Nozomu: Today's the day that the girl you like will confess to the guy she likes.
Nozomu: Also, in nine out of ten cases, the guy isn't you.
* the class' atmosphere suddenly became gloomy *
random guy student: Why are you saying such despairing things!?
Kafuka: He's Zetsubou-sensei [despair-teacher] of course.
* Nozomu continues speaking... *
Nozomu: Not only did you find out the guy she likes, (but) for most guys, it also determines your ranking.
Nozomu: Only one true chocolate is given. Then twenty-nine is given out of pity. And then the three hundred guys get nothing.
Chiri: (shouting) Isn't that
Heinrich's law?
Nozomu: (not minding Chiri) For one person's happiness, three hundred others must endure agony.