Zodiac Allegiance (IC)

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Eun-Jae Sin

Eun-Jay had been gently tapping on the table as he waited for the woman who called them to the room to arrive. The rhythmic beats produced a soft sound that was not in the slightest unpleasant to the ears. He was bored. He was definitely bored. Topping off the boredom was his bashful nature that kept him from interacting with the others. However, it did not keep him from giggling into his sleeve at the monkey guardian's comeback. It was very rude considering he completely missed what brought the comment up but he was sure the snake guardian wasn't faultless in this either. A quick glance in her direction proved him right as she seemed to be acting out a scene from a drama. Weren't they all a little old for such things? Or was there really some kind of love affair going on here? Eun-Jae wasn't sure but he was certain that he wouldn't understand it anytime soon. "Girls are so confusing.." He mumbled to himself as he observed the situation.

Not long after, a pair of fair skinned people entered the room. Their hair greatly interested him. It wasn't everyday that you got to see people with hair akin to powdery soft snow. However he soon found that that was not the case. When they showed pictures of the missing agents, Eun-Jae was surprised that at least one other agent had the same powdery white hair. It was so distracting, he only caught onto about half of what they were explaining. By the end of it, he couldn't help but raise his hand. "Is white hair a prerequisite for your job?"

He didn't think it was too weird of a question. His eyes shone with a curious sparkle, brows raised as his posture straightened and leaned towards the two snow haired agents. If he had a tail, it would definitely be wagging at this moment. Even as the rabbit guardian asked a question that actually pertained to the matter at hand, he didn't feel his question was too far out there. While some of the other zodiacs probably felt uneasy over having to gather artifacts that their ancestors lost, Eun-Jay was quietly daydreaming of dyeing his hair.

Meeting Room
Sophia @SolemnOath

"I.. i dident mean it"
Tani says whispering to Mai as she scolds her "im sorry" she says before she sits quietly as the woman begins to speak. The moment the woman mentioned the Artifacts, Tani's heart begins to race causing her body to tremble. She puts her head down and pretends to look at her book doing her best to hide how terrified she was as the woman continued to explain. Feeling a slight jerk on her chair, Tani turns to see Jake leaning on the back of her chair as he focused on the two white haired Agents. "Im ok...stupid" Tani whispers as she wipes a few tears from her eyes and takes a deep breath before looking back up and listening.

When the woman asks if there was any questions, Jake patiently waits until everyone had asked there questions before slightly raising his hand "i got a question, How do we know we can even trust you and y ....your skypirate friend?" Jake says looking between the two. "Don't get me wrong, im not trying to be rude i just..."

" im sorry but, whats up with the mask?"
Jake says giving the man a confused look
"I mean, i understand the whole secret agent thing, but dressing like that just makes you look like your about to randomly whip a ninja star at one of us, unlike your friend here" Jake says looking at Sophia "you look like a secret agent, the whole sexy air head thing works, maybe you should give zappy some clothing advice"
"Knock it off Jake, there only doing there job, this is serious"

"Your right, this is serious" Jake says sitting down on another empty seat.
"If they are telling the truth, then this is our chance to take back one of the lost Artifacts and return it to its clan, on the other hand, the two agents that are missing could have already been captured by this unkown enemy and tortured for there very own power point presentation that shows them who has the remaining Artifacts that they need, and to top it off, if they were the two that we were originally expecting, then it would be safe to assume, the enemy already knows were we are". Tani's eyes grows before looking at Sophia "they woulden't do that, do you think they would tell the bad guys where we are?"

"I do" Jake says crossing his arms as he mimcs Zephyr's chuckle "regular humans usually tend to turncoat during above average situations" he says using a sarcastic tone.

Hayate Kurotama ||
|| The Rooster


"I don't see why it's believed that all thirteen of us are needed...?"

Hayate folded his arms across his stomach as "question-time" started and each representative was allowed a say. His two-toned gaze strayed from the empty glass on the table in front of him and towards the mysterious agents as he began to speak.

"Regardless our lack of... field experience, as so aptly put by dear Zephyr here, it would be foolish to think sheer numbers would somehow make up for our ineptitude, no?"

There was a smile on the male's face, but it wasn't warm as it was before... if anything, he sounded a tinge indignant, really.

"Moreover, the reason as to why all thirteen of us would be obliged to take on this task is unclear to me."

Hayate lifted a hand to his chin as though in contemplation.

"If the issue at stake is the recollection of lost artifacts, then those clans seeking to reclaim their artifacts should be held responsible. In which case, a party of..." Hayate momentarily glanced at the presentation board, towards the bottom half of the list, and then across the room. "...seven is already a considerable one. With their personal interests and reputations vested in this assignment, I'm sure they'll be quite eager and as such, rather efficient in recovering the lost artifact... ah, should the rumor all this conjecture is based upon prove true, of course."

The Rooster zodiac waved a hand somewhat dismissively; it was evident that he had properly considered all that had been said, but he wasn't impressed with the circumstances as they'd been presented to him, disenchanted by a lack of personal incentive and disliking the blase attitude of at least one of the presenting agents, who seemed to think the Zodiac representatives were but an amateur class of "power users" who would blithely serve as the back-up crew to their failed expeditions merely because they'd been asked to. However, what the agents may not have known was that there was a sharp-tongued, prideful and slightly buzzed chicken among the crew, who wasn't exactly the most eager in departing from his current comfortable lifestyle in favour of travelling to the Middle East in search of an artifact, lost centuries prior and entirely independent of his (or his clan's) involvement.

"Oh, and I agree with Kane." The Rooster indicated across the table, towards the dog representative. "The get-up is fascinating, but all the less reason to trust in your identities or your incentives in planning this lovely trip to Egypt for the lot of us. I admit I enjoy the warm weather every once in a while, but certainly not enough to make up for the ostensible incompetence of your presiding agency."
Mai listened to what the other zodiacs began to question. For one Eun-Jay seem to be not even really paying attention asking quite the funny question. She would laugh at that question only that when Jake opened his mouth did her smile drop. She could not believe the sexist remark he just made. Not only that but he was calling the white-haired chick sexy? He was going to ignore her after their talk but then go on and check out another woman and in front of her. This did not make her happy at all. Not only that but his continued negatively was not helping. It was clearly upsetting Tani who was probably one of the youngest and sensitive members of the group. She could not believe the disrespect he was showing towards the two agents. Mai wanted to say something but then the chicken spoke and all hell broke loose on Mai.

"Am I really hearing this crap!" Mai said standing up slamming her hand on the table. "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth Mr. Kane?" she said glaring at Jake. "Who do you think you are calling someone an airhead and to add even more insult calling her sexy? What's up with that!?... I mean it's offensive!" she said her cheeks slightly turning red. "Not okay to tell that to someone you are working with. Very unprofessional!" she scolded turning her gaze to the drunken chicken. "And you! How dare you be selfish. We are zodiacs with duties. If one of our artifacts are missing then we are all missing a piece. You have to remember that our artifacts create one being and to lose them is dangerous. Are you ready to stand by and do nothing while there is a possibility that other zodiac artifacts might be lost? Not to mention if those agents were discovered and our positions were compromised then sticking together is our best bet" she said. "Or is that really hard for your cushioned butt?" she said with a huff sitting back down. She looked over at the agents, "I'm sorry I just could not stand the disrespect being shown. I feel as though some of us on this ship believe they are too good for something like this" she said crossing her arms. She may be quiet but Mai was never afraid to speak her mind.
Sophia Rohr & Zephyr
Agents of the Zodaic's Intelligence Agency

Both of the agents remained silent, as they let the questions flood in. Rather than answer them as they came along, Sophia figured it would be best to answer them once everyone had their initial say. Zephyr on the other hand just didn't seem to care about answering anything, well that is till Eun's question came up. Something of which made the sides of his lips twitch up (a sight hard to confirm due to his mask) as he reached up to lightly touch his hair. Tilting his head up a bit, he seemed to consider the question for a moment. "...….Yes...its a requirement. If....its not white...you are't considered a real agent......must make it this color.....those that don't, usually do it later, or....shave their heads~." He mused, finding the question to be utterly irrelevant to the situation at hand, yet he couldn't help but answer it, as until just now, he truly hadn't noticed how often white hair seemed to appear, at least, for this particular group.

Sophia whisper/shouted (something of which caused Zephyr's shoulders to softly shake, not from fear, rather he was holding back some laughter, to make sure he didn't let anything out he had to bring the back of his hand up to his covered lips). Letting out an exasperated sigh Sophia looked over at Eun as she gave him a soft smile as she shook her head. "No, its not. Despite what Zephyr may say, a lot of the agents have different color hair, the three of us having white hair, is merely a coincidence."

"Hehe, you bought the wrong dye and didn't realize it till it was too late..."

Immediately a rosy flush graced her pale cheeks as she shot a glare to Zephyr as he looked at the opposite wall, pretending he didn't say anything. "I swear..." she whispered, giving her head a small shake in an attempt to remove the blush, she turned her eyes back to the group as more started to speak. Of course a smile appeared on her face as she was more than ecstatic to answer any questions that pertained to the mission, she already got a question she had to answer from Ying, hopefully there would be more. She listened to Jake speak, and her smile remained (she even almost laughed at the skypirate bit), however when he brought up the sexy air head bit, she visibly flinched at this. Reaching up she softly grabbed her forearm, her smile faltered, yet she kept it for the most part as she continued to listen to him. Zephyr on the other hand, showed little interest. the only time he looked at Jake was when the zodiac referred to his partner, and even that didn't get much of a reaction from him. "Ninjas stars...…..are fun." he droned finding the insults to be inconsequential. "....Agency took mine away though.....doesn't allow them...…..too expensive... Too many complaints..."

While Zephyr brushed off the comments without an issue, Sophia on the other hand was at a slight lose of words for insults she had received. "..Yes um...well..." Sophia started feeling really awkward right now as she tightened her grip on her arm. She knew she had goofed a few times already, the announcement, her ramblings, and the start of the presentation...the air head comment did seem valid in the whole aspect of things. Still, actually hearing someone say it, especially with that someone being a zodiac? Well it did make her gut get this twisted sick feeling, not that she showed this (well she tried not to, she had moved her eyes from Jake to the floor, and a dusty rose color went to her cheeks due to her embarrassment).

Luckily, she was able to distract herself from that situation when someone else started to speak. More than delighted to focus on a different subject she turned her attention from the floor to Hayate. Her grip was still a bit tight, but that smile remained as she listened to everything he had to say as well. Another reasonable question, at least he was being civil about it, even if it was obvious he had qualms with the situation at hand. Once Hayate was done speaking she gave a small nod, her lips still showed a calm smile, though it wasn't nearly as bright as when the questions started. Zephyr on the other hand, merely remained silent, his eyes which seemed to show no care or emotion calmly scanned the group before him. "These are great questions, if there arent any others, I'll start answering what we have." Sophia stated calmly her tone not faltering in the least. Just as she was about to being answering, one of the other Zodiac's spoke up.

Sophia blinked a few times as she listened to Mai's outburst, while she was a bit shocked, it was obviously she didn't hate it either. As her smile seemed to brighten a bit at the fact that one of the Zodiacs were defending her and even Zephyr. When Mai sat back down and apologized she gave the girl a gentle smile. "Thank you for your comments Miss Allen, but apologizes aren't needed. Zephyr has the habit of rubbing nine and half out of every ten people he meets the wrong way. At this point I just see it as an unwanted talent." She said simply which caused Zephyr to roll his eyes, but he said nothing in defense about this statement. "Still, I do appreciate it." Turning her gaze to the group she softly clasped her hands in front of her. "With that, I will answer everything I've been given. Let me know if I missed someone's question."

"To start off." S
he looked over at Ying with her gracious smile. "Miss Fēng, the amount of time this will take, is rather hard to say for certain. I would like to say.....a week, that is if we start making our way to the location today, however that may be an overestimation. It could take as little as five days as well, it truly depends on the situation. As for the second part of your question. We lost communication with the camp two months ago. We sent the agents in about a month and a half ago. We kept talking with them for a good while, however, on the day they were suppose to arrive at the camp we never got a report from them. This happened a month ago. As you said, a lot of time has been lost. Honestly, we wanted the meeting to be done far sooner, however...…"

"...You're impossible to reach all at once...… We were told to wait till the six year meeting..."
Zephyr drawled, his eyes once more finding more interest on a wall than the group. "...Tried to make something happen sooner, but couldn't...."

Sophia nodded at this. "While a good amount of time has passed, we were lucky that the meeting was occurring within a manageable timeframe. If it occurred latterly than intended, then there would have been additional issues to deal with." After this she turned her gaze over to Jake, as she had already long since answered Eun's question. "I would show you my identification Mr. Kane but....." She trailed off a bit as she debated if she should tell the other what happened to her ID or not. With a simple glance, Zephyr knew what was on her mind, so with a light and begrudging huff he pulled his own ID out of his pocket. While he didn't care for showing his ID off to anyone, he felt it would be easier to do so than have her attempt to explain just how she lost hers. Besides, there was no reason to give more fuel to everyone to make them believe the woman was incompetent. With the ID now in hand, he flicked his wrist and accurately tossed it onto the table, so it landed in the middle of it, allowing all the Zodiacs to get a good look, should they choose to inspect it.

"That's as real as it gets... If you think my ninja star throwing self is lying....call your clan leader....or whoever.....can get more verification."

Should someone take the time to inspects Zephyr's ID. They would see if was very much real. It had his name (Zephyr Yuri, Nazilevskii), his picture (the face mask was still on him, covering his nose and below, however he wore no hat), his birthday (11/11/1994), as well as his current position (Senior Field Agent), lastly was his ID number. If checked in the light, they would see it had all the qualities of an ID for the agency he was apart of, there was nothing off about it and was in fact a genuine ID that belong to the Zodiac's Information Agency.

Sophia whispered to Zephyr, who merely grunted in response, making it evident he didn't enjoy giving his ID out. With that she cleared her throat before continuing. "As for your other comments. While I understand his clothing may seem rather on the overkill side of things, I have to ask you don't press on the matter. His clothing isn't hurting anyone, and..."

"I worked hard on it.... It suit my tastes, looks like a cosplay I saw...….something I enjoy....works well at conventions.
" Zephyr said far too bluntly as he shrugged, his eyes looking back at Jake without any care.

Sophia almost facepalmed as she took a small breath before slowly exhaling. "Zephyr, your mouth, keep it closed from now on please."

She only got a shrug in response as he slipped his hand back into his pocket.

"As for your comments on me, lets not go to petty insults please. I know I'm not the most organized and that I am rather clumsy, but please understand I am doing what I can to make this meeting work with what I have. I don't want an argument to occur over things like name calling, so lets keep it out of the meeting. Outside of here however, you can call me what you wish."
She put simply. "While I understand your concern about the agents, they wouldn't have any information that concerns any of you to give." Sophia said before looking over at Tani giving the young girl a reassuring smile. "The idea of gaining the help of the Zodiac reps, didn't occur until after we lost communication with them. That, and all agents are trained to make sure no information is given out, even in...stressful situations."

"......Not to mention, our agents aren't average...nothing close, the clans don't seem to enjoy......average people in their...underfunded agency.........… How about... not insulting those that cant defend their name."
Zephyr brought up coolly, with some contempt in his tone as his dull gaze looked over at Jake.

"Zephyr, don't make me repeat myself please."
A mere scoff left the man as he once more turned his gaze to the wall. Trying to hide her exasperation, she turned her eyes over to Hataye as it was now time to answer his questions. "When it comes to numbers, I do agree that thirteen is a large amount of people to bring on a single mission, especially one that we have so little to go off on. That being said, we really don't have much choice in the matter. If we take even one rep, all the others are expected to come as well. Their are some exceptions, however for the most part, the clans want to make sure they aren't missing a thing. It is felt that if only one member were to assist us, then information, or anything of importance we gain, will never reach or be shared to the clans that didn't participate."

"Basically.....the clan leaders want everything to be crystal clear....what better way to make sure nothing is hidden...then by sending a trusted and hopefully well trained representative."

Sophia gave a nod to this. "Exactly." Sophia said before suddenly raising her foot only to smash her heel onto Zephyr's foot (she was in fact wearing high heels). This caused the heavily clothed individual to tense greatly, his eyes instantly snapped shut, a low grunt escaped his lips as he remained in his spot (namely due to the fact his foot was pinned to the ground). "As long as they have more training than you when it comes to closing your mouth when kindly asked, I think we will be fine." Sophia whispered to Zephyr as she dug her heel into his foot making him wince a tad. In response, he gave a swift yet stiff nod showing he fully got the message she was trying to send. Giving her partner a smile, she slowly lifted her heel off of him. "Behave yourself."

Now removing her eyes from Zephyr, she returned her attention to the group. "Please know, that we don't only want you because the clan leaders insist. But also due to the fact we believe your powers will be a significant asset to us. Everyone here has a power that is unique, not to mention powerful in their own right. Some are perfectly suited for combat others, not so much. However, what they may lack in combat usage, there is a vast variety of other situations your powers will be of use. For instance, you Mr. Kurotama." Giving the addressed man a warm smile, she continued. "From what I understand about your power, it can assist us in questioning any individual we find that may have something to do with the missing agents. Not only that, but it seems to be able to help in communication as well. Truly a marvelous power, both of these things will be valuable to say the least, especially considering the situation we are going to be placed in. With your help, the mission will go smoother than it would without it. This applies to everyone else in here, I honestly feel like there is a way for each of you to assist us in this to make the job go smoothly and without incident. To say I would enjoy working along each of the Zodiac representatives, is a great understatement." After stating this her usual calm tone faltered a bit, as a tad of admiration and excitement slipped from her lips. It was subtle for the most part, but not impossible to miss. Along with that, her eyes seemed to have am eager glimmer to them, while she didn't seem outwardly giddy, it wouldn't be hard to tell that she was genuinely delighted about the possibility of working along side them.

"Though, don't get me wrong, I fully understand why some, if not a large portion of you have no interest in doing this mission. It is time consuming, and we are unaware of the dangers that lay ahead. Personally, I wouldn't want to put something like this on anyone's shoulders so suddenly. Sadly, this mission is time sensitive, and lives hang in the balance as well. While it is possible to remove you from this mission, that would mean someone from you clan would have to take your place. Which would require a great deal of time, since I would have to discuss this person's removal with the clan leaders. If you are switched out, any credit that could have been yours, will of course be given to the one that takes your place. If you wish for someone else to fight for your clans pride, honor and image, please let me know after you have fully considered the situation."
Rubbing the back of her head she continued. "While I recognize this is a massive pain to many, if not all. I do ask you stick with us until this is cleared. We don't want any casualties, especially if they are avoidable. So please. bear with us, even if some people have gotten off on the wrong foot with others." Her soft smile remained on her lips as she gazed at the group, giving all of this a moment to just sink in.

"There is still a bit more to discuss about the mission. For instance travel and guidelines. Luckily, its not as much material to go over so it shouldn't take a great deal of time." Sophia stated as she gave a small tilt of her head, she was about to continue, however, before she could Zephyr finally spoke up.

"...…...Travel...from here to our location will be....two, three days max. If we go by chopper...should take less. However, the forecast says bad weather tomorrow...don't want to risk being in the air during that time."
Zephyr stated, his eyes now focused on his gloves as he continued on. "As for guidelines, those that actually end up going on the field....do what we say, when we say it. Tell you not to move, freeze. Tell you to hide, some how get the rats power...… Tell you to duck....you get the point. Don't follow our orders....can lead to unpleasant things...just go as ordered and we will have...no issue...………….. Hopefully...…… You'll be supplied with everything you need....we know what weapons you were trained with....if you don't have your own....we'll give it to you when we disembark...….. Don't cause trouble with authorities.... We are not above the law." Zephyr drawled as he looked at Sophia who didn't bother to stop him from speaking, after all, she was going to go over the same thing.

"Thank you Zephyr, my throat was getting a bit sore honestly."
Giving out a small laugh she looked at the group. "Any other questions before Zephyr and I leave you to discuss and figure out what you wish to do?"
@Kazuaki Yoshioka @SolemnOath @Solaresque @xLarius @Rads @Gumi @Allegra @Iceydaze
Jake-Dog Tani-Rat

Jake couldn't help but lauph at Sophia as she explained "i take it back, this is Joke"
He says shaking his head. "So we risk the.. fuck it" Jake says leaning back in his chair "you clowns finish what you have to say and leave the room, the Zodiac's will need to talk about this ridiculous plan" He says doing his best not to look at Mai. At this point the Dog was done listening to anything the two had to say."oh and dont forget this" he says picking up Zephyr's ID card and whipping it past Sophias head with enouph force to pierce the screen in back of her.

"Its ok Jake" Tani says putting her book down infront of her "i believe they wi.."
"no, thats not happening" Jake says cutting Tani off "If Mai is going then, i am going" Tani says with a determined look on her before crossing her arms. "please, this will show my father that i am capable" "ingatan mo ako na ligtas, kuya" Tani mumbles softly so only Jakes sensitive hearing could hear what she had said.
"Of course" Jake says without hesitation before letting out an exausted sigh while he shook his head ".... fine" Jake says looking at Mai while Tani cheered. "can i talk to you for a sec?" He says looking at Mai before getting up and walking up to Sophia and Zephyr "Uh... sorry about the hostility, and the ..... just take this " Jake says pulling out a card and handing it to Sophia "this will give you access to most of the ship, I'll grant clearance to warddogs resources" He says before walking behind Sophia and pulling out the card he had thrown
"If we have a time limit, we could set sail and make it to California within the day, from there we can travel by jet to Greece and cross the Mediterranean by ship" Jake says dragging his finger across the map as he explained. "But, this is your show, so .....yhea"

"We got some Tactical knives in the armory below deck, there not ninja stars, but they do the job, especially when your aiming for some ones back " Jake says while handing Zephyr's ID back to him "oh, and im going to need an outfit like him, my old highschool would appriciate a new look for there mascot, go mauraders" He says sarcastically while looking back at Sophia "oh and one last thing, prove me wrong" Jake says softly "The last thing you want is what happens when im right," Jake says not caring if they took it as a threat before walking towrds the exit while looking if Mai was going to follow. "Oh, oh! Can i dye my hair white too!" Tani says raising her hand with excitement
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Mai shook her head, unable to look at Jake at the moment. He was being so rude and disrespectful towards the two agents and she didn't like it. She didn't think he would react like this, he was usually so carefree. When Tani spoke up Mai smiled putting a hand on he shoulder. "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone but thank you" she said squeezing her shoulder lightly. When Jake spoke she blinked in surprise. "You want to talk to me?" she said her cheeks reddening again. She stood up as well crossing her arms, Jake had suddenly change his attitude and was acting a bit more courteous towards the agents. That of course changed as he back handed them some comments. She sighs shaking her head and following him outside to the exit. "Not now Tani" she said as they both left.

Once outside of the room Mai crossed her arms again. "What was that?" she whispered harshly to him. "Why were you acting like that? Does it bother you that there is someone else involving themselves in this mess? I know this is your year to host and you want to be in control but this is not the time" she said. "We have some serious issues at hand and we shouldn't allow ourselves to be separated" she said. She looked at him with a stern look barely giving him a chance to speak to her first. Despite looking calm on the outside she was freaking out on the inside. What did he want to talk to her about? Was it the comment about him calling Sophia sexy? She was going to go off at him if he decided to defend that comment.
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Nina seemed to get even more pissed off her eyes showed it, they were full of venom making her look even more dangerous. She walks towards Mai and Jake before speaking again," As much as Saria pisses me off, I can't stand bi-polar dick head and that is saying a lot for me because I'm normally easy going with most people. There's a part of me that wants to crush Zephyr's balls, but I know we need to work with them as incompetent as they seem". "I know I'm not acting like I usually am but personally I don't see the problem with being rude to Zepher".

Nina pauses for a minute then says" Mai, for your sake, don't lecture me right now because I will chew a hole through you. I don't care if you may hate me, I need to get this rage out of my system and the only way to do that is to work out how we can go to deal with this shit storm they have left us"
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Saria listened to the conversation at hand. She was trying to take in as much information as possible. It was hard to do that with all the piss matches that were going on. First, it was Eun with his strange and innocent question, then Jake with his snarky remarks, and then Mai jumps up shouting at them all and then the agents show that they have balls and fight back. Then back to Jake who was acting like a douche. She was really getting sick of hearing all this fighting when suddenly the snake charmer decides to add in her two cents. She rolls her eyes hearing her speak, "Do you have any idea how ignorant you sound?" she said speaking to the charmer. "Why did you have to add my name in? I didn't do anything. I don't have any issues with you. You're the one trying to start something so get over yourself" she said. "You're wrong about acting out of the norm. You're acting exactly as you are. As a big fat snake" she said.

She didn't like the way Nina spoke to Mai. It wasn't because she agreed with Mai but she had more than enough respect to keep her mouth shut about. "Also no one asked for your opinion. These two agents were just explaining everything to us but I guess you just can't resist flapping your mouth open with pointless noise" she said. "Are we done here?" she asked. "I need a drink if we're going to be traveling all over the damn globe," she said crossing her arms leaning back into her chair.
Alex Williams
The Sheep

During the entire meeting, not a word left Alex's lips as he watched the spectacle before him. It certainly was something, honestly the situation was very concerning. Not just the issues that the agents brought up, but the meeting in itself was...a sight to say the least. The way the covered up agent acted was rather distasteful, but he wasn't the only one who's behavior wasn't the most favorable. Jake himself wasn't acting all that kind to the agents, he seemed rather hostile in a sense, however Alex being him, he didn't dare stand up and call the other out. Instead he just kept his eyes on the table, he allowed his ears to listen to the situation but his eyes seemed fixated on the shiny table. When Mai started to defend Sophia, Alex couldn't help but visibly flinch at her outburst (especially when she slammed her hands on the table), despite the fact she wasn't directing the anger at him and despite it was for the defense of someone else Alex couldn't help but tense up. He had pushed himself deeper into the chair, as if that would get him away from the situation and he placed his hands on his lap, one over the other. While he did keep a nice posture, the hand on top of the other hand was holding harshly, to the extent his knuckles were turning white.

When all of the yelling had ceased Alex was shivering, though only a tad. Gulping softly he slowly allowed himself to relax as he silently cursed himself for his pitiful reaction. Luckily, it hadn't been severe, meaning it was unlikely anyone noticed his actions. For the rest of the meeting, his eyes remained fixated on his hands, though he did pay attention to everything going on. When Agents finished speaking Alex reached up and carefully adjusted his scarf before standing up (his eyes still remaining down). "Its our duty at the end of the day to be the one that finds these artifacts, and the last thing I wish to do is hinder this even more. So I will do the mission, no need to find a replacement for me, since I know even trying will likely take more time than the actual mission itself." Alex stated, in a soft tone as he looked at Sophia giving her a small smile. "I am rather nervous though, since I'm not sure what skills I have that could be of interest or use to you. I'll try not to get in the way at the very least."

Sophia gave a calm smile to Alex. "Thank you Mr. Williams, as I said, everyone has a set of skills that can greatly help us. All we ask is that you be patient with us and respect any orders I and Zephyr give you. Our goal is to complete this efficiently as possible after all."

Seeing her smile and calming demeanor, made Alex smile grow just a bit more as it simply didn't feel like he was being pressured into accepting this. Giving her a nod he once more adjusted his scarf. "Okay, I'm pretty good at following orders so I wont cause you any trouble in that aspect." He replied with a light if not forced chuckle. After this he turned on his heels to leave the room, he shrunk away from away from the small group of Zodiac's that formed as it did seem like a fight was about to break out, which was something he was adamant on avoiding. Rather, he choose to make his way to the kitchen, after all, the only thing he had to eat today was that tasty sweet bun that Eun had given him. If possible, he most certainly wanted more of those, as well as any kind of vegetarian food he could get his hands onto.
@If anyone wants to interact with Alex, just head on to the kitchen.
For the first time in ages, Issac snaps and steps between the two ladies. His energy became like a dark lord, his eyes turned into a bone-chilling blue. "To be frank, Nina and Saria, you two are fucking pissing me off right now. So both of you put your fucking fangs and claws away before i decide to throw you both into the sea myself. Also, I don't give a shit about the beef you have with each other right now. My head feels like someone is whacking me with a steel grinder and I want to sleep". He stares at both of them without out even blinking once and anyone that has half an ounce of common sense would move on to a more agreeable matter.
In his head he every thought as it ripples through him feels as to the pain. I can't say nina is partialy right because that would just cause another shit storm, but it's vexing having to clean up a mess that could of been avoided with better planing. Also being rude zepher or to others zodiacs doesn't help things even though i do understand jakes and nina's frustrations. I don't hate Tani but it would help if she read the situation like this better. Alex is heading off somewhere not sure where not that i can blame him given things and i know the dragon and the pig are here but i'm not sure where, it wouldn't surprise me if they both head off soon.

Issac is surprised at his own actions the last time he snapped was when his younger sister itnaya, almost got herself killed from working to hard and breaking several from putting to much strain on her body and they had a big full out and have not spoken to each other since.

Nina silently shivered and goes silent as she feels and hears issac's rage then starts to think to her self. I really do hate saria tell me i sound ignorant coming from a women has no social graces more times than not. Is overly loud most times and has serious anger issues, the only reason why many men like her is a pretty face and big pair of coconuts'. ' i have grace and charm and i'm fun but not in your face way.
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Ash Sanders
The Tiger

Other than that one question he asked near the beginning of the meeting, Ash had been relatively quiet through out. He had a lazed position as he leaned back in his chair, his feet on the desk and his hands in his pocket (a true professional). He let his opal eye scan the agents in silence, though on occasion they did move to the other Zodiac's that brought up a question, statement etc. For the most part Ash didn't seem all that interested in the entire affair, honestly? It sounded like a massive annoyance to him, a chore, something he wouldn't want to be bothered with. Traveling to Egypt, in order to figure out what happened to the camp as well as trying to find one of the other zodiac's missing artifacts? Without a doubt it didn't sound like an activity he would take part in or even slightly enjoy. Hot sandy areas, like beaches and desserts were never something he enjoyed, not to mention he was expected to follow orders....

As he remained in his seat, just casually rocking it back and forth, he found his eyes on Jake who seemed to have a great distaste for this job. Something Ash completely understood, even though he wasn't nearly as vocal as his fellow zodiac. Tilting his head to the side in a light consideration of what Jake was saying he let out a hum as he closed his eyes. 'Such a pain.' Shaking his head a bit he once more opened his eyes only to find that Jake was now showing how they could arrive at Egypt as soon as possible. Blinking several times at this he gave a rather confused look to the other male as he tried to figure out what he missed in the few seconds he tuned out to make Jake do a 180. "Uhh…" Not sure what to really say right now, he chose to stay quiet as he just watched people leave the room one after another, till only a few people remained, even one of the agents had left the room by this point.

Still rocking on his chair he was silent for a time as he thought about what he should do. While he did hate the location, and the short amount of time they would have to get ready.... Its not like he shouldn't do it. After all, when was the last time he got a chance to do something that wasn't out right dull? He's been bored for as long as he could remember, living a life without a goal, or ambition. Its something that just gnaws away at a person, at him. Sure, his artifact was with the clan, but what if there was an artifact? What if there were people he could freely fight with his powers? What if, just what if...he could have some genuine fun for once in his life. This idea, brought a smirk to his lips as he opened his eye. Kicking his feet off the table and resting them on the ground he turned his gaze to Sophia. "I'll be going, but I'm going to be pissed as fucking hell if I cant kick anyone's ass there."

Sophia let out a light chuckle as she gave him a nod. "While I cant promise that their will be a combat situation, I will keep that in mind Mr. Sanders. We do want to avoid injury or worse, but we shall see what the situation demands." She stated in her kind tone as she gave him a heartwarming smile.

Ash gave a nod at this as he let out another yawn as he stood up. "Gotcha, hopefully this wont be some lame ass bust." With that he headed toward the door and also left the meeting room. Letting out a yawn as he closed his eyes for a moment he walked down the hall, completely ignoring/not noticing the group that was forming. "What the fuck is there to do around here.." He mumbled as he walked off, heading for his room, but knowing him...there was a high chance he wouldn't end up there anytime soon.
@SolemnOath @Anyone that wants to interact with Ash
Zephyr Yuri, Nazilevskii & Sophia Rohr
Zodiac Agent

As Jake continued to speak negatively about this entire thing, Zephyr said nothing as his cold expression remained resting on the Dog Zodiac. No words left his lips not when this entire thing was called or a joke, nor when both he and Sophia were referred to as clowns. When the man tossed his ID card, Zephyr still remained completely silent, his eyes now going to his partner who still had that kind understanding smile on her. Something he could never dream of copying. Seeing as she wasn't giving any reaction, Zephyr followed her as he let his emerald eyes return to the zodiac. "...." He listened to him speak to the Rat as an understanding seemed to start to form about the situation. However, when Jake took a step towards Sophia, there was a soft buzz that could be heard easily by Jake, though none of the others. Pin pointing where the noise came from however wasn't possible as it was too soft of a sound to really find the source without taking a good moment or two to figure it out.

When Jake apologized, the sound ceased immediately as Sophia smiled up at Jake. "Thank you, I'll make sure not to lose this." She replied as she simply took the card and placed it in the inside of her coat. When he gave an idea on how to get Egypt, Sophia nodded while her counter part said nothing. "We'll likely do that, though rather than go across the sea again, it may be best to stick to flying all the way there." She replied simply as she gave him a kind smile before turning her gaze to the other Zodiac's.

When Jake approached Zephyr and handed him his ID, Zephyr didn't take it right away. Rather his cold eyes looked directly into Jake's. "Apology.....not accepted." He stated bluntly as he reached up and took his card before slipping it into his pocket. At the comment about his outfit, Zephyr didn't seem slightly impressed or amused, if anything he seemed to look down on Jake even more than earlier, his eyes showing a rather bored look. At the mention of proving him wrong Zephyr was about to say something but before he could Sophia did it first.

"I will happily do just that. As long as no one undermined thinking they know what's best or as long as we avoid having a loose cannon, I am optimistic at our chances." She hummed with a smile, showing no sign of taking any offense to Jake's statements. "Please get ready for the coming days. We need to leave as soon as possible." After this, she gave Zephyr a look, one of which he understood was her way of telling him not to start something. In response he only shrugged as he looked off to the side. Letting out a small sigh at her partners response, Sophia's attention was grabbed by Tani. At the question a soft chuckle left her (not one filled with malice, rather it was an amused with kindness behind it). "I don't think you of all people need to do that, the hair color you have now is honestly very gorgeous on a young lady such as yourself."

Zephyr's eyes once more fell on the zodiac's as they started to make their way out of the room. After a moment of silence he glanced at Sophia, but seeing as she was distracted he soundlessly made his way to the door, while he didn't go through it, he instead leaned right next to it before closing his eyes as he merely listened. It turned out the Dog and Horse Zodiac didn't go far enough to not be overheard, it was hard to hear the whispers admittedly but not impossible.

He remained in this spot as he completely eavesdropped on the conversation that the Zodiac's were having as one by one a group started for form. No emotion went across his features as his eyes stayed shut and he just listened. A moment after Isaac spoke up, Zephyr pushed off the wall and slipped into the hall himself without a sound, making it so Sophia didn't notice him leave. With his hands in his pocket he strolled to the group only to halt as he was just under a foot past the group. "Thank you." He stated, his tone sounding rather...normal. There was no droning nor anything that sounded like contempt. At this point his eyes shifted from in front of him to behind him at Mai, before he continued. "....For.....defending Sophia.....she.....and I...kinda.....no, did appreciate it.... Nice to know...not all of you will....be a pain like others." He slowed down a bit at this as he looked off at Jake, before allowing his eyes go back to Mai. "....So thank you..."

After saying this, he turned his unchanged gaze to directly in front of him as his eyes now focused on the end of the hallway "....I want to make something clear..... This 'shit storm' you are complaining about.....is far from Sophia's or mine fault...we've done what we could to prevent it...to rectify it.... Get pissed at your own incompetent clans for this situation..... Also......if you have something to say....such as...expressing a will to 'crush my balls' " He droned as he slowly moved his eyes toward Nina. "....Say it to my face....I always get some enjoyment out of hearing people attempt to insult me and hurt my...…..feelings.... Its fun...Especially watching the ever so grand and too good for the rest of the people Zodiac's act completely petty."

After saying this his eyes fell to Jake. "...…..Oh...……… Right you're....still here... Honestly, I wish you chose to let someone else take your place.... That being said, since it seems like you intend to stay.... Insult Sophia again....I'll personally see you are removed from this....or something occurs to make it so you cant go... Yes...that is a threat." Alas, Sophia wasn't there to get Zephyr to shut up, so nothing was stopping him from expressing his obvious contempt to Jake. He was well aware that Jake would likely just brush this off, or merely leave the room, but none the less, he wanted to make it very clear on where he stood, as he had zero intentions of playing around with any of them. "......Think of it this way.....the less all of you bitch, whine...yada yada..." His eyes moving from Jake to Nina (he didn't glance at the other two girls nor at Isaac), reaching up he adjusted his face mask to secure it over the bridge of his nose. "The sooner...we can all get out of each other's presence...… We all know, Something like that....sounds better than gold"
@Rads @Allegra @Kazuaki Yoshioka @Gumi
Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ying Yue appreciated that the agents kept silent until the inquiry was done. It was much easier to keep track of these things. She considered writing them down but if the sensitive information had gotten out- If she was to blame- She shivered, one of her hands gripping tightly at her waist. As Hayate spoke she had to agree. If all of them were needed- The most powerful users of their clan... Moreover all twelve of them- How great was the foe? Moreover she didn't know how to feel about Zephyr's assessment of them. She would've thought that he could've put it in a more polite way, she wondered what his motivation was for doing his job. He seemed reluctant to be present and moreover deal with them. It wasn't something she'd ponder for eon's on end. If Ying Yue did that every time there was a bustling personal question she'd go insane jumping off walls playing "detective".

Her eye twitched at Jake's hostile interrogation method- Or at least that's what it seemed to be. She uncomfortably scooted her chair slightly away from the table avoiding some incidents. She wouldn't be surprised if the dog representative used all of his anger to flip the massive table- or at least the chair he claimed. The way he described the agents was even worse- They were only doing their jobs and helping them out the best they could and he was just- she took a deep breath before another female slammed her hands on the table causing Ying Yue to promptly flinch. It seems that as the years progressed everyone was using their frustrations on the furniture instead of wringing their anger before they arrived. She couldn't deny that she was thankful for the interception. She thought it'd be more of an impact from the female then from her anyways seeing the way that they interacted before hand- well briefly. It wasn't hard to tell. She liked to think that her eyes were working just fine.

Her eyes were a dully murky brown, it seemed the situation was stressing her out more than the hospital- As ironic as that was. The woman seemed very very heated about the topic of helping each other out. Ying Yue furrowed her brows. She would've thought the best option was that the agency would've picked the best zodiacs for the job rather than send all of them for a "test run" it seemed. It didn't help that according to the confidence the masked male seemed to provide was close to none anyways. The mention of the hair color brought a small smile to her face, she was glad for the male who brought the question up. It lightened up the mood and she didn't know how much more of the previous murky atmosphere she could take.

When Sophia started mentioning powers Ying Yue couldn't help but wonder how much they truly knew about them. She took a few minutes to look at her own hands wondering her potential use in the mission. As the potential of lives lost came into the picture Ying Yue was more than motivated to work her hardest to achieve the goal. Narrowing her eyes she mourned for Sophia. Apologizing to clean up the mess that disagreements made for the better of the whole entire mission took a consideration of abandonment of pride. As the meeting pulled to a stop Ying Yue made a note to attempt to avoid the dog representative. He seemed very... Varied.

The representatives seemed to be either chasing after one another, or simply leaving the room. Realizing that the red-head with the seductive luxurious ice cream was leaving she quickly stood up from her chair bowing slightly to Hayate. "Thank you for allowing me to sit beside you, despite the unfortunate circumstances I'm looking forward to seeing you more often." Ying Yue said in a quick tone before picking up her bag flashing him a smile. She hated to admit it but she was becoming a bit more than dizzy due to the fact that her hunger was getting to her. To her personally she forgot the words as soon as they flew out of her mouth, her mind only focused on one thing despite trying to straighten out many of the formalities she expected of herself.

She smiled at Sophia, "I know he wouldn't care too much but could you thank the other agent for his time? Ah- more importantly thank you for your dedication to your work-" Ying Yue said before anxiously looking towards the door. All of this was routine to her- She wasn't sure how much of it was genuine but she hoped that she wouldn't come off as cocky- she really hated being rushed. "I must be going, have a nice day-!" Ying Yue didn't wait for a reply before she gave Sophia a quick bow walking out quicker than the pace she approached her with. In order to make up for loss time she skidded by the crowd in order to catch the red-head. This wasn't easy with her shoes meant more for design than movement. Determined to catch him she reached out to tap his shoulder but instead she felt her legs give out from under her as her vision blurred for a second. Ying Yue squeezed her eyes shut as she gripped on to the fabric she seemed to feel. As she fell she let out a little surprised squeak before hitting the ground.

She opened one eye before realizing the situation she was in. As soon as the rabbit representative realized her mistake she dropped the fabric and sat up backing away. Her cheeks turned slightly red her eyes lit up a bright emerald. "I-I swear I-" She took a deep breath, her vision seemed to swirl more of embarrassment than hunger at this point. "I mean I don't swear but I'm not saying it's not okay to swear- Ah! I'm so sorry would you like some help-" She asked before cutting herself off making eye contact with his lower undergarment. 'What the fudge nuggets would she help with!?' This wasn't like spilling water on her uncles lap even though the situation could be considered just as bad. In what sense was the situation bad? Ying Yue couldn't even process her name at this point much less her thoughts. She couldn't bear making eye contact with him.

She put her hands in front of her waving them frantically still avoiding eye contact, "It wa-wasn't a-" she held in a nervous chuckle, "-prank per say... O-or at all I mean I just wanted to ask about the-" Then she made the mistake of connecting eye contact... Crap. Her nervousness shot up usually she could keep her cool but with the current situation and the increase in exposure it was getting a bit difficult. The noise level of her voice shot down, "Ice.... cream..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hayate Kurotama x @Solaresque
Ash Sanders + Sophia x @SolemnOath
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Zephyr Yuri, Nazilevskii & Sophia Rohr
Zodiac Agent

As Jake continued to speak negatively about this entire thing, Zephyr said nothing as his cold expression remained resting on the Dog Zodiac. No words left his lips not when this entire thing was called or a joke, nor when both he and Sophia were referred to as clowns. When the man tossed his ID card, Zephyr still remained completely silent, his eyes now going to his partner who still had that kind understanding smile on her. Something he could never dream of copying. Seeing as she wasn't giving any reaction, Zephyr followed her as he let his emerald eyes return to the zodiac. "...." He listened to him speak to the Rat as an understanding seemed to start to form about the situation. However, when Jake took a step towards Sophia, there was a soft buzz that could be heard easily by Jake, though none of the others. Pin pointing where the noise came from however wasn't possible as it was too soft of a sound to really find the source without taking a good moment or two to figure it out.

When Jake apologized, the sound ceased immediately as Sophia smiled up at Jake. "Thank you, I'll make sure not to lose this." She replied as she simply took the card and placed it in the inside of her coat. When he gave an idea on how to get Egypt, Sophia nodded while her counter part said nothing. "We'll likely do that, though rather than go across the sea again, it may be best to stick to flying all the way there." She replied simply as she gave him a kind smile before turning her gaze to the other Zodiac's.

When Jake approached Zephyr and handed him his ID, Zephyr didn't take it right away. Rather his cold eyes looked directly into Jake's. "Apology.....not accepted." He stated bluntly as he reached up and took his card before slipping it into his pocket. At the comment about his outfit, Zephyr didn't seem slightly impressed or amused, if anything he seemed to look down on Jake even more than earlier, his eyes showing a rather bored look. At the mention of proving him wrong Zephyr was about to say something but before he could Sophia did it first.

"I will happily do just that. As long as no one undermined thinking they know what's best or as long as we avoid having a loose cannon, I am optimistic at our chances." She hummed with a smile, showing no sign of taking any offense to Jake's statements. "Please get ready for the coming days. We need to leave as soon as possible." After this, she gave Zephyr a look, one of which he understood was her way of telling him not to start something. In response he only shrugged as he looked off to the side. Letting out a small sigh at her partners response, Sophia's attention was grabbed by Tani. At the question a soft chuckle left her (not one filled with malice, rather it was an amused with kindness behind it). "I don't think you of all people need to do that, the hair color you have now is honestly very gorgeous on a young lady such as yourself."

Zephyr's eyes once more fell on the zodiac's as they started to make their way out of the room. After a moment of silence he glanced at Sophia, but seeing as she was distracted he soundlessly made his way to the door, while he didn't go through it, he instead leaned right next to it before closing his eyes as he merely listened. It turned out the Dog and Horse Zodiac didn't go far enough to not be overheard, it was hard to hear the whispers admittedly but not impossible.

He remained in this spot as he completely eavesdropped on the conversation that the Zodiac's were having as one by one a group started for form. No emotion went across his features as his eyes stayed shut and he just listened. A moment after Isaac spoke up, Zephyr pushed off the wall and slipped into the hall himself without a sound, making it so Sophia didn't notice him leave. With his hands in his pocket he strolled to the group only to halt as he was just under a foot past the group. "Thank you." He stated, his tone sounding rather...normal. There was no droning nor anything that sounded like contempt. At this point his eyes shifted from in front of him to behind him at Mai, before he continued. "....For.....defending Sophia.....she.....and I...kinda.....no, did appreciate it.... Nice to know...not all of you will....be a pain like others." He slowed down a bit at this as he looked off at Jake, before allowing his eyes go back to Mai. "....So thank you..."

After saying this, he turned his unchanged gaze to directly in front of him as his eyes now focused on the end of the hallway "....I want to make something clear..... This 'shit storm' you are complaining about.....is far from Sophia's or mine fault...we've done what we could to prevent it...to rectify it.... Get pissed at your own incompetent clans for this situation..... Also......if you have something to say....such as...expressing a will to 'crush my balls' " He droned as he slowly moved his eyes toward Nina. "....Say it to my face....I always get some enjoyment out of hearing people attempt to insult me and hurt my...…..feelings.... Its fun...Especially watching the ever so grand and too good for the rest of the people Zodiac's act completely petty."

After saying this his eyes fell to Jake. "...…..Oh...……… Right you're....still here... Honestly, I wish you chose to let someone else take your place.... That being said, since it seems like you intend to stay.... Insult Sophia again....I'll personally see you are removed from this....or something occurs to make it so you cant go... Yes...that is a threat." Alas, Sophia wasn't there to get Zephyr to shut up, so nothing was stopping him from expressing his obvious contempt to Jake. He was well aware that Jake would likely just brush this off, or merely leave the room, but none the less, he wanted to make it very clear on where he stood, as he had zero intentions of playing around with any of them. "......Think of it this way.....the less all of you bitch, whine...yada yada..." His eyes moving from Jake to Nina (he didn't glance at the other two girls nor at Isaac), reaching up he adjusted his face mask to secure it over the bridge of his nose. "The sooner...we can all get out of each other's presence...… We all know, Something like that....sounds better than gold"
@Rads @Allegra @Kazuaki Yoshioka @Gumi

Issac deeply sighs as his eyes and aura got back to normal then turns to zep and says" Your welcome,but i do have to admit people already feel very very bad about what has happened, so seriously rubbing it in their face is very petty and i really don't want to deal with such things from either party".
"I will continue to be reasonable and help keep the peace with in reason, also not be mean but situations like this could be avoided in the future by explaining why before hand in full detail".

He pauses for a minute or so then says" I get protecting her but threatening and antagonizing others is only painting a target on your back, not that you don't know that already". " I also get you didn't get here by not working very hard and being very smart, as the saying goes each action has a reaction, i just hope that things get better because as they are now i don't see very much good coming from it".

Issac pauses again then says" I want to give you a fair heads up zep, while i'm not one for mindless shouting and violence because it serves no purpose". " Nina was in the wrong for what she said, but you could of ignored that".
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Eun-Jae Sin

When Zephyr answered his question, Eun-Jae was excited and ready to switch his dream of becoming an idol out with the dream to become an agent, not once finding it foolish or nonsensical. Unfortunately Sophia had to crush his dreams before they had even begun to sprout. He was greatly disappointed to find that white hair wasn't needed to become an agent and suddenly lost interest in the rest of the meeting. Regardless of whether he was needed or not, he would go either way. The cat clan had been left out of too much to take a step back now. Listening to the details now would only confuse him. It wasn't as if he couldn't ask questions along the way anyway.

Pulling him out of his thoughts with a bang was Mai roughly slamming her palms down onto the table and trying to get certain members to pull their heads out of their asses. The bang was so loud, Eun-Jae jumped and fell out of his chair in surprise. Laughing his clumsy tumble he quickly returned to sitting and looked over to Alex who seemed more stiff than usual. Eun-Jae wasn't sure what was going on but he didn't like that look in his eyes. 'Is he stressed out?' Recalling the sparkles his eyes glimmered with whenever he streamed, the worried cat representative decided to try to cheer him up. In a grand guesture he lifted his arms and prepared to pounce towards him, hoping to get his attention and provide him company to vent out his frustrations. What better way to start a conversation than with a hug?

He was distracted immediately after however when Tani spoke up, wanting to dye her hair as well. "I think we'll all look great with white hair. Next time we hit a city, we should definitely pick some up." Fully supporting her idea for his own selfish reasons, Eun-Jae felt no shame. In fact, he felt happier than before.

Lost in his little happy high, Jay completely forgot about the quiet sheep beside him. It was only after Alex got up that Eun-Jae realized he missed the opportunity to give his teammate a hug. Never could he have ever expected to have failed so horribly. By the time Eun-Jae readied himself to pounce again, Alex had already gotten to his feet and was moving to leave the room, making his actions pointless in the end. Not wanting to come off as weird, Eun-Jae decided to take a moment to sulk calm himself and try to look past all of the arguing going on to find anything of value.

He didn't. He completely missed out on everything important but was happy to have had a meeting anyway. At least now he could understand the team a little better. "I'm in!" He stood up with certainty and raised his hand to announce his position. Eun-Jae wasn't the type to read over the terms of agreement before signing anything so agreeing to something he knew nothing about wasn't much of an issue in comparison. What was the worst that could happen?

After his brief outburst, he rushed out to find Alex, completely passing the questionable scene between the rabbit and the tiger. Even if he had paused for a moment, his innocent mind wouldn't be able to put two and two together. If anything, he would blush for the tiger's sake and help him pull his pants up. He would even offer him his belt for any future incidents. Unfortunately Ash was on his own to solve this little predicament.

So, he moved on, running as fast as his legs could take him, his blue eyes darting every which way as if Alex would bother hiding from him. Since Alex was going at a reasonable pace, it didn't take long to find him entering the kitchen. Elated, the silly kitten ran faster. Bursting through the door to the kitchen, Jay finally caught up to Alex. Furthermore, he actually managed dodge the moment he was about to bump into him. However, this led to him tripping on air just as he was about to pass him. In an automatic attempt to save himself, he actually gripped onto Alex's scarf and coat, bringing the sheep rep down with him and tearing his poor scarf in the process. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I have a sewing kit. I can fix it!" Reaching out to take the scarf from the sheep, Eun-Jae was so busy rambling on about how he was sure he had packed a scarf as well and of how cute it would look on him that he didn't even notice any bruising that showed now that the scarf was loose and torn. "Would you like to borrow it?"

Meeting Room ~> Kitchen
Alex @SolemnOath


"Here we go"Jake says under his breath when he sees Nina come out from the meeting room. "Your absolutely right, Nina was it?" Jake says doing his best not to burst out in laughter at her outburst "I'll try and work on that, scouts honor" he says using a sacracstic tone before turning his attention back to Mai but closes his eyes and takes a deep breath when Nina continues to express her self to Mai. "We have a gym on the yacht your welcome to use to release some of that rage Miss Monsa, i hear a few shakeweight reps really do wonders for stress". When Saria started to yell, Jake tugs on Mai's hand trying to get her to walk with him "lets go for a walk... please?" But rolls his eyes when Zephyr stips them once again. "Aw, i sense we are bonding" Jake says looking at Zephyr with a dull look but grins when he hears his threats "any time princess" Jake says winking at Zephyr before taking Mai away before she could attack Nina.

When the two were finally alone Jake leans back on the ships railing. "I don't care about being in control of any thing, if i was really in charge,we would be having a cookout in my back yard" he says pulling out his ear piece and putting it into his pocket. "Hmph, if i was the head of the clan, i would have y... sorry" Jake says quickly stopping his self before he let his selfish thought escape his lips. Though he managed to control his mouth, Jake's hunger payne eyes already told the truth.
"Besides, i personaly have no problem going along with the wonder twins on there suicide mission, but is it really fair to force someone to go?, even if they don't want to?, and replacements? " Jake says taking a more frustrated tone while he turns to look out towards the sea trying to stay calm.

"Sorry..." Jake says letting out an exausted sigh. "I wish i told you this before the meeting started, but since this isn't getting any easier, its better if we disscuse this now" After a short silence between the two,Jake turns to look
At Mai with a sincere look on his face
"Im still in love you..... and i cant stop being in love with you" Jake says moving closer to her "thats why im going to make one last selfish request" Jake says looking Mai in her eyes "i need you to forget about me.... There is no future between us, our parents made sure of that" He says unbuttoning his shirt to reveal a large brand over his heart. "you know what it means,and there is no going back" Jake says fixing his shirt before putting his hands on Mai's shoulders "this is goodbye" Jake says before kissing Mai's forehead before walking back towards the meeting room.

"Just in time" Jake says just as Ash had stepped outside of the room "i need a drink, you coming? " Jake says to Ash as he passes by and continues to walk towards the back of the ship.

@Rads @SolemnOath @Gumi
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Mai couldn't believe the disrespect coming from Nina. The Snake really had the nerve to come up to her and Jake while they were trying to have a private conversation. She was about to ripe a new one into Nina when Saria came up to the doing it for her. Mai was going to open her mouth but then Zep came around as well. He thanks her for protecting Sophia and Mai couldn't help but let out a big smile. To her, it was always a pleasure to protect those who didn't deserve to be attacked. "You're welcome," she said. It was only when he started bashing Jake did Mai once again want to open her mouth and say something but was cut off by Jake who dragged her off to somewhere more secluded.

"That was something else," Mai said shaking her head. "I really caused a ripple didn't I?" she said smiling. Mai had never felt so involved as she did right now. She really felt as though she expressed how she felt and maybe even brought some people together. She was probably just boosting her ego because at this moment she felt great. She felt better than she ever did before, this mission that they were going on was giving her some other purpose than just listening to her mother. She was going to do this not only because she was a zodiac and it was her duty but because she wanted to. She wanted to prove to herself that she was much more than just an upcoming lawyer or the daughter of Chiyo Van Allen(Her mother). Mai shook her head, "If you were in control you wouldn't allow Tani to go" she said crossing her arms not including herself because she knew damn well she wasn't going to back out of this.

"You don't need to apologize," Mai said seeing the look in his eyes. He was never one to hide his emotions from her. She could tell what he really wanted to say. "This isn't a suicide mission," she said reaching for his hand taking it. "As long as we have each other we can do this," she said. She really did believe in every single zodiac, they were all unique and powerful in their own way. "Again you don't need to apologize," she said laughing. "There isn't anything you could possibly say that needs to be apologized for," she said letting his hand go.

When Jake turned to face her Mai felt as though her heart was going to jump out of her chest. He looked so serious and a part of her was afraid. Her fears seem to die down when he spoke again, "Jake," she said hearing those sweet words come out of his mouth. "I-" she stopped herself when he spoke again. At the mention of selfish request she thought that maybe he would tell her that he wanted to get back with her. When he got closer she went to reach for him again. She wanted to embrace him and maybe even kiss him. Was that something too hard to ask for? "You don't need to say another word. I lo-" her words were cut off as he said those cruel words. "What?" she said feeling every ounce of strength and self-confidence in her drop. He wanted her to forget him? How was that possible when she was so deeply in love with him. She couldn't do that, how could he ask her to do something like that. How could he say that? How could he be so selfish and say something like that? This was some sick joke? This had to be!

Mai covered her mouth seeing the mark on his chest. "Jake, what have you done?!" she said her voice cracking with emotions. "How could you do something like that!?" she screamed at him eyes wide. To make an oath to never love her again. "You can't do that," she said beginning to cry. "You can't do that. Not like this" she said covering her face with her arms. When he touched her shoulder she looked up at him with such hurt that she couldn't even speak. This couldn't be goodbye, she didn't want it to be. She wanted to kiss him to remind him that they were in love that they could get through this but he was gone. She stood there for a while unable to do much but release the tears he had left her in. Eventually, it left her empty and she leaned against the rails looking blankly off into the ocean.

This was her fault, all of it. She had been the one to break it off with Jake. She had been the one to allow her mother to control her and end the relationship. She had left Jake, what did she expect? Did she expect him to wait for her? To fight for her? Jake called himself selfish but in truth, she was the one who was selfish. She was the one who caused this. Looking at the ocean, what she once thought was beautiful now seem dull and empty. She wondered if it always looked like that and she was just making it seem more special than it really was.

Her phone began to beep a couple of times which snapped Mai out of it. Wiping her eyes she took out her phone opening it and looking at what came in. It seems to be messages from her mother.
>What's going? Is everything alright? I've been trying to call you but you haven't been responding?
>This better not be a long-term thing. You have exams and this really isn't the time to be fooling around.
>Are you with that boy Jake? I told you to stay away from that mutt!
>You are going to be in big trouble when you get home. So hurry up and get home!

Mai stared at the messages for a while. They seem to be coming late which meant her mother was furious right now. Mai wondered what she should say. Should she even respond to that? Another beep came and Mai opened the message reading it.
>You're with that mutt aren't you? I knew I couldn't trust you to go there by yourself. That boy is nothing but trouble for you. He's nothing and the fact that you're wasting any time on him is disappointing. Wait until you get back home...

Mai stared at that message for a moment processing it. She then gripped her phone and in one quick motion she threw her phone up in the air before bringing a powerful kick into it shattering the phone completely. The pieces fell to the floor and Mai tilted her head wondering what she should do now. Looking back at the ocean she kicked the pieces into the water bidding them farewell before taking off her heels as well throwing them to the side. Her feet ached after all, what was the point of wearing those stupid shoes either way. What was the point of wearing these stupid professional cloth? She ripped off the button up shirt wearing her tank top along with her skirt. She was wearing pantyhose underneath so she wasn't naked just not fully cloth. She wondered if leaving her cloth there was such a good idea but then shrugged. Why did she care? With another swift kick she threw her cloth into the ocean as well hearing a ripe. She looked seeing that she had made a hole in her pantyhose. "Hm," she said. "What a shame," she said leaning against the rail starring back into the ocean. She supposed it wasn't so empty anymore, now that it had her cloth, shoes, and phone.
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Saria blinked in surprise when Issac came between the two of them snapping at both of them. "Hold the flipping phone," she said not caring about whatever edge dark lord energy he had. "I don't give a flying foodle what your head feels like but you have no right to scream at either of us," she said. She did not like it when someone tried to get in between something that did not concern them. "You better speak up for yourself snake girl because if you don't then you're really a wimp" Saria snapped shaking her head. "You talk about how I don't have grace? What about this punk? Screaming at you like that? I wish you would try that again because I am itching to kick my foot up your ass" she said stepping up to Issac.

"You're talking about keeping the peace yet you're screaming at two women about how you're going to throw them out of the boat if they don't shut up. Boy, I ought to smack you upside the head" she said with a scoff. "What kind of patriarchy bull shit is this," she said. "Zeppy has every right to speak his mind about whatever issue is going on. Unlike you, he isn't a coward" she said getting even angrier. Saria shook her head, that was just unbelievable and to think she slept with this asshole. She burst out laughing when she heard him say that he wasn't up for mindless shouting and violence. That was such a hypocritic thing to say. "Thank you Zeppy for all the informatio" she said waving goodbye. "I'm out this bitch," she said. "I need a freaking drink" she muttered to herself heading out of the deck. As she walked she couldn't help but overhear Jake ask Ash if he wanted to drink. Not only that but Ash was pantless and a very embarrassed rabbit. "Yo! I'm down for that drink and whatever freaky shenanigans this is" she said laughing at the group.
@Rads @SolemnOath @Kazuaki Yoshioka @xLarius
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Saria blinked in surprise when Issac came between the two of them snapping at both of them. "Hold the flipping phone," she said not caring about whatever edge dark lord energy he had. "I don't give a flying foodle what your head feels like but you have no right to scream at either of us," she said. She did not like it when someone tried to get in between something that did not concern them. "You better speak up for yourself snake girl because if you don't then you're really a wimp" Saria snapped shaking her head. "You talk about how I don't have grace? What about this punk? Screaming at you like that? I wish you would try that again because I am itching to kick my foot up your ass" she said stepping up to Issac.

"You're talking about keeping the peace yet you're screaming at two women about how you're going to throw them out of the boat if they don't shut up. Boy, I ought to smack you upside the head" she said with a scoff. "What kind of patriarchy bull shit is this," she said. "Zeppy has every right to speak his mind about whatever issue is going on. Unlike you, he isn't a coward" she said getting even angrier. Saria shook her head, that was just unbelievable and to think she slept with this asshole. She burst out laughing when she heard him say that he wasn't up for mindless shouting and violence. That was such a hypocritic thing to say. "Thank you Zeppy for all the information. You too Soap" she said waving goodbye. "I'm out this bitch," she said. "I need a freaking drink" she muttered to herself heading out of the deck. As she walked she couldn't help but overhear Jake ask Ash if he wanted to drink. Not only that but Ash was pantless and a very embarrassed rabbit. "Yo! I'm down for that drink and whatever freaky shenanigans this is" she said laughing at the group.
@Rads @SolemnOath @Kazuaki Yoshioka @xLarius

Issac deeply sighs then says" Speaking about the issues at hand is fine, but being utterly demoralizing when people are already feeling really shitty about it isn't and the worst thing we haven't even got there". " I'm not exactly chuffed at the fact that this has happened but i do know things aren't patched up properly nothing good will come of it, i also thought you would at least have that much sense and understanding". He pauses for a minute then says" It's understandable why some of the clans would react the way they did even though it could of been handled much better". " You seem to be very confused sairia about my nature, i'm not so kind and righteous to act a saint nono, that's so not me but as i said to zep not long ago i don't need this hassle and bullshit from either side and will call it out when needed not just to pick petty fights "

He pauses again then says" As for nina she knows she didn't handle that well, and will come back round to make it right in her own way". "Just for the record we have fallen out before this when she has been very wrong, and now i'm thinking about it by acting like this your only giving more grounds for her to hate you even more, lastly picking a fight with me and trying to me what you think should be done when we don't have much of a relationship isn't helping your cause".

He shakes his head then goes silent not caring at this point or in the mood to hang out with jake or saria or mai for that matter.

Nina almost bit her lip as she holds back from busting out laughing at the saria and jake so bloody lame do you think you your the first to treat me this way jake and saria your a fool to expect him to side with you given the kind of guy he is and he's right i have even less respect for you now i stopped and winding down and your still acting like a child the difference in maturity is clear.
Nina no longer angry and then says" your welcome to think what you like of me jake and you hang out with saria and co then drink your self stupid if that's what you want to do". " I know what i'm even with it out being said will do what ever it takes see this through and not having many friends is fine with me, it's not like i had tons to start with so why get bent out of shape about it".

Nina then starts to head back to her room not wanting to have any more to do with the group at the moment. Some might find her strange but she is happy that he wasn't trying to put her down like the others, it was one of the many reasons she is so close to him where she had closed her heart to so many others.
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