Will you be my Demon Butler?

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I am craving a sort of Black Butler like MxM pairing. It doesn't have to be Black Butler per se', but I would like the theme or plot to lead somewhere along those lines.

It could lead to anything really, but I kind of want it to end up being romantic in a way. As the title suggests, I would like for you to be the demon. However ask me nicely and I might just be able to switch. Fair warning though. I'm not all that good at being the dark demon butler like Sebastian. I am not "one hell of a butler" As much as I wish to be. XD

Anyway, feel free to talk to me about other plot ideas if you wish.
This sounds really good, I've been looking for a black butler-esque roleplay and have a few character ideas for demons as well as shinigami and just for laughs a hell hound.
Yes, I have ideas for snake, Raven, fox, and panther demons. As well as two shinigami, one whom uses twin Sai and another who is a tradistionalist and uses a collapsible scythe. Just tell me which you prefer and I could send you a quick CS. As for the hell hound it's pretty much Pluto with some minor, yet major differences.
Well, all of them seem interesting. I am only looking for a one on one. However interactions with all that would be great plot filler.
I love plot fillers! I think my "devilishly efficient Butler." Will work best. What are your ideas for the plot.
Well it is pretty close to Black Butler that is why I said something about it.
Okay, would we be doing this through thread or private.
That is entirely up to you. Which do you prefer?
I'm fine with either, although a thread is easier to manage.
We can do a thread. ^^ Shall we do character sheets?
Will you create the thread or do you want me to?
If you wouldn't mind, could you start?
Oh hey, I'm interested too :3 If you don't mind having me.
Certainly! Pm me and we can discuss things.
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