Original poster
Well, um....
My name is Meggie. 07 is irrelevant. They're just numbers. As far as you know.....
I don't usually jump around sites, unless I'm looking for something new, and I am a loyal person to just about a couple role-playing sites for a long period of time. I've been searching for a new RP site- after I think about four to five years on another- and this place seems to be nice. Both community wise and roleplay wise. Still it's a little strange, the whole process and everything is so different from the other site.
It's intimidating.
I'm usually shy around others so please don't expect to see my name plastered everywhere. I like my ninja skills.... Also, I'm hoping- keeping my fingers crossed- that I can find some good friends on here. I only have two on my other site. ....Sad I know....
My name is Meggie. 07 is irrelevant. They're just numbers. As far as you know.....
I don't usually jump around sites, unless I'm looking for something new, and I am a loyal person to just about a couple role-playing sites for a long period of time. I've been searching for a new RP site- after I think about four to five years on another- and this place seems to be nice. Both community wise and roleplay wise. Still it's a little strange, the whole process and everything is so different from the other site.
It's intimidating.
I'm usually shy around others so please don't expect to see my name plastered everywhere. I like my ninja skills.... Also, I'm hoping- keeping my fingers crossed- that I can find some good friends on here. I only have two on my other site. ....Sad I know....