Which Pokemon Are You? Quiz!

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Oh, wow. I got Pikachu. I actually expected something else. Huh. I don't like interacting with people, I am too shy, and I am not popular.
I have a biting feeling that I am being mocked by Quizilla users.

Like Pikachu, you are extremely popular and have many friends and acquaintances. You are friendly, well-liked, outgoing, and can get along with almost everybody you meet. The one thing you can tolerate in other people is constant pessimism, though you will still be there for someone if they're unhappy. Though you're a generally happy and outgoing person, there are times when you feel depressed, and when this happens, you have a bad tendency to keep it in and not share with anybody, either because you don't know how to talk about it, or because you don't want to be a burden on anybody else. Don't forget that everybody needs somebody to be there for them, and you're not being a burden to anyone by asking for help sometimes.
[Positive traits: popular, outgoing, friendly.]
[Negative traits: fails to ask for help when needed.]
[Career paths: teacher, professor, doctor - anything where you can interact with people.]