When He Sees Me


I read it in the paper so it must be true.
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
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I'm an afternoon and 1am poster lmao
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  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Transgender
  3. Primarily Prefer Male
- Horror
- Paranormal
- Supernatural
- Biblical
- Sci Fi
- World War I II
- Roman / Greek
- 80s / 90s
- Romance
- Occult


"What is history but a fable agreed upon?"
- Napoleon Bonaparte

Just before he could send a taunting text, Alfie's phone died. He sat crouched down in the biggest wardrobe he could find in the store. Even though he and all of his uni friends were closer to 30 than 20, they still decided to play drunk hide and seek. He pouted as his phone died, hopefully nobody would find him. Being tall and gangly, fitting his limbs into any small space was a hassle, but he managed to fold into the space. His knee's were at his chin, and he could barely squeeze his phone into his pocket without popping open the door. Being a little tipsy made it even worse, being quiet was proving a hard task.

Alfie got lazy after however long he had been in there. He didn't have a watch on, so time was becoming distorted. He almost felt like crawling out to find his other friends. It was beginning to get boring, but he also felt an intense desire to win. Minutes felt like hours, Alfie was running out of things to think about. Maybe playing hide and seek in IKEA 40 minutes til it closes was a bad idea. But he was sure somebody would release him soon.

The only signal Aflie got that he was waiting too long was when the crack of light suddenly dimmed. Alfie had a big grin on his face, assuming one of his friends finally found him. He had run to the opposite side of the store afterall. He braced himself to jump for two minutes, before realizing that he hadn't actually been caught. Curiosity got the best of him as he slowly pushed the door to. Alfie poked his head out, looking up to realize the spotlight on his set had been turned off. In fact, most of the lighting had been too. Only the window display lighting lit up the warehouse building. Aflie narrowed his eyes as he realized the music had also been turned off. He hoped he wasn't too late to get out of the doors.

As he stood up, many bones clicked. He cringed as he stretched out, how long was he in there for? Not long enough to completely sober up, that was for sure. He stumbled about as he looked around, he straightened out his blazer and white shirt. Had he been forgotten about? It was a shame he couldn't find out via text.

In a lame attempt to see if he really was alone in the dimly lit shop, Alfie rose his voice.

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I felt ashamed that I'd stayed in my head in the same place for so long
Because I was afraid to change
But that's not an excuse to stay
-La Dispute, Extraordinary Dinner Party

It was supposed to be a quick trip; down to IKEA after cleaning up from the Millers' gig, buy a new desk and chair, and be home in time for bed. But nothing was ever quick with them, was it? Em should have taken into account that the littles would be restless after a long day of work, that Hank had no patience for furniture shopping and wouldn't be able to help Chase filter out the bustle and noise so that he could be out calmly. So here they were hours later on the floor of the IKEA bathroom with no recollection of the events that transpired in the meantime except for a stomachache and a suspiciously half empty jumbo bag of Swedish Fish. Hank, and probably Justin too judging by the handwriting, got rid of all of the neat, concise notes Em had taken earlier comparing style and pricing, and replaced it with a list of inappropriately named furniture like 'MILF', STENKLOVER', and 'FARTYG'. Typical, if not irritating. With a put-upon sigh, Em rose from the floor and tossed the candy and list into the garbage (to a chorus of disappointed awws in the back of their mind that they most definitely did not give a shit about at the moment), only to find a dark abandoned store as they stepped out onto the main floor.

What did you do? Sorry, we didn't know it got that late, honest! We were just havin' some fun… Does this mean we have to come here again tomorrow? Ugh.

How long had they been out? With everything dimmed, it was hard to navigate the labyrinth-like floor, and panic started to build as they realized they had no clue where they were or how to get out. Were they trapped forever? Were they going to get in trouble for being here after hours and get arrested and put with the bad guys and-and- and…

And suddenly they were not they, but he. Justin. A scared little boy in a grown man's body who didn't want to be here, this isn't fun anymore I'm sorry!

Justin usually prided himself on being a big boy who was pretty tough, but it was really spooky in the big dark store. All the lights were low, and there were shadows everywhere that he swore looked like the monsters from his videogames. And then he heard a man call out, his 'hello' echoing around the empty spaces so Justin couldn't quite tell where it came from. It was awful! He didn't know whether to run, or hide, or stay still, and no one on the inside was any help at all. He could already feel the prickling of tears gathering behind his eyes and the burn in his throat, making him feel small and weak like a scared little baby. Somewhere inside he could hear the others asking Chase to wake up and come out, and he hoped the older boy listened. He liked big quiet places like this and knew the best songs to keep him and the others from getting too scared. It was a long minute of waiting and sniffling in the dark, but sure enough Chase rose groggily from the depths. Justin could feel the familiar sensation of shifting, like he was stepping aside and watching as someone else moved his hands to clear the tears from his face, before suddenly he was back in the system and it was Chase in charge.

Chase straightened out of the scared hunch Justin had curled their body into and wiped the last of the tears away. He was surprised to see the predicament they'd gotten into, but luckily a dark, deserted IKEA was the perfect place for him. Well, almost deserted. There was someone else here, too. If it was an employee, hopefully he could smooth things over and leave without too much trouble.

"Hello?" He called back. "I'm sorry, I seem to have lost my way around this place and before I knew it, the store was closed. Do you work here?" Listening closely, he made his way over to where they thought the original noise had come from. It wasn't far, a bedroom model a few sets down. The man standing there definitely didn't look like he worked here though. Young, probably around the body's age. He was dressed smartly, but looked a little drunk. Chase took a step back, the system on alert from this new information. Drunk stranger in an abandoned store, perfect opportunity for a crime or assault, Chief unnecessarily supplied. Stay cautious, but polite, Em suggested, don't let him know we're suspicious. Gee, thanks for nothing guys.
Trying to ignore the increasingly pessimistic suggestions of the others, he gave the other man an awkward smile and wave. "Uh, so. I guess you're not an employee. Which means at least neither of us are getting reported for trespassing yet."

Okay, so maybe a little social advice wouldn't be amiss. Hank? Hank, you in there somewhere? Please help…​
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It took a second, but a voice called back at him. Alfie squeezed his eyes shut, all those drinks had stewed as he sat, all coming to life as he tried to move around. He wasn't stumbling drunk, but you could definitely tell he had one or two. Trying to retain his composure, Alfie looked about, finding it hard adjusting to the lighting. He definitely heard a reply, but he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Alfie let out a small grunt, feeling increasingly annoyed at his friends. He hoped it was a prank, they'd press there ugly faces up at the glass at any moment and shout something obscene. With that thought, Alfie turned his head to look at the glass wall, hoping to spot a face. But nothing.

Alfie focused his attention back on finding the other person, which wasn't much effort. There he was, a young man with a shy smile. Alfie instinctively smiled back. He was shy, but when company was more attractive than he was, he was worse. In between trying to be impressive and trying not to embarrass himself, Alfie never knew how to act. Instead of saying something, which was what his drunk mouth wanted to do, he popped his hands in his pockets and listened. "Well yet, if we try to use the doors an alarm will probably sound." He laughed a little, he had to remind himself that stores don't leave their doors open for anyone to wander in and out. They'd have to wait it out, or alternatively, find an unlocked window or something.

He paused before saying anything else. He now wondered who this guy was. "So, how did you get locked in IKEA? I didn't know that actually happened to anyone." Aflie questioned, still noticeably British sounding, the drunkness not helping. The guy didn't look like a drunk idiot like him, in fact, he seemed quite nervous. Alfie checked out his sharp features, and admired the dark hair. He noticed the red eyes too. Surely he hadn't been crying? Alfie wondered what would warrant that, it was only IKEA. He tried to lean on the wardrobe door, but it wasn't closed all the way, so he stumbled a little, "Ah, shit." he muttered to himself before he leaned on it properly. His face must have been bright red. If he hadn't weirded out the man in front of him yet, it was sure to happen soon.


The first thing Chase noticed about the other man– aside from the tipsiness, that is- was that he was...British? What was a British guy doing here of all places? Not the IKEA, Chase was sure that it was a popular chain in any country, but why was he in an American town?

Is he a wizard? Justin asked, the awe starting to bring him out of his frightened state. Is IKEA a wizard store? Ooh, he has red hair! He's gotta be a Weasley! Chase! Chase, ask him if he knows Ron!

Chase did not ask the man if he knew Ron Weasley (although he had to smother a giggle at the thought- Justin wasn't exactly wrong about how the man looked), but he did take a moment to get a better look at him. He did have rather gingery hair, a bit tall and long limbed in a way that Chase would describe as cute if he weren't fighting off five peoples'-worth of anxiety right then. He didn't look too terribly drunk, either; as Em should know from nights working sound at local pubs, he was probably only teetering on the edge of tipsy.

Despite how amusing it was, he tried to block out the excited barrage of questions (Justin was still going strong) so that he could focus on the situation. Justin may have changed his mind about things, but the others were still very much wary, and urging him to keep his guard up. They only grew more suspicious when the man started talking about how there would be alarms if they tried to leave. What is he trying to keep us here for? I don't think he's up to anything, honestly. We could have figured that out ourselves. He's just as disadvantaged by this as us. Then why is he laughing? He's planning something, he thinks we're stupid! You are stupid. How could you get yourselves trapped here with a stranger? Useless. It's like you want to be hurt. You do, don't you? You'd deserve it. Enough! Chase needs quiet. Just be careful, answer his questions but don't give too much away.

Don't give too much away? How was he supposed to admit they blacked out eating Swedish Fish in the bathroom without 'giving too much away'? Regular people don't exactly do that. God, he was going to look like a psycho. Maybe he could think of something better to tell him, something more believable…

"I, uh. It was a long day at work and I kind of…fell asleep…while shopping. How did you end up here?" He asked, narrowing his eyes, "Drunk dare or something?" Or maybe it's something more heinous. Who else goes to closed down stores with liquor on their breath?

As serious as he was trying to be in scoping the guy out, he couldn't help the snort that escaped him as the other man stumbled against the wardrobe. What was this lanky bean of a man doing drunk?

"Sorry, are you alright? What even is your name, I don't think we properly introduced ourselves." He grimaced a bit at the 'we', a bad habit many of them were trying to break, but Em and the Professor assured him that was the correct grammar for the situation. Okay good. Cover not blown. But now the man would be waiting for his name. His name. Oh fuck. Was a name giving too much away? Which one should he provide? Chase wasn't out much, what if they saw each other again and he kept calling him Chase and they didn't respond? What if he switched tonight and whoever was out gave a different name? Just breathe. Give him a name. People are fickle and unobservant, we can make excuses for later. Besides, we're complete strangers, what does he know about us? True. Okay then.

"I'm Chase."​


The boy he found really did look like he was riddled with anxiety, he could tell he was thinking too much. Alfie thought he was anything but intimidating. But that differs, maybe the fact he was a stranger set this guy off. And the fact they were stuck in an enclosed space might do it too. Alfie tried not to psycho-analyse the poor man, he couldn't help notice his slightly strange behavior. He seemed to act like he was trying to figure Alfie out himself. Possibly a drunk, british man who just came out of the wardrobe was a little more intimidating than Alfie thought.

Alfie couldn't help but smirk at that answer. He fell asleep shopping? That's adorable. Alfie imagined the man cuddled under sheets of a bed that the workers hadn't noticed. He nodded when Chase almost got his reason right. "Uh, drunk hide and seek actually, I think my friends did a runner when the store closed." He stopped smiling so hard. Man, if they actually did, he'd be so bitter to them. He'd certainly wouldn't go drinking with them, that's for sure.

The question on if he was alright made it seem like he was threatening to fall on his face or something. Alfie hoped he didn't look that drunk. He knew how annoying it was to look after some poor sod who couldn't handle his drink, Alfie didn't want to be that guy. When mentioning the introductions, Alfie smiled. He loved getting to know people. He may be a little shy, but ever so curious. "I'm Alfred, but please call me Alfie. No batman jokes either please." He joked. His full name was an actual pisstake, who gives their kid two pretentious first names then two long last names? Luckily he had a sense of humour about it, but his sister certainly didn't.

Alfie just waited for Chase to reply, instead of asking. But man it looked like he was having a hard time remembering his own. After a pause, the man got two words out. Alfie grinned. "Ah, a cute name for a cu- a person!" He cringed, luckily he wasn't drunk enough to start shamelessly flirting. But he was close. He didn't want to call Chase cute then scare him back into the shadows. Alfie's face went red as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Ah sorry." He whispered before coughing, deciding to change the topic quickly before he could embarrass himself any more.

"Well they open at 8AM, do we attempt to climb out of a window or find some keys, or should we find some beds to get a good nights rest?" Alfie asked, as he looked around before looking back to Chase. A third option popped into his head as he grinned, "Or should we check this place out, have some fun?" He really was trying to be friendly, but he could see how guarded Chase was at that moment. Hopefully he could prove he was genuinely nice, not some drunk fool.​

The system quieted down in anticipation as the British man gave an almost fond-looking smirk as he revealed his own reason for getting stuck in the store. Chase frowned at his story. How could your friends just leave you drunk and alone somewhere? What if something had happened? That was… that was just awful. In that moment, his apprehension all but vanished, replaced with pity and compassion. He gave the man a smile- a real one this time, not the half-scared grimace of earlier- as he gave him his name. "Nice to meet you, Alfie. And I wouldn't think of it." He gave a pointed glare to those inside his head that might though. He hoped they (aka Hank and/or Lara) wouldn't upset the man on purpose with their teasing. Chase almost didn't catch Alfie's slip of the tongue after his own introduction, but when it clicked, a blush rose quickly over his cheeks. He thought he was cute? Him? Or, well, his name and the body he shared with several others, at least. The other man seemed embarrassed to have said it though, so he let Alfie change the subject

The thought of sleeping didn't appeal much to Chase. He had spent most of today asleep already; the venue for work had made him feel overcrowded, so he stepped back while Em had continued on without him. They hadn't needed him much anyway except when the others were stressed, so a lot of his time was spent resting in the back of their head waiting to be called up to do his real job. So yeah. Sleeping was a hard pass. Besides, no one else trusted this 'Alfie' guy enough to leave themselves completely vulnerable around him like that. They weren't born yesterday after all. Well, probably at least.

That still left the question of what they would do, though.

I can step in for ya, bro. I don't mind babysitting the body with Baby Butler over here. Or I could. I am the main host after all, and we all know how you feel about social situations. No! I mean…no, I actually…I actually kind of want to stay out this time. Really? Yeah. He seems nice. I think I'd like to stay out and feel like a regular person for once.

His comment seemed to stun the others. He had never wanted to handle things on the outside for long, and to do it for a drunken stranger sounded ridiculously out of character. But it was true. Maybe in a crowded mall he would be overwhelmed, but here in the abandoned IKEA, Chase felt like he'd be okay. Just him and one other person hanging out like real people… he wanted to experience that. Em was the first to relent, stepping back even further with understanding, and the rest followed after. A moment, and then he was the most singular he had ever felt, the others quiet in the background to give him this one night of almost-normalcy. He felt like Cinderella or something, he thought with a chuckle.

"I think some fun sounds like a good plan. What should we do first?"


It felt weird talking to Chase. Alfie was too drunk to notice it too much, and he was far too busy admiring how handsome he was, but Chase certainly took a second to reply to everything. Like he was thinking it over hard. He certainly was cautious of what he said. Alfie just put that down to stranger danger, and drunk people were unpredictable. Alfie tried to keep from doing anything that would come off as aggressive or creepy even. So he'd avoid compliments, for now.

His face lit up when Chase said he'd want to have some fun. That was the correct answer. Alfie was still feeling a little giddy from the drinks. But maybe he should try sobering up. Alfie took a couple of steps forward, mainly so he could see behind the closet he was hiding in. He peeked over to see the cafe. Alfie hummed, "Well, I think they have stereos we can use." Alfie felt so, criminal, taking the stores supplies and such, but if they put it all back properly, no one could point it back to them. "But, if we're gonna be up all night, I'm gonna need a drink." Alfie stood next to the closet before turning to Chase, "I mean like some water, I'm not an alchie." He laughed a little nervously, he didn't want Chase thinking he was always drunk.

"We could get some food too." He decided to slowly walk towards the cafe, hoping Chase would follow. The staff room behind the counter would have some controls so they could plug in their phone or something. Alfie popped his hands in his pockets as he turned to Chase, wondering what sort of conversation they should make. If any at all. "So, uh, what do you do? I thought you were an employee here when you first appeared-" Alfie chuckled as he walked into the cafe area, the room dimly lit by the lights on the counter. He poked his head around the back of the little door to get behind the counter, "I thought you were gonna get me in trouble or something." He looked over to Chase as he slid the lock open.

Alfie looked behind the counter. All of the perishable food was gone, of course, but all the packaged goods were still available. He slipped his slim fingers underneath the plastic, grabbing some chocolate bars and cookies. Usually he wouldn't be this ballsy, but there was a need to impress that was amplified by the drinking. It was an unusual boost of confidence.

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