Whats your addiction?

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Booze. Booze is good. Booze makes me happy. Booze might hurt me the morning after but once I get more, I'm not hurt anymore. Booze makes me socially more acceptable.

Booze, in summery, is good.
-My 7 gb(Huge jump recently! :D) fap folder
-My entire music library.

These and more.

-the Internet
-pencil and paper
-Time. Define it however you want, but yeah. Time.
-The Vidya (guess.)
-My bags
Music, football, women, nicotine, alcohol, working out, protein-shakes, coca cola(glass-bottle, not plastic), movies, tv-series, well-spiced food, Iwaku, fresh air...& probably more.
Well my addictions are

Drawing (during class but I just can't stop)
Playing Games (More twords new games I get like now it would be Metroid Prime Trilogy)

*yeah not much but it is what I am addicted to*
My addictions: God, listening and creating music, and dancing.

I would like to say my closest friends but life would be bearable without them

The Internet.

Water(I kid you not.) I can't get addicted or too into soda since it just doesn't quench your thirst as good.

Well that's just about it really.