seeing Daisuke's demon always froze her on the spot – possibly because she had fought him before and he was… well… a demon in a fight. And yet, this demon looked… a bit different from the usual one. This one looked a little scarier? She even flinched when the monster bellowed at her. Before she saw it coming, he was running at her. She was still so shocked that his attack surprised her, though there was no reason that it would.

She wasn't fast enough. The demon's claws swiped her abdomen, tearing it open a good few inches deep. Consequently, Tyler was thrown back, a pained scream torn from her throat as she landed on the snow. God damnit. Her stomach had just healed and now it was ripped open again. She pressed her hand against the claw marks, the clean snow becoming stained in red. She sucked in a deep breath of air, tilting her head back to yell out. "OTTO! MAINE! Keep everyone insiiiiide!" Tyler rolled onto her stomach, crawling a few feet away and smearing a heavy amount of blood in her wake before rolling back onto her butt and pushing herself to her feet.

Wiping her bloodied hand off on her pants, Tyler settled into a readied stance with her right foot behind her left. Suddenly, she took off, speeding at Demon Daisuke and launching herself right at him. "Daisuke! Calm the fuck down!" Tyler would attempt to literally wrap herself around his neck if he wasn't able to dodge or counter before she could get her arms around his neck. She would try to wrap her arms around his neck and use her momentum to knock him off balance while trying to swing herself around to his back and attempt to get him in a choke-hold. "Chill out! Daisuke, listen it to me, you need to calm down!"
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Interaction: Adam's daemon and Tyler
Mention: Kaminari

Otto had watched as Tyler and the other man had approached his fire, he looked forward to speaking with the two of them both to figure out these confusing feelings he was experiencing towards the blue woman called Tyler and to see if the she and the man walking with her knew anything more about him that would help. He rose to meet them when the man yelled, he was transforming again but it seemed to be against his own will like something was forcing it to happen something Otto was not to keen on seeing how close the man was to Tyler who didn't seem to notice what was happening until the man yelled. Otto became rather agitated as did the ravens which both began to flap and flutter around him while cawing loudly but when the now transformed man slashed Tyler there was no more noise for Otto. He was vaguely aware of the white haired man running to help and well of Tyler's yell to him and another named Maine, but her yelling his name was what made him snap like a string being pulled taught and then some. All the fires in the area vanished from their confines in less then a breath as Otto's whole body became alight in red flame, his spear did as well while his ravens took off to the heavens above and above where Tyler and the transformed man was while like a rocket Otto took off to the fight.
He was there in an instant like a flash of light a flaming giant stood over both Tyler and the transformed man, Tyler was wrapping herself around the man trying to choke him out or at least but she was bleeding and though Otto had seen her heal from the sword wound from earlier but seeing her hurt again put a pain in Otto somewhere deep in his soul. He grabbed Tyler and pulled her off the man while he used his other hand to grab the man, Otto's flames moved to Tyler trying to heal her while the flames on the hand he was using to grab the transformed man went about trying to attack the daemon but Otto didn't give the flames time to attack the man as Otto threw him away from himself and Tyler. Otto turned to look at Tyler. "Let me, you stay and heal. He will help." Otto spoke as he let go of Tyler while the Orange raven landed on her shoulder and cawed at her, it gave off a heat like Otto's which was also trying to heal Tyler.
He turned away and faced the transformed man, the daemon. The Black raven landed on Otto's shoulder and cawed at his opponent as the flames near where it was perched dulled to match it's feather's ebony color, his spear was raised to face the daemon and without a word it extended towards the daemon at extreme speed, the words unspoken but loud and clear. I am your opponent.