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Welcome to the Host Club! OOC

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Of course it's okay to play twins!

And I won't leave you behind. You were one of the first to join! :3
Hello! Do you guys mind if I join in?

Name:: Adalet Solak

Alias(es):: None

Age:: 17

Gender:: Male

Type:: Shy/Prince, I suppose....

Looks:: Short, clean cut red hair, wears his sister's golden crown locket with a small ruby in the center, dark blue suit with no tie, slightly tan

Personality:: Adalet is a quiet guy, but he's always smiling, and kind to everyone he meets, even the people who make him angry. Speaking of which, Adalet rarely gets angry at anybody, and when he is mad, he's never violent or loud about it. His biggest flaws are that he's very shy to the point of not being able to talk to new people most of the time and that he completely spaces out sometimes. He doesn't take too much offense if someone is rude to him.

Past/Bio:: Adalet was raised in a very large city. It felt like not many people cared there, or were very rude (which helped him gain a bit of a tough skin), so he learned not to speak unless spoken to. One of the most important people in his life was his little sister, Amelia. She loved going to jewelry shops and she always dragged him along. When she was about seven, she wanted to buy this crown locket, but it was way too much. Adalet saved up his money to get it for her for Christmas. When he left for Ouran High, Amelia, who was now eleven, gave it to him as a gift.
First name: Andrew. Will accept Andy for short.
Nickname (if any): None
Second name: Tallin

Gender preference: Male
what are you? (Uke, Seme, Seke): Seke with a 75% Uke preference.
what type are you?: Dramatic Uke

what race are you?: Human

What are your likes?: Rain, technology, video games, comic books, going for walks, listening to music
what are your dislikes?: Being stared at, people invading his personal space, being touched (Unless its the right person) being bullied, super loud noises

What are your dreams and hopes?: Finding someone who understands him and loves him for him.
what are your greatest fears?: Dying alone, people not liking him, screwing something up

Do you have any pets?: A Lhasa dog named Sam.
who are your friends? (you can add this later): None. He mostly keeps to himself.
crush? (you can also add this later): none
who don't you like? (you can also add this later): It takes a lot to get on his bad side. You need to outright murder his family to make him even slightly dislike you.

what are your thoughts about the people you've met? (optional):

your personality is: Shy, friendly, kind, loving and willing to help others out if needed
do you have any mental conditions?: aspergers

what word would you use to describe yourself?: Loving

theme song: Let It Go by Idina Menzel

Optional Bio: (If you want just a summery of how he is now and not lots of back story go to current life) Early life: Andrew was born an only child and raised by his mom ever since birth. Being an only child the kid always got what he wants. New game came out for the playstation? It was his along with a new playstation to boot! This was not all the time, but when the mom had extra money then new things could be bought.

School was not an easy process for him. From Kindergarden til 8th grade the poor lived in a bad neighborhood. Money was tight and Misses Tallin wanted to give her son a better life then what they had. Kindergarden went off without a hitch, but once 1st grade hit then it all went downhill.

Kids started to notice that the boy was different. Not wanting to mingle with the crowd, preferring to keep to himself along with having rather odd interest that no one else had. The kids would blast him saying stuff like he ate other kids vomit and smeared poop all over the walls. Every day Andrew would cry into his moms lap feeling alone and tortured being in school. The teachers believed the groups over him and that includes the principle. Detention was constant and a few adults even yelled at him which made it all the worse.

Andrew's mom fought this knowing her son never do such things and was nothing but sweet and kind. Trying to put him in special education classes didn't help the matter much at all. Eventually Andrew got pulled out of the school when first grade ended and transferred second and third grade with things staying more of the same. In the end though four through sixth grade was happy and fun times which Andrew made friends with similar interest. The boy never went over to any kids home like a normal boy out of fear, but still the boy enjoyed that some kids actually treated him like a person.

Middle and High School: It seemed to Andrew that it all was going up hill and life was good. Middle school proved him wrong. All the friends that he made in the latter half of grade school turned on him and didn't want to be friends anymore. They wanted to look cool and stand out. Things got worse once it got physical and Andrew got beaten up quite a bit. On top of being so different as it was Andrew slowly discovered his sexuality during this time and realized that men attract him and women do not.

When Andrews mom became pregnant with his sister she knew that not only did Andrew need to be saved from such hell, but the new child needed to be cared for as well. Andrew along with Miss Tallin moved into a new area with different people and a new baby on the way. Much to her dismay it was a miscarriage. The man who was the father had left without a care.

Currently Andrew attends Highschool hoping to make something of his life.
Your photo:

anything else: This character is half based of me in real life, but other elements to change it and make him totally different and more story esc. I'm willing to change a few details to please others, but mostly this character will stay how he is.
Character Sheet::

Name:: Jason Rowell

Alias(es):: Crowwe

Age:: 19

Gender:: male

Type:: Trouble maker/ strong silent.

Looks:: (in a file

Personality:: You must get to know him... He is freakishly strong.

Past/Bio:: He wasn't the happiest boy growing up, (autistic and smart... not a good mix for defending himself from the bullies). Not by a long shot, his father, the poorer parent, would rigorously train him in street fighting, which primarily relies on strength and speed. he made jason do 200 pounds, outrageous for a kid the age of 14, He prematurely hit puberty because of the testosterone made from the muscles. he didn't have the time to cut his hair, and when he found out the ladies liked the long hair look, he kept it, when he was 15 (he got held back 8th grade from missed school, because his dad had him pushing weights instead of pens) he went to high school, where he told the counsellor in the school of how his dad would force him to fight for money, and he was taken to his mother ( who he never really got to know) and she just pushed him into ouran, he didn't even hear about the host club until he was compared to them by a girl he liked, the first girl he talked to in the school, her exact words were: "A ruffian like you wouldn't last a day in this school before you got expelled, i can tell you would, your nothing like the gentlemen of the host club." He got enraged and he went up to the host club, and he was going to prove that little prissy that he could be a gentleman, went up to the club and he said in the longest sentence he would ever speak: " I want to prove I'm a nice guy, can I join?"

(btw he wears what is in his pick for a school uniform...)


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I think I messed something up in the plot, but oh well!
Sooooooo sorry I haven't replied to this in so long. In swamped with homework. College midterms and dance team is not a good mix. Hopefully I'll get out a reply tomorrow night or by this weekend at the latest. Again so sorry.
[BCOLOR=#000000]Um.. Could I join in too?.. Maybe? Please?[/BCOLOR]
I'm sorry guys, but I can't do this roleplay anymore. I'm really busy, and I admittedly went way over my limit with roleplays, so....
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