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Which Comics have you been reading (and what did y

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Read Gath Ennis "Hitman" if you like the boys.

It takes place in 90's, is a limited run so it actually ends and it involves and writes Batman and Superman as background charcters better then many of their own main comics. Also it is very Ennis and people die in hilarius ways.
Read Gath Ennis "Hitman" if you like the boys.

It takes place in 90's, is a limited run so it actually ends and it involves and writes Batman and Superman as background charcters better then many of their own main comics. Also it is very Ennis and people die in hilarius ways.
lmao alright I might give it a try. I'm kinda kinda trying to stay away from Batman and Superman stuff though. But since they're in background I guess I could try it out haha
Alternatively, Preacher's a pretty good Ennis jaunt. Steve Dillon's artwork though is a bit ehhhhhh

I still need to read The Boys, Hitman and his Punisher too.
lmao alright I might give it a try. I'm kinda kinda trying to stay away from Batman and Superman stuff though. But since they're in background I guess I could try it out haha
Really. Both Bats and Supes have some really topnotch story over the ages. If you like Captain Marvel, some of the Supes stuff will be right up your alley.

But with hitman, they only show up for a few issues, seperate occasion. Mainly to give some gravitas and reflect the immoral actions of Hitman trough the eyes of a moral foil. The entire story is very pique early 2000's. ANd the art is a bit dated. But I think its one of the ESSENTIAL reads for any Ellis fan.
Really. Both Bats and Supes have some really topnotch story over the ages. If you like Captain Marvel, some of the Supes stuff will be right up your alley.

But with hitman, they only show up for a few issues, seperate occasion. Mainly to give some gravitas and reflect the immoral actions of Hitman trough the eyes of a moral foil. The entire story is very pique early 2000's. ANd the art is a bit dated. But I think its one of the ESSENTIAL reads for any Ellis fan.
I think you mean Ennis :)

I was going to say "I try to stay away from superheroes" but then I read a bunch of Marvel. I might try to read DC universe stuff, but I'm not one to go seek out their stuff, I'm more of a Vertigo Comics kind of gal.

I don't like Captain Marvel because she's a superhero - I love her because she's just trying to live her life, despite all the sh*t that's thrown at her. Anyhoo :x

We should do a weekly pull-list thread if there are any more comic book fans :D that would fun and we could fangirl / fanboy without shame hahaha
I don't actually collect single issues; I find the value with regards to price per content to not really be worth it, but I still typically grab at least one book per week of some kind, lol. I'd be down for that, and I think it'd help keep this thread active enough with regards to latest readings.

I've just ordered this bad boy - I do like my chunky comics and Byrne's one of my favourite old school creators.

How do you guys usually get your comics btw, physical or digital? I used to be an avid physical fan but have been moving on to digital through comixology's sales. Kinda need the space lol
I only really buy Collections and Trade Paper Backs mostly. Although for Saga I am a hound and I cannot wait.
No worries!

I mostly follow in single issues the indie comics and the ones I know my ONE purchase of their issue counts. I've seen too many amazing series that got cancelled or put on hold indefinitely because the sales of the single issues were too low :(

I love Image Comics trades though - the first of a series is almost always like $10 for 4 to 6 issues :3 :3 :3

I'm currently reading Brian K Vaughan's Y: The Last Man which is pretty intense and an interesting take on "what if all male died from every species... except one" I highly recommend it :)
I'm currently reading Brian K Vaughan's Y: The Last Man which is pretty intense and an interesting take on "what if all male died from every species... except one" I highly recommend it :)

Pachamac said:
You are now my favourite person in the entire world <3


Y: The Last Man is one of the best series ever. Enjoy the trip, it's a doozy.
Yeah, a pull list thread would be a good idea. Although I also mainly get trades (with Doctor Who being a notable exception), but I'd still be interested in seeing what everyone else is reading. :)

I havent read that much of Captain Marvel-only The Enemy Within crossover and Captain Marvel & the Carol Corps.
That said, I absolutely love DeConnick's Avengers Assemble. Its just really light-hearted and fun. :)
Carol Corps was also really good as well, but I thought that it ended too abruptly.
I'm mostly a manga reader, but lately I've started reading Wonder Woman as well as the Wolf Among us. I have to admit, they're pretty good :D
Im reading the Scott Snyder Batman series, having read death of the family and endgame first because they interested me most. Both were amazingly crafted pieces of grimdark awesomeness that I very much enjoyed.

Also, I'm reading Seconds by Bryan Lee O'Malley, which I haven't finished, but it's really good too! :D
Just got to read all of Big Man's Plans by Eric Powell after it got dumped in a thread on 4chan.

Reminded me of Crossed, except I was rooting for the crazy one this time.
Going to get my monthly haul tomorrow... there goes my paycheck, eeek!

Will update with my most exciting stuff :D
So I've finished the main story proper of Fables and now only have a few 'Last tale of' vignettes to go through but just... holy crap was that ending one of the most anticlimatic things I've ever read. I'm honestly quite shocked at how badly that was all handled, to be honest. A real shame considering everything that had led up to it from before. Bah.

I think I'm gonna start on either Hellblazer or The Boys afterwards?
Constantine; Hellblazer (The new comics) or the original Hellblazer (Old Vertigo Run)?
The old Vertigo run, managed to pick all the collections up for dirt cheap on a cmx sale a ways back. :D
Noooooice, Enjoy the most well written urban fantasy you will ever read. Also prepare to be depressed v.v
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