Would you _________ me?

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I really have no clue how to respond to that

Would you give me a million dollars out of the blue?
eh....no...I can't reach into the blue...sorry T_T

Would you shake it like a Polaroid picture for me?
Do you really want to see me shake my ass?

Would you make me blind when your eyes close, tie me to the bed post?
Umm....no that'd be gay

Would you like me to welcome you to my nightmare?
Bring em' on!

Would you lie for me>?
no...I dislike lying. I might lie WITH you though...

Would you wake up? why don't you put on a little make up for me?
well it is Thursday so why not

Would you bend over and take it from me?
what...the soap? sure!

would you....ENLIGHTEN MEEEE!!!!....?
*hands over a translation of the Tao Te Ching*

Would you hold me, thrill me?
I'm weak, I probably couldn't lift anyone on this site. By thrill, do you mean tickle you out of nowhere? Because that would be pretty funny. ^_^
Would you give my muse exercise?
dunno...is she hot?

Would you still love me tomorrow, when you find out who I am today?
Shit I don't like you right now as it is

Would you chase the dark with me?
...no...chasing darkness all across south america is tiring.

Would you tell me what you want, what you really really want?
Everyday all day.

Would you cook me various baked goods>?
if you buy the stuff

Would you kidnap edward cullen for me?
....No... wouldn't even want to touch the guy...he scares me... ._.

Would you bake cupcakes, brownies, cakes,..etc... with me?
sure...if you share

would you read a 700 page book to me?
If it was a good one. I'd probably even do different voices.

Would you buy Marvel vs Capcom 3 for me when it comes out?
Only if I get to play it, too.

Would you be my shield if ever zombies broke out?
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