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Florence decided that maybe the other was just bluffing. He closed his eyes, and listened to the other's breathing. He sounded so at peace, even if it was just after a few minuets. He opened his eyes, and watched him. He watched his hair fall over his eyes, and his nose flex gently with each breath. He looked so much like his sister.

But he didn't.

He had so many different characteristics. He was so original. He wasn't a copy, he was just related. Florence watched his eyelids flutter softly, and he wanted to touch his cheek. He looked soft. He looked warm. Florence placed a hand gently over the other's, taking in how very soft it felt against his calluses.

He pulled his hands away. This wasn't right. Florence turned his body, and sat up slowly in the bed. He needed a smoke. He let the dog replace his weight in the bed, and he made his way out. Atleast, he almost did, before he thought of what lurked under the bed. Florence had always wondered what atleast one of the letters said, but hell, it wouldn't hurt to read one, right?

Florence slowly crept under the bed, and flipped open the lid gently. He grabbed one of the latest letters, and slithered back out from under the bed. As he exited the room, he grabbed the package of cigarettes, and made his way towards the living room. Florence made his way out the door slowly, and took in the sweeping twilight that covered the city like an ill omen.

It must have been atleast three in the morning. Florence lit his cigarette, and sat on the porch.

As he sucked on ash, he played with the letter between his fingers, not entirely ready to open it. It had been given to him on his birthday, right when he turned 16, and he promised himself he wouldn't read it. Florence slipped his fingers between the fold and the envelop, and tore into it. There were few sheets of paper, and a few other items, but he only grabbed the papers for now. The letters were written on front to back, in messy cursive. It looked almost like Florence's chicken scratch. He read to himself as he let the ash fall onto his glow-in-the-dark boxers.

"Dearest Florence Jean,
I can't believe you're turning sixteen. I remember like it was yesterday when I would tease you, and call you humming bird. But look at you, my little Birdy, growing his big boy feathers. Growing his wings! You're going to leave the nest soon, and migrate to the north and live happily ever after. Atleast, that's what I expect from a free-spirited flyer like yourself.
Florence, I know you won't read this. I can tell by the way you spoke to me the last time I tried talking to you. I still hear you, Florence, in everything I do. But that was from days gone past. You were a boy, but now, you're a man. You're going to make some people very happy some day. But Florence, even if you never read this, just remember; It's hot in the summer, and cold in the winter, but dammit! You have to be nice, baby.
They give me so many pills here. I've been moved about four or five different times- I lost count after they gave me this pill with a blue band around it. I have to take nine in the morning before I go to work, and six in the afternoon with my lunch. At night, I take two to help me sleep. I need a picture of you, Florence. I need one of you and your mother. I think I'm forgetting what you both look like.

My god, it's been ten years since I last saw you, and possibly longer since I last heard you speak! How you must have matured. You must be taking care of your mother, my strong boy. You must have learned to fly with wings made out of newspaper clippings. I'm so sorry it's been hard on you both, but I was sick. I still am, and the dosages aren't getting smaller. I still see God sometimes, but never have I trusted that Holy Ghost.
Enclosed I have a picture of myself, your father, and a picture I kept of all of us before the bombs fell. I also have a few drawings. I have been getting better, I swear! Please keep in contact, Florence. I
I hope nothing but happiness comes through your doors. I love you kindly. Vincent F. Birdwhistle.

P.S: I'm in the Sacramento Institution for the Criminally Distraught and the Mentally Disabled, room 205 B, with a lovely view of the parking lot in sunny Calli-For-Ni-Ay, if you ever decide to visit.
P.P.S: Tell your mother I love her. Tell her I'm sorry. Hug yourself for me. Hug her twice.
Florence flicked ash from his cancer-stick, and placed the letters to the side, his hand shaking gently as he did. He didn't know when he stopped breathing, but he had to intake fresh air after reading that. He looked inside the envelope. He first saw the picture of his father, and he had to keep his breath again.

He looked just like him. He was Florence if he was a brunette and had more facial hair. He saw the blue eyes, and the blue veins, and felt himself popping. Vincent was wearing a white shirt stained with dust and marker smears, with big orange letters marking the front of the shirt with "EVENT STAFF". He was wearing a bright orange safety hat, matching the colors on his shirt. His brown hair was in a tangled mess, peaking out and curling away from all sorts of danger.

Vincent was doing a half-smile-half-wave, like he was taken off guard. Florence could tell why she fell in love with him. He placed the picture down, and looked at the family picture. Florence was about two or three in this picture, and he was being held by two tired kids, aswell. The date on the picture said '199--", but the rest was scratched off from years of wear and tear. Vincent was there, more clean-shaved, with less wrinkles and moles. His mother had longer hair. Florence was crying in the picture.

He didn't look at the drawings. Florence could tell they were just blue-prints for some house or something. He was going to be sick. He flicked the butt of the cigarette to the side, and shoved everything back into the envelope. Florence tried to keep himself together, but he felt like he was drowning. Florence wanted another cigarette, but he knew the other would wake soon. Florence stumbled into the house, placed the envelope under the TV, and waltzed into his bedroom, laying closer to the other than ever before.

He watched Nathaniel. He fell asleep.
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When morning came, Nate was peaceful. He felt the sun rays hit his face, but he didn't want to move. He was comfortable and warm. He snuggled in a bit closer to a source of warmth on his bed, and he tried to wrap the blanket around further in himself.

He realized that he hit something solid, although it still felt warm and safe. He figured it was the wall, his bed was pressed up against the wall...

But did a wall have arms to wrap around his waist? And... did walls have a figure that he could wrap his own arms around?

Nate's eyes immediately flew open, and he nearly had a heart attack. There was a person in his bed! Why was there a person in his bed? And who was that person?! He looked exactly like Florence, wait... That IS Florence. Well, why is Florence in his be-- it's not his bed.

Nate stared at Florence with wide eyes for a few moments. His brain slowly began to recollect what happened and what was going on. He wasn't in his room, he was in Florence's room. And the boy he was sleeping with wasn't a complete stranger, it was just Florence... And it was Florence whose arms were wrapped around his, with their legs tangled against each other...

Oh shit. Not another strange position.

Nate nearly fell out of the bed as he scrambled off of the bed. As he just woke up, his body was clumsy, and he dragged nearly half of the blankets with him as he climbed out along with pillow he was laying on. A bit dazed, he sat on the floor, when he saw a clock on top of one of the tables in Florence's room.


He stared at it for a while. His mind slowly registering the time. It was nearly 11:00, which means noon was fast approaching. His entire morning was nearly gone, sold away to sleep... What a waste of a morning, when he could have been doing homework.

Homework... Schoolwork... School.

Nate hopped up onto his feet, his brown eyes wild once again. He was late for school! He's already missed so much, due to Valencia's situation, but she was back now. He couldn't miss even MORE, he would fail in his classes otherwise. And Florence, Florence also was missing school - and he probably missed more school than he did!

Nate looked back down at the sleeping form on the bed. For once, Florence looked... at peace. His face was relaxed - they weren't showing signs of depression, anxiety, or anger, which is what he was use to seeing these last few days. They didn't seem exactly happy either, which he had to admit looked better. But, still... It was nice, watching Florence's deep breaths that sometimes dissolved in a small snore.

But Nate nearly slapped himself silly when a stray thought entered his mind, a thought that remembered just how comfortable, secure, and warm being pressed against Florence's body felt. Nate didn't know where the thought came from, but he knew it was weird. Very weird. Wipe it away, Nate, wipe it away. Such a thought never existed.

To even further his self-denial, Nate reached down and grabbed Florence's arm a bit. He shook the sleeping figure harshly, "Wake up Florence! It's Monday, we have SCHOOL. And it's already 11!!!"
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Florence slept like a baby, and felt himself form into the male next to him. He wrapped his arms around the other, sapping him of his heat. It was weird, even as he was in a deep sleep, holding him almost made all of his past worries and feelings melt away. Something like snow, melting in the heat of the summer's rays. His summer. Florence's summer.

When the other left, he was still left with a beautiful feeling of things in the past. He still felt happy, even in his deep unconsciousness. While he didn't have sweet dreams, it looked like he was still left with something sweet.

Well, atleast that was until the other had to jar him so violently.

Florence heard the other's frantic cries, and he rolled over in bed, taking his arm with him. If it was eleven already, then why even bother? There would only be about four hours of school left. But the other was so nervous about this, Florence decided to humor him. He rolled his eyes open, sat up, and groaned. He floundered out of bed and grabbed a pair of remotely clean pants on the floor, thinking gently about what this might have looked like to his mother.

Once he got his pants, he threw off his shirt. Florence quickly looked into his drawers, trying to find a shirt to fit over his long frame. It wasn't long before he just settled for a white-button up, and a black hoodie above it. He grabbed his glasses, tried to run his hand through his hair, and simply grabbed a hat.

He felt like his father.

Florence took his hat off, and walked to get shoes. "Your clothes are in the laundry room." He said, grabbing a piece of gum and stuffing it into his mouth. With Nathaniel acting like this, he might not be able to get brushing in. He slipped on his shoes, and grabbed his bag. Florence had missed atleast two weeks of school. Two straight weeks. He wasn't quite ready to get back on track, but it might relieve some stress on his mother.

Florence raced into his mother's room, grabbed his car keys, and kissed his mother on the cheek and scratched a very tired Water-Lou behind the ear. She rolled in bed. Florence raced into the living room, stuffing his hat into his back pocket. He spotted the open envelope under the TV, but didn't mind it. Not now. He waited for the other to meet him in the front, and Florence sparked a light.
Nate quickly scrambled to get himself dressed. He kept glancing at the clock, his heart beat thumping against his chest in anxiety. As soon as he was done, he ran after Florence to the outside world. He did a quick glance, wondering if perhaps he brought his school books to Florence's house. But of course he didn't, why would he have?

His eyes did wonder a bit to something strange. A random envelope on the TV. But Nate quickly cast aside the thought; maybe Mrytle put it there because she was in a hurry too? And honestly, Nate couldn't remember if the letter was already there or not from last night. He didn't THINK it was...

But he didn't have time for that. He had to get to school. He had to drag Florence to school. He couldn't BELIEVE how late it was!

As soon as he walked out, he immediately glared at the other idiot; he could smell and see smoke escaping from in between his lips. "Really? First thing in the morning?" He scoffed a bit, wanting to take the cigarette from Florence's mouth and stomp it onto the ground. Despite the great temptation, though, he just quickly rush forward.

"Your car?" He asked quickly, pulling on the handles a bit trying to get inside. "Come on! We're already so late! Also, when was the last time YOU went to school, Florence? How far behind are you?!" His eyes were narrow in suspicion, and he seemed ready to force Florence back into school.
Florence sucked on ash, and nearly kicked the front door open. He gave a shy smirk to the other, letting smoke leak from his lungs. "We'll just see how far I am." He said, as he rushed into the front of the car. Florence jammed the key, and held his cigarette between his lips. Florence took the opportunity to record this moment in time. He pulled out the recorder, and stomped on the gas.

"Star date, Monday... Well, Monday something, two-thousand-and-fifteen. It is eleven in the afternoon, and Mister Cross is here with me again. Note to self; never have sleepovers on Sundays. Another note to self; pick up late assignments and get a physical." Florenced pressed the end button, and threw it into the glove compartment.

"Since you already broke both rule one and two, I guess you have free range to drive and fuck with my toys as much as you want." He rolled down the window, and flicked ash out. "Asshole." He yawned, and stuffed the butt into his mouth. He took another turn, and drove into a handy-cap parking space. He quickly searched the back of his seat, and found a parking sign for such a spot. Having your dad in a mental ward had it's perks.

Florence ran out, locked the car, and stomped out the cigarette. He crossed his heart, and hoped that Valencia wasn't there.
Nate scoffed a bit and said playfully, "Those were under extreme circumstances... Though, since you gave me free range, I guess I would. I suppose I need to make a copy of your key now." He then smiled warmly, although he winced as he saw Florence ate the butt of the stupid death stick. Gross. Absolutely gross.

When they arrived in front of the school, he glanced at the clock once more and sighed. It was still lunch time, although it was ending quite soon. He might be able to grab some food to eat, because he was starved... He left the car, feeling quite strange with the fact that he had nothing on his back, and quickly made his way to the front doors. As they walked in, he turned to face Florence and asked, "Want to eat lunch with me?" But he never got to hear an answer. Because, from behind Florence, he could see a familiar girl. One he knew the other truly did not wish to see.


Nate then pushed Florence ahead, trying to make it so the other guy went away before he could see Valencia, although he wasn't sure if he was successful. "Actually, you go in first! I have to go talk to some teachers and people right now. I'll... Umm... Talk to you later, I guess? Bye!" Nate didn't have to look behind to see Valencia. He could practically feel her aura coming straight towards him in vicious whips. That was one thing she inherited from their mother - an anger that rival even Satan himself. "Nathaniel Cross." She growled out as she stood behind him. She then grabbed his hand and dragged him into a nearby empty classroom, ready to explode at him.

"Valencia!" Nate yelled out slightly, pulling away. He crossed his arms, ready for whatever she was going to throw at him. "I did what I had to do."

She shot him a harsh glare, his face flushed in anger. "What you had to do?! You fucking SNITCH! I can't BELIEVE you called the police! What's wrong with you?!" She cried out at the top of her lungs, her voice bouncing off the walls in shrieks.

"You were sleeping with an old MAN, Valencia. As your older brother, I HAD to tell them. He could have been tricking you, coercing you; it's i-"
"I WANTED him. I LOVE him, Nate. And now he's in JAIL. And mom and dad are at home making life miserable, and you didn't even bother coming home last night!"

"I accidentally went to sleep, and I know you think you love him, but it's not right." Nate tried to reason with his deranged sister, but it was hard. Valencia had always been kind of unreasonable, and as he knew her all her life, he was always on the receiving side of the stick when she became like this. Still, he had to try. All he did was try to protect her after all... Although he did admit that part of it was pay back for what she did... That was beside the point.

"It's not RIGHT? You have NO right to say such a thing, Nathaniel Cross! NO right!"
"I'm your brother! It's my JOB to look after you! It always has been!"
"No it's not! Nobody ASKED you to."

Nate came in closer to her, trying to hold onto her hands gently as he normally did when they were young. "Nobody needs to! I'm suppose to, and I always wi-"

"STOP." She finally screamed, shoving him back. She wasn't strong enough to shove him with too much force, so he merely stumbled back, but the shock itself was surprising enough. "I don't NEED you, and I don't want you helping me! You're a freaking little nosy bastard, and I hate it! You always want to get in everyone's business, and try to FIX them. Well, guess what Nate. Nobody wants your stupid so-called help. It's just annoying and nobody wants or needs your help. So stay out of my life."

For a few seconds, Nate was stunned. But as he recovered, he realize that he always knew it was a bit annoying. He just never really stop to think about it, because he knew that despite that, it was best for the other party. So, he tried to explain this to his sister.

But she was having none of it. "NOBODY. Get it through your thick skull!" She then gave one last exasperated sigh and walked over to the door. "Not even Florence. I don't know what you're thinking you're doing with him, but whatever it is, fixing him will just annoy you of him. He'll just go right back to hating you." She then opened the door as Nate tried to find another comeback. He wasn't able to though, and so Valencia was about to step out of the room with the last word.

But even that wasn't enough for her. So she paused at the moment, still holding the door knob. "Speaking of, why are you two together? You mentioned sleep, did you sleep with him last night? Are you a fag now, Nate? Because that's gross." She wrinkled her nose and gave him one last look before she stepped out of the room. "I hope not, I don't want to be related to such a creature."

Nate was stunned. He wasn't sure what to say, what to do... Or even how to feel. He walked out of the classroom, numb as well.

There was only one thought on his mind: He had to go to class... He just had to go to class...
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Florence wanted to eat lunch with him. He wanted to hang out with him, and get to know him, and make up for all the terrible things he had done and said to him, and all the times he swore he'd kill the little pest. He wanted to do all of this and more, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to. He turned around at the push, but he wished he hadn't.

A hole was ripped through his core. It more than a cigarette burning holes in his lungs. She burnt a hole through his heart, and left the ash at his feet. He watched them sweep at eachother, like rival winds fighting for territory. He tried to breath, but her breathtaking beauty did just that. He began breathing heavily, and sometimes not at all. He looked to her like a lost soul looks to a false prophet.

Florence soon found himself out.

He was briskly. He walked fast. He began running, and from what he didn't know. He made his way all the way to his locker, before he took a moment to catch himself and his smoker lungs. He smelt like smoke. He felt like hell. He took a hand, and grabbed at his locker. How long had he been shaking like that? Florence opened the locker, and let it swing open loudly. He then began distracting himself. He tossed books into his locker, into his back, and back out again.

All that he could think of was her. The way her hair graced against her cheeks. The eyelash on her cheek. The way the other man held her. The way she slapped him across the face when he tried to save her from the man she loved. The way she looked at him in the police car. The way she looked at him just two minuets ago. The way she looked at him with such hate. The way she probably hated him now.

Florence, unbeknowingly to himself, missed the bell for class as he stared into his locker. Florence, unbeknowingly to himself, was approached by a teacher. Florence, unbeknowingly to himself, grabbed a book and stuffed it into his backpack. Florence, unbeknowingly to himself, ignored the teacher.

"Mister Birdwhistle, do you have a late-pass?"
He grabbed another book.
"Florence Birdwhistle, you are going to be late for your class!"
Another book.
"Young man--"
Florence, unbeknowingly to himself, slammed his hand into his locker. Florence looked towards the teacher, holding his bloody and trembling hand outstretched to the world. "I'm going to the nurse." Blood pooled on the floor as he made his way to the nurses office without another word. He felt that maybe the drugs were passed genetically, and that love was making him crazy.
Nate wandered the hallway, trying to find out which class he needed to get to. What class did he have again? What did he usually take at this time? He couldn't get himself to think, his mind was scattered in so many different direction. Even the simple task of thinking about walking was proving to be too hard.

He just wanted to go home and snuggle into bed. He wanted to block out the rest of the world. One day of just laying in bed wouldn't be bad, right? Not at all...

As he walked down the hallway trying to figure out where to go, he saw Florence. At first, his mind didn't register the other guy, but when he saw a trail of red blood, his mind was on high alert again.

What did Florence do THIS TIME?!

Immediately, Nate rushed to his side. "Florence?!" His eyes were wide and he looked down at the boy's hand. "What happened?! Why are you hurt?! Go to the nur-" He was about to reach out to grab Florence's arm to drag him to the nurse's.

He was doing it again. Being nosy. Nate blinked at Valencia's words came into his mind, piercing through his chest. He thought it didn't hurt earlier, but apparently it did. So much more than he thought. Instead, his hand dropped to his side. "Y...You should see the nurse." He muttered out finally, unsure on how else not to be so annoyingly nosy.

Then he fell silent. His urgency seemed to have dissipated into thin air.
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Florence looked at the other, and wanted to reach out to him. But he looked like he was dealing with his own troubles. Florence nodded, and turned around towards the district office. His hand was throbbing. He appreciated the next kid who would slam his hand into a locker door. Florence inspected the wound as he teetered towards the office, and he faintly wondered how he got to this point.

He remembered Valencia. He wanted to slam his hand into another locker. One of the local typists at the computer saw Florence, in his once-white button up, and almost vomited up that lunch. She instructed him, with one hand over her mouth, to go to the nurse. Florence was happy to agree. He shuffled off into the lounge, and waited.

Another kid was in there with him, who looked a little less worse than himself. He turned over, and gasped gently.
"You should.... take my seat. You need help more than I do-- I-I just wanted a sick day."
"Funny story," Florence started. "I'm here for the same reason." He flashed a smile, and switched seats with the kid. Soon, the nurse exited, and was taken aback by the state.
"Dear god..." She grabbed a chair, and inspected it closely. His hand went numb to the touch, and he watched the other work silently. "You need a few stitches." She said, taking the hand and dragging the boy under the water fosset. "You need to clean this, first."
Florence hissed loudly, wanting to pull his hand away. The teacher held it there, letting the blood pool into the bottom of the sink. When she was done, Florence held his hand and trembled. It felt like his entire body was going numb.

Needless to say, a half hour of the nurse was enough of an excuse to send him home. He drove himself like a big boy, and he even found time to get a pack of smokes. The nurse had stitched him up, and he only needed about six or seven. He looked at his hand, wrapped in white gauze, and sighed. He opened the glove compartment, and grabbed his recorder.

"I smashed my hand for her. Dammit, I'll do it again." Florence began to cry. Maybe it was the delayed pain that he felt in his hand. "I still love her... O-Over."

Florence drove off in silence, and fell asleep in the front seat when he reached the driveway.
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Nate watched as Florence walked away. He wanted to go with him, he really did. He wanted to make sure Florence was sure to go to the nurse's office, to make sure he was treated as much as he needed. He wanted to make sure that when Florence took a leave from the school, he wouldn't automatically go buy several cigarettes to smoke straight away. He wanted to help the boy out.

But he didn't. He just watched. Nate never felt so helpless and restricted before in his life.

He tore himself away from watching Florence and began to walk away. This time, his body automatically led him to the classroom he needed to be in.

Nate found it strange. Once again, he found himself in a classroom setting. Despite the looks he got when he walked in, everything else seemed normal. The teachers lectured nonstop in front, though they occasionally turned to look at the sea of blank stares and expect intelligible answers from them. Other kids around him would snicker or giggle, at some sort of unheard joke. It was as if nothing ever happened. It was normal.

So normal it was suffocating.

At the end of class, the teacher called for Nate to come over. Nate sat there for a minute, unable to actually get himself to stand up. When he finally did, though, the teacher merely handed him a stack of papers. "Homework you missed, Nathaniel. I hope you get them done by next week."

Nate didn't have any folder or bag to store them. So he just dropped his hand to his side, the papers flopping against his pant legs. Then, without another word, he left the classroom.

Then he left the school building. He walked over to the handicap spot where Florence parked. And although just about an hour before, Nate was horrified that Florence would pull such a trick, this time, he was disappointed to find that the car had already disappeared. But even then, the disappointment was quickly swallowed up by his feelings- well, his lack of.

He didn't know where else to go. He didn't want to go home. He didn't have a car to drive to any place far away. So he just walked. Walked aimlessly. As long as he could get away, wherever he ended up didn't matter.

Well, hopefully, he'll end up somewhere.
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Florence slept restlessly in his car. He was a mixture of cold, and warm. Of both tired and anxious. Of sad and mildly happy. He didn't sleep for too long before his hand started throbbing again. He held it up, his eyes half-lidded as he did so. The bandages looked remotely red, and felt like they needed to be changed. Florence let his hand fall limp to his side, and he sighed.

He wanted to visit Mackenzie. He wanted to apologize to Ran. He wanted to kick his father's ass. He wanted to hold Valencia, and he wanted to be friend with Nathaniel. He wanted to call him Nate. Florence pulled his hair back, and groaned. Life was a struggle. He kicked open the door, and found that he had simply napped for an hour. It was sometime around two, and he was just as pathetic as ever.

When he went through the door, his mother instantly attacked him with hugs and kisses. She hadn't seen the letter thankfully, and she only got wind of what happened at school. She told him to stay in bed, and she said she'd go to get some soda. She then proceeded to take the keys, and leave the house. Even with Water-Lou panting near his side, he still felt alone.

Florence meandered towards his bedroom, and found himself drawn to his bed. They smelled faintly like Nathaniel.
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Nate somehow ended up at home, despite his mind's screaming of 'no.' How did he end up here? WHY did he end up here? Suddenly, he saw a car rush down the road, and he realized that it was his mom's car. His eyes went wide and he immediately tried to turn around and hide, but he was too late, his mom saw him.

"Nathaniel!" She called out, pulling down the window. "What are you doing? Why didn't you go home yesterday, and why didn't you pick up the phone when I called?!"

Nate recalled, in the back of his mind, Florence's practical joke on his mom. He wished he could return to then. "I'm sorry." He muttered, not coming any closer to the car than he had to. "I'm home now." He muttered.

There was no 'welcome home' of course. "And what was all the calls I'm getting from school lately? Are you skipping? It's because of that Florence-kid isn't it? I knew he was a bad influence. First Valencia, and now you! I'm going to get the boy locked up, I swear-"

"No!" He immediately interrupted, shaking his head. "Don't do that. It's not his fault, none of this is."

"Are you talking back to me?" Her eyes narrow into a glare, and she opened the door to go talk to her son. Nate stepped back as his mother approached. "What is going on with you, Nathaniel? You're not going to school, you're not coming home. You're not doing drugs, are you? Like father like son, that Birdwhistle kid must ha-"

"NO!" He cried out once more, "shut up, mom! He's NOTHING like that, stop!"

"Don't you dare tell me to shut up!" She reached out to try to grab Nate's arm, but he quickly moved away. Then he started to run. "NATHANIEL CROSS! Get BACK here!" He didn't stop. He couldn't stop. He just kept running and running and running. Where was he going?

As his legs screamed at him to stop, Nate finally slowed down. He didn't know how long he's been running for, but apparently his body thought that he was crazy. His legs felt like jelly, and his lungs felt like they were on fire. He looked around at his surrounding, trying to figure out where he was.

Florence's house.

He stared up at the strangely colored house. It looked so warm, so happy. So unlike his own strict and straightforward household. He couldn't ever imagine his mother wanting to paint the house, and even if she did... Well, she would just hire people to do it for her.

Nate's legs managed to get him to the front door. But he couldn't get himself to knock. Instead, he sank down and rested his back against the wall. He wrapped his arms around his screaming legs and he rested his head down.

Then everything came out at once. Everything that happened the last few days. From Valencia's disappearance to betrayal to harsh words. From Florence's hatred to kindness and friendship. From his parent's inability of understanding and inability of unconditional trust.

He cried endlessly. He cried for hours.
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Florence was limp in his bed. He thought long and hard about the letter that his father sent, and he thought long and hard about Sacramento. He left his hand vibrate under any touch, and he saw how the bandages began to soak in the blood. Florence closed his eyes, and breathed in deep as he thought about his father. He thought about the time all the air had left from his lungs.

"I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."

The water was hot, and the sun was even hotter. It was sometime in July, when Florence was just a mop of red hair and flushed cheeks. He could count on one hand how old he was. Florence whistled like a bird with his two front teeth, which beheld a large gap. He watched his father silently. His father, Vincent, held a bible to his chest harshly. He had scabs on his face, and eyes like a wild man.

"Heavenly Father, in your love you have called us to know you, led us to trust you, and bound our life with yours. Surround this child with your love, protect it from evil. Fill it with the holy spirit and receive it into the family of your church, that it may walk with us in the way of Christ, and grow in the knowledge of your love."

Florence neared the tub, but his father hissed at him to stay back. Florence picked at his overalls anxiously, worried that his father may do something that his teachers warned him about. That his mother warned him about. Florence managed to loosen a strap, and he looked down to see it fall. His father took him by the hand, and soon lifted him in his arms. Florence squirmed as his father lifted him over the water.

"Lord God, our heavenly Father, we thank you for your great goodness in calling us to know you and to put our trust in you. Increase this knowledge and strengthen our faith. Give your Holy Spirit to this person, that he may be born again and made an heir of everlasting salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever."

The man slowly placed Florence in the water. Florence screamed, the water burning his skin. He began crying loudly for him to pull him out, but soon the water covered his small chest and his neck, and over his mouth and nose until he couldn't scream anymore. He used his limbs, but nothing could stop this man. Vincent held him under, screaming in God's name.

"Heavenly Father, we thank you that in your great love you have called us to know you and to trust you!"

Florence's mother busted in.

"Increase this knowledge and strengthen our faith!" The mad man screamed.

"Give your Holy Spirit to this person that he may be born again, cleansed from all sin, and inherit your eternal Kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

Myrtle screamed at him, pried his hands off of her son, but nothing could stop this make-shift priest. He began shaking the child, as if he was jarring him from under the water.

"Ahmen!! Ahmen!! Ahmen!! Ahmen!!"

Florence breathed deeply, and gasped. Maybe Nathaniel was right. Maybe it was time to see his father. Florence grabbed his dog's leash, and tied it around his mutt. He made his way to the front door.
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Nate was still wrapped up in a small ball when Water-Lou came waltzing out of the house. The dog didn't seem to be too surprised that a body was sitting there, but the large creature started to bark at Nate to warn their master. Nate winced and tightened his hold a bit, and then he looked up in surprise.

He was shocked to find Water-Lou's face so close to his. He could practically feel the wet surroundings that covered it's nose. But what shocked Nate even more? Was the fact that Florence was standing at the door.

Nate immediately scrambled to his feet, and he felt extremely embarrassed. His face was flushed red, from both embarrassment and from crying. But, what's even worse, was his eyes were bright pink and puffy. He wiped them quickly, including his nose as he felt it running down like a waterfall. "I'm sorry." He said quickly, although slightly strangely as his voice sounded tight and wound up.

"I'm going now. I don't know why I'm here." He stared down at the ground, unsure if he should look up at Florence. Was it creepy that Nate was here? Was it creepy that he was just SITTING there? In front of Florence's house?

The day was just terrible.
Florence had an unlit cigarette in his mouth by the time he found the crying teen. He held it between his upper and lower lip. He was as shocked as the other was to be found on his doorstep. He looked back at the house, and jiggled the door handle. "You know," He started, taking his cigarette in his bandaged hand and stuffing it behind his ear. "The door was unlocked."

Florence wrapped an arm around the other's shoulder, and pulled him along. "Come on, you big cry baby. Tell Mama-Bird what has you cryin'." He said, trying to lighten the mood. Florence was suppose to be the one known for crying, not him. It made him anxious to see that the other was crying, and even worse yet was that Florence could have done something sooner.
Nate eyed the cigarette distastefully, but said nothing of it. Instead, he was embarrassed by Florence's comment, but also confused. Did that mean he was allowed to just stroll on in whenever he wanted? And why were they keeping their door unlocked, that was dangerous...

But once again, Nate said nothing of his concerns. He just kept quiet as Florence wrapped his arm around him. He unconsciously leaned towards the other boy, felling immediately comfort. He didn't say anything as they talked for a while.

"E... everything." He muttered, not quite sure where to start. He wanted to talk to Florence, he really did. He wanted to confide in the other, and perhaps being told that 'everything was okay' or some helpful advice. Just, a listening ear.

But Nate knew he couldn't do that to Florence. Part of the reason he broke down - well, most of the reason - was because of Valencia. The one woman that Florence definitely didn't need reminding of existing at the moment. Instead, Nate just shook his head. "Nothing." He ended up. He realized he must have contradicting himself, but he couldn't get himself to care.

As they walked down the sidewalk, Nate glanced over at Florence's hand in worry. He saw the bloody bandages, and he immediately had a disapproval face. But once again, he stayed quiet.
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Florence walked off, his shattered hand draped over the other, and his good hand keeping a hold on the meandering beast. Florence wanted to light his cancer stick up, sure, but the other looked like he needed some oxygen than carbon. Florence tucked the cigarette into his pocket, and took his hand away. He instantly felt cold, and wanted to hold him again. What a weird thought.

"Everything and nothing?" Florence asked, rubbing the stitches absently. "I think I might have a solution for that." Florence said, as he wandered him towards the center of the sidewalk. Florence thought gently, and sighed. He wished he could help more, but Nathaniel had to make the effort to tell him. Florence felt how Nathaniel looked, and Nathaniel looked how he felt. It was as if they were bound.

"Come on, lets get some slushies and doughnuts." He said, rubbing the other's back gently. "You look like the kind of person who'd go for a wild cherry." Florence had managed to find five dollars scrunched up in his pocket from the day before, and as much as he wanted cigarettes, he wanted to take care of Nathaniel, first. He grabbed some glasses from his pocket, and put them on Nathaniel's head. "You can be blind this time."
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Nate was finding comfort in Florence's touch. So when he pulled away, Nate was a split second away from grabbing the red hair and pulling him in close again. But that was strange, wasn't it? That was... weird... So, there was one word in his mind that kept echoing poison, effectively preventing him from doing such a thing: fag.

At the suggestion, Nate wasn't really in the mood for such games. But he didn't want to voice his dislike since Florence was trying his best. For a brief moment, Nate realized how strange this entire situation would have been a few weeks ago. Him? Go to Florence for comfort? Not that he regretted it, just by being in the presence of him, Nate could feel a little bit of comfort.

To answer Florence, Nate didn't say anything, he just took the glasses, put them on, and walked beside Florence. During the walk, he frequently glanced at Florence's wrapped hands. He could feel worry for the other, wondering if he did get it treated as he was suppose to. But he didn't voice his concern.

Before they were able to walk into the store, without any warning, it started to rain.

"What the...?!" Nate looked up, to see that dark clouds had indeed gathered overhead. Were they always there? He wasn't sure. "We should go find some shelter!" He told Florence, looking around. Water-Lou's barking grew louder and louder as the giant beast pranced in the rain. He mentally cussed in his head, it wasn't a light rain either. It was pouring, hard.

"You don't happen to have an umbrella with you, do you?"
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Florence tried his damnest to keep control of his dog, without slipping and sliding into any form of puddles. If he had an umbrella, it would be little use. Florence held on the rope tightly, "Water-Lou! Bad! Stay down!" It did calm the beast gently, but it didn't stop the large dog from rolling into mud. Oh, great. Florence took his hood, and lifted it over his head.

Water was the last thing he needed.

"Come on," Florence grabbed the other's arm, linking it with his own, and jogged across the street with a muddy beast and bloody rags on his hand. Well, this was a set-up for a bad joke. Two teenagers and a Saint Bernard look for a bar... Florence, once across the street, managed to find a store pretty quickly. It was a foreign food store, called "Ugly Amerikan". Florence busted through the doors, his dog shaking off on both of the teenagers.

A teeanger with a nametag that read "Esamaya Cabouda" came towards them, trying to kick them out. Florence, red in the face from jogging and fearful of the ran, let out one loud word, while motioning towards his friend. "BLIND!"

Florence, Nathaniel and Water-Lou were instantly left alone.
Nate stumbled slightly as he tried his best to keep up with the giddy dog and the frenzied master. He felt all of his clothes getting soaked to the bones, and his body felt heavier and heavier the more they ran through the puddles. By the time they were in the store, Nate felt like he gained at least 15 pounds, and his shoes squelshed everywhere he stepped. His steps leaving tracks of muddy water on the floor.

Goosebumps appeared up and down his arm, and he shivered as the AC of the store blew mercilessly at them. Nate wrapped his own arms around himself, trying to warm up. He then glanced over at both Florence and Water-Lou. Florence probably looked the same as he did, his red hair was flat against his head, his clothes dripping and sagging from his body.

Water-Lou on the other hand, looked like a giant mud monster. And as the dog shook, as dogs do, mud splattered everywhere, including on the two drenched children. The employee, Esamaya, started to yell at them, but Nate couldn't bother with trying to understand the foreign language. Instead, he started laughing.

Florence looked like some sort of screwed up art-figurine that went horribly wrong. Mud polka-dotted his clothes and body, but they instantly began to drip onto the floor. Also, most, if not all of, Florence's pants were soaked in mud, as he recently just went trudging through a mud bath. Not to mention, he was holding the leash to what looked to be a giant rat that managed to crawled up from the deep depths of the sewers. It was horrifying and hilarious all at the same time.

"You lo- er, sound ridiculous!!!" He said in between some of his laughter, grinning at Florence. "Like you came out of a horribly cheesy horror movie!"

It was weird. For the brief moment, Nate seemed to have forgotten his day's dreariness. As of the black clouds, icy cold rain, and merciless splashes of mud managed to clean him of his depression.
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