X or Y?

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Uhhhh strawberry, but dat chocolate milk tho.....

Be ravaged by an army of puppys, or smothered by an army of hamsters?
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I'm really hoping by ravaged you're not being pervy! But puppies all the way. <3

Be poor and have the love of your life, or be rich with no love at all?
Poor with all the love.

And no, by ravaged I meant intense cuddling. Puppies are for cuddles not....that other thing.

Arm wrestle a T-Rex or grapple with a seal?
Grapple with a seal, or in my case attempt to hug it to pieces.

Apparently I wouldn't survive out in nature for too long because I want to hug everything. =/

Hot dog or hamburgers?

Surf a tidal wave on using your front door as a surf board, or sled down a mountain in your bed with skis attached to the legs?
Hmmm. Probably sledding down a mountain on my bed. I'm not very good at surfing.

Love every song that comes out but hate every movie, or vice versa?
Love every song, by far. Music is much more inspirational than movies are.

Type everything you think perfectly clear but have nobody read it, or be cursed with typos without the option to correct them?
Omg...that's a hard one. As a person who hates typos, but is often plagued with them I may have to go with type everything perfectly but have no one else read it. I can still read it! At least I hope I could. o.o

Spend the rest of your life in your dream home in the perfect location with someone who makes you miserable, or be live in a shack surrounded by people who make your life awesome?
Haha you could still read it :P Definitely live in a shack surrounded by people who help make my life awesome.

Pirates or ninjas?
Black. I'm a dark soul. =/

Deaf or blind?
Pie; I hate cake lol

One tarantula crawling on you or 100 cockroaches crawling on you?
iicckk... Tarantula. O_o

live in a world with no light or live in a world with no dark?
Live in a world with no dark; I can't see without light and I can sleep while it's light outside.

Chicken noodle soup or ramen?
Chicken noodle soup, only if it's homemade though. The canned stuff is nasty.

A world with more water, or more land?
A world with more water, or more land?
More land. Land travel's a lot easier. Also there's the fact that humans can't live underwater (well not without the right technology).

Sherlock or Doctor Who?

A week without water or food?
A week without food.

Toilet paper roll: Over or under?
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