Would you rather

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Ride a bike.

Would you rather see Sing or Passengers?
(The movies)
Dance in the snow.

Would you rather be Santa or one of his reindeers?

WYR stand in line for along time for your favorite movie or favorite Singer/Band?
Favorite movie.

Would you rather not eat something you disliked or eat it just to please the cook?
Not eat something you disliked.

Would you rather be the protagonist of a novel or the antagonist of a novel?
Protagonist although in some instances, the protagonist can be the antagonist while the antagonist is the protagonist.

Would you rather be put on a pedestal with high expectations of you or constantly reminded of every mistake you've made?
Constant reminder. It's humbling, and a good use for improvement.

WYR grow facial hair 5x faster than normal, or hair in general on you as fast as that on your head?
Facial hair grow 5x faster than normal. I can look older and finally have a full beard before the week is out.

Would you rather grow a whole foot over night or remain your current height?
Remain my current height.

Would you rather be trapped in a dungeon with the end in reach or your own personal dungeon of which escape is measured by your sanity?
The second one.

Would you rather see the future or the past?
Let it go.

Would you rather be able to predict the future based on patterns or be able to control the elements?
Be able to control the elements.

Would you rather be alone in a house safe from monsters or would you rather be in the outside world filled among the monsters?
Away from the monsters.

Would you rather be a human or a monster?
A human.

Would you rather be blind or be deaf?

Would you rather be poor and miserable or rich and happy?
Rich and happy.

Would you rather conquer the world or conquer love?
Conquer Love.

Would you rather not understand a joke or think everything is a joke?
Not understand a joke.

Would you rather praised as the hero that never took a life or feared as an anti-hero who has taken many lives?
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