Zodiac Children {Closed Signups}

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If any spots ever open up... Would it be alright to contact me?
Sorry for the late guys, but we haven't started yet so I think I made it in time :)
Name: Lily Ardice
Age and year: 12, 1999
Zodiac: Rabbit
Personality: Generally calm, clever, gentle and slightly timid. Lily is also a good listener, kind and sweet by nature, and is therefore often sought out as popular and trusted friends, especially by fellow girls. Generally noted for her physical beauty, she likes to surround herself with beautiful things. She has a good eye for art, design and fashion, and is usually be the best dressed girl in the room. She doesn't like taking any risk and is rarely known to make a move or jumps into any new situation without first carefully considering all her options.
Power(s): Lily passively has the extreme sense of hearing. She is also capable of temporarily increasing her agility up to the level which surpasses the speed of sound, but it drastically drains her stamina in process.
Others: (Based on a horoscope site) she gets along with Sheep, Dog and Pig and doesn't get along with Dragon, Horse, Rat and Rooster. The sudden loud noise can frighten her more effectively than others due to her hearing ability. Therefore, she really scared of thunder and could hug someone nearby if it happened :D.
Name:Holli Bell
Age and year: 9 years old; 2002
Zodiac: Horse
Personality: Holli is very free-spirited and open-minded. She is also very intelligent and hard-working so she can pick up new skills with ease. Holli can sometimes be too independent and wants to work alone and she is always impatient. It's hard for her to teach others what she knows and is very stubborn when it comes down to her ideals.
Power(s): Super Speed but the amount of time she can use it correlates with her stamina.

Other: She gets along with the sheep, tiger, and dog. She doesn't want anything to do with the rat. Loves going outside.
Name: Evangeline Dulcine
Age and year: 16, (18 August 1995)

Zodiac: Pig (Boar, which ever you fancy~)
Personality ( optional, try to fit the zodiac):
She can be rather feisty at times and can get very angry being quick to judge what others say. Despite this she has a very caring nature as well and will love the people that touch her heart in a very open way. Not afraid to say what she is thinking Evangeline can get rather intimidating at times. Due to her childish features she does get mistaken for someone younger than her age and it takes a school ID to make them believe her. Being loyal to her heart is one of her most redeeming features but her personality changes all the time. Depending on her mood she could be very social able or the most moodiest out of everyone.
Power(s): She can create sonic waves with her voice reaching very high frequencies, this is used to attack others. Another ability that she has is the ability to manipulate earth, but since it takes quite a bit of her energy to create large manipulations she doesn't do it often in front of others or in combat.

She gets along really well with the Rabbit and the Sheep, but… She does not get along with the Monkey and the Snake. They wouldn't get along at all.
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Alright everyone! Things look great. Thank you all for joining. We will be able to get underway shortly. We still need a Rooster, so if you know anyone who might be interested... And Roxshi, if you could post your character soon, that would be much appreciated.
But other than that and a few other things we are ready to get underway. So expect a post from Kanjo in the RP and here this weekend.
Hope you are all ready too!=^.^=
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Name:Henry Bennett
Age and year:6, 2005

(Except he has yellow eyes.)
Personality:Henry is very observant to the things around him, but pays more attention to the feelings of others. Though sometimes not good at it, he does like it when other's go to him for help, even if it's small. He also tries not to hide much about himself; not afraid to voice out his problems when in need of some aid. Though he doesn't hide his true nature, he is very conscious about what others view his physical appearance. Picking out his clothing many days in advance.
Powers:Telepathy, but can only communicate to those he can see.

•He is fond of the Snake, Pig, and Ox but is uncomfortable with the Sheep, Tiger, and Rabbit.
•Whenever at a party, he tries to be more colourful with his choices of clothing.
•Early riser.
•Can be super protective with things or those he cares about.​
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Name: Lily Silvaden
Age and year: 6, 2007
Zodiac: Dog
Personality ( optional, try to fit the zodiac): Lily is unsually honest about things. She will tell anybody what is on her mind, if she is comfortable around them. Often times, she is a little distant and shy. She will not say much if she isn't talked to. In groups, Lily will engage in conversation if she knows anything about the topic. She is also friendly and loyal to her friends. Once you get to know her, she is a nice, thoughtful girl who wants the best for her friends.
Power(s): Heightened sense of smell, hearing, and vision.
Other:Lily gets along good with Tiger, Rabbit and Horse. She tends to stay away from Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Rooster.
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Woo! We have all twelve zodiac! That means, it's time for a few rules and then the introduction!
1. Be respectful. Simply: respect the rules, the RP, the GMs, and other players.
2. Be creative & not lazy. Don't copy other people's post. And try to keep one-sentence/one-liner posts to minimum. I can understand a few on rare occasions when you're going through a writers' block. And try to keep the RP interesting by keeping up with the rest of the group and not being a shadow in the background.
3. Don't spam. Yay! You found someone you like talking to. Good for you, but the rest of us would like to post a little too. Maybe we'd like to interact with you as well. Along with rare short posts, don't break off into a one-on-one RP inside this one. Basically, keep your posts to a 3 per day maximum, unless everyone in the RP is going at a fast pace.
If you notice someone breaking the rules and Winter nor I have noticed, go ahead and message us. I take suggestions for small plot twists and such (we're working on the main plot now).

Alrighty then! I'll be posting the intro here -> https://www.iwakuroleplay.com/threads/zodiac-children.68560/ <- within the next 24 hours, so be sure to be there. Thanks for joining! See yah :propeller:
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Name: Lily Silvaden
Age and year: 6, 2007
Zodiac: Dog
Personality ( optional, try to fit the zodiac): Lily is unsually honest about things. She will tell anybody what is on her mind, if she is comfortable around them. Often times, she is a little distant and shy. She will not say much if she isn't talked to. In groups, Lily will engage in conversation if she knows anything about the topic. She is also friendly and loyal to her friends. Once you get to know her, she is a nice, thoughtful girl who wants the best for her friends.
Power(s): Heightened sense of smell, hearing, and vision.
Other:Lily gets along good with Tiger, Rabbit and Horse. She tends to stay away from Ox, Dragon, Sheep and Rooster.
Just noticed you use same first name as my character, but fine, gonna post soon.
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