Wolves, Vampires, Shifters... Oh My.

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Yeah, I think it's about time Relic shows up.
He was trying to sleep but he could sense a fight going on close by.
So, now he was slamming into the side of Kyros, sending the red pup skidding into the leaves.
'What the hell do you think your doing?!'
He still wasn't in great shape so he was already panting and a bit shaky and there was a tube wrapped around his left arm.

Carli blinked at the new addiction, a bit surprised that the alpha was there at all.
Yes, he'd heard of the accident.
Kyros yelped when he was slammed into-
Almost didn't get up when he stopped skidding, but still managed.
He shook his head and looked at Relic and whined.
He was going to steal you, Relic... his dad said he was suppose to steal you...
He was shaking, but otherwise fine.

Damon looked at Carlisle.
"You okay, Carly?" Yep, still calling him Carly. :P
The alpha rolled its eyes and sneezed, annoyed.
He shifted back into human form and fell back against a tree, dropping down into the leaves.
"No one can steal me, Kyros."
He chuckled and then continued.
"No one would want a broken wolf anyways."
He wasn't being emo, he just figured he wasn't going to be doing much alpha stuff till he was fully healed.
Kyros whined and padded over to Relic, nudging him gently in the side.
He was worried for him...As if he was going to lose him.

Damon chose this moment to get the hell out of there.
He gestured for Carly to follow before going wolf and bolting out of the area.
Hopefully he'd get to leave without trouble...
The young alpha smiled and patted Kyros on the head.
"It's okay, I'll be fine."
He reached up towards the other boy.
"Can I have a hand back home? I kinda hurt."
He chuckled lightly and then said "The doc said I had to stay in bed...but I was worried you might be hurt."

Carlisle followed Damon as told.
Kyros nodded to giving him help.
Being careful, he lifted Relic up, princess style.
"Which way, mon capitan...? I forgot how to get to your place..."
He smiled sheepishly.
It's what happens when he doesn't go out much for two weeks.

Damon reached the cave first, where he collapsed, tired from the run back.
The pup chuckled and smiled, snuggling against Kyros.
"It's back through the trees, north.
Then when you get near the road you turn a bit west.
That will take you to Cresthill then S St."
That was were their house was.
Relic sent a mental request to Zack to not yell at Kyros as they came in.
He needed his friend badly.

Carli came in a few moments later, nudging down against Damon worriedly.
Kyros nodded and went as directed.
At first he was a little lost, but then got back on track after a few twenty or so yards.
Good news!
Zack won't be yelling.
Bad news...
Kyros will have to go home after Relic is back in bed and made sure that he was fine.
Sorry, but that is how it is.

Damon gave a wolfish smile to prove that he was fine...well, for the most part.
Relic argued with his dad as soon as he was home.
He knew Zack wouldn't like Kyros staying but darnit he wanted him too.
"I'm not staying in bed unless he stays with me."
Yes, the implied 'in bed together' was obvious.
He didn't want to lose his best friend after just getting him back.
Too bad he didn't know Kyros liked him as more then a friend.

"Relic, he can't stay-
I appreciate the fact he brought you home safely;
But that omega that you're responsible for said that he caused the accident.
Do you really think I'm going to trust him around you?"
Ah, so Damon had used that lie spinning tongue of his on Zack?
Great... Kyros whined. Poor kid...He's innocent but his friend's dad don't believe it.
The pup grumbled under his breath and bared his teeth.
"He's my friend and he didn't cause anything!"
The boy's voice cracked from being tired but he stayed strong.
"No one caused the accident! I ran out in front of a car!"
Relic started to move out of bed to stop Kyros from going anywhere.
"He stays or I go with him."
Zack pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Talk it over with momma...I have to go."
He left the room with a sigh.

Kyros whined and nudged Relic back into bed.
Yes, he was back in that special wolf form, just for him.
D-don't....don't push yourself...You're still hurt.
"Tch...I'm going to be an alpha. I can handle this type of injury."
Though he did as told and climbed back into bed.
When his head hit the pillow he nearly passed out.
Guess he was more tired than he thought.
Either way, Alec came in a few moments later with a careful grin.
"Kyros can stay for the night as long as you stay in bed. He had to go to work so count yourself lucky he didn't have time to argue."
He set down a big tray of steak, hamburger, and pork on the bed.
"Eat as much as you can. I made a bit extra so you can have some too, Kyros."
A few moments later Alec was gone, then Relic was nibbling on a piece of bacon.
Kyros almost had a pain attack when Relic nearly passed out as soon as his head landed on the pillow.
But he calmed down to see he was fine.
At the bit of news from Alec about him being able to stay for the night, he smiled.
Then Alec had left and Relic was munching on food...
Everything was okay... No worries...
Relic finished up his piece of bacon before addressing Kyros.
"Why were you so mad earlier?"
Sure he understood the whole 'they wanted to take you' but that just related to a possible mate option or beta choice.
Why would Kyros care about something like that?
So there had to be something else going on...at least that was what he was telling himself.
Kyros fidgeted at the question.
"B...because my new uncle...great uncle...
He told me that Damon was suppose to make you think that I was terrible...
He was trying to ruin our friendship because he thought...
He thought I was a vampire and didn't like the idea of a vampire and a werewolf being... Being friends."
He was hesitant at the last bit because what Valentine really said was that werewolves and vampires shouldn't be in love with each other.
"I...I was scared of losing you... And angry at him... I'm sorry..."
Relic chuckled quietly and shook his head.
"You won't ever lose me. Even if our parents don't like each other."
The boy turned his head to the side to look at Kyros and smiled.
"Your stuck being my friend whether you want to or not."
Then the boy stuck his tongue out and giggled.
"Man, I wanna play so bad...maybe we can run away tomorrow and play for awhile...."
Kyros would be hugging Relic as of this moment...
But seeing how he was injured...
Yeah just a happy grin will do.
Out side...?
After running away from home?
"Can weeeeee?"
The look on the boy's face was hilarious.
"Of course, I'm pretty good at sneaking out, as I'm sure you just found out."
He laughed right as Zile came in through his window.
"Master, tricking me again won't work..."
Oh, so that's what had happened.
He'd told Zile that Zack said he could go out and since Zack was gone he'd just believed him...
Yeah, dun piss off the vampy.
Greg showed up right after Zile.
He looked scruffy, but that could be from running about trying to find Relic...
Or maybe some other reason entirely.
"Yeah, tricks are fun and all, but not when you could have gotten hurt or sent to juvenile."
Kyros turned into a mouse and hid under Relic's blankets.
Greg and Zile just gave him creeper vibes.