A Fae of the Utmost Standing

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Eseldor skidded back as Reya charged at him gleefully, picking him up and giving him more affection than he could ever want. He struggled as she squeezed. Sometimes he forgot how strong she could be when she scampered about like a little girl. Those hands could break bones if properly motivated.

He had to suppress a sigh of relief when Reya put him down. He nibbled the cookie in her hand. Snickerdoodle. He made the mental note to have Cook keep better watch over the sweets. Those were his cookies.

When Serena poked his nose he licked her fingers and winked. Reya made a move to grab him again and he leapt out of her arms and under a chair. She was sweet, but a bit too strong with her hugs.

"Hey, come back, puppy," she pouted. Eseldor almost leapt right back out then. She pulled out another cookie and held it out for him. He sniffed the air and walked up to her slowly. As he munched on the cookie she giggled and pet him, this time being careful.

"You really like snickerdoodles, don't you?" she giggled. "I'll call you Snickers. You like that?"

Snickers? Honestly! Eseldor just ate the cookie and kept his mouth shut.
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Heading to her room quietly she quickly threw on her clothing as she headed back to the hall where she saw Reya petting Eseldor. Seems she still hasn't found out she looked up at her and giggled.

"I named him Snickers." She said laughing as she fed him another cookie.

"That's a cute name." She giggled as she heard someone say somepthign from tbehind her.

"What is that mutt doing in our Masters house." It was Luna walking in with this disgusted look on her face. "If Eselfor see's him, he's going to flip. Get this flew infested animal out of here."

Reya got up and looked at her "I have been saying the same thing to Eseldor for years, and yet you are still here."
"Oh shut up Reya, either way this animal has to get out."
"No, Snickers is staying." Standing Reya got in her face as Serena watched.

"Girls please, Luna as much as I know you are doing this of Eseldor, I think he will truly be fine with th-"

"You are really going to talk about what Eseldor wants and doesn't want. You have been here what four days and have managed to ruin his life completely. I don't want to hear about what your stupid little mind thinks, I am the head maid here, I am Eseldor's number one and if I say this dog needs to leave then this dog needs to leave."

Luna pushed Reya out of the way and grabbed Eseldor off the ground with a disgusted look as she opened the window. "Bye flea bit."

"no!" Reya Grabbed Luna trying to grab Eseldor as Serena came around to help. Luna kicked Reya in the knee causing her to fall to the ground as she grabbed a handful of Serena's hair. Using her strength she threw puppy Eseldor out of the two story window. Reya pushed Luna as Serena screamed running, jumping out of the window. Half way she managed to grab Eseldor as she hit the ground with a loud thud.

Pain shot through her right shoulder as she held the dog close to her. Reya looked out the window yelling for Esledor and Cook. Cook came from behind the door as Reya ran out the door with Zero hessitation Cook went to climb out the window as Luna stood there looking at them all as if they were being dramatic.

Sitting up she held Eseldor in her arm as the pain in her right shoulder got worse.

"Are you okay?"
Eseldor wagged his tail as Reya pet him. When Serena came back he barked happily. He could get used to this being a puppy thing.

He was taken out of his revelry when Luna appeared. Ah. Beautiful Luna. He whimpered as she suddenly started calling for him to leave. She didn't like dogs? He was troubled by her attitude, by the way Luna and Reya fought. Serena tried keeping the peace, but got chastised for it. Insults, blame, domination...he was appalled that she would act like this. Was she always like this when he wasn't around?

"Arf! Arf!" He struggled as Luna brought him to the window. Was she really going to throw him out?

Yes. She did. He looked back at them, eyes wide, tears glistening in his eyes as he fell. It didn't matter what he did. He would never be wanted.

He was stunned when Serena caught him and they fell together. He looked at her, not believing that she would do that. He whimpered and Nuzzled her head as she nursed her shoulder. His leg hurt. His ankle had hit the ground, but thankfully he was saved from more serious injuries.

"I'll be okay," he replied. He nudged her again. "What about you? You look hurt."

As Reya came running to her aid he grew back into his human form, gingerly picking Serena up. He limped as he carried her to Reya, holding her close.

"Get the first aid kit from the bathroom, Reya," he said.

"You...you were the puppy?" she asked.

"Reya, please!"

She nodded and ran off. He turned and looked up. Luna looked pale as she stared back. He scowled at her and brought Serena inside.
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The pain in her shoulder wouldn't go away as she felt Eseldor pick her up with ease as he carried her into the living room. Cook and Reya at his steps as Cook came around and placed a first air kit down. Gently taking her shoulder into his hand he checked it over.

"Your shoulder popped out that's where the pain is coming from. Is it just your shoulder?" Serena nodded as she winced from the pain. "I have to pop it back in then I can wrap it to keep it in. It's going to hurt though."

Cook looked up and nodded at Eseldor to help. "Eseldor I need you to hold her down so she doesn't move, Reya keep her calm."

"Girl, I get you love animals so much but it's Eseldor you should have let his hard ass just fall. What are you crazy! That was a two story drop what happened if you got seriously hurt? You could have died!" She went on as Cook yelled at her that Serena needed to stay calm.

Even through the pain she couldn't help but chuckle at the banter between them all as she felt Esledor wrap an arm around her. He was so warm, Serena couldn't help but blush from how close she was as Reya held her good hand caressing it as she didn't move from looking in Eseldor's eyes. Biting her lip she let out a breath as she felt Cook quickly move.

Pain shot through her arm so quickly she thought she was going to puke from the pain. Staring down at the floor her body broke into a quick sweat as everyone felt distant and muffled. Not really pay attention she felt someone working on her shoulder as she sat there the only thing keeping her awake was Eseldor's arms around her. Like a alarm sweating through her body keeping her aware of her surrondings but the only surronding she knew was him.

Reya came back with a glass of water helping her drink as Cook finished wrapping her arm. "Alright she's done. Eseldor I saw you limping let me fic you too." He said as Serena laid her head on Eseldors shoulder breathing heavily shaking from the adranaline that was seethering through her body.
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Eseldor nodded as Cook told him to hold her down. He felt his heart knot as he watched her struggle. Reya's words made him glare at her, to which she just stuck out her tongue.

He held her as her shoulder was popped back into place. "It's going to be okay...Reya has a point, though. I could have just turned into a bird."

"Why the hell didn't you?" Cook demanded as he wrapped Serena's arm.

"I didn't get the chance to!" he retorted. "She jumped after me before I had the time."

"Then you're slow. Now about that leg..."

"It's just a sprain," he insisted. "I'll be fine."

"Your kind can't heal yourselves. Let me see," Cook countered.

Eseldor sighed and extended his leg, holding Serena in his arms as Cook examined him. He soothed her as she shook and kissed her forehead.

"I thought you were very sweet to do that, though," he added. "Very noble."

"Sprained ankle," Cook reported. "Just wear a brace for a couple days and you'll be fine."

Just then footsteps came from around them. The other maids had been roused by the commotion and came to investigate, including Luna, who for once looked timid as she stepped into the room.

"All of you back to work," he ordered without looking at any of them, focusing on his injured maid and his own leg.

"Eseldor, what happened?" one of them asked.

"Just had a little slip," he said offhand. "Please just leave us."

"Eseldor...please, you have to listen to me..." Luna began. He snapped his head and glared at her.

He rested Serena against Reya's shoulder and stood up. He hobbled as he moved closer.

"You I want out. Get her out of my sight!" He roared. Spikes sprouted from his shoulders as he grew in height. Tusks and fangs came from his mouth. His skin turned a mottled green. He now resembled a terrifying ogre. "GET HER OUT OF MY HOUSE!!"

The girls ran out of the room. He didn't know if Luna was leaving. He didn't care enough to find out. He snarled at how disgusted he was as he slowly changed back. He drew in a deep breath and wiped his eyes as he sat down again, pulling Serena into his arms for comfort.

"Okay, Cook. Apply the brace."
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Serena felt dizzy as she awoke in her bed, not really remembering last night. When she looked next to her Reya was there holding her close as Cook was on the other side sitting on a chiar holding her arm in a comfrotable positon for her. Sitting up it woke cook immedietly as he jumped awake looking as if he was ready to take someone on.

"Shhh" Serena spoke softly hoping he wouldn't wake Reya who looked tiered even in her sleep.

Cook rubbed his eyes helping her out of the bed. "You really should rest."
"No, I wanna walk around I feel really stiff." She said holding on to Cook as he walked her out of the room and to the kitchen.

"Sit, I will make you something to eat." He said softly as if he was to scared to really speak loudly in case of hurting her somehow.
"Esledor? Is he okay?" She asked as he lightly ran a hand through her hair as if trying to check himself that she was okay.
"Yea, he's probably still asleep, I had to give him a seditive to help him sleep. Or else we were never going to get you out of his arms. You needed rest and he was ready to bite anyone who came to close to you."

The idea was funny to her as he kissed her forehead as if he was finalyl content that she was okay and turned to get cooking for her.

"And Luna?" Her voice was low as if not sure what to say.

"Ah, the famous Luna, she is in her room basically waiting to see if she is staying in the house or if Eseldor meant what he said and is kicking her out. HOnestly kicking her out of her queen ass doesn't sound like to much a horrible idea." Cook said cracking some eggs and making batter for french toast.

Serena loved watching him cook he always seemed so at home in his natural habite it was nice he honestly enjoyed what he did. Then when a plate of amazing smelling food landed in front of her she enjoyed his skill as well.

"I'm gonna go wake Eseldor and check on him, you eat, I wil be back in twenty minture. Plesae stay here the house is a bit" he paused as if not sure what to say. "Under construction if you can guess what I mean. I'll be back." He kissed the top of her head and hugged her close to his chest, a blush settling across her face.

Everyone must really be under a bit of anxiety she thought as she ate alone. Serena was in so much pain yesterday she hardly remembered anything, the back of her head hury more than anything that was until she moved her shoulder to eat and pain shot through her. Clenching her hurt shoulder she saw the wrapping that went down to her elbow. Sighing she used her left hand and ate awkwardly in the quiet.


"Esledor, wake up." Cook said shaking him as he went to check on his leg. When he woke Cook put a hand on his chest to stop him from moving or more attacking him.

"I know you are probably pissed considering I sort of tranked your ass but you needed it. You needed to rest and so did Serena. Before you ask, she is fine, sitting in the kitchen eating as we speak. We will get you to her as soon as I change your bandages and make sure your leg is set. Once that is done, you can go crawling your ass downstairs to be with her."

In a way he wished he didn't tell Eseldor, he should have just told him she was still asleep maybe get some more free time with her but when he saw the look in Eseldor's eyes last night as he held her he couldn't get himself to lie to him. Quickly fixing him up he looked at him and smiled.

"Alright now go crawl your ass to her."
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Eseldor groaned to himself as he awakened. The night before was a blur to him after he and Serena came back inside. He remembered flashes of last night...growling at the girls...claws swiping to keep them back...holding Serena possessively...

"Get your ass up already!" he heard as Cook shoved him in his bed again.

His instincts woke before the rest of him and he snarled, looking down at Cook's hand on his chest. He sighed as his breathing evened.

"Hm...so you did dope me..." he mused to himself. A small smile came to his lips. "Well, I may have been a bit irrational last night. Thank you, Cook."

As he examined his leg Eseldor flexed it experimentally. He cringed. It still hurt, but he was able to move it any way he wanted. He even changed the toes.

"It doesn't look like I'll be doing much crawling," he admonished. "I may need a cane, though."

He opened his palm and a long protrusion grew out of his hand, hardening and straightening out. It became dense like wood, and took on the formation of an ornate cane of red wood, the sort fitting of a man with his standing.

He stood, grunting as he supported himself on the cane, really a mere extension of his arm. He patted his friend's shoulder as he left the room. It didn't take him long to get downstairs and into the kitchen. He smiled at her and kissed the top of her head as he walked past. He went to the stove and got the kettle, pouring himself a cup of tea.

"I'm glad to see you're eating and looking well," he said. He chuckled. "First night you almost drown. Then you jump out a window...how could I have ever known living with you would be so exciting?"

He smiled as he sat down next to her. His hand drifted over and held hers, rubbing the back of it softly. "I'm very glad you're okay."
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As she ate the meal she found herself struggling to use her right hand to eat, yet every time she tried to use her left pain shot through her as the bandages allowed little movment. Sighing she kept struggling to eat with her right hand eventually giving up forgetting the fork and picked the pancake up with her bare hand and ate little pieces of it. When she heard someone come in she quickly put the food down and turned to see Esledor walking in leaning against a cane.

When he walked over and kissed the top of her head she blushed half way remembering last night. The way he held her so protectivly it burned her cheeks as she smiled. Watching him pour a cup of tea she whipped her hand and went back to trying to eat with the fork not wanting to look like a rabid hungry animal infront of such a refined man.

When he came back around and held her hand it only added to the darkness of her cheeks. "Yea, I guess you can say that." she lightly chuckled. "At least I am glad to see that you are okay. You are okay? Right?" she asked him squeezing his hand back.
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"I'll be fine," he replied. He moved his leg and winced. "Right as rain in a few days. From what Cook tells me, you will be, too...

"Physically, I'm fine. But...this was a very hard night for me," he added. He sighed and retreated the cane into his arm.

He drank some of his tea and sighed. He was remembering more about last night. Reya petting him. Cookies. Luna throwing him out the window...he sighed to himself.

"I have a lot of changes to make."
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Watching him sit up next to her she smiled at him trying to balance the food again with her not main hand. Watching as the cane went into his body in a way it grossed her out but at the same time fasinated her considering she had never met anyone like him at all in her life. Reaching over she held his hand giving up on eating at this point.

"I am fine, and you are not alone you have us all here and we promise to be with you every step of the way, okay?" Smiling she looked at him wishing she did her hair before coming down. Her hair must have been a complete mess right now from the fall and sleep.

"I should get to my chores." She said getting up trying to move her arm against the wrapping not finding much movement to just let out a long sigh before giggling. "Well today is definetly going to be interesting that is for sure."
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He nodded, happy that she was there for him. It made everything seem just a little more manageable for him. As she got up he looked at her incredulously. Work?

"Chores? You are unbelievable, Serena," he chuckled. He got up, wincing, and grabbed her shoulders, pushing her back into her seat gently. "The girls have made the most unbelievable excuses to get out of doing a job they didn't want to do. And here you have a genuine excuse and you're insisting on working? I won't allow it. You might hurt yourself more, and I'm sure Cook will agree with me."

He set her in the chair and sat himself down, too. "I think both of us will have to take things easy. For now.

"Cook drugged me last night," he added. He frowned to himself and drank his tea to wake him a bit more. "Apparently I was rather stubbornly protective of you..." He blushed. "Embarrassing. Anyway, I recall throwing Luna out of the house. H-Has that happened? Can you bring me up to speed on what's been happening in my house?"
As he sat her back down she looked at him. "Really im fine I can do some things." Though as she looked into his eyes she knew there was no fighting this. Smiling at him she sat down drinking the coffee cook had poured for her.

When he mentioned about him not letting her go a part of her was little confused. Not even aware of anything until Cook caught her up on everything. "I'm sorry I was out cold through most of it I didn't even know" she stopped turning bright red. "That you did...that." biting her lip she tried to remember it wanting to in a way too. A moment of being in his arms she didn't want to forget if she was last night she was going to fight to remember.

"As for Luna I didn't know you kicked her out but Cook did say you yelled at her and she had been hiding in her room not coming out until she talked to you." Smiling she blushed as she looked at him raising her good hand brushing some hair out of his tender face.

"I'm really happy that you are okay."
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Eseldor smiled at her. He was trying his best to keep himself civil, due to what happened yesterday. So Luna was still in the house. He genuinely wasn't sure how to feel about that. His heart felt like it was pulling him in so many different directions. It was confusing.

So he chose that moment to focus on Serena. Sweet Serena. He smiled as he cleared his face of his stray hair, and moved his hands to cup her cheeks and pushed back, gently getting her messy hair out of her face, too.

"I'm happy you are, too," he told her. Eseldor looked at her lips for a moment, but fought the temptation and kissed her head instead. He made his cane appear in his hand again and got up, wincing. "I would love to spend more time with you, but if Luna is still here, I have to see her."

He left the kitchen slowly, resolving to find her again soon. As he made his way to Luna's room, he heard the sounds of the other maids beginning their work. The house was waking up. How would it be without Luna around? He loved having her in his bed - that was beyond wonderful - but she hardly did any work, she was mean to the other maids, and apparently she had depths of cruelty he had never considered. Perhaps it would be best if she was gone.

He knocked on her door. He heard her hurry to it and she threw it open. Even in her messiest condition she was stunning. Her unkempt hair looked like a wild, passionate mane. Her flushed cheeks gave her an amazing glow, and her disheveled dress looked ready to fall off on its own.

"Master Eseldor! Please, PLEASE give me another chance!" She threw herself into his arms. Even her day-old smell was intoxicating. How could everything about this woman be so sexy?

Eseldor took her shoulders and pulled her away from him. "And why should I? You threw me out a window."

"I didn't know that was you!" she cried. "Please..." She held his hands and pouted desperately. Her eyes began to shine. "I have nowhere else to go. Please find it in your heart to give me another chance..."
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(Not a post it's the there is no I FUCKING HATE THIS BITCH mad at Esledor button)
Serena sat and just waited, thinking about the day thanks to Esledor who refused to let her do any chores she was stuck with a day where she didn't know what to do with the day. It was still morning, a good start would probably be getting dresed. Heading to her room she quickly through on a dress not caring for the corset today. Letting her messy brown hair fall along her shoulders. Trying to do anything with it with only one hand was just not going to happen. Sighing she walked to the library trying to not look at herself in an reflection that would show off how tiered she really was. Only finding true happiness when she found the book she was reading and decided to go sit out on the padio and read for the rest of the morning.

The sun was warm on the skin that was showing from her gown. Sitting down placing the book on her lap enjoying where she left off in the story. Smiling remembering the scene that was just about to play out. The main lead male just told the woman he has been in love with since they were children. Only to tell him that the king has choosen to make her a lover. The pain you read in him always teaed Serena's heart. Now he bounds to run away with her if she loves him back only to be caught and killed. Now his love goes to be the kings mistress thinking that her love is dea, but he is not. For years he will train and plan to take the king down and get back his love. It was a story for the ages of true romance and love. It touched Serena on more parts then she will ever know.

"What are you reading?" Looking up she saw cook with a tray as he placed it on the table the smell of fresh baked cookies and tea filled her senses.
"One of my favorite books." She responded as he sat and poured them some tea.
"I don't feel like cooking very much right now. Allow me to join you?"
"Always, especially since you bring me such wonderful offerings, how could I say now." Giggling she put the bookmark on her page and sipped at her tea, smiling when she tasted the warm of the cookie that just melted in her mouth like nothing. It had been years since she had tasted a freshly tasted baked and delicious as a chocolate chip cookie.
"Should I leave you and the cookie alone?" Cook chuckled looking at her face, immeditely her cheeks filled with a tinted pink that made her look just simply lovely that he couldn't hold back his smile.
"I am sorry, I must look so weird."
'No you look beautiful." he blurted out without thinking about it.

Serena's face lit up more just as Cook's cheeks did as well trying not to cough on his tea. He looked at her opening his mouth to speak when the loud sound of yelling came from around the corner.
"What the fuck!" Turning Reya came around the corner swearing and cursing Esledor's name.
"What has you pissed off?" Cook asked almost afraid as she B lined straight toward them grabbing the cup from his hand and gulping the tea down looking at them. When she saw Serena she went toward her hugging her and checking to see if she was in pain. Only to sit in front of her head face in her thigh hiding how angry she was.
"You going to tell us or just be a pervert toward Serena."
"Shut up asshole!" She retorded.

Serena swept the hair from her face camly and smiled. "Will you please tell use why you are so upset we can't help you as friends if you do not tell us."
"Eseldor, he let Luna stay. The fucking slut I know she used her fucking bitch slutty ways to make him change his mind. God I have hated her since the day she walked into this house."
"Really? After everything he now know?" Cook asked. "What the hell was he thinking."
"I don't think you can think when your balls deep inside evil, and have a face full of witches breasts."
"I know he has a soft spot for her but enough is really enough. When you hurt another member of the family not once but twice it's time to go."
"It's not a soft spot its the fact that he's blinded by nothing but her vagina. She has to know she nothing to him truly. We are the ones he loves, shes nothing more than a hole for his dick."

"ENOUGH!" Cook and Reya were both caught off guard by Serena's yell. "If she is still here it is because.." For some reason finishing that sentince hurt more than she thought. "It is because he loves her. He has made his desicion and as his FAMILY." She shouted. "It is our jobs to be there for him even if we feel his choices are wrong. Is that understood." Serena stood as they nodded their heads at her a little shocked by her responce. "Now, after all of this I wish to go for a walk." Cook and Reya got up to go with her.

With that said she walked away from them just wanting a few moments to clear her mind, and her heart. He had made his decision and she was happy for him but, she couldn't deny the tightness in her heart thinking about Luna and Esledor being together.
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He had expected a negative response when he told everyone he had given Luna a final chance. Eseldor expected arguments, he expected jealousy, but what he did not expect was the silence and scorn he received. His beloved maids shunned him. They went about their work, walking past him as if he were invisible. He caught a few dark glances in his direction, and overheard mutterings about "that two-faced slut" who "grinded her pretty body" on the master to get him to let her stay.

His reasons were less foolish and simple than that, though. Luna's confession that she had nowhere else to go was true. He didn't need her to tell him to know that. If he kicked her out, where would she live? HOW would she live? There was no dignity in selling her body. Out of pity, he allowed her to stay.

He walked outside and took a stroll in the garden to clear his head. Past the flowerbeds and topiaries, he found someone else walking about - Serena. He went to her, eager for someone who might understand.

"Serena? Can I talk to you?"
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Walking the grass felt soft under her feet a little annoyed she bend down kicking her shoes off letting her bare feet kiss the earth as the little green hair's tickled her inbetween her toes. Smiling she walked ignoring and leaving her shoes where she placed them, feeling a sort of calmness till her heart started to feel heavy in her chest.

Gripping her chest she blinked as if fighting the tears that wanted to escape her eyes. Hugging herself with her good arm she finally let the tear go. It hurt, it completely hurt the thought of that woman touching Eseldor made her cringe with a pain she hated more than anything. It was then she realized she loved him. Serena was in love with Esledor...

He was kind, gentle, always fair with the people he loved to the point of being a push over because he heart was so big. Since the day she arived he had done nothing but hug her, feed her, gently express himself in a way that made her feel special in more ways than she ever thought a man would show her and that woman had him. The image of her sliding her hands into his his kissing him till dawn made her sick. Serena's stomach turning wanting to vomit from the pain she felt deep in her heart she loved Eseldor and he loved another woman.

It was because she loved him she knew she had to do the right thing, Serena knew everyone in the house was going to act harshly toward him. She loved him, and if that meant being in his life and making him happy in others, as a best friend then she would do it. Anything to keep him happy and in her life no matter the pain it would bring her, her heart wanted him happy even if that meant it wawsn't with her.

The sound of someone aproaching her caused her to turn around as Eseldor was walking toward her. 'No, not now. Anything but now.' Serena wasn't ready to face him just yet, not like this. Quickly drying her eyes she turned to him with a smile no matter how much her heart felt like burting from seeing him.

"I don't have much time, I am on my way to see Cook, he promised to show me how to bake my favorite cookies. Though I am sure you are here to tell me the happy news. You finally chose to be with the woman you love. I know it probably going to take sometime before everyone relaxes from the decsion but I am sure everything will work out for the best, as long as you are with the person you love nothing could go wrong."

Managing to talk over him completely not wanting to hear it from him she ripped it off like bandaid but to hear it from his lips themselves would be to send her to the grave at this moment. "Now, like I said I didn't really have much time." Curtsying quickly she turned to walk away she knew she had to get over this but this pain was not going to go away if she was close to him. "I'll see you later, go enjoy your love, she is most likely missing you and wondering where you are."
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He opened his mouth, but found a wall in Serena. As she wiped her eyes he knew she must have heard of his decision. And, like everyone else, she completely misunderstood. His rush to explain was steamrolled by her claim that he loved Luna. If anything, he now despised the woman more than he ever had before, but charity and fond memories kept her here. He shook his head, tried once more to argue, but then she left in a rush. He hung his head and sat on the hand-carved bench.

"What have I done?" he muttered to himself. Now the new maid, the woman he was finding himself most deeply connecting with, had begun to avoid him. "Serena, I'm sorry. I cannot bear to expel anyone."

On the edge of the garden, Luna straightened her hair and smiled...


Eseldor went to the kitchen to try and talk to Serena there, but stopped just outside the door. She and Cook had their backs to him, standing close together and talking amongst themselves. He remembered Cook's friendly competition. It would seem he won.

He went to his room and locked the doors. He curled up in his beagle form and tried to tune out the misery he had created. He didn't come out for lunch, and by the time dinner came around he had slid under the covers and whined to himself.


The household gathered themselves slowly for dinner, all of them dreading the sight of their master and Luna hand in hand at the head of the table. But neither of them were there. The maids began to whisper as Cook brought in the food. He had a deep-set frown as he plated their meals.

"Where are they?" Reya asked.

"Can't say for certain," he said, then looked up. "But we all know. Luna came by a few minutes ago and grabbed one of the nice Pinot Noires, as well as a couple glasses."


Luna twirled a stray hair round her finger as she sipped the wine in her room. She smiled at her doorway, thinking of what was going on beyond it. She was in a chair with a book in her lap, the other glass left undisturbed on the table. If they were going to think she had won Eseldor, then so be it. If she kept the charade going, it would eventually come true.

She turned the page. No upstart kid maid is going to take this comfortable house away from me.
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Walking away from Eseldor was harder than she thought it would be, as she made her way down to the kitchen shestopped at the door drying her eyes and putting a smile on her face. "Hey, teach me to bake something." Not even really asking more telling him as he turned and looked at her smiling.
"Sure what do you want to make?" he asked her looking at how red her face was, in that instant he knew she had been crying. "Whatever you want." Smiling he finished the last of the dishes he had.
"Chocolate chip, peanut butter cookies."
"Then that is what you get."

A little time went by as Serena and Cook talked about random thing. Their childhood, friends, things they both enjoyed it was fun for her just spending time with someone like this. While at the same time the smell of her favorite cookies wafted around the whole kitchen sending a happiness to her. As she baked he went on to make dinner for everyone. The two smells mixing almost very well together. By the time it was all done she went up stairs helping cook plate all the food as he announced that Serena was the one who made deser today, every smiling as they chatted amongst themselves.

It was when Luna came in that everyone just stayed silent as she grabbed a bottle of wine two wine glasses and walked away blowing a kiss and grinning as if she had won. Reya wanted to get up and slap the smirk off the girls face but just sat there punding into her pasta trying to keep her hands and mouth busy. After a while it was made completely apparent Esledor was not coming to dinner, Cook stood up grabbing his plate and walking away from the dinning room.

"I will be right back." his tone annoyed as he walked straight to Esledors room not even knocking just walking in expecting the worse but instead he saw him alone on his bed in his dog form.
"I believe it was your rule that EVERYONE showed up to dinner no matter what?" He said holding the plate up resisting the urge to shove it in his face. "Breaking your own rules, kind of a dick thing to do." As he walked closer placing the place on the nightstand.
"Where is Luna? She came and grabbed wine and two glasses we figured she was with you. Missing family dinner to feast on something a little less.... nutrisious."
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"I thought I locked those doors," he muttered bitterly as he lay curled up on his bed. He even growled a little as he turned to face away from him.

"You did, but you gave me keys to the place, remember?" Cook pointed out. "Now why didn't you come to dinner?"

"They hate me now," he answered simply. "I'd get no peace eating with everyone, only cold stares and harsh judgments."

"Well when you choose the least deserving member of the household, that's hardly surprising," he quipped.

"I didn't choose Luna!" he snarled. "She stays out of pity, not out of love! If I am weak for not wanting a starving woman on my conscience, then fine! I'm weak!"

He growled and pounced on him, changing into his human form and knocking Cook on the floor. He stood over him, his face a mask of pain.

"I'm sorry," he said. "Just leave me alone."

He turned back to the bed and hid himself under the covers.
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