What are your discomfort movies?

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Memento Mori
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A discomfort movie is a movie that you saw once and were like "Okay, that's enough of that. I saw it and don't ever need to see it again". What movies made you feel this way?
Hmmmm.. I can think of two movies that have ever made me feel this way: Full Metal Jacket and 10 Cloverfield Lane. The former for its approach to mental health and the latter.... I'm not sure why I don't care for it. Defo made me uncomfortable, but I can't say how. I'm no stranger to thrillers or horror movies and there was nothing about this one that I would describe as scary.
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Napoleon Dynamite. Watched it in theatres with a friend and my ex and absolutely hated it! Still hate it
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There's a horror movie called Oculus that really got to me in the way the mirror was manipulating character's perceptions and leading them to do things. It's actually a very effective movie and I recommend it, it was just too effective and actually gave me willies.
District 9.
Sausage Party.
Goodnight Mommy (2014).

To name, uh, a few.
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The Room
Samurai Cop 2
Blair Witch Project
Jason X
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Hmm. Depends. If I never want to watch it again, then definitely food fight. That movie was a shit show and a half. But, a movie that's so bad it's funny? Def sausage party. It's so fucking stupid I love it.
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Knowing was a good movie, but at the end gave me such willies that it haunted me for weeks after I watched it.

Sausage Party on the other hand. >:[ My sister, her bf, and my brother all said it was SO FUNNY. But it actually made me furious that I had wasted part of my life putting that movie in my brain. It couldnt even cross over to Funny-Bad, it's writing was so garbage that all the offensive, vulgar and dark jokes didnt land.

I think I've blocked others out of my memory 😂
I'm sure there are more movies but Oldboy is the first one that comes to mind. Someone recommended we watch it and now I can't unwatch.
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Any gore-y horror movie. I used to love watching horror movies with my sister in the basement of our parents' house. Turn off the lights, turn on the surround sound, scare ourselves witless. I would watch ANY horror movie that she picked out, but any slasher type films with a lot of gore... yeah once is enough. Too much realistic gore makes me uncomfortable and queasy.
I can write it well enough, read it just fine. But watching it? Yeah no thank you!
Gone with the Wind
I don't like Scarlett. -,-
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