21 and Legal

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Now when you say it Finhawk, we're also allowed to drink in Sweden when we turn 18 xD Forgot about that. We can drink at bars, cafes and wherever we want, but we're not allowed to buy our alcohol from the only people allowed to sell it, systembolaget. (The Swedish Alcohol Retailing Monopoly). We need to be 21 to buy from them.... But our parents and our friends are allowed to give us drinks, and we can get them in restaurants and all that, but we're not allowed to buy our own bottle xD Cause apparently if an 18 year old can buy their own bottles, they'll become alcoholics. Cause no one has ever gotten super drunk and fainted in a ditch when drinking at a bar :I Swedish logic :D

Well, either way I've never even thought about entering the systembolaget. My friend actually wanted me to go and buy a drink for her on my 21st birthday, just so that I could say I had gone and bought a drink on that day haha (Of course she would have payed for it.) But I said no.. Cause it felt unnecessary
Actually, to buy from Systembolaget, I'm pretty sure you only have to be 20.

And the thing about being able to drink while supervised while 18 but not being able to buy from Systembolaget is because assuming you have your first drink at 18, you've never experienced the effect alcohol has on your body. Therefore, it's easier to over-drink unknowingly. But if you're around people you can trust, like your family at home or at a bar where the bartender is legally obliged to decline serving you more alcohol if said bartender finds that you're too drunk, they'll stop you from drinking too much. Unfortunately, some bartenders cheat the system by saying they didn't know the customer was wasted beyond recognition when serving them their 21st shot of vodka, but if you're anywhere half-decent with a bartender that has some respect for their line of work, they'll follow the rules.
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Rumchata! It tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
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Rumchata! It tastes like Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
Yes it does. I've had it before. My grandpa makes it at home sometimes.
On my 21st birthday, I had:

Fuzzy Navel
White Russian
Wet Pussy (at the suggestion of a friend)
Pink Pussy (because that friend realized she'd ordered me the wrong drink)
Stop Light
Sake sangria
And several shots of straight sake.

It was fun... for about three hours.

Then it was not fun for about thirteen.

That was a while ago though. Nowadays I just relax with a glass of scotch.

On an unrelated note, Wet Pussy was the first and only hookah flavor I ever smoked. It was interesting, especially since the Hookah Lounge we smoked at gave us a pineapple to smoke out of.
Have an AMF. That stuff is delicious. :D

On my 21st birthday, I just went out with one friend and had some dinner and an Old Fashioned. It was a chill night because I had 9 am class the day after. :|

Then I went and had a pitcher of drink the next weekend.
I've never tried alcohol. I'm one of one people, because of what I do for a living, that has seen far too much damage done by people who can't control how much they use the drug. Battered wives and children, broken marriages because of drunken broken vows, and loss of life due to careless drinkers, challenge me to not be that guy. I've got a wife and two children to see through their lives without running any risk whatsoever of ruining that for a buzz.

Before that, I was too scared of what my dad would do if he found that I tried alcohol. We were very anti alcohol growi up and with that, I feared my dad's response. He never would have hit me, but the disappointment would have been enough and that would have only been the start of it.

Another factor that played in my decision to not drink was my athletics status. Being a starter on the basketball team helped motivate me to behave so that I didn't lose that position. I never went to the parties the others had because I knew the damage it did to your body and I couldn't have that with Atheletics being such a big part of my life.

So...in short...I've never taken a drink and never knowingly will.
Legal age is 19 in (most of) Canada. My eldest sister took me to a pub after work, I had a free birthday shot and she bought me a paralyzer which I didn't finish because I remembered that I had to drive. We played bingo.
I've never been to a pub. I've only ever seen them in tv shows and such.
My birthday is coming up and I'll be turning 21. Like any 20 almost 21 year old, I'm gonna drink (Not get drunk, just drink). Usually, I don't care for birthdays or celebrating them, but this year I plan on treating myself and going to a bar and having a few drinks. If I can't do that then I'll go to the liquor store and just buy some alcohol and drink while watching movies all night and giving myself a facial.

Anyway, to my point. What did you guys first drink when you were legal? I know most of us have already had our first drinks, but what was your first legal drink? What was your first drink in your life? What drinks should I try when I'm finally legal and able to get them myself?
My first legal drink was at my grandfather's dinner table. We were playing dominos over two beers, one for each of us.

And by legal, I was 15. But there are laws in place that made it legal for me to have a beer with my relative. 8D
Explore the wonderful world of beer. So many types, so many tastes.
Anyway, to my point. What did you guys first drink when you were legal? I know most of us have already had our first drinks, but what was your first legal drink? What was your first drink in your life? What drinks should I try when I'm finally legal and able to get them myself?
Unsurprisingly, Jack Daniels was the first drink I legally had. As for a first drink, get a nice rum. You can get one that tastes nice and won't completely waste you after only two shots without paying obscene amounts of cash. It's a happy medium drink between the piss that Americans call beer and the suicide Americans call moonshine. :ferret:

Rapid fire tips: Take your time, enjoy the drink, know your limit and stay within it. If you go out to drink, be sure you have a safe trip home. If you drink out at a bar, never leave your drink unattended. Drink with friends, liquor and loneliness is as poisonous as gasoline.

Oh, and don't drink because you feel you need to, for social reasons or otherwise. That starts you down a very dark and painful path that has consumed people I've cared about.

That all aside, congratulations! :ferret:
I've never been to a pub. I've only ever seen them in tv shows and such.
For as often as I go out to a liquor place, I prefer pubs to clubs. A pub is solace you can have dinner and a conversation and relax. Clubs are loud and more activity based

Edit: solace was an autocorrect from 'a place' but I'm gonna leave it. It works.
Started drinking (very lightly) when I was 12. So on my 21st I got *everyone* hammered.

Due to the amount of drinks I bought, it got me started on studying mixology. Eventually became decent enough that people would invite me to parties just to make drinks. But I grew to stop liking crowded parties and stopped. Plus it's super annoying when people see my drink and steal it, go to the trouble of making a new one and having it stolen again.

Nowadays I just drink whiskey neat because 1. my drink won't get stolen and 2. it be awesome.

My first legal drink is a shot of Bacardi 151. 75.5% alcohol. Tastes like diesel.
FROSTY JACKS.... anyone from the UK will connect that drink to poor life choices... but camaaan, 3.5 litres for 3 pounds? at what, 8%? I can't remember.
First legal drink was something my dad had in a wooden cask. I remember that I couldn't breath for a few seconds after I drank what he poured from the cask into a mason jar. Mason Jars are classy as hell.

Then I remember dancing to CCR till about five in the morning with a bunch of the local girls who lived around the area. Bonfires in the south are basically beacons saying "Hey, you'd rather be here anyway. Call in to.... whatever, and get your ass over here."
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