You Wake Up Married to the Person Above You

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*rubs Zy's ass*

*Hmmmm.... feels familiar.....*

I had better not be pregnant again.
Oh don't worry. You are! I suppose I'll make you a sammich since you'll have to put your feet up...again!

*secretly files for another divorce*
Don't you remember me in maternity clothes and a belly riding through the desert on a motorbike drinking neat vodka? Ne wait that was last Christmas.

*get a better lawyer this time*
This feels almost weirdly wrong. Like I'm second-hand sleeping with my beloved Zy.
:| Maybe it's because you're still pregnant with cute little Zylings.
What the hell did I smoke/snort/shoot last night?
This looks about right. *goes back to sleep*
*sits up suddenly crying out in fright*

Oh it was just a dream.

*looks at fluffy*

Yup! still pretty in the morning!

*goes back to sleep*
*Wakes up gasping and looks at Vay*

Oh. He just had another bad dream. *Snuggles and goes back to sleep*
Hello my Mexican-American Lady Friend.
Rory snuck into bed while I was still contemplating how to get Fluffy into it...
No it wasn't.
*Wakes up to Kitti and Rory* Hoshit, how many people am I married to!? Rory's supposed to be my brother, dammit! *Whispers something to Rory about being pregnant and not knowing who the father is. Then breaksdown into tears and asks him to buy her some watermelon.*

It's Kitti's.
So....this is what the man looks like out of uniform.
....what does it take to keep you out of my bed?! D: *chains GMK down* STAY! *finds a new bed*
*Breaks chains* You woke up in My bed the last three times dammit *Puts the had on Angl and goes back to sleep*
*Wakes up wrapped in a blanket of beer cans at circus-circus in Reno*

What happens in Reno.....comes back to California>?
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