What do you think about genreblending?

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Returned from the Void
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Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Epic Quest, Sci-Fi, Time Travel and World Hopping, Steampunk, Action/Adventure, Modern Drama, Mystery, Slice of Life, Romance, and many more.
Genreblending is when you take two or more genres, and smash them together into a combination for a new one!

Western Scifi, Historical fantasy, Historical pocalypse, the sky's the limit!

Do you like to use genreblending in your worlds?
Do you typically like to blend genres, or elements of those genres (do you think of it as "western fantasy" or "cowboys and elves"?)
What's your favourite genreblended setting?
What do you like/dislike about genreblending?
Any advice for those who are intrigued and want to try it?
As a kid I liked a Fantasy Mecha anime whose three girl protagonists fought evil in behalf of a princess. But a mix I don't like very well is Fantasy Slice of Life because the abundant misuse of erotic elements, to the point of every move to be an excuse for more erotic situations.
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Do you like to use genreblending in your worlds?
Yes! While traditional genres can be so much fun, one of my favorite things to do for a roleplay is pair two genre that you wouldn't normally see together.

Do you typically like to blend genres, or elements of those genres (do you think of it as "western fantasy" or "cowboys and elves"?)
I would say I blend elements far more often than the genre as a whole.

What's your favourite genreblended setting?
Well, it's a subgenre to be specific but: grimdark x something traditionally light-hearted like magical girl or comedy

What do you like/dislike about genreblending?
I love the challenge of blending the two genre together as smoothly as possible.
Sometimes I just can't make it work. ;-;

Any advice for those who are intrigued and want to try it?
Take your favorite elements from your favorite genre and make a concept out of them and just work it all out from there. I find it's easiest to determine the core or the "heart" of a roleplay and build out from the middle.
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Do you like to use genreblending in your worlds?


Do you typically like to blend genres, or elements of those genres (do you think of it as "western fantasy" or "cowboys and elves"?)


What's your favourite genreblended setting?

-Modern Fantasy and Medieval with a touch of modern adding guns and things like that.

What do you like/dislike about genreblending?

-I like that it opens new and unexpected possibilities for what you can do with the characters and the environment.

Any advice for those who are intrigued and want to try it?

First, they should try to know well the genres and the elements that reside in those. I think that's all, the only really important thing is, BE CREATIVE.
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Do you like to use genreblending in your worlds?

Hell yes! So much creativity brings me a lot of inspiration for current and future roleplay ideas and plot bunnies, etc.

Do you typically like to blend genres, or elements of those genres (do you think of it as "western fantasy" or "cowboys and elves"?)

Of course! Who wouldn't? Like I stated above, it brings me a lot of inspiration and a lot of creativity is absolutely God for me! If I did something with cowboys and elves, I'd refer to it as western fantasy more so than 'cowboys and elves'.

What's your favourite genreblended setting?

My favorite? Oh my goodness... I'm blank right now haha! Probably steampunk and medieval fantasy... That combination sounds cool~

What do you like/dislike about genreblending?

I have never found anything I dislike about genreblending. Creative writing is my hobby, I love being imaginative, coming up with new and unique ideas, so I don't really have much reason to dislike it, because I've never thought about the negative, just how it enlightens me to write more and imagine more, etc.

Any advice for those who are intrigued and want to try it?

Mess around with everything! Do research on either genre, look up common tropes represented in each, and if possible, read stories or watch tv series, documentaries, movies, etc. to learn more about those genres! When you have all of that knowledge in hand, your possibilities are endless! <3
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