Would you say yes to charizarding?

  • Thread starter Yus of the Conquest
  • Start date
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Just when I thought it was dead....o.o
oh please

just because its limp for a while doesn't mean its dead

it just needs the right...inspiration...to get a second wind, to rise up and stand at attention, with its proud bearing!

Way too much testosterone in this thread.
Really bad puns in this thread....
Sh*t, I turned off alerts for this, and look how much I have missed!
On the note of pokemon porn, my friend (for some goddamn unknown reason) changed the conversation picture on our group Facebook chat to a (thankfully censored) image of May being fucked by Thomas the Tank Engine. Oh my god, I am scarred for life.
@Nydanna I tried to find you a pokesex thead on Iwaku, but it was all trainers and no pokemons. >:[
@Diana You're just trying to scar me for life aren't you?
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