What do YOU hate about Christmas?!

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I hate how the driving force behind the holiday is the consumer aspect of it. It is the same for many other holidays but it comes to a pinnacle for Christmas. It is all about an exchange of goods as signs of respect/affection/obligation and I hate it. I don't celebrate it for a great many reasons (a loved one being cursed with a Christmas Birthday and getting shafted his whole life being one) but I am forced to tolerate it everywhere I go and given a hard time for my choices.

Even in childhood I struggled with Christmas. We were not well off but I was delighted and thrilled by my meager stash of gifts, that is until I returned to school. Everyone else in my class got more than I did. What caused a real dilemma for me was that my friend who was a trouble maker, for whom Santa actually put coal in his stocking routinely, got considerably more presents than I. Which gave rise to the question "Why doesn't Santa like me?" I was a good girl (sort of) and yet other people who were not as good got more. Maybe I thought too hard, maybe I still do.

I overheard a woman the other day complaining to her shopping companion that her kids don't appreciate her. So she'd taken out a 5000.00 loan to buy them gifts for Christmas to make sure that they did. The "Christmas Spirit" is strong in that one.

If I had to show what Christmas has come to mean these days I would simply point someone to one of the many "Black Friday" videos in which people are brawling and generally acting like animals over the goods we are told we need.

I like thanksgiving better, it is just about getting together with family and friends, eating and celebrating. Not so much of the consumer glut involved. There are just as many chances for kindness and service to humanity available with donations or volunteering at soup kitchens etc. Except that Christmas is encroaching, Christmas decorations are going up in October and now Black Friday Sales start on Thanksgiving Day.
Happy Holiday people.

You know, the ones who don't want to offend anyone by saying Merry Christmas.

Other than that though, It's awesome. Time off work, AWESOME weather, AWESOME food. I dig it.
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The entire thing. It's mostly built up jealousy because I can count the number of times I've actually gotten something on one hand, while everyone else in the house just goes and exchanges gifts like I'm not here. So yeah, there's some resentment of the holiday I guess.
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The one thing I hate about Christmas is how empty it feels now.

I mean

As a kid, I used to love it.
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Pretty much everything about it. The three exceptions are the song Carol of the Bells (or at least certain versions of it) because I actually enjoy that one unlike all the other Christmas songs, Christmas dinner because it's usually pretty awesome, and getting free shit and/or good sales on shit I want. All the decorations and holiday cheer and repetitive shitty songs could fuck off forever and I'd be a much happier person.
I still quite like Christmas because I tend to avoid the hell out of stores during the weekends and I absolutely friggin' detest this whole Black Friday and Cyber Monday business. I set up my tree two weeks before Christmas, which is always a lot of fun, one of the CDs I have is a Christmas CD I recorded back in high school during concert band (also, kind of a sad story with that one, the day we recorded it was the day my music teacher was struck by a car and killed), and since I'm so far from home, Christmas is one of those times where I can talk to everyone on a Skype call. Actual Christmas is one of those days where you can just forget about all the bullshit leading up to it, it's pretty peaceful to me.

Most of my disdain towards Christmas comes from the hugely materialistic culture surrounding it now. I like doing my shopping early, preferably late October to early November so it's less of a chore and I'm doing dealing with Christmas music and pushy crowds. Trying to entice me with sales isn't going to cut it, really. I honestly feel awful for people who work in retail this time of year, and I've done it before. People become the most self-centered and demanding cunts imaginable when there's a few dollars off of something they want. A bit of empathy would be nice. It's like, people aren't getting people gifts because they want to, but because they're fulfilling an obligation, and that's kind of where I think a lot of the problem comes from. People should be thankful they can see their families every year, I can't.

One thing I notice as we get older and start getting our own income is we tend to buy shit we want as we can afford it. Part of the excitement during Christmas is seeing if you got something you really, really wanted and it's the best thing ever when you do. But now, when you buy a bunch of stuff for yourself, it screws everyone trying to get you stuff over. I'm guilty of it; the instant gratification kind of takes away from the child-like excitement of having to wait until Christmas to see if you got something you wanted.
I hate everything except the holiday itself. I can't stand how we're bombarded with Christmas commercials the second halloween arrives, I hate how all the Christmas songs are just different people singing the same songs with just a different pitch. I love Christmas itself just not everything around it.
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Holy cow, you guys are hella hatin' on Christmas!

But I gets it, son. I gets it.

I personally love the Holidays, but I can't stand how commercial and money-driven it is. Christmas starts in August and ends the 26th to make as much money off of New Years as They (capital 'T') can.

I also can't stand Christmas music after hearing it non-stop for 14 days straight. 14 is my limit.

But as temporary as it is, that little 'boost' in cheer and merriment feels wonderful. It makes you wish we could translate that into our every day lives. It makes you wish the news would report on wonderful things humans do, as opposed to just the terrible. If we shaped our world around those 30 or so days in December, I'm sure our lives would be much richer.
The tension that I feel when I get someone a gift and sometimes they pretend to like it but they obviously don't by the look in their eyes ; A ; ... it's such a bad feeling..
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I can sympathize with all the hate in this thread. Personally, it washes over me and past me with no real pause. While I'm not a fan of it, I'm not a fan of a lot of things, so I just treat it like anything else and trudge on through. I used to like getting presents as a kid and playing in snow. But now I have to buy the presents, so I'm not as big a fan. Instead I think bills I have to pay. I do enjoy walking through the snow and the quiet solitude that new snowfall brings.
The people. Honestly that sounds utterly horrible but... I don't know what it is up here. Everyone is fine all year round, then Christmas Season comes around and they all start acting like complete twats.
I can't tell you how many times I had to break up fights in the store when I worked for Kohls a long as time ago. Its utterly ridiculous.
The only recommendation I have about Christmas for everyone is take advantage of the sales. Buy all the shit you wanna do next year, now. Then save your pennies and repeat for next Christmas.

You'll be shocked at just how much shit you'll get and just how much money you'll save if you make major purchases an annual occurrence rather than a spur of the moment.
I hate how everything is all about gifts and spending money, rather than spending time with your family. When I was younger it was always about getting the family together, playing games and having fun. Now it's all about who spent a small fortune on what gift, and which grandparent spoiled their grandkids the most.
I hate the Mistletoe.
I hate the messy unwrapping.
I hate having the same feeling I get every Valentines Day.

And there's something I discern about those colors, The painful taste of Green and Red paired together, gives me chills down my spine.
Appreciate the synesthesia.
I hate all the people that are so wrapped up in being bitter about life and holidays that they suck the joy out of it for all the people around them. >:[ It's hard to enjoy yourself when there's a ton of people around you telling you how much they hate Christmas. ;___; There's a lot of crappy things, but I choose the happy parts.

AND THE SHAMELESS CONSUMERISM. It really sucks that Christmas has now taken over HALLOWEEN because companies are pushing their products so hard and have turned Christmas in to a holiday about spending money. D: It doesn't matter if your Christmas is Christian or Pagan, it was never about spending gobs of money.
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