A Desire For Love

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Urion did as she asked and lead the way, left of them. The water splashed a little, as a group of birds took a dip. He looked at the lake and chuckled. He loved nature and everything about it. But, he also loved being at Marina's side. The leaves of the trees rustled a bit and mixed in with the sound of deer, not to far off near the broken branches and bushes ahead of them. It wasn't a very long walk from the lake to the spot where he wanted to show Marina. He could see a trail of flowers lining the path, symbolizing that they were close. But, he did not want to go to their destination just yet. He stooped mid-way of their location, and then turned to face Marina. Something about it all seemed so familiar. Once again, he found himself in an playback of his dream. It was all to similar to be a coincidence. The setting was all to identical. Now, his thoughts about Marina being his dream girl increased.

"Marina, do you feel as if you have been to this spot before?" He asked her, looking a bit confused.
Marina followed Urion down the way to the path of flowers. She stood close to Urion, almost tempted to cling to his arm. Looking about at all the wildlife and scenery of the forest made Marina feel happy, but not as much as when she was near Urion. So walking in a fairytale-like forest with a person dear to her was a major blessing. It was almost like a dream...

A dream....Marina then began to remember something that happened in a dream. Beyond the flower trail was a flat, green, beautiful area. It was like a place naturally made to have only two people there at once. In her dream, a boy was in front of her, holding a flower reef. Marina was standing in front of the boy as he placed the reef on her head and then kissed her nose. Marina had remembered that part very clearly in her dream. Granted, it wasn't like Urion's, but it was similar.

Marina listened to Urion's question and blinked, that was exactly what she was thinking. "Oh?...I believe I do..." she said, turning to stare at the flowers.
When she said that she felt the same, he turned away from her. Could it have been possible, that she experienced the same things at the same time as him? No, there had to be some other type of explanation. Could the dreams he had been having have come true? It was a possibility that it was true. Now that he thought about it, the place they were going seemed very familiar. It was the same one as he had dreamed about just last night.

"Marina, Have you ever thought that maybe dreams come true?" He turned to face her and inched closer.
Marina looked up only to see Urion's back. "Oh? What's the matter?" she asked, stepping closer to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. Once he turned around, she blinked. "Oh?" the question seemed quick. "Oh...I-I think they do!"
"Lately, I have been having these dreams. They always seem to give me some type of clue that mixes in with the situations I experience everyday. There is always someone else there. I cannot see her face or physical features, only a shadowy figure. Even more strangely, those situations have been entirely similar to what we do on a daily basis. I'm not going to jump and just say that it's because we are destined to be together. But, by the looks of things, it is a strong possibility."

He blushed hard suddenly. He couldn't believe he had said all of that out loud to Marina.
Marina looked up at Urion, and then she soon was just as red as him. "Oh...Oh ...Oh wow..." she hadn't really thought of it, but now that she had heard his side, she knew that Urion was right. "I..." she didn't know how to react. Marina knew that she had liked Urion for a bit while now. She was a bit nervous when he decided to bring it up now.

"...U..Urion..." she looked away a bit, but then she looked back up at him, with a genuine and excited smile. "It...It really does seem like that..."
He just had to be sure of it. He had to see if what he saw in his dream was truly real. He had always had feelings for Marina, but was too afraid to tell her. But each time they were together, something similar to what he dreamed would occur. "Marina come with me!" He grabbed her hand as he turned down the path and pulled her along with him. It wasn't hard enough to drag her, just to walk at his pace.

He lead her behind some brushes alond the right of the path and to the field. His eyes widened in surprise. It was just like he had thought. The field looked exactly like the one in his dreams. "This is amazing."
Marina gasped a bit when he grabbed her. "O-Oh?! Ok!" she said a bit hurriedly as she followed him to wherever he wanted to take her.

Looking around the field, her eyes began to light up. "O-Oh...Oh wow!" It almost looked similar to the small clearing in her own dreams. The flowers, the circular area fit for two. With only a few differences, it looked almost just like it...
"This is exactly what I thought it to be, Marina. It is exactly how it looked in my dream. Still, that doesn't give enough clues." He released her hand and began walking through the field and looking around. It was almost identical, except for one difference, there was no silver rose in the center of it all. Only a bluish-grey one. Still, could it have been possible? Urion turned back to face Marina, "Could you come here for a moment, Marina? I want you to take a look at this flower." Perhaps she may have saw something similar in her dream as well. The only way to find out was to have her look at the rose to clarify his belief.
Marina watched as Urion examined the area. Once called, she walked over and looked to the flower. "This one?" she looked down at it. It reminded her of a rose in her dream, except it was pure white. "Ohh...I think...I've seen this before..."
She had seen that flower. That gave his theory even more proof. There were still a few missing links and pieces to the puzzle. He had to be sure that they had seen the same flower. He knelled down and rested his hands underneath the flowers petals softly. She had seen the same flower as he had seen. The same color as well. That was another piece placed gently on the puzzle. He looked up to her and smiled, "I have seen the same flower as well. With that being said, we still have much to learn, before we can determine if we were experiencing the same dreams."
Marina watched Urion examine the flower and nodded. "Heh I see...Oh?" Marina sat near him and looked up at him. "Well then...What else do we need to find?"
Urion stood up and walked past Marina with his back facing her. Everything was still confusing and he didn't understand. The puzzle was a confusing one indeed. Urion turned his head to look back at Marina. "Marina, lets go now. We must not disturb the area for much longer. For now, let us continue our walk and perhaps we will gather more clues." He said to her, softly. His mind tried to make up many reasons as to why everything was happening. He closed his eyes for a bit.