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Justin wanted to cry, notcing that their guide was a girl, who probably had no idea what she was doing. Yep, they were all going to die, that was a fact, they were all screwed. Justin never got to say goodbye to his family. He felt like weeping, realizing how screwed they were. Regardless, Robo girl was being unnecessarily mean to the girl, Mal was her name.

Justin stepped forward and stood by Ryder and Han.

"If you guys have faith in Mal to guide us, I do to." He said through a false smile

We are so screwed He thought to himself.
In the midst of all the fuss, Tokola had suddenly doubled over with a fit of uncontrollable laughter the moment Ryder insisted everyone operate as a group under his leadership. The idea was absolutely hysterical: almost as hysterical as Tokola's expressions must have been, not to mention the laughter echoing in the chambers. It had taken him longer than a minute to gain control of himself, and even then his control was a bit shaky. "Haaaaaaah, that's a good one, letting a kid and his football be the commander," he says, snickering to himself, though he pauses afterward with a disappointed grumble. "Nope, still here. Guess the robot wasn't kidding. But yeah, if we're dealing with disney, you're probably our best weapon, depending on the android's definition of darkness."

And so Tokola started going with the flow, not paying much mind to the crystals or the urge to choose one that was much more dim than the rest. If several thousand people had chosen correctly and perished, he wasn't going to play along with the choices being made for him for very long. One could say that something about the situation didn't feel quite right, but between the machine introducing everyone to the ordeal that lie ahead of them, the glowing crystals, blinding lights that would have been more than enough to awaken him on any other day, and a human(-oid?) being kept in stasis inside the stones, such a statement might win a suckerpunch to the gut for stating the obvious.

When the girl appeared, Tokola let his eye wander elsewhere: around the chamber, toward the computer, past Willow's wicked-looking scythe, then that large portal-thing that didn't quite lead anywhere before, but suddenly sparked to life while the robot started her monologue about the girl being an anomaly that shouldn't exist. Under normal circumstances Tokola probably wouldn't care one way or the other: to the robot, the guide was just a tool to 'assist' the rest of the group, and probably also for surveillance purposes. That said, between Haneul, Ryder, and Justin (okay, maybe Ryder alone would qualify here) he'd never hear the end of it if he took an apathetic stance on this subject or even took the robot's side in the argument. But what could the robot possibly have meant? Was this Mallory a virus? A spy from the dark side, as it were? If she was to lead the group into darkness, then she would have to know darkness very well while being trapped in stasis inside of a mechanical crystal. But that would drive anybody mad, no? And given the constant name-dropping of disney, a number of creations spawned from human minds, up to and including many horrors that would destroy everything in their paths to obtain power, the most likely outcome was that this girl must also be a human.

Tokola opened his mouth to say something, but again, he felt he was missing an important detail. A cue. Something!

~Two dice-rolls later~

Of course, it was easy to miss the glowing portal behind the group while everyone was focused on this new girl and the robot trying to terminate the process that allowed her to continue existing, but Tokola didn't. While a portion of the group looked to plead for the life of this Mallory, the long-haired male took a quick stretch to get his mind off all the tension in the air. Once focused, he cuts the group off.

"Why in blazes would you appeal to a robot's emotional side," Tokola ponders aloud, backing up to the point that he probably bumps shoulders with somebody. You don't debate with robots: you destroy them. Or if they're weird floating hologram-things and you don't know how they maintain their awareness and ability to control things, then you find a place the robot cannot reach you, or you initiate hostile negotiations. To that end, see-three-pee-oh seems awfully worried about the possibility of Mallory finding her way into the portal.

The robot must not be able to control what happens outside this chamber, Tokola estimates.

"But if she means that much to you guys already then we need to scram!" he suddenly shouts while turning about and taking hold of Han's and Ryder's arms, cringing inwardly at the sudden physical human contact. Assuming Ryder still had a grip on Mallory, when Tokola dashes for the portal he's probably dragging half the group behind him, which probably leads to some complications when he dives headfirst into the portal.
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As the crystal broke open, and the argument ensued, Willow looked at the girl who was now their guide. Stepping up to the red-haired girl, she quietly said, "I-I know that the robot l-lady says that you're a mistake, b-but you don't seem like that to me. Y-you seem nice." Looking in the direction that Tokola was looking, she noticed the portal, "My n-name is Willow. Your name is Mallory, right?"weapon_monochrome_scythe_by_bladewithin-d6sm29e.jpg
This is what I imagine Willow's scythe looking like
The young woman was about to answer the girl with the huge scythe that looked pretty cool, when the robotic woman began talking. She was about to blow a fuse as Ms. Robot began saying that the young redhead named Mallory was an anomaly, something that was never supposed to exist. All of which the lady said only ticked her off more and more, until the French girl walked up beside Mallory and slipped her hand in hers and squeezed it comfort her. She nodded to what Ryder had said and added her thoughts. "I say that this only gives me a better reason completely obliterate you." Doriane smiled a fake smile, as she stood by Mallory protectively as well. "We don't give a damn about what you say. Now just go on and disappear, and leave us to do what we have to do- kick ass. Unless you want me to kick yours?" she finished sweetly.

Her big sister complex had just come out. She had two younger sisters back home whom she loved and protected -save for the times where they gave her hell- and this girl reminded her of the two. She's probably wayyy older than me, but who cares? She looked at the redhead and smiled, as she wiped the tears off of her face like she used to do with her younger sisters. "You alright? Don't listen to what she says, all of it are lie-" She couldn't finish her sentence when one of the guys pulled them right to the portal. "WHAT THE HEC-"
"Wait, no! Stop! Come back! You are sending yourselves to your doom! Error! Error! Violation of code 1892, waiting reboot! Waiting reboot!" Miss Robot started to scream as the group was pulled into the portal. The world around them seemed to blink before the mechanical room they had been in was gone. Dark streets lit by different street lamps filled their vision. Because of their hurried dash into the portal, the small group was thrown to the ground, tumbling over each other and ending up in a great big mess. The portal that had left them all crumpled disappeared after them, making it seem as if it was never there in the first place. The robotic woman was gone, her influence nowhere to be seen.

Quickly scrambling to get up, Mallory sighed as she looked at the group. "Um, sorry about that..." She wiped at her eyes, drying tears leaving a sticky sensation on the young girl's skin. "All right, let's see where we are..." She held her hands out before raising her hands, a translucent map outlined in different sections appearing labelled by different years. A large dark mass held a prominent spot in the middle of the map, spreading slowly as the young girl stared at the map. A small green dot showed that they were in an urban area. "We're in the outer areas of Disney... That's all right. That's fine. It'll just take us a little longer to get to the heart of the problem, but we'll be fine! Everything will be fine!" With a flick of her wrist, the map closed.

Looking each of the heroes over, the red head sighed. "Well, I guess we're just going to be thrust into this! It's nice to meet you all, though I didn't catch all of your names..." She played with her hair, trying to think of how to make the group of people feel a bit better about their situation. "You don't have to worry though! I won't hurt you, I promise!" She smiled, hoping those who had stuck up for her had actually meant it. "I'm sure you have questions... RITA isn't really good at answering things. So I guess I can try to explain things to you before we start beating up the darkness!" Mallory threw her arms out with a flourish, waiting expectantly for the people to start asking things or decide on something to do.

Nobody else seemed to be in the alleyways, but it definitely held a more modern look to it. Shouts of joy could be heard faintly, someone calling bets for some kind of fight. A strange blend of Japanese and American culture thrived in the city. To the young guardians, it looked realistic, almost as if they had been transported back to their own world. Yet something didn't feel quite right. People, looking as normal as can be, passed by chattering about some of the great advancements at a local college. Directly across from the alley, shops and restaurants lined up ready for someone to come in and enjoy their wares. A young hooded child ran past the alley containing the group, clutching what seemed to be some sort of robot to his chest.
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Senses... Overloading... Unnecessary... Contact...

Tokola's body trembles underneath everyone else's: whatever strength he had two minutes prior was lost in the pile of limbs and flesh that made up the group of companions he'd dragged in from the hub-realm. He might be acting a little bit over-dramatic about it, but he *is* uncomfortable at the bottom of what is essentially a dog-pile. A more wise person might be grateful to not have a blade jammed into their leg or chest right now.

The robot didn't even explode, but apparently Tokola's sudden impulse caused it to glitch into a reboot. That couldn't be a good thing, but at least for the time being he wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of that. No, chances are he might not even make it back there to encounter such a thing, but it couldn't hurt to keep thinking about hypothetical robot-gone-berserk scenarios and how to diffuse them. After all, his paranoia might have just saved everyone's life... or doomed them. One or the other.

You don't have to worry though! I won't hurt you, I promise!

The Anomaly was being awfully specific about this. That she came out of her crying spell so suddenly after the departure was even more worrying.

I'm sure you have questions...

So the entire group was right back where they started: questioning just what was going on and how to stop it.

...before we start beating up the darkness!

Aaaaaand then she made a joke about attacking the darkness. No, the group was *assuredly* doomed by Tokola's actions, and right now he felt very sick to his stomach. Even if they were all doomed to begin with, the rash decision didn't quite sit well with him. That could just be from all the touching, though.

With nothing for Tokola to ask about, as Rita had answered his own questions to a point he was satisfied with, he simply looked throughout the surroundings. At first he was hopeful about having awakened back in reality, but seeing the unusual blend of fashion and architecture did little for the male's comfort: hoodies, shops with some sort of kanji on the front, science projects, and... universities? English as the prevalent language?

He had to do a double-take when the kid holding a robot ran by.

"Well, that's not a good sign," he observes, weakly trying to pull out from under the group. Today was just not Tokola's day.
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