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Posting everywhere and being afraid of burglars. 0.o
Awaiting posts from other people so I can post myself~ Also: Basking in the after-glow of an amazing Glee episode
I am posting and packing things for my trip.
Playing some Mass Effect 2, going to finish it tomorrow definitely so I can focus on New Vegas.
Waiting to see how people will respond to my Jump In RP and wondering if I made the intro post too long. Probably did >.<
Watching Shrek as I lay here to be pathetic and sick. XD
Optimizing images for use in a portfolio that was meant to be the final in my class... last semester. My professors love me, I know.
Watching this strange show on Cartoon Network called Adventure Time. It's so lulzy.
Trying to stay awake, for once. I hate it how when I want to sleep I can't and when I want to stay awake I fall asleep. WTF.
laying in bed, staring at another person laying in bed.
Trying to post myself to sleep....
Looking for something to eat... Looks like my only option right now is shredded cheese + a tortilla.
Agonizing over what to cook to feed myself. Watching Maangchi and Cooking with Dog youtube videos are not helping.
Wishing I would have gotten 6 tacos instead of 3. 3 tacos is weak, i am never doing that again. It left me hungry and unsatisfied.
Watching an awesome person sleep and cuddling with a fox plush while texting a friend to hang out at some point next weekend if not this weekend.
Being a badass and watching cartoons.....
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