What is the worst thing someone has ever called you?

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I've been called a lot of things, most of it probably true. Most of it I agreed with. People who cant admit to their own flaws are sort of delusional, so I dont really mind it when people use my flaws as some pathetic way to insult me. I am a bitch? Sure, I can be. Everyone has come across as bitchy at least once to someone. Even if you didn't intend to come across that way.

I don't really let insults and words from other people get to me. Been there done that. I literally can't even remember a lot of the negative things people have said to me. What I do remember is their actions and how they treat me. I'll forgive, but I will never forget. I like to think that's how it is with a lot of people. :0
Mhmm, now that I think about nothing really 'bad' have I been called. Though the few things people have called me that did really get to me. The first and most effective thing anyone could call me was 'stupid'. I have a learning disability with reading and writing, so school was a struggle (and still is), being called this always got to me. It made me feel stupid, despite being at the top of my class with straight A's. It caused me to hide my learning disability for years before finally feeling okay enough to share that fact with people. The second thing that really got to me was being called 'emo'. In grade eight, I dyed my hair black to look like an anime character (Sango for those who know her), and at the time I was going through a hard time, which is why my mother agreed to let me dye my hair. The kids saw my depression, and something that was supposed to help cheer me up, turned on me. There have been a few other things I've been called over the years, one that I can remember was a snob, but those ones didn't effect me like, 'stupid' or 'emo' did.
When I was in elementary school I was one of those awkward, late bloomers. My mom always had my hair cut really short, and made me wear these god awful purple tinted glasses with ugly purple frames. The kids called me troll, and made a rhyme about me because my last "Tina ****** flat as a wall". (My maiden name rhymed with wall). The name carried through high school and made my life hell. Thankfully, after I graduated I never had to deal with another person calling me troll, but I still feel sick to my stomach whenever I hear the word.
Wow, taking pride in sleeping with a frend's boyfriend, you should feel special.
I like to think of it as oportunism at its finest. :P
I've never been called anything that really hit me on an emotional level or whatever because I don't give much of a shit what other people think about me and accept my own flaws without shame, so I guess the worst would have to go to something a friend called me when we were like 12 and fucking around and just insulting each other with increasingly outlandish things for fun. It was something like this, probably phrased differently: if the ball sweat, jizz, and shit crusted underwear of a 500 pound man could gargle period blood, you would be the human embodiment of that monstrosity. So, y'know, typical childish edgelord toilet humor, but the mental image still amuses me and I don't think anyone else has called me anything more ridiculous to date.
I've never been called anything that really hit me on an emotional level or whatever because I don't give much of a shit what other people think about me and accept my own flaws without shame, so I guess the worst would have to go to something a friend called me when we were like 12 and fucking around and just insulting each other with increasingly outlandish things for fun. It was something like this, probably phrased differently: if the ball sweat, jizz, and shit crusted underwear of a 500 pound man could gargle period blood, you would be the human embodiment of that monstrosity. So, y'know, typical childish edgelord toilet humor, but the mental image still amuses me and I don't think anyone else has called me anything more ridiculous to date.
Oh, if ridiculous insults count, then I'd like to mention the time that someone said to me, "your hair is shaped like a triangle".
I forget the exact wording, but if we're also going for silly instances there a time my Mom got pissed at me for being logical.
Just yelling "Fuck your logic!" in the middle of a discussion.
The worst thing.. would probably be terrorist.

The more times you hear it, the less it hurts, I guess.
I've been called a lot. Usually based on my heritage, or just the mere fact that I'm a foreigner, cause kids are creative like that.

Nowadays I'm pretty good at ignoring them. I had a phase in my teens where I would jump back in response with eloquent insults, but found that I don't need to toxic my own mind and soul for them.
Here's a fun one from a Protestant kid:

"Gay Loving, Socialist, Evolutionist, Heretical Catholic Witch."

Excuse me? You're the one who broke off from my Church! If anyone's the heretic, it's you.

Also, i'm a dude, so i'm a Wizard. Nice try.
Here's a fun one from a Protestant kid:

"Gay Loving, Socialist, Evolutionist, Heretical Catholic Witch."

Excuse me? You're the one who broke off from my Church! If anyone's the heretic, it's you.

Also, i'm a dude, so i'm a Wizard. Nice try.
I find the bolded ones to be incredibly ironic, seeing as how Catholics, in my experience (and I say this as someone who's Catholic), always seem to be thought of as homophobic, creationist, Christian extremists.
I find the bolded ones to be incredibly ironic, seeing as how Catholics, in my experience (and I say this as someone who's Catholic), always seem to be thought of as homophobic, creationist, Christian extremists.
Well, yeah, but it was a few weeks ago, and that was after the Pope did his stance on Gay marriage and Evolution, so i guess it was just Part-to-Whole.

But yeah, Catholics are typically depicted like that, so it was sort of funny.
"Gay Loving, Socialist, Evolutionist, Heretical Catholic Witch."
Not only would I take this as a compliment it also describes me perfectly. :3

"But Gwazi you're Atheist!"

Yup, that's why I'm a Heretical Catholic.
Catholic is what I was before hand. :P
I remember the first time I got called a nice guy. It was the worst day of my life. The pain from just remembering that almost makes me forget getting called a twelve year old daily and gay because I don't act like a "typical macho guy". Who knew that if you are a nice person and on't sexually harass females that you are a gay individual? Maybe I don't hit on females cause Little shits like them keep saying I look TWELVE, you don't exactly get a huge ass ego boost from hearing multiple people ask if you are twelve.

But yeah being called nice was the worst thing.
Being the big bad gay of the school, I got tormented with several different homophobic insults. Some of them even got me physically attacked, they were that disgusting.

It used to get to me really bad, but now I don't remotely care what people call me, Honey I've been called everything under the sun y'all ain't hurting my feelings.
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